Small birds
arnpurrik���noun. Wedge-tailed eagle. Aquila audax. Category:�Small birds.
imijik���noun. wing or feather on a bird, side fins on a fish. Usage:�follows after name of animal, sometimes DAT pro used to, see examples below. Nuka ja wurakak imijik. ‘This is a crow feather.’ Nuka ja karlarrk imijik ngaw. ‘This is a green parrot's wing.’ Ngarri ngarrila imijik nuyu. ‘We are eating the side fins of the fish.’ Category:�Small birds, Fish bodyparts.
inymangararrk���noun. sacred ibis (white). Threskiornis aethiopica. See:�yampurlpurl�‘ibis (generic)’. Category:�Small birds.
ipit���noun. quail, any type. Coturnix spp., Turnix spp.. See:�wirrgu�‘bird, said to be similar’; witpit�‘plover type’. Category:�Small birds.
irrkpalk2���noun. bird's nest. Category:�Small birds.
jawok���noun. Common Koel. Eudynamys scolopacea. Anth: named after its call Category:�Small birds.
jikirtijikirtij���noun. Willy Wagtail, Black butcherbird, generic for shrike-thrushes and flycatchers. Rhipidura leucophrys. Pata wiyiniyirrk mira pa jikirtij-jikirtij la walarrk amalkpany nuyu mampartpungka anjirla ipururr la wularrut atjayawng ta mawngku ja jikirtij-jikirtij nuyu ja Kortaweli. ‘First Willy Wagtail and Night Hawk got there, they took their spears and first Willy Wagtail saw Kortaweli's shelter.’ Category:�Small birds.
jirriyingking���noun. tiny bright blue kingfishers: azure kingfisher, little kingfisher,Forest Kingfisher. Alcedo azurea, Alcedo pusilla, Halycon macleeayii. See:�karlurrkarlurrk�‘Blue-winged kookaburra’. Category:�Small birds.
jitpuruluk���noun. Butcherbirds (generic), Grey butcherbird, Pied butcherbird, Cracticus torquatus, Cracticus nigrogularis. Anth: This bird makes its call and tells us that someone has caught inyarlgan See:�wartwart�‘black and white bird species’. Category:�Small birds.
jornjorntok���noun. bird species. Category:�Small birds.
jurri���noun. parrot species. Category:�Small birds.
jurtjurt���noun. Osprey. Pandion haliaetus. See:�jurtjurt katin nuyu yurnu�‘Leatherjacket fish’. Category:�Small birds.
kakarlukpa warraka���noun. Jakana, lotus bird. Irediparra gallinacea. See:�kinnyarlukpa�‘to precede a sibling in birth order’. Category:�Small birds.
kalajparri���noun. Frigate bird. Seabird with a forked tail that flies at a great height. Family fregatidae, e.g. Fregata ariel. Anth: Legend has it that this forked tail was originally a firestick. When they see a big wind, they fly and stop the wind Kapuwun marlu mata kalajparri. ‘The frigate birds stop the wind.’ Category:�Small birds.
kalawitpit���noun. seagull type. Category:�Small birds.
karlarrk���noun. green parrot, Red-winged parrot. Aprosmictus erythropterus?. See:�wilakpilak. Category:�Small birds.
karlurri���noun. 1�•�bird. Usage:�Takes plural agreement when plural unlike karlurri, and most other non-human terms Wimurra pata karlurri tuka Wartpen. ‘There are lots of birds on Wartpen island.’ Ngawuneyawng wimurra pata karlurri. ‘I saw a lot of birds.’ Kinyarra murlmurl jita karlurri. ‘Diving bird.’ Category:�Small birds.
2�•�generic term used for all types of animals or meat that does not include fish. Wakapa ta ilij kawunnyutpa ja nakapa ja karlurri. ‘Over there is where that creature put them all.’ Imurra ja karlurri tuka mantanti. ‘There's a lot of animals on the mainland.’ Ngawuneyawng wimurra: (then list animals) ‘I saw a lot: (then give list, you can't say pata karlurri here and mean 'animals' rather than 'birds')’. See:�kurrulawagen�‘seafood’; arukin�‘serpent’; kurnapipi�‘ceremony’. Category:�General.
3�•�ceremony type. Yirritja side ceremony comparable to Kunapipi. Kayirrkju kiwurtin parak tuka karlurri. ‘Only now are they going inland to the ceremony.’ Inyuran jita karlurri. ‘The ceremony has moved.’ Category:�General ritual.
karlurrkarlurrk���noun. 1�•�Blue-winged kookaburra. Dacelo leachii. Category:�Small birds.
2�•�generic for Kingfishers. See:�jirriyingking�‘Tiny bright blue kingfishers’. Category:�Small birds.
kamiru���noun. RRadjah Shelduck, Burdekin duck. Tadorna radjah. Category:�Small birds.
karrak���noun. Red-tailed black cockatoo. Calyptorhynchus banksii. Category:�Small birds.
karrkany���noun. Black (fork-tailed) Kite or ?Red Goshawk. Milvus migrans, ?Erythrotriorchis radiatus. Category:�Small birds.
karrunngartawkun wupaj���noun. seabird like a seagull, larger than mirrirnirn. See:�mirrijpu�‘Silver Gull’; kinnyartawkun�‘add on to’. Category:�Small birds.
karrunpartawkun wupaj���seabird type (plural). Category:�Small birds.
karrunpartawkun wupaj���seabird type (plural). Category:�Small birds.
katikatik���noun. Pied Oystercatcher. Ngarnji kingamirrawn jita katikatik. ‘The Pied Oystercatcher draws on the Ngarnji shell, making it pretty (a story the old people used to tell.’ See:�kinimirrawun katikatik�‘young Hiant Venus Clam’. Category:�Small birds.
kilarrkuku���noun. 1�•�bird species. Category:�Small birds.
2�•�title of a song cycle. Category:�Song and dance.
kolawertwert���noun. curlews and whimbrels. Numenius spp.. See:�kurrwirlu�‘curlew’. Category:�Small birds.
kulapaku���noun. Great-billed Heron. Category:�Small birds.
kurrikurrik���noun. Straw-necked Ibis. Threskiornis spinicollis. Category:�Small birds.
kurrwirlu���noun. Bush Stone Curlew. See:�kolawertwert�‘curlews and whimbrels’. Category:�Small birds.
rlaprlap���noun. Nightjars. Eurostopodus argus, Caprimulgus macrurus. Category:�Small birds.
rlumpuk���noun. Doves. Also used to refer to Common bronzewing, Chestnut-quilled rock pigeon, White-quilled rock-pigeon. Also: Phaps chalcoptera, Petrophassa rufipennis, Petrophassa albipennis. Category:�Small birds.
makakurr���noun. pelican. Pelecanus conspicillatus. Category:�Small birds.
manimunak���noun. Magpie goose, specifically used for the female. Anseranas semipalmata. Jukapa manimunak. ‘This is a goose/duck.’ See:�parrngarnaki�‘male Magpie goose’. Category:�Small birds.
marnung���noun. Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. Cacutua galerita. Anth: White cockatoo with a long yellow crest on its head and some colour on its body. This is a very noisy bird, he is a very clever bird. When he sees someone coming he warns people. See:�ngalagayu�‘Little Corella’; ngerrk�‘call of marnung’. Category:�Small birds.
marawk���noun. 1�•�Friarbirds, honeyeaters (generic). Philemon spp.. Category:�Small birds.
2�•�baldy. An insulting term for people with a small amount of hair on the head, like a leatherhead bird. Nuyi ta marawk wanji. ‘You have a head like a leatherhead, not much hair!’ Category:�Peoples and clans, Head.
marrakak���noun. small black seagull. Category:�Small birds. Anth: Lives at Ngangkuluk 'Bottle Rocks'
mawartakira���noun. Brown booby. Sala leucogaster. Category:�Small birds.
mirrijpu���noun. Silver Gull. See:�mirrirnirn�‘Macaranga, tree species’; karrunngartawkun wupaj�‘Seabird like a seagull, larger than mirrirnirn’. Category:�Small birds.
mirrirnirn���noun. Terns, black seabirds something like kalajparri. See:�mirrijpu�‘Silver Gull’. Category:�Small birds. Anth: They go about with kalajparri but mirrinin is smaller.
mitangmitang���noun. honey eater. Category:�Small birds. Anth: These birds do not live on Warruwi.
murnurrurr���noun. Diamond dove. Geopelia cuneata. Category:�Small birds.
nawariyi���noun. 1�•�Whistle duck, may be used specifically for Plumed Whistling-duck, or smaller Whistle ducks. Dendrocygna eytoni. See:�nawarrkitu�‘Wandering Whistle-duck’; piwuj�‘Green pygmy-goose’. Category:�Small birds.
2�•�used as a generic for larger ducks without a specific name, while smaller ones are called piwuj. Category:�Small birds.
nawarrkitu���noun. Wandering Whistle-duck, or may be used just for bigger Whistle ducks. Dendrocygna arcuata. Nawariyu akutju, la pata wimun putarr we call nawarrkitu, pata wimun. ‘That one is a Whistle-duck too but the bigger ones we call nawarrkitu, the bigger ones’. See:�nawariyi�‘Plumed Whistling-duck’. Category:�Small birds.
ngakngak���noun. Bird species. Note: May not be a Mawng word See:�marrwati�‘White-bellied sea eagle’. Category:�Small birds.
ngalagayu���noun. Little Corella. Cacatua sanguinea. See:�marnung�‘Sulphur Crested Cockatoo’. Category:�Small birds.
ngarlawn���noun. Nankeen (rufous) night heron, Black Bittern. Nycticorax caledonicus, Ixobrychus flavicollis. Category:�Small birds.
nganyjarrpawk���noun. Great-billed Heron. Ardea sumatrana. Nganykarrarr kinyarra. ‘It lives in the mangroves’. Category:�Small birds.
ngerrk���ideophone. call of marnung, the white cockatoo. See:�marnung�‘White cockatoo type’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Small birds.
ngili���noun. 1�•�mosquito. Category:�Insects.
2�•�Glossy Ibis. Plegadis falcinellus. See:�mirrinnyak�‘brolga, mosquito type’. Category:�Small birds.
nguknguk���noun. 1�•�Barking owl. Ninox connivens. Category:�Small birds.
2�•�generic for hawk owls. Ninox spp.. Category:�Small birds.
3�•�generic for owls, frogmouths, nightjars. Category:�Small birds.
ngutirrk���noun. Banded Fruit-dove, Torresian Imperial-pigeon. Philinopus cinctus, Ducula bicolor. Category:�Small birds.
parrngarnaki���noun. male Magpie goose. Anseranas semipalmata. See:�manimunak�‘Magpie goose’. Category:�Small birds.
partjirrk���noun. Woodswallows. Artamus spp.. Category:�Small birds.
pirtpirtjorlok���noun. Yellow Oriole, Olive-backed Oriole. Oriolus flavocinctus, Oriolus sagittatus. Category:�Small birds. Anth: Eats figs and other fruit
piwuj���nou. 1�•�Green pygmy-goose. Category:�Small birds.
2�•�used as a generic for smaller ducks without a specific name while nawariyu is used for larger ones without a specific name. See:�nawariyi�‘Plumed Whistling Duck’. Category:�Small birds.
walanurru���noun. Brahminy Kite. Haliastur indus. Category:�Small birds.
walarrk���noun. night hawk? Pata wiyiniyirrk mira pa jikirtij-jikirtij la walarrk amalkpany nuyu mampartpungka anjirla ipururr la wularrut atjayawng ta mawngku ja jikirtij-jikirtij nuyu ja Kortaweli. ‘First Willy Wagtail and Night Hawk got there, they took their spears and first Willy Wagtail saw Kortaweli's shelter.’ Category:�Small birds.
kakarlukpa warraka���noun. jakana, lotus bird. Category:�Small birds.
warrangulpu���noun. Darters, cormorants, called Diver Duck locally. Anhinga melanogaster, Phalacrocorax varius, Phalacrocorax melanoleucos. Category:�Small birds.
wartwart���noun. black and white bird species, butcher bird. See:�jitpuruluk�‘magpie lark, peewee’. Category:�Small birds. Anth: Has a beautiful whistle.
werreperrep���noun. Masked Lapwing, previously known as Masked Plover. Vanellus miles. Category:�Small birds.
wilakpilak���noun. Red-collared Lorikeet, Rainbow lorikeet. Trichoglossus rubritorquis. See:�karlarrk�‘green parrot, Red-winged parrot’. Category:�Small birds.
wilitpilit���noun. Magpie Lark, Peewee. Grallina cyanoleuca. Category:�Small birds, Calendar animals. Anth: She goes away and when she comes back it is time for the mawugany roots (June, July). It is also time to start shooting geese. Then she goes away before the rains
wiliwili���noun. a type of water fowl. Category:�Small birds. Anth: It is brown with long legs.
wirninyjilpirninyjil���noun. Red-backed fairy-wren (red-black), Variegated fairy-wren (blue). Malurus melanocephalus, Malurus lamberti. A small bird with a red beak and legs and a red breast. It lives on the mainland and is not seen on Goulburn Island. Category:�Small birds.
wirriwirriyak���noun. cuckoo-shrikes, cicadabird. Coracina spp.. Category:�Small birds. Anth: Eats things like corn, sorghum, chillies and peanuts.
witpit���noun. eastern golden plover; sandpiper; tattler; greenshank. See:�wirtpij�‘small beach bird’; ipit�‘quail type’. Category:�Small birds.
wirtpij���noun. a small beach bird. See:�witpit�‘plover type’. Category:�Small birds. Anth: Has a call very like its name.
wukurl���noun. Eastern Reef Egret, grey form. Ardea sacra. Anth: Part of Yarriwurrkarr See:�mirrinnyak�‘Eastern reef egret, white form’. Category:�Small birds.
wurakak���noun. 1�•�Torresian crow. Corvus orru. See:�wurrakak�‘place name’. Category:�Small birds. Anth: belongs to waryat side, yarriyarnkurrk side of martkumartku moiety
2�•�uvula. Category:�Head.
wurral���noun. Channel-billed Cuckoo. Scythrops novaehollandiae. Category:�Small birds, Calendar animals. Anth: When he calls people know that someone is pregnant.
wurruturrut���noun. Rainbow bee-eater. Merops ornatus. Category:�Small birds.
wutput1���noun. Pheasant coucal ('bamboo-tail'). Centropus phasianinus. Category:�Small birds. See:�wut�‘coverb’; put�‘close’.
yampurlpurl���noun. 1�•�spoonbill and ibis generic. Category:�Small birds.
2�•�Royal (black-billed) spoonbill. Platalea regia. Anth: Can be eaten See:�inymangararrk�‘sacred ibis (white)’. Category:�Small birds.
Parent category: