Place names

Place names

agaga���noun. place name on South Goulburn Island, near to Atjayik. Category:�Place names.

Alarrku���noun. Alarrku (place name). Category:�Place names.

Alwampi���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Alwaywi���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Amarnka���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Amartjitpalk���noun. Place name. Category:�Place names.

Anjumu���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Angpungijpa���noun. Watson's tree point. Category:�Place names.

Aryaryin���noun. on North Goulburn. Category:�Place names.

atjirr���noun. area west of Goulburn Island: Croker Island and Cape Don area. See:�imurlkarea to the east of Goulburn Island; ajirrlower flipper and half of one side of muli, the bottom part of the turtle.; walemfurther south than Gunbalanya, Oenpelli, from Warruwi. Category:�Place names.

Artagaj���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Awululk���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Awunngawanpany���noun. place on North Goulburn. Category:�Place names. Note: Literally 'she ate too much of them'

Awuwu���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Ilarlarri���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

ilurrngarni���noun. far away places. Often used to refer to cities down south which people visit such as Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane. Also covers anywhere overseas. Category:�Place names.

Ilyarru���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Iniwanpanyaliwi���noun. this is a point with mangroves growing on it, past Ilarlarri if you are coming from Martpalk but before Angpungijpa. Category:�Place names.

Intan���noun. probably a place on North Goulburn Island. Category:�Place names.

Inyalalkunymatay���noun. place on North Goulburn. Category:�Place names.

Inyparlmun���noun. outstation at Croker Island. Category:�Place names.

Iwaningornmilkirr���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Karlurrangken���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Karlwirruk���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Kumarrinymarriny���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Kumarterr���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Kunpalanya���noun. Oenpelli. Category:�Place names.

Lanka���noun. a place on the mainland which is a dangerous place, part of the story to do with the wrong-skin couple who marry. See:�wuyaksickness, soil. Category:�Place names.

Malawurak���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Malirrgu���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Mamalang���noun. place on North Goulburn Island. Category:�Place names.

Manawugan���noun. name of a point near Maningrida. Usage:�Maung people use this term to refer to Maningrida Settlement itself Category:�Place names.

Mankarutak���noun. Place name. Category:�Place names.

manturr-manturr���noun. place name of the special dreaming rock that is the stump of the Warral tree that the Crow chopped down. Note: These rocks can be seen near Awuwu when the water is calm and they shine white and blue, they sort of glow. It is a good fishing spot. Malany ta arryayanyjing ja kurrula kinimajpungku ta waryat kanyu purlup ta manturr-manturr wakapa ta kunak nuyu ja karrungpawurrun. ‘And you can see the rough patch of water where the tree was cut down.’ See:�marnturrkpajperson who walks a long way. Category:�Place names.

Manutpakpang���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Mangkirrulkpuj���noun. somewhere on Weyirra. Category:�Place names.

Mangkulalkuj���noun. Croker Island. See:�MinjilangCroker Island town. Category:�Place names.

Mangkulyuwu���noun. a billabong on the mainland. Category:�Place names.

Maringa���noun. 1�•�country around Cape Stewart. Wakapa tuka maringa kunak. ‘There in the Blyth River, Cape Stewart region.’ Category:�Place names.

2�•�refers to a person from the Blyth River, Cape Stewart Region. Punyi maringa arrarrkpi. ‘Father is a Cape Stewart man.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.

marrapirnta���noun. 1�•�pierced nasal septum. Category:�Head.

2�•�wood plug used in piercing the nasal septum and keeping it open. Syn:�iwijiwij. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.

3�•�place name, of tip where people camp at Wigu. Category:�Place names.

Martpalk���noun. the bay where the Warruwi community town is. Used to refer to the town too. Martpalk wungijalk ‘Area where council office and Nurse's house are is centre of this place name.’ Category:�Place names.

Minjilang���noun. township on Croker Island. See:�Kurrku minjlilangPlant type; mangkulalkujCroker Island. Category:�Place names.

Miwirl���noun. Place name. Category:�Place names.

Morralijpany���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

ngalyapanta���noun. 1�•�a forked piece of wood such as is used to make a bark shelter. Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.

2�•�buffalo horn. See:�larnngalkhorn. Category:�Mammals.

3�•�place name on the 'top side' of King River where the river forks out into smaller arms. Category:�Place names.

Ngarlungarlu���noun. Rock name. Category:�Place names. Note: Not a place name, a rock name.

Ngarlwiny���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

ngampi yirrik���noun. wherever, that place, I can't remember it's name. Ngampiyirrikpi wakapa nuyu ta kunak ‘He belongs to that area.’ used for minyngu ceremony, which may be nc3 ngampiwi yirrk ta waka ‘I'm not sure which places (or - some places)’. See:�ngampiwiwhere. Category:�Place names, Cognitive senses and attention.

Nganyamirnali���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Ngangkuluk���noun. bottle rock. Was cut in half by wurakak. Category:�Place names.

Ngayula���noun. place on Warruwi near to Wigu, see map. Category:�Place names.

Ngirtpin���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

piyung���noun. that place. Malany nakapa ta kani ta piyung ta kamin Mangkirrulkpuj ta Weyerra ta tuka Alarrku la wumarrk, wakapa waryat kanyu. ‘My ancestors were always telling me about those places: Mangkirrulkpuj on North Goulburn island, and over there Alarrku, and lower down (on the shore) where the rocks are still there.’ See:�impiyungwhat's his name?; ninyimpiyungwhat's her name; wuyangusual. Category:�Place names.

Wajpi���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

walaya���noun. 1�•�cliff. Category:�Large features.

2�•�cliff area of settlement at Warruwi. Category:�Place names.

Walpurnarra���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Wamarli���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

wamawun���noun. 1�•�Place/coral name. See:�yungiyirkplace name; waliwalicoral. Category:�Place names, Shellfish.

2�•�cancer. Category:�Sickness.

Wanjili���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Wangaran���noun. Murginella. Category:�Place names.

Warruwi���noun. South Goulburn Island. Category:�Place names.

Wartpen���noun. Simms island, a small island off South Goulburn Island. 'Nganurtin Wartpen' ‘I'll go ashore at Simms island.’ Category:�Place names.

Weyirra���noun. North Goulburn Island. Category:�Place names.

Weyirra akut���North, North side (literally: the direction of North Goulburn). Category:�Cardinal directions.

Wigu���noun. McPherson's point. Category:�Place names.

Wiyarla��� name of the area where the barge lands. Category:�Place names.

wulakpirij���noun. saltpan/swamp in north of Warruwi. See:�ilakpirijmouth. Category:�Place names.

wumanga���noun. 1�•�source of a creek. mamanga tree.part; apanga yam part. See:�wunimibend in a creek; mangawjphlegm; arrimangabereaved brother; kimangawuncough. Category:�Flowing water.

2�•�middle camp - the part of Martpalk town between shop and airstrip. Category:�Place names.

wumara���noun. near Cuthbert point. Category:�Place names.

wungarnpa���noun. 1�•�a leg of water. See main entry: igarnpa. Category:�Water bodies.

2�•�King River. Category:�Place names.

Wunguk���noun. 1�•�Tiwi person. Puka pata tuwuran Wunguk. ‘These people come from Wunguk.’ Category:�Dreamtime names.

2�•�country of the Tiwi people: Bathurst and Melville Islands, Nguiu. Category:�Place names.

wungurlaj���noun. name, of river or place. Category:�Place names. See main entry: ingurlaj.

wurrakak���noun. 1�•�Tor Rock. See:�wurakakcrow. Category:�Place names.

2�•�Kapok tree. Bombax ceiba. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wirril. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: tree species with red flowers and 'cotton wool' in seeds. Its flowering tells you that it is wumulukuk time, the cold season.

Yalngarri���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Yampartpalakpikpin alapika���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

Yungiyirk���noun. place name. See:�wamawunplace/ coral name. Category:�Place names.

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