

iwajinypajiyi���iv. break. arrkajinypajiyi., iwajinypajiny, iwajinypajiyi. Ya, anpajinypajiyi namararri kunima. ‘You might be injured or become seriously ill.’ Yanat iwajinypajiyi. ‘not sure exactly’. See:�iwajiyinybreak. Category:�General.

iwajiyiny���iv. 1�•�break. Tuka ta nuyi nujigi anpajiyiny ‘Your tooth is broken.’ Marnti nuyi iwajiyiny. ‘You might break it.’ Malililut mata warlk, kamawajiyi. ‘The wood is soft (rotten), it's falls apart (when you touch it).’ See:�iwajinypajiyibreak; inimungkurrukpubreak neck; kinnyukpunbreak; inypajiyiny kirrwarashellfish type. Category:�General, Physical disability and injury.

Restrict:�LL subject 2�•�border exist. kangpajiyin ‘there's a border (between the land of two clans)’. Category:�Walking, Social responsibilities and events.

kaniwurulkpun���tv. Restrict:�LL object clean up area, house, yard, clean area outside by clearing vegetation. Ngungpawurulkpun. I will clean up.; Kaniwurulkpukpun., Kangawurulkpukpun.. Angkuwurulkpung mampakan mampulalkukunyapa mata nakawkapa mata nganykarrarr. ‘They cleaned up, cut them down and then cut them up into small pieces, all those mangroves.’ Angkuwurulkpukpuning. ‘They cleaned up every camp.’ Kangpuwurulkpun kunak. ‘They keep the place clean (translation of a sign for council)’. Category:�General.

keranymin���iv. become different. Category:�General.

kertjirtpun���iv. skin peel off, as snake sheds its skin. Arukin yartjirtpung. ‘The snake has shed its skin.’ Ampijinangapa yartjirtpuning. ‘Then he's laughing and sheds his skin (a baby).’ Karrrartjirtpun ta arrkiri. ‘Our skin peels off.’ See:�kinnyartjirtpunpeel off. Category:�General, Other.

kilangan���iv. 1�•�Do on own initiative, do what you feel like doing. Kiwanipa, kilanganapa ke. ‘He sits for a long time then he feels like going.’ Kinyjanganapa kinyarra warak. ‘She feels like it so she goes off.’ Marrik ankangay. ‘You are not doing it on your own initiative.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Desire, General.

2�•� Nuwurri kurrungpurrun jita warramumpik ta kinyalkpa ja warrayngiw nakapa kinnyiwunpun werrk warrwakapa la kapalkpa ta atjak la kinyjangen mirayu. ‘�€š�„úYou(plural) know how a woman who bears a child has ( early) labour pains first and afterwards suffering comes and she has severe labour pains.�€š�„ù’. See:�kinnyenpierce. Category:�Reproduction, Discomfort and pain.

kimalngkawun���iv. change within, become different. Imalngkawuny aniyarruning ta nungmalal. ‘He changed to follow that which is good.’ Nuka ja kapin kimalngkawun nakapa marrik koyanyjing apa kungmuy. ‘That man's changed and you can't hardly recognise him.’ Pa aniwurrung "A, ngungpurrun arrarrkpi yara imalngkawuyi." ‘Then he thought "Oh, it could be a person who's changed themselves into a buffalo."’ See:�kimirlkpungenchange in appearance; kinimalngajpunmake more of something. Category:�General.

kimirlkpungen���iv. 1�•�turn around, Kangmirlkpungen ta kunak. ‘The earth's turning.’ Kapin kanmirlkpungen kun kirrwara. ‘You turned your back to him (while he was talking to you)’. apirlkpungakenangapa ‘The wind turned around’. See:�kingulkpurlngaturn around; kiwlie, sleep; kiwunbe. Category:�Change stance.

2�•�change in appearance. Karlurri amilkpungeny apa karlurri yirrik ajirrik nakapa wiyiniyirrk arrarrkpi. ‘They became birds, for a long time they were people.’ Warramumpik inymirlkpungeny ninypalu. ‘The woman's appearance changed (ie. she is expecting a baby).’ See:�kapinlike, similar; kimalngkawunchange. Category:�General.

3: kangmirlkpungen�•� Kayirrk warrwak apa la, ta warrwak angmirlkpungeny pu wanji pa warlk mampulalkuny mata kantaji awk. ‘And later on they got the idea of cutting down all those hollow trees.’ Angmirlkpungenypu wanji. Kayirrkapa kampuwakpi arawirr. ‘They changed their minds. Now they play didjeridoo.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

kimurranymin���iv. become big, grow. Imurranyminy ja pinana. ‘The bananas have grown.’ Malany naka kayirrk putarr tuka arrarangpi wularrut amurranymekpiny wimun amalkpany jalaga pa kayirrk la iniyarlmany mirnta yamin. ‘When years back we went along, long ago when the kids had grown up big, after they came into adulthood. After that he got old and died’. See:�kinimurranymarear, bring up; kimurntulmurranymindistended. Category:�Automatic actions, General.

kiningajpun���tv. sharpen. Kungajpuni ngarrurru ja waliman. ‘Sharpen the axe for us.’ Category:�General.

kiningartpulati���Restrict:�MA object tv. turn off the power, power go off (on its own). Category:�General change of state, General.

Restrict:�VE object 2: kamaningartpulati�•�tv. put out fire, turn off stove. Kamaningartpulatiki mata yungku. ‘He's putting out the fire.’ kungartpulatja ‘used when telling someone to put out a fire’. Category:�Fire, Cooking.

kiningurlyakpa���tv. make important, presentable. Kungurlyakpany ta kunak. ‘You have made the place very presentable.’ See:�ingurlyakimportant; kingurlyakpinbecome important. Category:�General, Goodness.

kiniwunpun���tv. hit repeatedly, knock, ring bell. katiwunpun he is knocking (on a door). Kiniwunpun ja bell. ‘The church bell is ringing.’ See:�kiniwunhit. Category:�Strike or chop.

Restrict:�MA subject 2: kinyiwunpun�•�tv. contractions make themselves felt. Warramumpik kinyiwunpun. ‘A woman feels contractions.’ Ja warranyngiw wularrutapa kinywunpun jita nigi. Kanimiyarma iwalurrangken. ‘The child is now causing the mother pain. He wants to be born.’ Nuwurri kurrungpurrun jita warramumpik ta kinyalkpa ja warrayngiw nakapa kinnyiwunpun werrk warrwakapa la kapalkpa ta atjak la kinyjangen mirayu. ‘�€š�„úYou(plural) know how a woman who bears a child has ( early) labour pains first and afterwards suffering comes and she has severe labour pains.�€š�„ù’. Category:�General. Note: Means woman feels pain in her stomach and back. Not used for baby kicking.

kiniyarrun���tv. 1�•�follow, chase. Iniyarruning. ‘He was following him.’ Awuniluriny. Warrwak imalkpanyka. Awuniluriny. Warrwak Awuniyarrungka ‘He's the youngest son. He's the one who came after (all the others).’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object.

Usage:�object is track or route 2�•�take a particular route, follow a track. Pa angpuyarruning parak ajputajput. ‘They followed a beach route.’ Ta nungmatpa alan inyi kurrungjarrun. ‘Don't take the other road.’ Tuka ta alan arrungpayarrun. ‘We'll take this road.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

3�•�go after something, go for. Apuyarruning ta kurnpi. ‘They were going after wild plums.’ yuran maniyarruning parak mata warral ‘he went to the Warral tree (planning to chop it down)’. La ngungpurrun ngapi ngeyarrukuning ja warrwak. ‘But maybe I like the younger brother.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Hunting, Desire.

4�•�become like. Kingayarrun kirrk waryat. ‘It camouflages itself (follows the rocks: a stone fish)’. See:�kiwnminbe similar. Category:�General.

kingunjanymin���iv. become black, dirty. Kiwuwunya pa kingunjanymin ja warranyngiw . ‘They smoke him and the child's skin darkens.’ Ingunjanyminy ngartu ja manpurrwa. ‘My clothes are dirty.’ anngujanymin ‘you've gone black’. See:�nungunjiblack, dark; kiningunjanymadirty, blacken. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

kiwartawkunjilin���iv. 1�•�mixed together. -wartawkunjilin, iwartawkunjiliny it's all mixed together. See:�kinnyartawkunadd onto; kiniwartawnadd together; kiniwinyjamamix together; awkcolours of paint mixing together, or becoming part of a family, for example becoming an in-law. Category:�General.

Restrict:�PL subject 2: kawartawkunjilin�•�mix together, join together into one group, they took him into their family, they match, they are equal. For example, sheep and cows mixed together in the one group, people from the mainland and here are all mixed together, the different tribes.With human plural subject means 'they joined together' for example when two groups of people are walking along separate roads, then meet up and keep walking along together. ngartpartakawjilinka ‘Join together as family’. Wakapa awartawkunjilinang awaning. ‘They lived there together as a group.’ Syn:�kiwarntarrkanyjilin. Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�VE subject 3: kamawarntawkunjilin�•�a grove of trees, a group of trees growing close together. Category:�General terms.

Restrict:�LL subject 4: kangparntawkunjilin�•�roads running parallel or nearly parallel. See:�kangparrkparnjilinbranching off road or path; kawartpanyjilinthey are meeting. Category:�Land features.

kiwrrurtpin���iv. cook, ripen, become ready. murrurtpiny become ripe. Ja pinana wularrut yurrurtpiny. ‘The banana is now ripe.’ Mata mawelkpiny, or murrurtpiny. ‘Wood that is dried out or ready (to be good for something).’ See:�yurrurtripe, cooked. Category:�Cooking, General.

kiwun���iv. 1�•�be. Kiwun numinyjiny. ‘He likes to live a peaceful life.’ Ngawun ngaminyjiny. ‘I am satisfied.’ Note: All examples have occured with adjective numinyjiny to date.

2�•�change in appearance or nature. Anth: For example, when dreamtime people changed into birds, in the Wurakak story. Also when people get fat, or if they get nasty. Also if people pretend to be different or when they act as in a play. pata arrarrkpi, pata karlurriyawk kayirrkapa awungapa awarranapa awungapa kapin karlurri akut. ‘those people, who are birds now. They stayed there and they went around like people but they were still birds.’ kiwun(ju) kapin palanta ‘he's acting like a balanda (said as a tease)’. Iwung(ju) kapin wurakak. ‘He changed into a crow.’ See:�kimirlkpungenturn around; kiwa little of. Category:�General.

Restrict:�LL subject 3: kangpun�•�time of day marker. Angpung arukaruk. ‘It was late afternoon.’ Kangpun arukaruk arrpana kiyap. ‘Every afternoon we go fishing.’ Kangpun manya kiw. ‘Whenever there's a funeral.’ Category:�Daily.


mamarlintuny���iv. break off, break apart. e.g. umbilical cord dry and come off, rope break. Mamarlintuny mata muki ‘The bit of umbilical cord breaks off.’ See:�kingamarlintunbe blown or moved by wind. Category:�General.

ngurlungurlu���coverb. become bigger, fatter. Kurrayanti ja warranyngiw kerra ngurlungurlu warak. ‘See how that child is getting bigger.’ See:�iwurrajfat, big. Category:�General, Size and weight.

pujuk���noun. sharp. Pujuk ja wanjawak. ‘The knife is sharp.’ Pujuk murlu. ‘(It has a) pointy face (about a fish).’ See:�pulblunt, rounded. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

rtap���coverb. 1�•�explode. Iwany rtap. ‘It exploded.’ Category:�General.

2�•�pop out. Wanyji ngulamngulam la mamit rtap mata wun. ‘Close to morning his eyes popped out.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

3�•�break. Ara iniwung rtap ngartu! ‘Oh, he broke my (belonging)!’ Ipijipij ja karrkpin naka karriwu rtapartap. ‘Ipijipij is what we say when we break something into pieces.’ See:�ipijipijpieces. Category:�General change of state.

4�•�get and break. Awungurrinang la awuniwuning igarnpa, awunimurnanganyang awunimangung rtap. ‘They were running and he was hitting them with his tail, bringing them back and breaking them up.’ Category:�General change of state, Manipulation.

5�•� Inimany rtap. ‘He ate it, including eating nuts and cracking them open with your mouth.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.

6�•�break by kicking. Innyarlukpan rtap. ‘He broke it by kicking it.’ Category:�Strike or chop.

Restrict:�LL object 6�•�slip. Parang la awunyjilinang malany annyarlukpanrtap ja Yumparrparr. ‘As they fought Yumparrparr slipped.’ angpannyarlukpa rtap wanji nuyu Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Movement relating to fixed point.

7�•�bite into something (e.g. bush peanut), breaking it open with a noise. Apumanpunik rtap la akin akinkangung. ‘They bit on them and it made a sound.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.

rtapartap���coverb. keep on breaking, break completely. Iniwung rtapartap. ‘He broke it into pieces.’ Category:�General change of state.

wurlurlu���adverb. until. Awaningan wurlurlu inyuryiliny jita muwarn. ‘They stayed there until the sun set.’ Wurlurlu awaninganapa inymalkpany wu ja jarrang. ‘They sat long enough until the horse came up to them.’ Category:�Activity manner.

coverb. 1�•�grow, become big. Kerra wurlurlu warak ja ingijalk ja pinana. ‘The banana fruit is growing bigger.’ Category:�General, Size and weight.

2�•�take hold of, embrace, capture. Inimany wurlurlu, innyakan. ‘He grabbed him around the middle and threw him down.’ Yimurnanganyangapa yilatpakpanyapa yiwumany wurlurlupa pata warra mijmij. ‘Then he was returning and coming down, and the sandflies captured him.’ Jita warrawurnji inyimany ja arrarrkpi, inyimany arrarrkpi. ‘The man grabbed the girl, he embraced her.’ Note: Not hug though, just grabbing around her. See:�kiniwuyatpihold in arms. Category:�Holding, sticking.

Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�feel pain in the stomach. Atiwany walij pa yalyungan iniwuning wurlurlu. ‘He ate some food and then he felt a pain in his stomach.’ Category:�Sickness.

Restrict:�MA subject 4�•�feel the desire for revenge. Nakapa ja arrarrkpi nakapa ngeyan nganiwun wurlurlu nuyu malanypi la ngiwanawun. ‘That man I see I feel something, revenge against him and later on I will kill him (because 2 to 3 years ago he killed my brother).’ See:�arrarrcoverb, have diarrhoea. Category:�Hate, anger. Note: oblique object pronoun probably only used with second sense

wurlupurlup���coverb. 1�•�bathe, swim. Naka marryun kili wurlupurlup. ‘The boy is bathing.’ Yunyi kanti wurlupurlup warak la kuntang marnngalk. ‘Don't swim out too far or you might drown.’ Inyi kuti wurlupurlup ‘Don't swim!’ See:�wurlpurltie up canoes and leave them in the water. Category:�Motion relating to water.

2�•�water boil, be hot and bubble. See:�purlupbe in water. Category:�General.

yurlirr1���coverb. 1�•�melt, soften. Kimin jurlirr ja murrkaj. ‘The butter is melted.’ Angminy jurlirr. ‘It melted.’ Category:�General, Properties of surface.

2�•�(dead animal) swell up. Kimit jurlirr. ‘It's all swollen up (dead animal).’ See:�jurlngarrmelt, soften; yurlngarrjurlngarrcrush.

yurlirrjurlirr���coverb. break up, soften up. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

yurlirrjurlirr���coverb. break up, soften up. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

Parent category:
