
T - t

ta���art. 1�•�noun class marker for LL, ED. Apuyarruning ta kurnpi. ‘They were going after wild plums.’

2�•�functions as article for those referents which are not marked for gender such as first and second person referents. Ngapi ta ngamalal ta marrik nginypuni la kiki yirrik ngamina. ‘I'm good, I didn't hurt her or do anything like that.’ Arrkinkanyi jita nigi la ja mayakpu, ngapi ta ngamalal. ‘I didn't fight with her father and mother, I'm good.’

3�•�nominalizer of verbs and clauses. Parang la muj ngarrartayantung ta awarnting ta aparlkparrantung nukang inymarlirrinymikpinang. ‘However, we could also see (the wild plums) hanging there, white ones, which ones were shining (ie. the ripe ones).’ La pata tuwuran kani akut taka ta awaningju marlakan awunginkangung. ‘Those that belonged to this island, that were staying here, they talked slowly.’ Note: Occasionally used for human groups.


5�•�code used to mark ta's whose function is unclear.

ta arryakan ja kurrana���adverb. earlier, an earlier time. Ta awunnyukikiyang ta awuyamangung ta arryakan ja kurrana ta nungmalal yirrk angminy. ‘The work experience program held earlier this year was very popular.’ See:�kinnyaka kurranameasure of time. Category:�Longer.

ta kikiga���part. what time, when? Kiki la kungeniny ta ngurrij pa apurnungani tuka kunak. ‘When do you want to go home? (lit: How many days until you want to go back home?)’ Nuyi kiki ta ngurrij kungeni. ‘What day do you want? (to go back)’. Kiki kampuma kit, warntatarr? ‘When are they carrying it, daytime?’ See:�kikihow, what. Category:�Longer, Language.

ta ngatpalkany kirrka���phrase. we, the new generation. Kayirrk ta ngatpalkpany kirrka naka ngatpin marrmarr murnin kayirrk apa mamalkpanyka mata palanta nuyu mata yungku. ‘So when the new generation came up we were so excited that the whiteman brought us matches and lighters to show us.’ See:�yirrkpost-verbal particle, all, completive. Category:�Peoples and clans.

taka���dem. that. La pata tuwuran kani akut taka ta awaningju marlakan awunginkangung. ‘Those that belonged to this island, that were staying here, they talked slowly.’

takapa���dem. that place. Takapa ta kapatpi wurlk ngarrurru la marrik awunginkay arruntuwu. ‘They are sorry for us and will not fight us.’ See:�wakapa.

takan���coverb. throb. Kurlingka kanmin takan? ‘Is your (ear) throbbing?’ Syn:�rtungkut. Category:�Discomfort and pain.

takutaku���noun. pyramid Top Snail. Tectus pyramis, Trochis hanleyanus?. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kurtingkarr. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat and also good bait.

tanwok���crossreference. See:�tangokone who talks a lot.

tangok���noun. one who talks a lot. Variant:�A term used in Mawng; Kunwinyku; and Kunbarlang.. Category:�Peoples and clans.

tanguk���crossreference. See:�tangokone who talks a lot.

tapaka���dem. at that place, far away but in sight, ?that way. could be ref to a place or 3pl group Yamin tapaka ta kinyuryi muwarn. ‘He's that way to the west side’. Tapaka warak kiki yirrik kamin parak? ‘Where did the story go from there? What did they do?’ Category:�Location and distance.

tarrkal���noun. door. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

tarrngap���noun. precious, the last (bit left). Innyakan tarrngap. ‘He threw away the last bit left.’ tarrngap ngarrurru ‘our special thing, our really good thing’. Category:�Goodness.

tatken���noun. stone axe. See:�karramalkstone tomahawk; rlawkstone spearhead; walimanaxe. Category:�Tools, men's. Anth: The stone axe is featured in a traditional story on why there are two Goulburn Islands. It was this type of axe that the crow (Wurakak) used to chop down the tree.

tawktawk���coverb. shake. Parlangkit iniwuning tawktawk. ‘He was shaking the blanket.’ Category:�Manipulation.

taypaput���noun. pearling lugger. Category:�Other.

tipa���dem. there, middle distance, visible. See:�nipademonstrative; kapaover there. Category:�Location and distance.

tirip���crossreference. See:�tiyipgo down little by little.

tirr���coverb. 1�•�look for something. Naka anngarray tirr. ‘You might look for it.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

2�•�alive, awake. Naka kiwani tirr. ‘He is alive, awake.’ Category:�Sleep, Illness and death.

tirrk���coverb. shit. Kiwani tirrk. ‘He is shitting.’ Category:�Illness.

tiyip���coverb. 1�•�go down little by little. Ja arrarrkpi kilatpa tiyip. ‘He went down (a slope, or down from a tree, not just towards coast or in water)’. Ja manpurrwa kilatpa tiyip. ‘The piece of clothing falls down (e.g. skirt that's too big)’. Inyjatpan tirij jita muwarn. ‘The sun went down.’ Category:�Vertical motion.

2�•�go down. Kerra tiyipka. ‘He's going down, e.g. a cliff’. Category:�Vertical motion.

3�•�bring down, bring towards coast. Innyakan tirip parak. ‘He brought her down to the coast.’ La apakan tirip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the height of the house.’ Awunpaka tirip pata warramumpik la warra punyikarlu. ‘The took everybody down to the shore, the women, children and old people.’ See:�kimirawnsing. Category:�Manipulation.

4�•�make lower. La apakan tiyip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the house’. Category:�Manipulation.

tora���noun. other, another. Marrik muj awunpuning la wemin tuka toratora. ‘They didn't give them to all different people.’ Ngarrunimirrawuning ngarrunimirlkpungangung ta ngatpalu tora. ‘He changes us and makes our faces different.’ Ya ta tora ta ja kiyap apa ja really kiyap ja kiwirrka kinirrka ja mayakpu. ‘Sometimes the fish are really fish that they spear. The father spears it.’ See:�yarasome, other. Category:�Appearance.

tuka���dem. this. See main entry: nuka.

prep. to, on, at. Ngana tuka kunak. ‘I am going to the village.’ Arrkpururrk awk tuka karrpaju. ‘Scars occur where we get hurt.’ Nganaparru tuka kamin. buffalo ‘They do this for a buffalo.(make a particular handsign when they see one)’.

tumalalut���noun. good (people). Yara, tumalalut. ‘Some are good.’ Category:�Goodness. See:�numalalgood.

tumatpa���noun. others (human). See main entry: numatpa. Category:�Peoples and clans.

tumatpa wiwalu���idiom. people of another group. Category:�Peoples and clans. Pata tumatpa wiwalu awuranka ta kayirrk. ‘A different group of people have come now.’ See:�numatpaother, another one.

tumilinmilirriyut���noun. difficult (of performance). See:�numilinmilirridifficult (of performance). Category:�Play, perform, joke.

tuminyjinyut���noun. they are cowards, scared to fight, peaceful people. See main entry: numinyjiny. Category:�Hate, anger.

tumurrunti���noun. bad people. See:�numurruntibad or old.

tur���coverb. seriously ill. Kiw tur ja marryun. ‘The boy is seriously ill.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.

turuy���coverb. 1�•�rumbling of distant thunder. Anngalyunyi kiwani turuy. ‘Listen to the distant rumble of thunder.’ Iniwartpalwaniny kiwani turuy. ‘A thunderhead has developed from which there is distant thunder and lightning.’ See:�marrarawkforked lightning strike. Category:�Sky, Non language human voice sounds.

2�•�thunder make itself heard. Ngawaningan imit turuy. ‘I heard thunder.’ Category:�Sky, Rains.

3�•�cause thunder to occur by breaking traditional law? Katpun turuy, imajpunjing ying nungmatpa kunak awuniwu. ‘If we transgress, something bad will happen.’ Category:�Sky, General ritual.

tut���coverb. catch a large amount of fish. Kinima tut. ‘He is getting a large amount of fish.’ See:�tututkasun be high in sky. Category:�Other fish terms, Appearance.

tututka���coverb. the sun is high in the sky, like about 9 am. Also used for the moon. Kinymin tututka jita muwarn. ‘The sun is rising up (9 or 10 am)’. inyminang tututka jita muwarn ‘when the sun was already high in the sky’. Kimin tututka. ‘It's rising (the moon)’. See:�tutcatch many fish. Category:�Daily, Sky.

tuwarlkparrakanut���noun. old people, people from long ago. Category:�Peoples and clans. See main entry: nuwarlkparrakan.

tuwujirran���noun. a successful person. See:�kiniwujirrasmell. Category:�Peoples and clans.

tuwulwularrut���noun. ancestors, not dreamtime people, but earlier human people. See:�wularrutpularrutpeople from long ago; ngatpularrutgroup of people with the same moiety and totem; wularrutbefore; nuwulbe from. Category:�Peoples and clans.

tuwurnirri���noun. not having, possessing. See:�nuwurnirriwithout, not possessing. Category:�Holding, sticking.

tuwurnnyakut���noun. having, possessing. Category:�Holding, sticking. See main entry: nuwurnnyak.

tuwuran���noun. country people belong to. Category:�Peoples and clans. See main entry: nuwuran.