

ilatjilat���noun. Crinum lily. Crinum augustifolium, Crinum uniflorum. Variant:�Iwaidja: Marldarrajwajbarldarraj (C. uniflorum). Walurru iwulartpantung. ‘They used to smear it on to Stringbark (paintings).’ See:�yalamaritree orchid. Category:�Small plants, Supernatural, Tools, men's. Anth: If it is immersed in water it will bring rain and lightning. The inside of the round root has a glue-like substance used as a binding agent in bark painting.

jang���noun. a place of special significance, eg one related to certain species of animal life. Secret dreaming place where you shouldn't go as you you might cause something bad to happen. Syn:�nyunyuk. See:�iyarliyarlincrease centre; marrarawk jangspecial coral you don't want to hit when you're out in your boat because if you do you will disturb Marrarawk and lightning will hit you. The coral looks like a man.. Category:�Landscape, Supernatural.

kinimirlkun���tv. 1�•�sense by extrasensory perception that something is about to happen. Anth: When a child or baby gives a sign that someone is coming to visit from far away, for example by crying a lot. Also when someone knows that someone else is about to betray him. Used in Easter song cycle to say that when they had the last supper Jesus knew someone was going to betray him. Covers predicting good and bad events. Kinimirlkun. ‘Like somebody coming.’ Kinyimirlkun. ‘He senses a woman's coming.’ Kunmirlkung anngarrangungka. ‘I sensed you were coming.’ Category:�Supernatural.

Restrict:�VE object 2: kamanimilkun�•�moan, groan. Someone might say 'you pay me very quick' and he answers 'm-m-m-m' that is kamanimilkun. A type of crying that is like a soft moaning, unlike kiwurlkujpakpan that is a sobbing, interrupted by large gulps of air. manimilkung He groaned. Kamanimilkun kuyak nuyu. ‘He is moaning because of his illness.’ manimirlkukunang ‘he kept moaning’. Manimirlkukuning. ‘He moaned.’ See:�kimirlkunmoan, groan. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.

kiniyirntun���tv. 1�•�pull down, e.g. clothing from washing line. Category:�Manipulation.

2�•�sorcerer sing to stop rain. Category:�Supernatural.

3: kaniyirntun�•�be a woman's last child. angayirntuny she is the last child. ja aniyirntuny yanyjukapa ‘he was his mother's last child on the breast’. aniyirntuny yanyjuk ‘the last child (male)’. angayirtuny yanyjuk See:�aniwukpulmununythe last child of a certain gender who comes after many of the opposite gender. Category:�Ages.

kiniyirrmirawn���tv. sing person (magically), or sing rain. Iniyirrmirawng. ‘He sang him.’ Category:�Supernatural.

kiwurlkparlangken���iv. 1�•�get a shock (may be pleasant or unpleasant). iwurlkparlangkeny he was shocked, surprised; ngawurlkparlangkeny. Well yanatapa ja Wurakak la iwurlkparlangkekenang. ‘Well Crow got a real shock.’ Inyminy ngarrurru jita ninyparlkparrakan jara ja rrupiya iwanawi nuwurru. Kayirrk la ngatpurlkparlangkeny la ngatpiny marrmarr. ‘The old lady told us "the other money will come to you". Then we got a shock and we were pleased.’ Kawurlkparlangkeken. ‘They got a shock.’ Syn:�kiyalmalangken. Category:�fear, shock, surprise, Supernatural.

2�•�worry, be nervous, scared, feel uneasy. Category:�fear, shock, surprise.

kiwurntun���iv. have premonition, have a feeling related to what is happening to someone close to him. Kelyu tuka wurak naka kiwurntun ja yalkpany nuyu kerraga. ‘He feels in his stomach, that is he has a premonition, that his sister's son is coming.’ Category:�Supernatural.

kiyalmalangken���iv. 1�•�get a sudden fright, shock, surprise. Ingawawng manya kilangali inyjalmalangkeny. ‘She saw a spirit standing there and got a fright.’ Ngalyungan kinymaju jita nginymakan la ngalalmalangkeny. ‘I heard that my wife was ill and got a shock.’ See:�kiwurlkparlangkenget a shock. Category:�fear, shock, surprise.

2�•�sense inside. Kilalmalangkeken pa ngungpurrun kiwunmakpa. ‘He feels something in his body so maybe people are talking about him.’ Kinyinmalangkeken. ‘She felt something inside.’ See:�rtupijHave a premonition of something wrong. Category:�Supernatural.

manya���noun. 1�•�ghost, spirit. Category:�Supernatural.

2�•�a dead person including their body. Kimaju manya. ‘He is dead.’ ja manya ja imajungan ‘The person is dead.’ arrarrkpi ja kimaju. ‘a dead person’. See:�iyarlmuspirit of a living person. Category:�Illness and death.

marrarawk jang���noun. special coral you don't want to hit when you're out in your boat because if you do you will disturb Marrarawk and lightning will hit you. The coral looks like a man. pani warrkpi. See:�jangspecial place. Category:�Landscape, Supernatural.

marrgijpu���noun. 1�•�sorcerer, witchdoctor. Tribal medicine man who can work good or bad medicine. He is like a doctor, not like a mankarni. Category:�Peoples and clans. Usage:�used with kininyji for 'heal'

2�•�the knowledge a marrgijpu has of his type of sorcery. ta marrgij ta mankarni ‘used to refer to the two types of knowledge I think’. See:�mankarnisorcerer; pilpuaboriginal doctor. Category:�Supernatural.

murrkarterte���noun. 1�•�holding hands up stiffly towards a person with fingers and thumbs bent inwards. This is a 'debildebil' sign that someone has died or a spirit present. Nakapa ja arrarrkpi murrkarterte iminy ngartu la ngamurtpiny. ‘That man did the 'debildebil' sign to me and I was frightened.’ Category:�Supernatural, Non language human voice sounds.

2�•�star pattern on pandanus mats.

namarntulpiny���noun. spirit or ghost. Kurrayanti maniyitiny kerra warak ja namarntulpiny. ‘Look, the spirit man has lit (a fire-stick) and is going along there.’ Category:�Supernatural. Note: Refers to story of Yumparrparr who now shoots across the sky as a meteor. Anth: This term is not used to refer to deceased people.

napakarriwun���noun. sacred place, dreaming place. Yunyi karrarra warak tuka napakarriwun wanyji ngarrunarrikpay la ngarrimung. ‘We mustn't go close to sacred places or we will be destroyed.’ See:�naparrarrusacred site. Category:�Supernatural, Landscape.

naparrarru���noun. sacred site. See:�napakarriwunsacred site. Category:�Supernatural, Landscape.

ninyjarlmu���noun. spirit. See main entry: iyarlmu. Category:�Supernatural.

numurrpikpin���noun. afraid or causes fear. A person that is frightened of something or a fearful animals such as one that is too afraid to come near. ninymurrpikpin, nungmurrpikpin, tumurrpikpin. Ngagarrak ta nungmurtpikpin kunak. ‘Ngagarrak (Cone Point) is a frightening place.’ See:�kinimurtpafear; kimurtpinafraid of, afraid for, worried about. Category:�Peoples and clans, fear, shock, surprise, Supernatural, Landscape.

nyunyuk���noun. a place that is very important for the well-being of the people, a sacred site. Only certain people can go there. Mata, mata nyunyuk mata warlk mata malangaling Warral. ‘A special tree was standing there, the Warral.’ Syn:�jang. Category:�Supernatural, Landscape, Peoples and clans.

rtupij���coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject have a premonition of something wrong. The person feels his heart beating 'like a clock' and knows that something has happened to a relation. Ngapi nganngawun rtupij. ‘I feel something will happen (to someone close to me).’ Kingawun rtupij. ‘He senses something is wrong, like his wife is having an affair or something.’ See:�kiyalmalangkensense inside. Category:�Supernatural.

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Ritual and socery