arr���coverb. 1�•�keep, hang onto, stick, stay attached for a while. Kanyu arr. ‘It (the drip) is stuck on (and will stay there for a few days)’. Ngapi ngaw arr. ‘I am keeping that / I still want that’. Nuyi kanyu arr. ‘You are keeping that / You still want that.’ See:�arrarr�‘tease, have diarrhoea’; marr�‘like very much’; kinnyatpi�‘have’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�too long, very long. Katju arr ta tuka. ‘This thing is very long/ too long.’ Category:�Size and weight.
3�•�pull, tow or drag something e.g. tow a car or drag a boat on a rope. Aminy arr warakapa mata mara marukiny warak tuka kamung.. ‘They pulled it down the sandhills.’ Parangapa aminang arr karrurru. ‘Then they would put up the sails. (i.e. stretch them)’. Ngamin arr. ‘I am stretching (myself)’. See:�kimilitpakan�‘stretch arms or legs out’. Syn:�kinilagalun. Category:�Manipulation.
4�•�drag. Kerra arrarr warak. ‘He drags it away (eg. croc with bone).’ Category:�Manipulation.
5�•�pull, stretch. Inimangung arrga. ‘He was pulling it in this direction.’ Kinima arr. ‘He drags it (e.g. a croc with a bone)’. See:�parrparr�‘be extended, cover a large area’. Category:�Manipulation, Automatic actions.
arrarr���coverb. 1�•�tease. Karrima arrarr. ‘We are teasing him.’ Category:�Language.
2�•�talk too much to OBJ, talk someone's ear off. Nganima arrarr, nuka angkat kinginka. ‘He's talking to much (to me) he talks on and on.’ Oh nuka angkat nganima arrarr. ‘He talks too much.’ Category:�Language.
3�•�talk too much about OBJ. Jaka akut kurrinyma arrarr arrkparlanparlarrut. ‘You (pl) always talk about that (female) relative of ours too much.’ Category:�Language.
Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�have diarrhoea. Nganima arrarr. ‘Diarrhoea has me (I have diarrhoea).’ Nganima arrarr. ‘I've got diarrhoea.’ Nganima arrarr ja mawili. ‘I've got diarrhoea.’ See:�arr�‘keep, hang onto, stick’; mawili�‘diarrhoea’; wurlurlu�‘feel the desire for revenge’. Category:�Sickness.
4�•�tow. La nakayu kurrkurrinang arrarrga? ‘So you towed it back home?’ Category:�Manipulation.
kamannyatpalan���tv. Restrict:�VE object 1�•�open variety of things such as a house (via door) or can of fruit. Take bark off a tree. manyatpalanti, kamanyatpalan, kamangatpalan ‘she's opening it’. Nganti mannyatpalantiny ja window? ‘Who opened the window?’ Mannyatpalantiny ja purrupurrukang inimanyka ja phone nuyu. ‘He opened up his bag and he took out his phone.’ Annyeng ta waryatapa mannyatpalantinyapa. ‘He smashed the rock and the place was opened up (for other people to work in).’ See:�put�‘close’. Ant:�kinimarrkuta. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�GEN subject 2�•�sprout (from a seed). Kamangatpalakan ngarntawl. ‘Speargrass sprouts.’ Category:�General terms.
kanilakpuni���tv. Restrict:�LL object Dig out with mouth and eat, eg. dugong or a pig rooting out seaweed or roots. See:�kanimuni�‘root up’. Category:�Manipulation.
kanilijpa���tv. Restrict:�LL object fetch water. kangalijpun, kangpulijpun. Ngarruran ngarruntijpung wupaj ngapiliyanat. ‘We went to fetch water, me and him.’ anilijpuning ngartu ‘he fetched water for me’. Kanilijpun kurrula. ‘I am collecting seawater.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kanimarili���tv. Restrict:�LL object hook spear into spear thrower, take aim. See:�kamaniwurakpi�‘stand ready to throw harpoon’. Category:�Manipulation, Hunting.
kanimarranyi���tv. Restrict:�LL object wave, for example hand or a shirt. Pajupaju kanimarranyi. ‘He's waving a shirt.’ Pata ngarrkarrk arrarrkpi kangkumarranyiwu pata wera pata arrarrkpi. ‘Two men are waving to the other men.’ See:�kanimarranmarranyi�‘flap arms’; yurnu ta karrungmarranyi�‘hand’. Category:�Manipulation. Note: Cannot take 'ta yurnu' or 'imawurr' as objects.
kanimuni���tv. Restrict:�LL object root up the ground looking for food as a pig does. See:�kanilakpuni�‘root out’. Category:�Manipulation, Hunting.
kaningartpulawn���tv. Restrict:�MA subject ; LL object water pour on head of. Kaningartpulawn wupaj tuka wanji nuyu. ‘I poured water on his head.’ Kaningartpulawn nuyu (wupaj tuka wanji). ‘I poured water on his head.’ See:�kiningarulawn�‘pour over, pour out’. Category:�Manipulation.
kaningurtpulukpun���tv. Restrict:�LL object put in water, drown. Kaningurtpulukpun ta wupaj. ‘He put (the bucket) in the water.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kaningurtpulwarrki���tv. Restrict:�LL object put more water into something to fill it up. For example: when someone adds a bit of cold water to their tea to cool it down. Kaningurtpulwarrki ta wupaj. ‘Fill it up with water.’ See:�kiniwulawkun�‘fill up’. Category:�Manipulation, Arrangement.
kaniyawun���tv. Restrict:�LL object Dig with a stick or other long implement. Can describe digging a trench, digging for crabs, mawugany, or miyulum. kangayawun ‘she is digging it.’. La, ngatpiny pu ngawu kurrunjawuni tuka arrawunya, ja naputjanputjan. ‘And we said to them, "Come, dig a hole, that's where we'll burn these clothes."’ Kunak, Makiny tuka kunak, Kapin kanipa, Kaniyawun, kelkpa. ‘No, in the ground, there, he dug and laid an egg.’ Awuran angkuyawung karwuluk ngartu. ‘They went digging and got some Karwuluk yams for me.’ See:�kiwartpun�‘dig for water (with hands or shell)’; kiniwun�‘dig with the hands’. Category:�Manipulation.
kannyarlawn���tv. Restrict:�LL object scoop it (earth) out. Kannyarlawn ta ajput. ‘He is scooping out the sand.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kar���coverb. Restrict:�MA object put over, hang over a (branch, hook). Kiwuma kar ngaw. ‘They are hanging it around her neck (necklace).’ Wularrutpa iwumangung kar. ‘In earlier times they used to hang things in the fork of a tree.’ Category:�Manipulation.
katinikiniki���tv. Restrict:�ED object carry a lot of things on head and/or back. Nangujapa atinikininy. ‘Yesterday he carried a lot of things.’ Kiwunikiniki. ‘They carry things.’ kerra kati nikiniki ‘he's getting big and strong’. See:�atinikanikang�‘be huge from eating a lot’; kininiki�‘he is carrying it on his shoulders’. Category:�Manipulation, Head, Organs and torso.
katiwirtpala���tv. Restrict:�ED object arrange food or household possessions: pack, collect things, unpack things. Pa arukaruk amalkpanyka weminpi la wemin. Apuyirtpaliny. ‘In the afternoon each lot returned to camp. They put their food together.’ atiwirtpaliny ‘a bloke took his stuff and left it there (food stuff)’. Ngapi ngapirtpalaka tuka kurampalk ta ngapi ta wurrwurr. ‘I am arranging my new things in the house.’ See:�katiwirtpalakan ngarrurru yurnu�‘gecko lizard’; kiniyirtpa�‘lend’; kiyirtpalinypu�‘wash hands’. Category:�Manipulation.
ja katiwirtpalaka wu���phrase. the main traditional owner of an area of land. Category:�Peoples and clans.
katiwujpa���tv. Restrict:�ED object pack up and leave, move house. ngapawujpakpaga, atiwujpakpanyka ‘AD Text 7:24’; kakawujpakpaga, katiwujpakpaga. Ngapi ngapujpakpany. ‘I packed up my swag.’ Parang apuwujpakpangung apulatikiyang tuka mitjang, - kawa waya, pa awulatpangung parak. ‘Then they would load on the trepang pots and their utensils and went away.’ Then he packed up and travelled fast to Wartpen, he saw it was good. See:�palay�‘keep going’; kiwutpa�‘camp overnight’; kiwujpa�‘lick’. Category:�Manipulation, Movement relating to fixed point.
kilurrjen���iv. pole canoe or boat along. Yarrangung ilurrjenang. ‘He was poling the canoe along.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kimija���iv. paddle. Amijantungpu la wemin ja miri. ‘They paddled for each other with the oar.’ See:�kimijakanka�‘do amurl movement wumarrk, like paddling’. Category:�Manipulation, Travel by vehicle.
kimitjan���iv. paddle (canoe). Yanat imitjantung parak Ilili. ‘He paddled (the canoe) as far as Ilili.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kinilagalun���tv. drag, push or pull something heavy and resistant. Kiwuwuta alguru pa kiwulagalunka tuka ajput. ‘They tie it with a rope and drag it to the beach.’ Like kinilagalun ja mutika. ‘He pushes the car.’ See:�kalagala�‘tail’; kiyarntagali�‘wear on feet’. Syn:�arr (kimin). Category:�Manipulation.
kinilakurunyma���tv. 1�•�pull together, gather together, tighten, narrow, fold. Inilakurunymany ja manpurrwa. ‘He pulled the edges of the material together.’ Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�come together as a group. Iwanilakpurunyma. ‘They will group together.’ Category:�Arrangement.
kinilangaka���tv. 1�•�send. Ngilangakan parak ja marryun. ‘I sent the boy away.’ Ja kapala akutju ingalangaka warak. ‘The boat will be sent off again.’ Nganilangakan tuka yanat nuyu kunak. ‘He sent me to his land.’ See:�kilangaka�‘float’. Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�Drive (the vehicle). Inilangakan mira ja mutika. ‘He drove the car fast.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.
kinilangali���tv. 1�•�stand something up. Kanipa manilangali. ‘There he made the mark (lit: He made it (the peg) stand up there)’. Syn:�kinilangani. See:�irri�‘oil, fat, hair oil, fuel’. Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�bring up children. inilangaliny ‘he brought him up’. See:�kilangali. Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
kinilanganakpi���tv. chase. Inilanganakpangung parak. ‘He was chasing him away.’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object, Manipulation.
kinilangani���tv. stand something up, put in vertical position. Plant trees. Inilanganing wurrkurr. ‘He was standing them in rows.’ Tuka wumawurr iwuyarruning rlagaj iwulanganyang la iwumangung. ‘He went for them in the creek. He dammed the creek with his rlagaj nets and got them.’ inilanganyang See:�kinilangali�‘stand’; kilangali�‘be born’. Category:�Manipulation. Note: Used for Yinkarnarrk planting trees in the dreamtime
kinilarkpungku���tv. pull out, pull off. Naka inilarkpungkuny iyigi. ‘He pulled out the tooth.’ See:�kilarukpungkun�‘become unhooked’. Category:�Manipulation.
kinilarrikpi���tv. lift up, raise up. Yanat inilarrikpung inimany parak. ‘He lifted him up and carried him away.’ See:�kilarrikpin�‘rise’. Syn:�kinimajpungku. Category:�Location and distance, Manipulation.
kinilarrngani���verb. raise something up while hanging. iwumajpungkuny inypularrnganiny iwumajpungkuny inypularrnganiny ‘They lifted him up and stood/hung him on the cross.’ See:�kiniwularrun�‘finish’. Category:�Location and distance, Manipulation.
kinilati���tv. put into something, put away. Transport (people or goods) in a vehicle or boat. Usage:�often occurs with -ki and/or -ga yiwulatjang. Inilatikiny tuka yangali. ‘He was putting (them) into the basket.’ Ngarrimany miri ngarrilatiny tuka kupuny. ‘We took the paddle put them into the canoe’. Pa yuranapa inilatjang kurlajuk. ‘So he went and collected eggs.’ See:�kilatin�‘be in something’. Category:�Manipulation.
kinilawurulmuni���tv. put in position. Ngiwalawurulmuni iyigi. ‘I will position the barbs into the spear shaft.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kinilirrngkan���tv. push along, pull along. Inilirrngkantung. ‘He was pushing it along.’ Kurlingka warramumpik kingalirrngka ja arrarrkpi? ‘Is the woman pushing the man?’ Iniyarrungungka tuka ilangingan la inilirrngkantiny ‘He follows him to where he's standing and he pushes him.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kinilulwarrki���tv. join together. Nakapa inilulwarrjiny payp. ‘He joined the pipe together.’ Category:�Manipulation, Arrangement.
kinilunta���tv. fence in. Pulikang ngawunpanalunta la ngapamurntulku wu ngungpanama put ‘We fence in the cows and block them in and close them up.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kinilutpa���tv. put down and leave. Inilutpan ja warranyngiw. ‘He put the child down.’ Yuran fishing kapa pa inyilutpan jita kawani. ‘He went fishing, so he dropped off his wife there.’ Awunilutpan awunnyarutpan. ‘He dropped them off but he just left them there (he never returned to pick them up again as expected.)’ See:�kinnyutpa�‘put down’. Syn:�kinnyarutpa. Category:�Manipulation.
kinimajpungku���tv. raise up, lift up. -n, -a, ø. Inimajpungpungkun parak. ‘He lifted it up.’ Ma kiki ngatpina ngarrimajpungka because warranyngiw ngatpunatpang. ‘There was no way we could lift him up (into the boat) because we had kids with us.’ See:�kinnyartpungku�‘lift up’; kimajpungkin�‘get up’; kinilarrikpi�‘life up, raise up’. Category:�Manipulation.
ja kurrula kinimajpungku (yurrng)���phrase. the sea was rough. Category:�Movement of water.
kinimalamanma���tv. 1�•�stir, twist. Inimalamanmangung kirrk. ‘He was stirring it all up.’ Iwumalamanmangung nuyu majarr. ‘They hold it's head and twist its neck (method for killing tortoise)’. Ara nangila ngapi ngapalamanman ta pupurru wurlumunwurlumun. ‘Oh, Nangila, I stirred the porridge and it is lumpy.’ See:�kimalaminmin�‘rotate’. Category:�Twist, bend.
Restrict:�LL object 2 kanimalamanma�•�twist one's tongue, used to describe the pronunciation of diffcult sounds such as the flap in Iwaidja. Category:�Manipulation, Twist, bend.
kinimalkpa���tv. 1�•�be father or father's sister to. Nuka ja ngapi nganimalkpany. ‘This is my father.’ ngapi nganimalkpany ‘my father’. kayirrk la kaniwurrun apa yamin ja inimalkpany kimin "warranyngiw pa ngartu". ‘and then he thinks, the father and he says "Oh, it could be my child."’ Syn:�kinima, kimalkpa. Category:�family, inc moieties.
2�•�take out, make come out. Ma kurrungmalkpanyi ta ayuk! ‘Go on, do it the old way! (dance)’. See:�kinima�‘father to’; kimalkpa�‘arrive, come out’; kelkpa�‘bare young, lay eggs’. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�LL object 3�•�(turtle) make noise or surface. La ja kanimalkpa mira ilijap putarr. ‘And the little one makes a big noise (the baby dugong or the turtle?).’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Reptiles and amphibians.
kinimamanta���tv. attach to , put pressure on. La waka mawng mata malurtpuj mata warlk pa mamputpan iwumamantiny angparti. ‘And they had short sticks with which they opened out the bow end.’ See:�kimamanta�‘lean on’; kinimanma�‘persuade, stick’. Category:�Manipulation, Pressing.
kinimanma���tv. 1�•�stick on to. Wularrut inimanmany. ‘He has already stuck it on.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�persuade to go with (subject). Nangila iwanimanma. ‘Nangila will persuade him.’ Kingamanma pa kawungurrin. ‘She persuades him to go with her and they run off.’ See:�kinimamanta�‘put pressure on’. Category:�Language.
lv. See:�wurru�‘make people feel sorry for oneself’; lagarr�‘mislead’. Category:�Manipulation.
kinimartparrun���tv. 1�•�spill something on something or pour something on someone. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kanimartparrun�•�spill on the ground. Category:�Manipulation.
kinimirlkpunge���tv. 1�•�turn over. iwumilkpungany ‘they turned it over’. Arriwamirlkpunga ja inyalgan. ‘We will turn the turtle over.’ Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�change. Ngarrunimirrawuning ngarrunimirlkpungangung ta ngatpalu tora. ‘He changes us and our faces become different.’ See:�mali�‘knowledge, memories’. Category:�General change of state.
Restrict:�LL subject 3: Kangkumirlkpungen�•�affect (us) badly. Malany angpamirlkpungenka ngarrurru ta karrpani Martpalk. ‘It will affect us here at Martpalk.’ Kurrkenkang nuyi la yanat nakapa angpumirlkpungakeny ngarru. ‘You two had a fight and it will effect us badly.’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�trouble come back to affect other people. For example when two people fight then other people get involved and they are also affected by the response from the other group. Angkumirlkpungakeny nuwurru. ‘They bring trouble back to you.’ Pa karrkpin 'Kutpanginkapa kurriwanawunapa. Angpamirlkpungenka ngarrurru. Like lirripa ngungpanatpi. ‘They might say 'You'll go and fight with them and you'll hit them. They will bring something back to us. Like I've got trouble to bring.’ Category:�Fight.
kinimiratpi���tv. knead, e.g.knead dough, squeeze shark meat, make something out of cement. katimiratpi ‘he is kneading it, e.g. damper dough’. Like marrik apumiratpi something angkutpan you know. ‘Like they didn't make (a memorial) out of cement and put it there, you know.’ arrapamiratpi, ngapiratpung, ngapiratpiyang ‘means 'bake' in most of these egs.’ See:�kiniwiratpi�‘bake’. Category:�Manipulation.
kinimirtpujpa���tv. Gather. Awunimirtpujpany kirrka pata arrarrkpi la warrakamu nuyu awalyu nuyu. ‘He gathered the people together to listen to him.’ See:�kinimirtpurrukpun�‘bring together, gather’. Category:�Manipulation.
kinimirtpujpakpa���tv. fold, coil, cover. Anngamirtpujpanyi ngarrurru mata alguru la arrkpana inyarlgan. ‘Coil up the rope and we'll go turtle hunting.’ See:�kimirtpujpakpa�‘rumpled up’. Category:�Manipulation.
kinimirtpurrukpun���tv. 1�•�bring together, gather. Inimirtpurrukpung kirrk pata pulikang. ‘He gathered the cattle together.’ See:�kinimirtpujpa�‘gather’. Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�fold, bundle together. Inimirtpurrukpung manpurrwa. ‘He folded the material.’ Category:�Manipulation.
3�•�turn towards another person (eg. to talk). Nuka kumirtpurrukpun kurrkinkay la yamin. ‘Turn to him so that you can speak.’ Category:�Change stance.
kinimurntulku���tv. Restrict:�MA object 1�•�trap fish. Iwumurntulkuny ja kiyap. ‘They trapped fish (by blocking the creek).’ See:�murntulkuj�‘a sheltered place’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�ED object2 katimurntulku�•� Apumurntulkuny nuyu. ‘They trapped him (e.g. a bull).’ Pulikang ngawunpanalunta la ngapamurntulku wu ngungpanama put ‘We fence in the cows and block them in and lock them in.’ Apumurntulkuny merrk where ilangaling ja kiyap, inside. ‘They built a barrier of leaves, trapping the fish.’ Category:�Holding, sticking, Concealment.
Restrict:�ED object 3�•�cover, protect, make windbreak. Apumurntulkuny ta jampakang. ‘They make a windbreak of corrugated iron.’ Walmat katimurntulku ngaw jita muwarn. ‘The rain (or rain cloud) covered up the sun.’ Yanat kinimurntulku ja tarpaulin la iniwutiny ‘He put up a tarpaulin and tied it on.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kininiki���tv. carry on shoulder. Koyanti nuka kininiki warak - ngungpurrun inyarlgan. ‘Look, he is carrying something on his shoulder - perhaps it is a turtle.’ Ngatinikiyang. ‘I carried flour.’ Kininiki. ‘He carries one thing (c.f. kiwunikiniki)’. See:�katinikiniki�‘carry a lot on back and head’; kit�‘carry on shoulders’; kinnyatpikpi�‘he is carrying it by hand’; itkit�‘carry on shoulders’. Category:�Manipulation.
kininganypani���tv. pushing down, make sit down, knock down. Kurlingka iniwung warlk ay kiki yirrik? Makinyju la inimany ininganypaniny. ‘Did he hit him with a stick or what? No, he just took him and pushed him down.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiningarulawn���tv. Restrict:�LL object pour over, pour out. See:�kaningartpulawn�‘pour over head’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiningartpuni���tv. 1�•�throw something at someone (obj), hitting them on the head and potentially knocking them down. kungartpuni, karringartpuni. Kiningartpuni. ‘He throws something at him, hitting him on the head.’ Like kinimarlkujpa waryat, kiningartpuni. ‘Like he hits him with a rock, he hits him on the head.’ Marnti kunyngartpuning! ‘You might hit him on the head! (if you throw stones)’. Category:�Manipulation, Head.
2�•�make someone stop doing something ; Kimin nuyu ja arrarrkpi ja nulawnut "Ngapi marrik nganpurru marnti kunngartpuning." ‘He's say, this older man "You don't know the knowledge, I can easily talk to you straight words (give you a talking to)"’. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
Restrict:�ED object 3: katingartpuni�•�stub toe. Apartpuniny ngartu. ‘I hit my toe on something.’ Category:�Limbs, Strike or chop.
Restrict:�ED object 4: katingartpuni�•�throw stones at somebody. Ngapi ngartpirrun ngimarkujpany ta waryat. ‘I threw a rock, I'm the one that hit him.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiningartputa���tv. 1�•�tie or wind something around the top of. Ja arrarrkpi kiningartputaka ja walamurru ja inyarlgan. ‘The man winds the string around the end part of the woomera used to throw the spear for turtle.’ Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�hold grudge against someone, leave them to face the consequences and not help them. kungartputa, kungartputiny, kiningartputa Category:�Fight.
kiningula���tv. 1�•�make, build, organise. atingulanyi, aninguliny. Ininguliny worntojworntok. ‘He made a coral fish (out of wood).’ Kingangula ja rrupija. ‘She makes money (from working).’ Muj arakap akutju ininguliny. ‘He tried again to make him sing Inyjalarrku’. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�VE object 2: kamaningula�•�heal. Warrwak maninguliny imajpungkiny. ‘Later he healed and got up.’ See:�kiningulaka�‘fix, heal’; kiningulanngula�‘get ready, quiet down’. Category:�Healing and fitness.
kiningulaka���tv. repair, fix, heal, make good, for example: tidy up or neaten up. kiwungulakan, iwulangakantiny, iningulakantung, angpungulakanjing. Wularrut iningulakantung ja injin. ‘He has already fixed the engine.’ Marrik muj angkuwurru awang angpungulakanjing kirrk. ‘They didn't think of making a place (i.e. a concrete memorial).’ Ngarrila ngarruningulakan. ‘We eat it and it makes us better (Alangunta).’ See:�kiningula�‘heal’; kiniwaniki�‘change by adding’; kingulikin�‘recover, strengthen’; kiningulanngula�‘get ready, prepare’. Category:�Manipulation, General change of state, Healing and fitness.
kiningurlkparryutpa���tv. put on its back. Iwumany iwungurlkparryutpan ja inyarlgan. ‘They took the turtle and put it on its back.’ See:�kingurlkparryu�‘lie on back’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwalkara���tv. 1�•�hang up. Iniwarlkariny yurrng tuka warlk ja pilikan. ‘He hung the billy up in the tree.’ Ngiwalkariny ja jalakaraj la pukijuku ta kurrampalk ta ngapi. ‘I have a jalakaraj and a pukijuku spear hanging up in my house.’ See:�kiwarlkarrin�‘have been put high up’. Category:�Manipulation, Location and distance.
2�•�put up sail. Iniwarlkariny kerra warak kupuny. ‘He put up the sail and is now going along by canoe.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwarlunyja���tv. hide something. iniwarlujiny, yingawarlujiny, yiwuwarlujakangung ‘they hid them (fish)’. Ngungpurrun rrupiya iniwarlunyjiny. ‘I think he hid the money.’ iwumangung ja kiyap iwuwurlujakangung kirrk. ‘They collected all the fish and hid them all’. Yiwarlunjiny wukaj wurlmutpurlmut. ‘They hid him inside where it was dark.’ See:�kiwarlunyjin�‘hide’. Category:�Concealment, Manipulation.
kiniwani���tv. 1�•�set, put something somewhere. kiniwani, kiniwaniga ‘he's putting something’. La wemin pata awaninganka Yiwaningornmilkirr wularrut apa mampuwaningka mata alawi. ‘Another lot were staying at Yiwanigornmilkirr. They had already set their nets.’ See:�kiniwaniki�‘change by adding’. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�move as if in slow motion. ngarrungpani warak mata nganangka. ‘We move the clapsticks in slow motion’. Category:�Song and dance.
kiniwaniki���tv. changed something by adding something to it. Awung wemin imijik iwuwanikiny Mangalpitan la Makakurr la Kawagawa. ‘They came to be birds by getting feathers. They became Jabiru, Pelican and Heron.’ iwuwanikiny See:�kiniwani�‘set’; kiningulaka�‘fix, heal’. Category:�Amounts, Manipulation.
kiniwanpani���tv. 1�•�bark at. Luluj iniwanpanyang. ‘The dog was barking at him.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniwanpani�•�stack, put on top of each other. Category:�Manipulation, Properties of surface.
kiniwanpura���tv. tie on. Nganyawanpura nuyu ja luluj la kanilaka. ‘I will tie (the rope on) the dog because he makes too much noise.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwarrajpun���tv. roll plant material on leg to make string or rope. Kayirrk la warrwak angkuwarrajpuning. ‘Then they rolled it on their leg.’ Category:�Manipulation, Tools, men's.
kiniwartawn���tv. 1�•�add to something, put two things together, mix two things together. Ma kurriwartawni. ‘Come on, each of you put in some money.’ iniwartawng ‘people of different groups come together in one place’. Kiniwartawn. ‘He mixes for example, sugar into tea.’ Syn:�kinnyartawkun. See:�kiwartawkunjilin�‘mixed together’. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�'double' the didj. kaniwartawkun ‘play the didjeridoo double double’. Category:�Song and dance.
kiniwartpani���tv. heap up, build up, put on top of one another. Aniwartpanikiny ta waryat arrarrkpi. ‘The man built up a heap of stones.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwilkpun���tv. separate. Arriwawilkpun iwanaw ja ril ja nuwarlkparrakan inginkangung. ‘We will separate into different place the reel the man (now deceased) was speaking on.’ nganpawilkpun ‘you give to me’. Nginyjagatpung jita ngatingan tuka ta karrungpunwilpin. ‘I met my sister at the river crossing.’ See:�kiwilk�‘take a little’; kannyarlan�‘divide, halve’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwirlu���tv. pick up people, or go to pick people up (irrespective of whether they come or not). kiniwirlu, inyiwirlung, *kurrunpawirlu, kanpunpirlu. Yuranka awuniwirlung Ngalwangari la warranyngiw. ‘He came back and picked up Ngalwangari (his wife) and kids.’ Ngana ngawunpawirlu. ‘I'm going to pick them up.’ Ngawunpirlung la wirl. ‘I went to pick them up but they didn't want to come home.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwinyjama���tv. mix together (different sorts of things). Arrungpawinyjama arrungpanutpa milk tuka ti ngarrurru. ‘We will mix the milk into our tea.’ See:�kiwartawkunjilin�‘mixed together’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwirrinypirrinyma���tv. spread out. Ngapi ngiwirrinypirrinymangung ja parlangkit ja ngapi wiyu ngartu. ‘I was spreading out my own blanket.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwirtpulnga���tv. turn over, capsize, roll. Nuka ja maminga ngiwirtpulngan. ‘This is the clam shell I turned over.’ See:�pulnga�‘coverb’; kilatpulnga�‘turn around’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwirtpurama���tv. Restrict:�MA object grumble about people's treatment of one's things. Kingawirtpurama. ‘She's grumbling about people touching her things.’ Kuwirtparama ja inimany wungpulaj nuwu? ‘Are you looking for what they stole from you?’ Kakawirtpurama nuyu walij ta kapuma nuyu. ‘She complains about people taking his food without asking.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Manipulation, Judgement, evaluation.
kiniwujpa���verb. take down. (singing) Iwumany iwuwijpany iwutpan tuka yurk ‘They took him down, picked him up and laid him in the grave.’ See:�katiwujpa�‘pack up and leave’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwulawkun���tv. fill up. apuwulawkun. Yanat kiniwulawkun ja kiyap. ‘He's filling it up with fish.’ See:�kiniwulawn�‘drop off’; kaningurtpulwarrki�‘put more water into something to fill it up’. Category:�Manipulation, Arrangement.
kiniwulawn���tv. drop off. iniwulawng, awuniwulawng ‘he dropped them off’. awuniwulawng ‘drop off’. See:�kerawkun�‘vomit’; kiniwulawkun�‘fill up to full’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwurlkarroka���tv. shelve. Jurra kingawurlkarroka. ‘She's putting books away on a shelf’. Kamalangali ja jurra kingawurlkarroka. mata warlk. ‘They're standing there (the sticks) she's putting away books, the sticks.’ Iwumirrawukpun pa arriwarlkarrakanyi tuka Church. ‘They could paint them and put them up on the wall (pieces of paper)’. Category:�Manipulation, Arrangement.
kiniwurrutpa���tv. 1�•�guide a rope. When a harpooned turtle or dugong tugs on the rope before it is dead, and the hunters have to follow it. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�VE object 2: kamaniwurrutpa�•�guide a rope. When a harpooned turtle or dugong tugs on the rope before it is dead, and the hunters have to follow it. Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwuta���tv. 1�•�wrap or wind around. kiniwutaka ‘he keeps on winding it, wrapping it around’. Iniwutiny waya ja jalakaraj. ‘He wound the wire around the spear (handle).’ arrkanawuta mata malurtpujut ‘we will bind it close together’. Ikpin kiwuwuta, yungku. ‘They make a traditional torch, fire.’ Category:�Manipulation. See:�kiwutin�‘tense, upset’. Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�(Vine) wind around a tree. Akawutiny ta kuli. ‘The Kuli vine is wound around the tree.’ Kiniwutapa tuka warlk. ‘It winds itself around a tree (about Irriwukirriwuk)’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiniyirntun���tv. 1�•�pull down, e.g. clothing from washing line. Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�sorcerer sing to stop rain. Category:�Supernatural.
3: kaniyirntun�•�be a woman's last child. angayirntuny ‘she is the last child’. ja aniyirntuny yanyjukapa ‘he was his mother's last child on the breast’. aniyirntuny yanyjuk ‘the last child (male)’. angayirtuny yanyjuk See:�aniwukpulmununy�‘the last child of a certain gender who comes after many of the opposite gender’. Category:�Ages.
kiniyirrkpungku���tv. pull out, lift out. Yung tuka panikin la iniyirrkpungkun. ‘It was in the saucepan and he lifted it out.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiniyirrngun���tv. move. Ngiyirrnguny. ‘I moved it.’ Kanjurrngun kunak. ‘He made the ground shake.’ kiniyirrngukun ‘shake’. See:�kiyirrngun�‘move’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiniyirti���tv. pull out. Iniyirtiny ja rrupiya. ‘He pulled the money out.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiniyirtpun���tv. pick, take off. Maniyirtpung mangko. ‘He picked the mango.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiniyurlka���tv. 1�•�bury, cover, plant. Usage:�Can be used for burying humans or animals, unlike -e kunak inypuyurljiny ‘they buried her’; iwuyurljiny ‘They buried him’; kiniyurkaka. Atiyurkangung ta walij. ‘He was planting the food (yams).’ Nungmatpa karrkaj ingayalmany mirnta waka wiyu inypuyurljiny Ilarryarru pa kinyu pata pukapa. ‘And on the other side, when she died, they buried her at Ilyarru, she's lying there. They were there’. Kurlajuk kingayurlka. ‘She (turtle) buries her eggs.’ See:�kiyurjin�‘be buried’; kiwrlkatin�‘disappear’. Category:�Manipulation, Concealment.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniyurlka�•�cover with sand. Ngapi Inyjalarrku ngamirawng. Ngarrunjurjiny arakap tuka Nawurlany nuyu. ‘I sang Inyjalarrku song. We covered the area where Nawurlany's things were.’ Angamany mangayurrkjiny nuyu wun ja luluj. ‘She grabbed it and threw it in the dogs eyes.’ Katiyurlka. ‘He plants food, or puts food in sand to cook it.’ Category:�Concealment.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kaniyurlka�•�make a smoke signal. Kaniyurlka nuyu. ‘He sends him a smoke signal.’ Kangpuyurlka. ‘They send a smoke signal.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Fire.
kinnyaka���tv. 1�•�throw (out), push (over), knock over, drop off (in car), pile up. kokanyi. Muka mata mawngku kamangakaga. ‘The shade's come over us.’ Ngamangawunapa, ngyeka ja mangawj. ‘As I cough, I cough up flem.’ Nukawk ja manpurrwa kinnyalmuni - nganti innyakakan? ‘All the clothes are untidy - who threw them everywhere?’ See:�kerwen�‘throw with aim’; kingartpirrun�‘throw spear’; kinnyakataka�‘hurry’; jurrk�‘drop off in car (coverb)’; kiniyiwaka�‘take by pulling, snatch’; kunakay�‘excuse me’. Category:�Throw, trip.
2�•�argue. Yanatapa yinyakakangung la yamin. ‘They struggled repeatedly with each other.’ Kinyaka la yamin. ‘They're arguing ( a man and a woman).’ Iwakangung la wemin. ‘They were throwing the ball to each other.’ Category:�Fight.
3�•�go in opposite directions, separate. innyakan ya yamin ‘they went in different directions’. Malany kayirrk karrungayan Weyirra la Warruwi angakan la anyamin. ‘So now you can see that North Goulburn Island and South Goulburn Island have moved apart.’ Category:�General terms.
4: katjaka�•�build (a building); build, or be built out of, or build a structure. atjakan ‘he built it’; apakan ‘they built it’; ngartakan. Wangaran awuranapa karntirrkan apa mampumanyka mampulalkungung ta takapa ta church apakan ta kantirrkan. ‘They went over to Wangaran. They brought the Cypress Pine over and cut it and made the church building out of Cypress Pine.’ La apakan tirip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the height of the house.’ About tukapa yarl ta kangpaka warrawurnji. ‘About this cone of sand that they build for the girl.’ See:�apaka�‘length, breadth, size’. Category:�Manipulation.
5�•�sort out, throw around. Kinnyaka manpurrwa. ‘He threw clothes all over the place.’ Nukawk ja manpurrwa kinnyalmuni - nganti innyakakan? ‘All the clothes are untidy - who threw them everywhere?’ Warranyngiw inyi korratakaka ta apariyirrk from mainland ‘Children, don't throw around the food from another place, the mainland.’ Category:�Manipulation. Note: Edible object form used to refer to household possessions in general.
Restrict:�VE object 6: kamannyaka�•�go line fishing. Usage:�Usually accompanied by wakij, before or after verb, but kamannyaka alone is usually interpreted the same Ngatpakan wakij, ngarrimany wirlmu. ‘We went fishing and got a barramundi.’ Ngatpana ngatanaka wakij Nganyamirnali. ‘We will go (and) cast out a fishing line at Nganyamirnali (ie. go line fishing).’ Angkuwurulpung mampakan mampulalkukunyapa mata nakawkapa mata nganykarrarr. ‘They cleaned up, cut them down and then cut them up into small pieces, all those mangroves.’ See:�yaw (kamannyaka)�‘cast net’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�LL object 7: kannyaka nuyu�•�make trouble for other people by doing something to someone. Annyakan kirrkpu. ‘He caused a lot of trouble for them.’ See:�lirri�‘trouble, enemy’. Category:�Fight.
Restrict:�LL object 8 Kannyaka kirrk nuyu�•�stuff up, ruin everything for somebody. Kungakan kirrk nuyu nuyipa ‘You have spoilt it all for him.’ Nuyipa kungakan kirrk nuyu, pa awunginkan. ‘You ruined everything for him so they fought.’ Category:�Goodness.
9�•�collect turtle eggs. Anth: Turtle eggs are collected by digging them out of the sand near the sea. Kunuka ja kurlajuk kokan? ‘What type of eggs did you get?’ Category:�Hunting.
10�•�clear up area. Kinnyaka rubbish. ‘He cleans up rubbish.’ Syn:�kaniwurulkpun. Category:�Activity manner.
Restrict:�ED object 11 katjaka�•�put on cermonial bands such as ayukayuk and panang. Category:�General ritual.
Restrict:�MA subject, VE object 12 kamannyaka�•�have a serious meeting in which people put forward important and forthright points of view. Like kapin ngarri warakapa ta kamannyaka la wemin ja kiwarlkparran ja kawa pata kawaga pata wimunpimunawk. ‘Like when we exchange strong words with balanda people, with all the important White people who come here (for meetings).’ Kamannyaka la ngarrimung. Kamannyaka la yamin. Category:�Language.
13�•�spend money. Kingama ja rrupiya, kingakaka yirrk, la kinypani arlarrarr. ‘When she gets paid, she spends it until there's nothing left.’
kinnyaka yara���Restrict:�MA object collect money by saving it in the bank or putting it together for a common purpose. Kiki ja arriwaka yara rrupiya? ‘How about we save some money?’ Arrapaka yara. ‘We're collecting food together for a common purpose.’ Syn:�kinnyutpa. Category:�Holding, sticking.
kingaka murr���Restrict:�GEN subject hurt emotionally. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
-aka ta kanyiga���phrase. hurrry! See:�kinnyakataka�‘hurry’. Category:�Language.
kinnyarlgunta���tv. 1�•�put away inside. For example, put a boat into the yard, put hay in a shed, put a washing machine in a house. Kinnyarlunta. ‘A man is putting something in the house, e.g. a washing machine.’ Awarluntanyiga ta walij, kawutpany ta kurrampalk, katjarlunta. ‘Put all the food inside, put it in the house, he puts it in the house.’ See:�kiwrlgen�‘go inside’; kiniyirnukpun�‘go around’. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�VE object 2 kamannyarlgunta�•�Enter (sexually). Category:�Reproduction.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kannyarlunta�•�go into harbour. Kannyarlunta tuka Martpalk. ‘He brought the boat into Martpalk bay.’ A kannyarlunta warak palapala tuka Wiyarla. ‘Oh the barge is going into Wiyarla bay.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
kinnyarnaken���tv. 1�•�shoot, spear, nail, crucify. Used for when something narrow pierces something. Anth: Also used for hammering in a nail. Used to describe the fact that nails were put into Christ during crucifixion. Also used to describe what they used to do to corpses when they were hung up in a tree - they would pierce the soles of the feet with lots of small holes. Also used for when sharp grass seeds get stuck in your clothes. Kinnyarnaken Manimunak ‘He shot some Magpie geese.’ Kiwarnaken manpiri. ‘They spear turtles.’ Nakapa ja arrarrkpi katjarnaken hammer ‘That man is building with a hammer.’ Category:�Pierce, shoot.
Restrict:�MA object 2: kingarnaken�•�weave, make basket or mat. Kangamiyarma iwangarnaken ‘She wants to make a basket.’ Ingarnakeny la marrik ingawularruni. ‘She made some of a basket but didn't finish it.’ Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kannyarnaken�•�look for an animal or eggs in soft ground by poking the ground with a sticks. Anth: This is a technique used for hunting freshwater tortoise or looking for turtle eggs. Angarnakenang. Ingamangung ngartu mangili. ‘She was hunting by poking with a stick and brought me freshwater tortoise.’ Kangparnaken iweny. ‘They hunt them and then spear them (mangili).’ Kunak kannyarnaken. ‘He's poking in the ground with a stick, looking for animals under the ground.’ See:�kawarnakanyjilin�‘fight with spears’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�VE object 4�•�feel sharp or stabbing pain. Ngannyarnaken ‘I feel a sharp or stabbling pain.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain, Hunting.
kinnyarnangkata���tv. strengthen, harden. Innyarnangkatiny kirrk. ‘He strengthened it.’ ngatarnangkata mangurrin ‘something like this: the wind is really strong’. See:�kernangkayin�‘strengthen’; yarnangkat�‘strong, hard’. Category:�Manipulation, Properties of surface.
kinnyarkpa���tv. carry person on back or shoulders. Can used of a horse carrying a man. Also used of one person carrying another. Innyarkpangung parak jarrang. ‘The horse was carrying him along (ie. he was riding the horse)’. Jakapa jita warranyngiw la jita mirnkul wiyupa ingamany, ingarkpanyapa awuran apumangung. ‘The grandmother took the boy and carried him on her shoulders while they went hunting.’ Ingagatpung jara ja ingarkpany yurrng ‘She carried him in her arms and the other one she carried on her shoulders.’ See:�kinilagatpi�‘carry in arms’; kinnyarkanyu�‘hold in a lying position in arms, cradle’; kelkpa�‘bare young, lay eggs’. Category:�Manipulation.
kinnyatpikpi���tv. carry by hand. Kerra warak kinnyatpikpi warak irratat. ‘He is carrying the meat by hand (perhaps in a bucket or bag).’ See:�kininiki�‘carry on shoulders’. Category:�Manipulation, Limbs.
kinnyartpirra���tv. untie. kinnyartpirrakanyjing. Wularrut innyartpirrany ja manpurrwa. ‘He has untied the cloth.’ Innyartpirrany ja jalwarra/pajupaju. ‘He took off his pants, or shirt.’ Iwartpirrakan nuyu pajupaju. ‘They pulled off his shirt.’ See:�kertpirra�‘be relieved’; kingartparra�‘grey haired’. Category:�Manipulation.
kinnyartpungku���tv. lift up. Kayu la punyi iwartpungkun ja manpiri iwulatiny tuka kapala. ‘Older brother and father lifted up the turtle and put it in the boat.’ kampartpungkinyka ‘they bring up seaweed’. Kiyapju pa ja ngirrikjiny kunukapa innyartpungkuny ngartu. ‘"The fish that I speared, what's bringing them all to me?".’ See:�kinimajpungku; kertpungkun; kimartpungkin�‘set off quickly’. Category:�Manipulation.
kinnyukpun���tv. 1�•�break, bend. Kamannyukpun yungku. ‘He's breaking up firewood.’ Oh awangkung, awangurrinykapa, apukpuning yurnu, aminy "Mm, marntingunyuny." ‘They'd go along in the boat, they turn their had, we'd think "Oh, dugong."’ Note: When hunters returned in a canoe they'd make a signal to show what they caught. Mampukpukpung mampuwarawng. ‘They broke up the wood and made a fire’. See:�iwajiyiny�‘broken’; kinnyun�‘give’. Category:�Twist, bend.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�break part of self. Marnti kunnyukpu. ‘(Don't carry it), you might break something (because it's too heavy. (lit: it might break you).’ Category:�Twist, bend, Physical disability and injury.
Restrict:�MA object 3�•�turn self around, turn boat or car. innyukpung, ingawkpung ‘she turned around, she turned’; kiwukpun ‘they turned around’. Koyanti innyukpung arrapalen. ‘Look, the aeroplane has turned (changed direction).’ Category:�Change stance, Manipulation.
Restrict:�MA object 4�•�play song well and move people emotionally. "Ey kangmarrangulin!" kamin nuyu ja arrarrkpi "Kangmarrangulinapa ta kukpung. ‘"Oh you really move us (with your singing)" they say to the man (singing). "We're reminded of old times when you move us."’ Kangmarrangulinapa ta kukpung. ‘We recall old memories when he moves us (with his song).’ Imiyawng innyukpung. ‘He sung and the way he played was moving’. Category:�Play, perform, joke, Sorrow, happiness.
Restrict:�MA subject ; ED object 5: katjukpun�•�heart be deeply moved, broken. Ngalyungan amirawning pata warra kamumu la atjukpung ngartu marurturt. ‘I heard the women singing and my heart was deeply moved.’ They're singing pa kinyalyu "A, apukpung ngartu marurturt." ‘They're singing as she's listening and says "Oh they broke my heart."’ Atjukpung ngaw marurturt. ‘Her heart is broken.’ See:�wurlk�‘sorrow, strong emotion’; marurturt�‘heart’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
kinnyurlngpun���tv. 1�•�mix together. Kiki ja arrapanurlngpukpun ta kantijawa. ‘How about we mix together them (flour and baking powder) to make the damper?’ Nuwurri la ngarri arranurlngpun. ‘Your lot and our lot will share our (two lots of crabs), put them together.’ Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�be countryman to. Restrict:�PL subject Nuka arryurlngpukpun kerra warak. ‘That is our countryman going along (there).’ See:�kawulakpuntikin�‘be company together in land’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
Restrict:�PL subject3: arryurlngpun�•� See:�murlij�‘Your ngawiny who is my ngawiny’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
Restrict:�PL object 4: kawunnyurlngpun�•�can mean 'have multiple wives' or 'have the same father but different mothers'. Category:�family, inc moieties.
kinnyutpa���tv. 1�•�put down, write down. With oblique object means 'put away for' or 'keep for'. kurriyutpan, iwutpan, ngyutpan ‘I put it, Capell and Hinch Text 1’; kotpa murr ‘You are holding it tight’. Wakapa ngyutpan ja waliman. ‘I put the axe there.’ kiwutpa ingurlaj ‘they give him a name’. Note: 'mata' comes out as 'pata'. Kutanutpa mata dinghy ‘Hold the dinghy on its side.’ Kamannyatpi rlaw, kammanyutpa manjat. ‘He bends the (spear shaft) with his hands, he makes it straight.’ See:�kinilutpa�‘put down, drop off’; kinnyarutpa�‘leave’; purup�‘put into lying position (kinnyutpa)’; put�‘put it there! put it down!’; kilatpa�‘go down’; kinyngarnutpa�‘sun begins to go down’; kinimirrawun�‘write, draw, mark’; kirirrk�‘put’; kinnyaka yara�‘collect or save something’. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�stop doing what you're doing. Innyutpanapa la ngatpiny, ‘He stopped singing and he said,’ Category:�Activity manner.
Restrict:�ED object 3 katjutpa�•�bird or plane land on ground. Category:�Vertical motion, Weak impact.
innyutpan kurrana���NVidom. new moon appear. See:�kinymarlkurranken�‘new moon appear’. Category:�Longer.
kannyutpa alan���NVidiom. go along path/road, travel route. Annyutpangung parak alan. ‘He was going along the path.’ Ma! Arrungutpanyi alan! ‘Come on! Let's take the path, start off.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kannyutpa wularri / wulatpiyi���make a law, put into the law. Annyutpan wulatpiyi wularrut marrik arrungukpu. ‘He put that law there for us a long time ago and we must not break it.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
katjutpa yurnu���NVidiom. bird or aeroplane land, leave tracks. Ja karlurri katjutpa yurnu. ‘The bird comes down and puts his foot on the ground.’ Katjutpa yurnu yiwarak nganaparru. ‘The buffalo left tracks.’ Katjutpa ta yurnu ta kunak. ‘He made a footprint.’ Category:�Vertical motion, Weak impact.
mannyutpan larnngalk���NVidiom. pick up a sound whose source is not visible.. Work out where someone is from sound they are making. Work out what people are doing from sound they are making. mannyutpan larnngalk ‘he tried to listen’. "A" mannyutpan mata larnngalk. ‘"Ah ha!" he picked up the sound.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinnyurtjun���tv. 1�•�dab, stick, solder. Kapala iwurtjukung la kayirrk nungmalal iwakan jawu kilangali pulup. ‘They soldered the (crack in the) boat and now it is alright (as) they have put it back in the water and it is floating.’ Category:�Manipulation. Innyurtjung mejijin. ‘He dabbed on the medicine.’ Ma kurtjuni aparnkatpina. ‘Go on, stick it onto yourself! (a toy tattoo)’. Kiwuwutaka yirrk kayirrk la kiwurtjun warnany. ‘They tie it around and they stick it onto the wax.’ Syn:�kaparnkatpin. Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�blame; blame person. Aminy mali yanat iniwung la iwurtjukuning. ‘They thought that he had killed him and so they were blaming him.’ Iminy, "Punyi yunyi kanpunurtjun." ‘He said "Father don't put them on yourself."’ Kinypurtjun. ‘They blame her (for causing a fight).’ See:�kimurnangani�‘blame’. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
kinyngalmuni���tv. Restrict:�FE subject ; FE object a lot of clothes or rubbish lying on the ground. Kinyngalmuni ja rubbish. ‘There's a lot of rubbish lying on the ground.’ Kutjanyji kutamanyi pata kinyngalmuni! ‘Go get a big pile of wood (i.e. collect wood to make a big pile).’ Ta katjama karrkpalalku mirlak naka karrkpin nginyngalmuni. ‘When we work cutting grass then we put it into heaps.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kingamarlintun���tv. Restrict:�MA subject 1�•�be broken apart. Manimarlintuny marlu. ‘The wind broke the rope (because boat was tied using rope).’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�GEN subject 2�•�being blown by the wind. Being moved by the wind, not just feeling a breeze. ta apurra marlu awunngamarlintunyi tumalarrakpin miga yu. ‘A big wind would blow them away because they were really very thin.’ Ingamarlintuny ta marlu. ‘The wind blew it.’ Karrangamarlintun. ‘We're being blown by the wind (eg in a boat)’. See:�mamarlintuny�‘break off’. Category:�Manipulation.
kingilpa���tv. split pandanus. Kinypani kingilpa murwala. ‘She is sitting splitting pandanus.’ Anth: used for basket making Aminy ngartu "Marnmarn kija ngarrunpanuki. Ngatpanamin ngarriwelpa. ‘They said to me, "Grandma why don't you show us . We'll split pandanus."’ Kiwuma murgala kiwirlpa. ‘They're collecting pandanus and stripping it.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kirirrk���coverb. put. Variant:�Mayinjinaj form; not in common use. Ja arrarrkpi kiwani kirirrk manparrwa tuka yangali. ‘The man is putting the material into the basket.’ Syn:�kinnyutpa. Category:�Manipulation.
kit���coverb. carry on the shoulders. Inimangung kit parak. ‘He was carrying it on his shoulders.’ Ngima kit. ‘I carry him on my shoulder.’ Yanat kinima kit nulakpi. ‘He's carrying something heavy. This woman is carrying a chair, walking away.’ Syn:�morno. Category:�Manipulation.
itkit���carry on shoulder. Carry a lot of stuff - e.g. pack up the boat. Carry while walking. Yarrangung itkit ‘He carried it on his shoulder’. Nuka ja arrarrkpi kerra itkit parak mata chair. ‘This man is carrying the chair away.’ See:�kininiki�‘carry on shoulders’. Category:�Manipulation.
itkit���carry on shoulder. Carry a lot of stuff - e.g. pack up the boat. Carry while walking. Yarrangung itkit ‘He carried it on his shoulder’. Nuka ja arrarrkpi kerra itkit parak mata chair. ‘This man is carrying the chair away.’ See:�kininiki�‘carry on shoulders’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiwarlkarrin���iv. put high up, hang up. Nuka ja jurra ja iwarlkarriny. ‘Someone has put these books up high.’ Nuka ja purrupurrukang kiwarlkarrin tuka table kernti. ‘This bag has been put up there on the table, it's up there.’ Apuwarlkarrinyapa ta jampakang. ‘They put corrugated iron on top (of a shelter, ta mawngku).’ See:�kernti�‘be high’; kilakpalkarin�‘lie with head on pillow’; kiniwalkara�‘hang up’. Category:�Manipulation, Location and distance.
kiwarntarrkanyjilin���iv. 1�•�colours of paint mixing together, or becoming part of a family, for example becoming an in-law. awarntarrkanyjilin ‘e.g. Barbara Golden married Johnny, Nancy's promised husband so we could say this word about Barbara and Nancy - they became close family.’ Syn:�kiwartawkunjilin. Category:�Manipulation, family, inc moieties.
Restrict:�VE subject 2: kamawarntarrkanyjilin�•�the tree limbs branch off. Category:�General terms.
Restrict:�LL subject 3: kangparntarrkanyjilin�•�branching off part of road. Syn:�kangparrkparnjilin. Category:�Large features.
kiwartawkunjilin���iv. 1�•�mixed together. -wartawkunjilin, iwartawkunjiliny ‘it's all mixed together’. See:�kinnyartawkun�‘add onto’; kiniwartawn�‘add together’; kiniwinyjama�‘mix together’; awk�‘colours of paint mixing together, or becoming part of a family, for example becoming an in-law’. Category:�General.
Restrict:�PL subject 2: kawartawkunjilin�•�mix together, join together into one group, they took him into their family, they match, they are equal. For example, sheep and cows mixed together in the one group, people from the mainland and here are all mixed together, the different tribes.With human plural subject means 'they joined together' for example when two groups of people are walking along separate roads, then meet up and keep walking along together. ngartpartakawjilinka ‘Join together as family’. Wakapa awartawkunjilinang awaning. ‘They lived there together as a group.’ Syn:�kiwarntarrkanyjilin. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�VE subject 3: kamawarntawkunjilin�•�a grove of trees, a group of trees growing close together. Category:�General terms.
Restrict:�LL subject 4: kangparntawkunjilin�•�roads running parallel or nearly parallel. See:�kangparrkparnjilin�‘branching off road or path’; kawartpanyjilin�‘they are meeting’. Category:�Land features.
kiwartpun���iv. Dig for water (with the hands or using a shell). Ngarrartpuning. ‘We were digging (a well for water).’ Ngapi ngartpuning (wupaj). ‘I was digging for water.’ Yartpuning. ‘He was digging.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kurl���coverb. 1�•�drown (submerge with intention to kill). Nyatpi kurl ja luluj. ‘I drown the dog.’ wupaj annyatpang kurl ‘(if A, then) the water would come up and the land would be submerged.’ See:�wurlkurl�‘sink down’; wurlwurl�‘dunk’; kurlkurl. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�cook in the hot sand. Ngungakan kurl. ‘I have thrown it into the prepared hot sand to cook.’ Category:�Cooking.
rlirr���coverb. 1�•�move, shift from one place to another. Warranyngiw kutpina rlirr! ‘Children, move over!’ Nganiluta la imina rlirr warak. ‘He is in my way and should move away.’ See:�yap (kimin)�‘move.location’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
2�•�move or push something along. Kumanyi rlirr nuwu ja mutika. ‘Move your car out of the way.’ Kunymanyi rlirr jaka (*ngaw) ‘Move her along (e.g. a child).’ Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�ED object 3�•�move camp. La apakawi rlirr warak ngampiwi yirrik ta waka. ‘And further on to - I'm not sure which places - over there.’ Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.
rlitirr���coverb. 1�•�hatch. Kiwani rlitirr. ‘It is hatching out.’ Category:�Reproduction.
2�•�keep on moving along, clear (it) up. Inimangung rlitirr. ‘He kept on moving it, he cleared it up.’ Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�MA object 3�•�break through, hatch out. Can be used for anything that has eggs, e.g. birds, reptiles. Koyanti innyeny rlitirr ja ilijpakpak. ‘Look, the young (bird) has hatched out.’ Innyeny rlitirr ja kurlajuk. ‘It hatched out of the egg.’ Inyanat ingany rlitirr. ‘It (female) hatched out.’ See:�kurlajuk�‘egg’. Category:�Movement in and out.
rlup���coverb. scoop into. Karrima rlup tuka panikin. ‘We scoop it into a container.’ Category:�Manipulation.
manmarli���noun. 1�•�tree species, Paperbark type. Category:�Trees and bushes.
2�•�branch with hook on the end used to pull pandanus leaves down for basket making. Category:�Tools, women's.
coverb. hook out of. Kumanyi manmarli. ‘Hook it out of the water.’ Category:�Manipulation.
morno���coverb. carry on the shoulders. Punyi nganarkpanyi morno. ‘Father, carry me on your shoulders.’ Syn:�kit. Category:�Manipulation.
ngarrk���coverb. take hold of, put it together, heap it up. Kurrungmanyi ngarrk ta kunak la kurrungakanyi. ‘Take a handful of earth and throw it.’ Ngungpanama ngarrk. ‘I'm going to grab a handful (of sand).’ Kanima ngarrk kunak ‘Fish name (fish that goes around under the mud)’. See:�kanima ngarrk kunak�‘flounder fish’. Syn:�arraj. Category:�Manipulation.
paj2���coverb. lay open, open out. Kiyap inilalkuny innyakat paj kayirrk la manilakpuyany yungku. ‘He cut the fish, laid it open and put it on the fire.’ Category:�Manipulation.
papurli���noun. carrying pole, or straight young tree. Category:�Tools, men's.
coverb. Restrict:�MA object 1�•�carry home by threading on spear or metal pole. Ta katja kiyap ta karrima imurra naka karriwun papurli. ‘When we go fishing to carry a lot we string them together on a pole, wire.’ See:�wirrirri�‘string together’. Category:�Manipulation, Arrangement.
2�•�walk with pole or spear over shoulder with fish strung on it. Kurryena wirrirri ja kiyap ngarrurru la kutjanyji papurli ngarrurru. ‘String our fish together and take them (back) strung together.’ Category:�Manipulation.
parrparr���coverb. 1�•�be extended, cover a large area. Kutpayanti mata miyurrk kamaw parrparr. ‘Look at the smoke, it stretches a long way.’ Nuka kiw parrparr. ‘He's lying down.’ Manjat tuka kanyu parrparrwu. ‘The one who's straight to them.’ See:�parr�‘peel back, become unstuck’; arr�‘stretch’. Category:�Size and weight.
2�•�be extended, cover a large area, stretch out. La mata karlagarla naka kapa Wartpen, mutpiny parrparr warak. ‘His tail stretched up to Wartpen.’ Category:�Remain stationary, Size and weight.
3�•�stretch, extend. Kurlingka kutpan parrparr ja manpurrwa? ‘Did you stretch out that material?’ Category:�Manipulation.
4�•�make correct, write down correctly. Angamany ngaw ngaralk pa angutpan parrparr warak ta wulinjinyut la ta wumun ta ngaralk. ‘She got my words and put them down correctly, the easy parts and the hard parts of the language.’ Ngungpanutpa parrparr tuka ajput ora ta waryat. ‘I'll straighten up the sand and the rocks.’ Karryutpa parrparr warak ‘We keep the pitch straight (not particularly high or low like the other two of the three types of tunes)’. Category:�General change of state, Goodness.
5�•�extend. ja kingurrit parrparr ‘it's roots’. Category:�Plant parts, Size and weight.
pirr2���coverb. 1�•�uncover, lift back. Koyanti imij pirr ja manpurrwa. ‘Look at him, he has lifted back the material.’ kiminy pirr jurra. ‘He lifted back the paper.’ Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�clear weather. See:�pirrpirr�‘hunt on land’; parr�‘peel back’. Category:�Sky.
Restrict:�ED subject 3�•�clear weather. Kapit pirr. ‘Weather become clea’. Category:�Sky.
wirrpirr���coverb. 1�•�flap. Kimin wirrpirr ja manpurrwa. ‘The material is flapping (on the line).’ Category:�Change stance.
2�•�scratch about. Kinymin wirrpirr kalakalak. ‘The hen is scratching about.’ Category:�Hunting.
pitjik���coverb. shake out, like when you shake the crumbs off the tablecloth. Category:�Manipulation.
pirt���coverb. take out of. Wularrut innyakat pirt iyayik. ‘He has taken the bone out already.’ See:�pirtpirt�‘slither’. Category:�Manipulation.
punim���coverb. 1�•�overturn. Innyakan punim. ‘He overturned it.’ Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�bend over. Syn:�purup. Category:�Change stance.
purup���coverb. 1�•�bend over. Anmina purup. ‘You bend over’. Syn:�punim. Category:�Change stance.
2�•�sleep a night, camp. Category:�Sleep.
3�•�put down, put into lying position. Mamputpan purup putmanta. ‘They put the case on its base (from a standing position on its side)’. Iwutpan purup ja warranyngiw. ‘They laid the child down.’ Kamannyutpa purup. ‘The grass falls over (at the end of the wet season)’. See:�kinnyutpa�‘put down, write down’. Category:�Manipulation.
4�•�lower pitch in song. Arriwanutpa purup parak. ‘We go down in pitch.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke.
put1���interjection. put it there! put it down! Variant:�children's talk. See:�kinnyutpa�‘put’. Category:�Language, Manipulation.
put2���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�close, bang. Angmaj put. ‘It's closed (e.g. the shop)’. Kangma put ‘Close / It closed (door)’. Or ngungayawng ta kurrampalk kangma put. ‘I saw the house was closed.’ See:�kima�‘auxiliary verb’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�close. Kanima put. ‘He closes the door.’ Ngungpanama put wu. ‘I'll lock them in.’ Pulikang ngawunpanalunta la ngapamurntulku wu ngungpanama put ‘We fence in the cows and block them in and lock them in.’ See:�wutput�‘close properly (coverb)’. Syn:�kamannyatpalan. Category:�Manipulation, Manipulation.
Restrict:�LL object3�•� Naka ja nganykarrarr animaj put kirrk. ‘Those mangroves were very thick.’ Category:�Arrangement, General terms.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�wait. Angpanima put. ‘He's waiting for him.’ Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.
wutput���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�close. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�close properly. Ta kangma wutput ta animany wutput kirrk murnin nakapa ngili kamurtpin. ‘It was all closed. he sealed the house up completely because they were frightened of the mosquitoes.’ Category:�Manipulation.
wutput���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�close. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�close properly. Ta kangma wutput ta animany wutput kirrk murnin nakapa ngili kamurtpin. ‘It was all closed. he sealed the house up completely because they were frightened of the mosquitoes.’ Category:�Manipulation.
tawktawk���coverb. shake. Parlangkit iniwuning tawktawk. ‘He was shaking the blanket.’ Category:�Manipulation.
tiyip���coverb. 1�•�go down little by little. Ja arrarrkpi kilatpa tiyip. ‘He went down (a slope, or down from a tree, not just towards coast or in water)’. Ja manpurrwa kilatpa tiyip. ‘The piece of clothing falls down (e.g. skirt that's too big)’. Inyjatpan tirij jita muwarn. ‘The sun went down.’ Category:�Vertical motion.
2�•�go down. Kerra tiyipka. ‘He's going down, e.g. a cliff’. Category:�Vertical motion.
3�•�bring down, bring towards coast. Innyakan tirip parak. ‘He brought her down to the coast.’ La apakan tirip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the height of the house.’ Awunpaka tirip pata warramumpik la warra punyikarlu. ‘The took everybody down to the shore, the women, children and old people.’ See:�kimirawn�‘sing’. Category:�Manipulation.
4�•�make lower. La apakan tiyip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the house’. Category:�Manipulation.
rtap���coverb. 1�•�explode. Iwany rtap. ‘It exploded.’ Category:�General.
2�•�pop out. Wanyji ngulamngulam la mamit rtap mata wun. ‘Close to morning his eyes popped out.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
3�•�break. Ara iniwung rtap ngartu! ‘Oh, he broke my (belonging)!’ Ipijipij ja karrkpin naka karriwu rtapartap. ‘Ipijipij is what we say when we break something into pieces.’ See:�ipijipij�‘pieces’. Category:�General change of state.
4�•�get and break. Awungurrinang la awuniwuning igarnpa, awunimurnanganyang awunimangung rtap. ‘They were running and he was hitting them with his tail, bringing them back and breaking them up.’ Category:�General change of state, Manipulation.
5�•� Inimany rtap. ‘He ate it, including eating nuts and cracking them open with your mouth.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.
6�•�break by kicking. Innyarlukpan rtap. ‘He broke it by kicking it.’ Category:�Strike or chop.
Restrict:�LL object 6�•�slip. Parang la awunyjilinang malany annyarlukpanrtap ja Yumparrparr. ‘As they fought Yumparrparr slipped.’ angpannyarlukpa rtap wanji nuyu Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Movement relating to fixed point.
7�•�bite into something (e.g. bush peanut), breaking it open with a noise. Apumanpunik rtap la akin akinkangung. ‘They bit on them and it made a sound.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.
rtapartap���coverb. keep on breaking, break completely. Iniwung rtapartap. ‘He broke it into pieces.’ Category:�General change of state.
rturrk���coverb. 1�•�give a tug. kiwani rturrk. ‘P.2 ; He gave it a tug.’ Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�drag. Iwumany amit rturrka ‘They grabbed it and dragged it.’ Kimit rturrk. ‘He pulls something’. Imirturrka inilatiny. ‘He pulls it close to the dinghy and puts it in.’ Category:�Manipulation.
3�•�pull. Nakapa kinima rturrk. ‘He is pulling it along.’ Inyngama rturrk la inyamin. ‘They're pulling on each other ('s hair).’ Kumanyi rturrk nuwu ja mutika. ‘Move your car out of the way.’ Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�GEN subject 4�•�get very hot. Kunngawany rturr. ‘You got very hot.’ Kunngawany rturrk jita muwarn. ‘You got really hot from the sun.’ See:�muwarn�‘sun’. Category:�Discomfort and pain.
rturrkrturrk���coverb. 1�•� Nganawani rturrkrturrk. ‘I will keep on pulling myself (in order to get out of my stuck position).’ Kiwani rturrkrturrk la yamin. ‘They are pulling on opposite ends of something (like in tug-of-war)’. Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�keep on pulling. Kinima rturrkrturrk. ‘He's pulling’. See:�wirrngak�‘breath’. Category:�Manipulation.
3�•�(small fish) keep eating bait off hook without getting hooked. Category:�Illness.
rturrkrturrk���coverb. 1�•� Nganawani rturrkrturrk. ‘I will keep on pulling myself (in order to get out of my stuck position).’ Kiwani rturrkrturrk la yamin. ‘They are pulling on opposite ends of something (like in tug-of-war)’. Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�keep on pulling. Kinima rturrkrturrk. ‘He's pulling’. See:�wirrngak�‘breath’. Category:�Manipulation.
3�•�(small fish) keep eating bait off hook without getting hooked. Category:�Illness.
warpar���coverb. taking down things from up high and putting them together, like clothes on a line or fruits from a tree. See:�par�‘slip’. Category:�Manipulation.
wirirrwirirr���coverb. shake (a tree to cause fruit to fall). Arrkpana arrkanayan mata warlk mata kurnpi kayirrk la arrkpanamin wirirrwirirr kayirrk la manawarlkanyi ta akijalk. ‘We will go and look at the kurnpi tree and shake it and (cause) the fruit to fall.’ Category:�Manipulation.
wurrurru���coverb. Restrict:�LL object rock to sleep. Wurupurup karrpin pu "Ma kungpuni wurrurru". ‘Sometimes we say to them "Rock him to sleep".’ Kangawun wurrurru, ‘she is rocking him to sleep, comforting him’. Kangawun wurrurru nuyu/ngaw. ‘She rocks him to sleep.’ See:�wurru�‘make people feel sorry for oneself’. Category:�Manipulation, Sleep.
yakjak���coverb. shake. Kayirrk la kamin yakjak. ‘Then they winnow it.’ See:�wirrak�‘wheat’. Category:�Manipulation.
yaw���coverb. 1�•�immerse, soak, water (plant). Wenat apakangung jaw. ‘They were soaking (the yams).’ Jukapa kinypani ta kakaka yaw yurnu, tuka wurl. ‘This one's sitting and paddling her feet, in the billabong.’ Ta kinjapurr ta karrkpelkpin mira wuwukuwuk karriwaka yaw ja pipij tuka wupaj akut. ‘The kinjapurr is when we get very hot, its hot, and we dip the baby in water frequently.’ Note: Coverb and verb stressed like one word Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�VE object 2�•�cast nets or fishing line. See:�wakij�‘line fish’.
yawyaw���coverb. soak. Category:�Hunting, Items for fishing.
yurlngarrjurlngarr���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�water be everywhere, for example because of a spill or a leak. Kangmin yurlngarrjurlngarr. ‘Water's spilled everywhere.’ Category:�Arrangement.
2�•�crush up, break into little pieces. Yara ja kakurl wurlumunwurlumun kayirrk la ngarrima yurnu ngarru ngarriwun yurlngarrjurlngarr. ‘Sometimes the sugar is lumpy then we take it in our hands and break it up.’ See:�jurlngarr�‘melt, soften’; yurlirr�‘melt, soften’. Category:�Manipulation, Arrangement.
Parent category: