Dreamtime names
Inkarnarrk���noun. name of a rainbow serpent. See:�Karringitpalka�‘Rainbow Serpent’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Iwaja���noun. Iwaidja. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Karringitpalka���noun. Monster, or specifically Rainbow serpent. This word is also used for dinosaurs and other monsters seen on TV. See:�arukin�‘serpent’; Inkarnarrk�‘name of a rainbow serpent’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
kortaweli���noun. monster name. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Kunaviji���noun. Kunaviji. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Kunmarung���name. used by Kunwinyku and Kunbarlang people to refer to Mawng people and or their language. Variant:�Kunwinjku; Kunbarlang. Usage:�Not really a Mawng word, more a Kunbarlang or Kunwinjku word. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Kunparlang���noun. Kunbarlang people, Kunbarlang language. Variant:�Kunbarlang. Syn:�walang. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Kunwinyku���noun. Kunwinjku language. Anth: Used by Kunwinjku people to described their language and their group of people. Neyngku is the usual Mawng word used for this. Nawinyku is used more to name people who are traditional owners of a particular area of land. See:�Nawinyku�‘Traditional owner of an area of Neyngku country.’; Neyngku�‘Used by Mawng people to describe the Kunwinjku language and people’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Majakurtu���noun. one of the 5 tribes that originally lived on Warruwi and Weyerra. Along with Manangkarri, Warrarakuku, Warraneyitjij and Mangalara. Category:�Dreamtime names.
malalkukuj���noun. refers to the section of the Maung tribe whose homelands are North and South Goulburn Island. Category:�Dreamtime names.
mamunpun���noun. term meaning 'large eye', refers to a dreamtime being. See:�mamun�‘very big’; wun�‘eye’. Variant:�vulgar term. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Manangkari���name. part of the Maung tribe which belongs to South Goulburn Island. See:�Maningkali�‘clan name’. Category:�Dreamtime names. Anth: according to old people, they had a separate language to Mawng.
Maningkali���noun. clan name. See:�Manangkari�‘Part of the Maung tribe which belongs to South Goulburn Island’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Manyjulnguny���noun. clan name. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Mangalara���name. one of the first two clans on Warruwi, one of the five clans now on Warruwi. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Mangarnawal���name. part of the Maung tribe whose homeland is Sandy Creek, Wajpi country. Category:�Dreamtime names.
marrarawk���noun. 1�•�forked lightning. Marrarawk aniwung ta waryat awuniwung kirrk ja marrarawk pata warra mijmij. ‘The lightning hit the stone and hit all the sandflies.’ Category:�Sky.
2�•�this is man with a stone axe who strikes and often 'cuts' things right through, eg. tree. See:�maru�‘lightning flashing’; turuy�‘distant thunder rumbling’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
marrarawk jang���noun. special coral you don't want to hit when you're out in your boat because if you do you will disturb Marrarawk and lightning will hit you. The coral looks like a man. pani warrkpi. See:�jang�‘special place’. Category:�Landscape, Supernatural.
Mawng���noun. Mawng, Maung, Mawung. Category:�Dreamtime names.
mayali���noun. knowledge, wisdom, understanding. Ja nuwarlkparrakan kamannyetpi mayali. ‘The old man he's got wisdom.’ Kamangatpi malijap mata mayali. ‘She has a little knowledge.’ Marrik anmatpi mira mata mayali. ‘You can't understand that knowledge (what old people say to young people when they are arguing)’. See:�mali�‘memories’; wularri�‘meaning’; ngaralk�‘tongue, word, language’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�noun. language name for some types of Bininj Gun-wok. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Kamanima mayali���idiom. explain, enlighten. Manimany mayali wu ja wurrwurr. ‘The young person understood them.’ Manimangung mayali. ‘He was talking and everybody listened.’ Category:�Language.
Mayinaj���noun. name of man who killed giant on North Goulburn, used as man's name too. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Mayinjinaj���noun. group of people whose country extends from King River area to Junction Bay. Their language is Mawng. Category:�Dreamtime names. Anth: In the early days they gave and received wives from the Malalkukuj (Island) group, not so much from the Sandy Creek (Mangarnawal, Ngurtikin) people.
Mayrulij���name. one of the five clans on Warruwi, they came after the first two: Mangalara and Murawn. Category:�Dreamtime names.
mimi���noun. 1�•�rib. Mawajiyiny nuyu mata mimi. ‘His rib is broken.’ See:�inimi�‘lower back’; nimi�‘buttocks’. Category:�Organs and torso.
2�•�side of the road. Takapa mimi ngaw ta alan. ‘That is the side of the road.’ See:�mirkawk�‘one side of road’. Category:�Location and distance.
3�•�mimi spirit. imurra ja mimi ‘there are many carved mimi figures (in the arts centre)’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Murrawn���noun. one of the first two clans on Warruwi. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Muwani���noun. Name of monster in story Muwani. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Namarrawanyja���name. one of the five clans on Warruwi, came after the first two: Mangalara and Murawn. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Nawinyku���noun. traditional owner of an area of Neyngku country. See:�Kunwinyku�‘Used by Kunwinjku people to described their language and their group of people.’. Syn:�Neyngku. Category:�Dreamtime names.
nayikjik���noun. tall hairy bushman who must not be touched or leprosy will result. Category:�Dreamtime names. Anth: One is said to have been killed at Wajpi and another at Warruwi.
Neyngku���noun. used by Mawng people to describe the Kunwinjku language and people. See:�Kunwinyku�‘Used by Kunwinjku people to described their language and their group of people’; Nawinyku�‘Traditional owner of an area of Neyngku country’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Ngurtikin���noun. tribe, people, language of Sandy Creek, Brogden Point, Malay Bay area. Category:�Dreamtime names.
warra Ngurtikin���phrase. same as far as I can tell, just explicit plural form. Category:�Dreamtime names.
warra Ngurtikin���phrase. same as far as I can tell, just explicit plural form. Category:�Dreamtime names.
palanta���noun. 1�•�a non-aboriginal who is not Macassan. Category:�Dreamtime names. See:�nuna�‘non-Aboriginal woman’.
2�•�English language. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Pirtpartpukpuj���noun. name of a giant in a story. Category:�Dreamtime names. Note: This name is spoken quickly to give it an exotic feel and there seems to be a lot of variation in how it is pronounced. The inital /p/ is often dropped. The second /p/ may sound more like /j/ andn the final /j/ can be also /ny/.
Piwupiwuk���noun. monster name. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Walang���noun. Mawng word used to describe Kunbarlang people or language. Syn:�Kunparlang. Category:�Dreamtime names.
warramurungunji���noun. ancestor who showed people how to use hot sand for warming ceremonies and medical purposes. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Warrangeyitjij���name. Warruwi clan. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Warrarakuku���name. Warruwi clan. Category:�Dreamtime names.
witjin���noun. 1�•�march fly, a type of biting fly that is a similar size and appearance to a normal fly. See:�muntamunta�‘march fly (big)’. Category:�Insects.
2�•�group of people. Anth: The witjin group of people come from around Alligator River. Category:�Dreamtime names. Note: Also totem related to waryat section but slightly different.
Wunguk���noun. 1�•�Tiwi person. Puka pata tuwuran Wunguk. ‘These people come from Wunguk.’ Category:�Dreamtime names.
2�•�country of the Tiwi people: Bathurst and Melville Islands, Nguiu. Category:�Place names.
Yalama���name. one of the five clans on Warruwi, came after Mangalara and Murawn. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Yanyma���noun. dog name. Category:�Dreamtime names.
yurrumu���noun. patrilineal name. See:�namanamaj�‘patrilineal clan’; nguya�‘patrilineal clan’. Category:�Dreamtime names, family, inc moieties.
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