Movement relating to fixed point
arak���coverb. 1�•�separate people who must avoid being close to each other because of their family relation by sitting or sleeping between them. Nganaw arak. ‘I'll sit between them (to separate them because they had a mother-in-law/son-in-law relationship)’. Anpanaw arakpu, kani! ‘You sleep between them, here!’ Kanyu arak wumawurr. ‘The milky way (lit: the creek that lies across)’. Category:�Remain stationary, Anxiety, shame. Note: People who are opposite sex siblings, in an iji-ngaya relationships or are mawawiny to one another cannot sleep lying next to one another so another person must sleep between them.
2�•�travel by boat between two points. kiw warak. ‘He travelled across the sea in a boat.’ Innyakan parak, kiw warakparak. ‘He set off in a boat, he's travelling across a stretch of sea.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.
2a�•�be striped. Kingurrin arak karlwa. ‘It has yellow stripes.’ Category:�Properties of surface.
Restrict:�MA object 3�•�to set off in a boat. Used for boats with engines. Innyakan parak pa kerra warak. ‘He left in a boat, went off.’ Arriwaka warak. ‘We're going to travel by boat, you and me, go by sea.’ Innyakan parak ja kapala. ‘He went by sea by himself.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle. See:�warak�‘coverb’; warakparak�‘reduplicated form of coverb warak’.
Restrict:�MA object 4�•�cross sea in a boat. Awulatikin la innyutpan arak. ‘They went across (in a boat).’ And karrayan "Innyutpan arak. Kapala. Kerra warak" ‘We see it and say "Somebody's crossing (between north and south Goulburn islands). There's a boat. It's travelling along."’ Innyakan parak innyutpan arak. ‘The boat launched and crossed over between the two pieces of land.’ See:�warak (kinnyaka)�‘launch boat’. Category:�Travel by vehicle.
5�•�be in the way of somebody or about to cross paths with them. If that person is a family relation you shouldn't be near to somebody will say this to you so you can go around them. Inyi kutpa arak! ‘Don't cross his path!’ Kiw arak. Ngannyutpan arak. ‘He's in the way. He's blocking my path (a crocodile in a creek).’ Arta nukapa ngannyutpan arak ja marnmarn la kunuka nuyu. ‘Oh, this is not the way to get across (lit. it is blocked for me this way), Marnmarn, what are we doing?’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Anxiety, shame.
Restrict:�VE 6�•�put something across as bridge. Nganyutpan arak. ‘I put (the wood, plank) across.’ Category:�Transfer.
arakarak���coverb. put across. Ngyutpan arakarak. ‘I cut across the wind in the boat (so that the waves wouldn't toss the boat around so much)’. Iniwarlkarriny parak innyutpan arakparak. ‘He launched his canoe and crossed to the other side’. Mannyutpan arakarak. ‘He put (the planks) across.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.
warakparak��� Note: reduplicated form of coverb warak See:�arak�‘a coverb combining with kiw, kinnyaka and kinnyutpa’.
kanilalkpa���Restrict:�LL object cutting across country. Can be cutting ahead of someone or just taking a short cut off the road. Anilalkpany. ‘He cut ahead of us (taking a short cut)’. Anilalkpany ta alan. ‘He took a short cut down a road.’ Ngamilang nguntalkpany. ‘I went too fast and missed a bit (lit: took a shortcut)’. See:�kinilalku�‘cut’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Movement relating to moving object, Language.
katiwujpa���tv. Restrict:�ED object pack up and leave, move house. ngapawujpakpaga, atiwujpakpanyka ‘AD Text 7:24’; kakawujpakpaga, katiwujpakpaga. Ngapi ngapujpakpany. ‘I packed up my swag.’ Parang apuwujpakpangung apulatikiyang tuka mitjang, - kawa waya, pa awulatpangung parak. ‘Then they would load on the trepang pots and their utensils and went away.’ Then he packed up and travelled fast to Wartpen, he saw it was good. See:�palay�‘keep going’; kiwutpa�‘camp overnight’; kiwujpa�‘lick’. Category:�Manipulation, Movement relating to fixed point.
kilangali���iv. 1�•�stand. karrkangali, kilangaliya ‘come for a visit from that area, homeland or not (same verb?) c.f. kilangali’; katangali. Ilangaling yalayala tuka skurl. ‘He was standing outside the school.’ awulangaling ‘they were staying’. See:�kamalangaliki�‘trees be clumped’; kiliga�‘travel from, be from’; kinilangani�‘stand up’; kilarrajpen�‘stand up, stand still’; imalmakpany�‘perform’. Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�stay, be, katangali ‘It is standing’; kamalangali ‘It is standing’. Wakapa awunlangaling pata arrarrkpi yiwulangungapa kiyap. ‘The people were staying there and eating the fish.’ awunlangaling ‘They were staying’. See:�mulil�‘ceremony’; minyngu. Category:�Remain stationary.
3�•�be born, more polite than kilurrangken. Variant:�Ngurtikin form. Ilangalingan ja warranyngiw. ‘The child is born.’ Kurlingka inyjangalingan warrawurnji (or) marryun? ‘Did she give birth to a girl or a boy? (lit. was a girl born, or was it a boy?)’ Kula kayirrk iwalangali ja warranyngiw? Iwalurrangken? ‘Is the child being born now? About to be born?’ See:�kilurrangken�‘jump, be born’; kelkpa�‘bare young, lay eggs’; kiwarntangaliki�‘someone who is sleeping with their legs elevated’. Category:�Reproduction.
Usage:�with PP suffix 4�•�have come from place, in journey. Nuka ngampiwi kilangalinganka? ‘But where has he come from?’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kilangali tuka wurak���phrase. the child is in utero. Naka warranyngiw kilangali tuka wurak. ‘She is with child.’ Category:�Reproduction.
5�•�be child of. nukapa pata kawulangali Marrawal la Narul. ‘That man's children are Marrawal and Narul.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.
6�•�be part of a certain human grouping. Anth: This includes being in a matrimoiety grouping, semi-moiety (skin) grouping, clan group. Being a participant in a ceremony. Ngapi ngalangali ngangiri Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku. ‘My skin name/matrimoiety is Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku.’ Ja kimaju karriwunyaka nuyu irrkpalakaj la karrangali minyngu. ‘When someone dies, we smoke his possessions and have a minyngu.’ Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties, General ritual.
Restrict:�GEN subject ; FE object 7: kinyngalangali�•�huge. inyngalangaling. Category:�Size and weight.
kimalkpa���iv. 1�•�arrive, come out, appear, find. imalkpany ‘He arrived’. Punyi imalkpany. ‘Father has arrived’. Kungmalkpanyi! Yunyi kankangali ngilikilik la kungmalkpanyi! ‘Out with it! Don't whisper but (speak) out!’ angmalkpany ‘sap came out of the tree’. See:�kinymalkpa muwarn�‘sunrise, east’; kilarlmalkpa�‘emerge from’; kamamalkpajpungkun�‘morning star’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Movement relating to fixed point.
2�•�be father to. Qe nakapa ja nuyi anmalkpany, ja nakapa, (next line) ja wurakak. ‘Yes, he's your father that one, the crow.’ ja ngapi ngamalkpany ‘my father’. See:�kinimalkpa�‘be father to’. Category:�family, inc moieties. See:�kinyuryi muwarn�‘west, sunset’.
ta ngatpalkpany kirrka���we, the new generation. Category:�Ages.
kimurnangani���iv. 1�•�return. Imurnanganinyka akutju kani Warruwi. ‘He returned to Warruwi again.’ ngatpurnatpurnanganyangka ‘we were all coming back’. amurnanganinyka ‘they came back’. See:�murnangani�‘return, bring back’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
2 : kangmurnangani�•�remember, recall, think back. Kangmurnanganiga ngartu pa ngawunpurrun. ‘Memories came back to me and I thought of them (people who had died).’ Angmurnanganya nuwurru ta wuwugi. ‘Remember the old days!’ Angpurnatpurnanganinyka, ngartu ta wurrgarl. ‘I remember the dreams.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL subject 3�•�next time something happens, or next day. La pa angmurnanganinyapa ta (yuranapa) inimanyka ja waliman. ‘And then the next day he went and got the axe.’ Like angmurnanganinyka, next day ey? Category:�Longer.
Restrict:�LL subject 4�•�blame (OBL). Kangmurnangani ngaw inyanat kirrk ‘She was blamed for everything.’ Pa angmurnanganiny kirrk ngaw inyanat. ‘All the blame was put on her (for a fight she was involved in).’ Kurrkinka pa angpamurnanganinyka ngarrurru. ‘You had a fight and they will bring it back at us.’ See:�kinnyurtjun. Category:�Fight.
kinilagatpi���tv. 1�•�hold in front of body, in arms or on hip. Kinilagatpi ja warranyngiw. ‘He is holding the child in his arms.’ Ingagatpung jara ja ingarkpany yurrng ‘She carried him in her arms and the other one she carried on her shoulders.’ Kingalagatpi ja warranyngiw. ‘She is nursing the child.’ See:�kinnyarkpa�‘carry on back/shoulders’; kiniwuyatpi�‘hold in arms’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�meet. Nginyjagatpung jita ngatingan tuka ta karrungpunwilpin. ‘I met my sister at the river crossing.’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
3�•�surround. Ya imalkpanykapa ja namapapa awunilagatpung. ‘Yeah, the group of fighters arrived and he surrounded them.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kinimarrawurlnga���tv. Restrict:�MA object 1�•�go around something, circle for example in a boat or car. kingamarrawurlnga. ‘She's going around in a circle.’. Inimarrawurlngan ja kapala ngarrayawng. ‘We saw the boat circle around.’ Ngimarrawurlngawi tuka kurrampalk. ‘I'm going around the (outside of the) house.’ Awarran iwumarrawurlngakan ‘They went along, going around in circles.’ See:�kiniwurlnga�‘circle around’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kanimarrawurlnga�•�going around (the edge of). Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kinimirtpa���tv. creeping up on, stalk. Kayirrk la awunimirtpany wanyji pa ingartpirrung mata warlk inyiwung jita murlu. ‘Then he crept up close to them and threw the log and hit her on the nose.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kinimunta���tv. leave, get away from. Anngurrina la wenat marnti kuntumuntay. ‘Run or they will get away from you.’ nganimuntiny ‘he died (lit: he left me)’. Ajirrik kunmanyi orka but nuyi nganmuntiny parak. ‘I tried to join in (the song) but you got away from me (stopped before I had joined in).’ See:�kinimuntaka�‘keep running away’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kinimuntaka���tv. 1�•�keeps running away, getting away. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�have funny nose, and or eyes. Wurnkurrk ja karrunimuntaka tuka murlu. ‘The discharge which runs down from the nose.’ Parang la ja wurnkurrk la milarng inimuntakangung. ‘Tears came to his eyes.’ See:�kinimunta�‘leave, get away from’. Category:�Automatic actions.
kiniwarlkijpa���tv. 1�•�go past. Wularrut iniwarlkijpany parak. ‘He has already passed him.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Movement relating to moving object.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniwarlkijpa�•�cross creek or road. Marrik ngungparlkijpay wumawurr. ‘I am not crossing over the creek.’ Wumawurr ngungparlkijpa warak. ‘I'm going away from the creek. (You might say this over the two-way radio if the creeks a few hundred metres away and you're going away from it, without having crossed it.)’ Kaniwarlkijpa (ta) (alan). ‘He's crossing the road.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kiniwarrartpi���tv. 1�•�meet, come across each other while both are travelling. awuntuwarrartpung, inyngawarrartpung, kunpawarrartpi ‘NG explained it as similar in meaning to 'kunpayan' or 'nganamalkpa nuwu'’; kunparrartpung ‘NG explained this as similar to 'I met you'’. Iniwarrartpung la yamin imalkpany nuyu. ‘They found each other, came across each other.’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniwarrartpi�•�be close to place. Kangkuwarrartpi kunak. ‘They're close to that place/camp/home.’ Kangkuwarrartpipa ta kurrampalk, mawngku. ‘They are walking close to that house, shelter.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kiniwurlnga���tv. circle. Kurrayanti nakapa ja marrwati kiniwurlnga ja inyarlgan kiw pagap. ‘Look at the sea eagle circling over the floating turtle.’ See:�kapurlngen�‘walk wobbly’; kinimarrawurlnga�‘go around, circle’; kilatpulnga�‘turn around’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�tv. smoke ceremonially, or dance in circle. Nginjipa amirawng, la ngatarrajpany kirrk, la ngarrungpulngankantiny ta wakapa tuka minyngu . ‘Nginji they sung, and we stood around and we smoked the area where the ceremony was.’ "Pa awuranka ngatpirawnik rtil la ngarrungpulngakangung ta wakapa tuka algaj ngatangalingan minyngu . ‘Then they came over and we sang together and we smoked the area whe we had had the ceremony.’ Ngarrungpulngakantiny la ngatpirawng kirrk. Ngarriwung larr . ‘We smoked the area and we sang. Then we finished it.’ Category:�Fire, General ritual.
kiniyarrun���tv. 1�•�follow, chase. Iniyarruning. ‘He was following him.’ Awuniluriny. Warrwak imalkpanyka. Awuniluriny. Warrwak Awuniyarrungka ‘He's the youngest son. He's the one who came after (all the others).’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
Usage:�object is track or route 2�•�take a particular route, follow a track. Pa angpuyarruning parak ajputajput. ‘They followed a beach route.’ Ta nungmatpa alan inyi kurrungjarrun. ‘Don't take the other road.’ Tuka ta alan arrungpayarrun. ‘We'll take this road.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
3�•�go after something, go for. Apuyarruning ta kurnpi. ‘They were going after wild plums.’ yuran maniyarruning parak mata warral ‘he went to the Warral tree (planning to chop it down)’. La ngungpurrun ngapi ngeyarrukuning ja warrwak. ‘But maybe I like the younger brother.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Hunting, Desire.
4�•�become like. Kingayarrun kirrk waryat. ‘It camouflages itself (follows the rocks: a stone fish)’. See:�kiwnmin�‘be similar’. Category:�General.
kiniyirnukpun���Restrict:�MA object tv. go around. kingayirnukpun ‘she is going around it’. Iniyirnukpuningka ja kapala. ‘The boat was coming around the point.’ Nuka Wigu kiniyirnukpunka. ‘It (the boat) is coming around the point at Wigu towards us.’ Right around iniyirnukpung innyeyawng. ‘He went right around it and looked at it.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�GEN subject, MA object 2: kingayirnukpun�•�tv. road make a wide arc, like on the way to Amartjitpalk. Coastline arc inwards as it does from a point to the middle of a bay. Arrampij kingayirnukpun Warltangayin. ‘From Arrampij you go around the point to Wartlangayin.’ See:�kinnyarlgunta�‘enter harbour’. Category:�General terms.
kannyutpa alan���NVidiom. go along path/road, travel route. Annyutpangung parak alan. ‘He was going along the path.’ Ma! Arrungutpanyi alan! ‘Come on! Let's take the path, start off.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kiwrlgen���iv. 1�•�enter, go inside. yurlkeny, yurlgany ‘he entered, went in’. Aminang awurlgeny parak, yiwumany parak ja arrarrkpi. ‘They entered in and took the man with them.’ Nukapa kapala kantaji kangurlgeny ta kurrula. ‘The boat's got a hole in it and sea water's coming it.’ Nginymiliny tuka inyurlgeny parak mirlak mata marntulyak. ‘I missed her where she entered the long grass’. See:�kinnyarlgunta�‘put inside’; kerlkan�‘sink’; kamawarlkanyi�‘fall down’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�LL subject 2: kangurlgen�•�creek or river enter the sea. Category:�Motion relating to water, Movement relating to fixed point.
kiwraka���iv. -uraka. 1�•�go first, go ahead, go in front, be in front. Nganuraka, ngarruraka. Yanat wularrut yurakan. ‘He has already gone ahead.’ wularrut mira pata namumuyak pata awurakangung ‘a long time ago those dreamtime people who came before us’. kawuraka ta kurrampalk ‘they're in front of the house’. Ant:�kinilurrku. Category:�Movement relating to moving object, Location and distance.
2�•�go home. Anth: Used in saying goodbye. Ngarri ta warrwak mira ngarrurakangung. ‘We were the last people that got back.’ yurakan ‘he went home’. See:�jinyngu�‘dark’; warrwak�‘afterwards’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point. Note: Can mean 'go ahead' in a temporal sense too
kiwrtpin���iv. hurry, pass by, move ahead. yurtpiny ‘he hurried’; anngurrtpina ‘you move’; awurtpina, kinyurtpin. Ngapipa wularrut apa ngurtpiny parak. ‘I was already hurrying along.’ Malany Mayinaj la Yumparrparr iniwung imajungan yurtpinypi pa iwung kapin waryat ‘Yes, Mayinaj hit Yumparrparr and he died and turned into a rock.’ Category:�Activity manner, Movement relating to fixed point.
kiwutpin���iv. approach quickly. Ja marntingunyuny ja ngatpijan, ngarrutpin parak. ‘The dugong, that we're paddling towards.’ awutpikpiny paraju ‘they went quickly to see’. See:�kiwutpa�‘camp overnight’; kiwujpikpin�‘swell, swollen’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Activity manner.
niminimi���coverb. 1�•�go to back (of something). Does not mean to walk backwards or to go back where a person was before. Angarranyi niminimi. ‘Move backwards.’ kerra niminimi ‘go to the back of a group’. Category:�Horizontal movements. See:�inimi�‘lower back’; nimi�‘buttocks’.
noun. greedy (used of children). Tuka ta niminimi kata. ‘You eat too much.’ See:�atimi�‘last bit of food’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
parr���coverb. 1�•�peel back, become unstuck, come off. Plaster wularrut kimit parr. ‘The plaster became unstuck.’ See:�pirr�‘uncover, lift back’; parrparr�‘be extended, cover a large area’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
2�•�laugh at, make fun of. Ngarrampijinang ngarrinypunik parr jita ngapi ngartu kamu. ‘We were laughing, making fun of my mother.’ Nawuyuk nganiwunik parr. ‘Nawuyuk was making fun of me.’ Kinyput parr. ‘She is clumsy.’ See:�malapiyi�‘scoff at, laugh at’; kinnyarkinyji�‘tease, make fun of’. Category:�Play, perform, joke.
pirl���noun. cripple. Nuka ja pirl. ‘He's the cripple’. See:�ngalpirl�‘cripple (female)’; wirl�‘nuisance’. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
coverb. 1�•�cut across, through, squeeze, divide something. Atiwuk pirl ta kantijawa. ‘He cut through the bread.’ Nganiwut pirl ja nuka. ‘This thing is squeezing me.’ Tukapa angkuwung pirl wemin ta Warrarakuku la wemin ta kinyuryi muwarn. ‘They've already divded it, the Warrarakuku - they're the sun set side.’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Pressing.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�cross mountains, land or bodies of water. angkanawut pirl ‘they will go across’; kangkuwut pirlga ‘They are going across’. Aku, angkuwuk pirlgapa kupuny. ‘They came across to the place by canoe.’ angkuwuk pirl warak ‘They went across to the other side.’ Ngapi ngungput pirl ta alan. ‘I cut across the path.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Impact.
3�•�chop up, divide. innyej pirl ‘he cut it short (MA, e.g. string)’. kinnyet pirl ‘he is cutting it short (MA obj)’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�cut story, conversation short. ngungej pirl. anyej pirl ‘he cut it short (LL: a story/conversation)’. anyeny pirl ‘he just stopped’. Awulalkanyjiliny apa angpaj pirl innyung. ‘They had a meeting for a while. They shortened that meeting and he gave him.’ Category:�Language.
5�•�pinch hard. kininyji pirl. ‘He pinched him.’ Kunuka nuyi ta kannginyji pirl? ‘Why are you pinching yourself?’ Nganyjuk pirl ta ngapi wiyu. ‘I'm pinching myself.’ See:�wirlwirl�‘squeeze (kininyji)’. Category:�Pressing.
6�•�choke. Wularrutapa iwuwutiny pirl. ‘They have choked him already.’ iwutin pirl ‘he choked.’ Category:�Pressing, Head.
Restrict:�VE subject 7�•�burn through. Muka mata yungku mata kamala pirl. ‘This fire is burning through, in the middle (ie. as a camp fire does).’ See:�pirlpirl�‘flowing strongly’; wirlpirl�‘flowing’; purl�‘light with firesticks’. Category:�Fire.
Restrict:�MA subject 8�•�be a cripple, for example need a wheelchair or suffer from paralysis. Kinima pirl ‘He's a cripple.’ Nuka ja inimaj pirl kiwani. ‘He became a cripple.’ Syn:�mirngij. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
purul���coverb. go through. Ma, anngurlgena purul parak. ‘Go on, you go through.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
put2���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�close, bang. Angmaj put. ‘It's closed (e.g. the shop)’. Kangma put ‘Close / It closed (door)’. Or ngungayawng ta kurrampalk kangma put. ‘I saw the house was closed.’ See:�kima�‘auxiliary verb’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�close. Kanima put. ‘He closes the door.’ Ngungpanama put wu. ‘I'll lock them in.’ Pulikang ngawunpanalunta la ngapamurntulku wu ngungpanama put ‘We fence in the cows and block them in and lock them in.’ See:�wutput�‘close properly (coverb)’. Syn:�kamannyatpalan. Category:�Manipulation, Manipulation.
Restrict:�LL object3�•� Naka ja nganykarrarr animaj put kirrk. ‘Those mangroves were very thick.’ Category:�Arrangement, General terms.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�wait. Angpanima put. ‘He's waiting for him.’ Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.
wutput���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�close. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�close properly. Ta kangma wutput ta animany wutput kirrk murnin nakapa ngili kamurtpin. ‘It was all closed. he sealed the house up completely because they were frightened of the mosquitoes.’ Category:�Manipulation.
wutput���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�close. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�close properly. Ta kangma wutput ta animany wutput kirrk murnin nakapa ngili kamurtpin. ‘It was all closed. he sealed the house up completely because they were frightened of the mosquitoes.’ Category:�Manipulation.
rtap���coverb. 1�•�explode. Iwany rtap. ‘It exploded.’ Category:�General.
2�•�pop out. Wanyji ngulamngulam la mamit rtap mata wun. ‘Close to morning his eyes popped out.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
3�•�break. Ara iniwung rtap ngartu! ‘Oh, he broke my (belonging)!’ Ipijipij ja karrkpin naka karriwu rtapartap. ‘Ipijipij is what we say when we break something into pieces.’ See:�ipijipij�‘pieces’. Category:�General change of state.
4�•�get and break. Awungurrinang la awuniwuning igarnpa, awunimurnanganyang awunimangung rtap. ‘They were running and he was hitting them with his tail, bringing them back and breaking them up.’ Category:�General change of state, Manipulation.
5�•� Inimany rtap. ‘He ate it, including eating nuts and cracking them open with your mouth.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.
6�•�break by kicking. Innyarlukpan rtap. ‘He broke it by kicking it.’ Category:�Strike or chop.
Restrict:�LL object 6�•�slip. Parang la awunyjilinang malany annyarlukpanrtap ja Yumparrparr. ‘As they fought Yumparrparr slipped.’ angpannyarlukpa rtap wanji nuyu Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Movement relating to fixed point.
7�•�bite into something (e.g. bush peanut), breaking it open with a noise. Apumanpunik rtap la akin akinkangung. ‘They bit on them and it made a sound.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.
rtapartap���coverb. keep on breaking, break completely. Iniwung rtapartap. ‘He broke it into pieces.’ Category:�General change of state.
wirij���coverb. 1�•�thirsty. Ngapi ngamaju wirij mira. ‘I am very thirsty.’ Ngatpajung wirij ta wupaj. ‘We were thirsty.’ Ngamaju wirij wupaj. ‘I am thirsty for water.’ Category:�Illness.
2�•�drop, mislay, leave behind. Ngetpung pirij. ‘I dropped it.’ Kurryatpung pirij. ‘You mislaid it (by putting it down).’ Mangatpuk pirij. ‘She let go of the tree.’ Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Holding, sticking.
3�•�miss when trying to get something. Innyeny pirij. ‘He missed it (when he went to spear it).’ Kayirrk la ngarrima wirijpirij ‘Then we got something wrong (in singing the song).’ Inirrjij pirij kimurnanganinyka. ‘He spears him but misses and he comes back to him.’ See:�kinnyatpi�‘understand, grasp an idea, have knowledge’. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�go past land. Kinyuryi muwarn yarran ilangakan yarran parak anyeny pirij ta kani Minjilang. ‘He kept going towards the west, he floated along and went past Minjilang.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
wirijpirij���coverb. keep on missing. Kawunima wirijpirij. ‘He kept on missing them (did not catch up with them)’. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.
yarrk���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�lie open, be a gap, open space. Takapa kanyu yarrk. ‘It is lying open.’ kanyu yarrk ‘a space in an area’. Angpanaw yarrk ngartu ‘Leave a space for me (to sit)’. See:�jarrk�‘make room’; ngatngat�‘tear, split’. Category:�Landscape, Movement relating to fixed point, Physical stance.
2�•�ask a favour of, request. Yunyi kuwin jarrk. ‘Don't ask him for it (just now).’ Category:�Language.
3�•�taste something sweet. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�detect sound from far away. Innyet jarrk. ‘He heard.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
5�•�split, cut in half. Kuwuk jarrk manpurrwa. ‘You tore the piece of clothing/cloth’. aniwuk jarrk ‘the axe split the island in half’. See:�kannyarlan�‘divide, halve’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
yarrkjarrk���break, split open, gut. Iniwung yarrkjarrk ja kapala la kunuka yirrik iniwung innyartpungkuny worri ta waka. ‘It tore the boat open and all that, broke it and then lifted it up onto the dry land there.’ See:�karten yarrkjarrk�‘one who uses a different pronunciation’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
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