

arlajirr���noun. Reddish Ark Clam. Anadara rufescens. Variant:�Iwaidja: karlajirr. Kerukikin tuka nganykarrgarr la karrima ja arlajirr. ‘The arlajirr cockle climbs up into the mangroves and we collect them.’ Syn:�kupiya. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat, tastes sweet.

arnmilwil���noun. a clump of oysters that have been knocked off the rock they were attached to, often still with a bit of rock. attached. Variant:�Iwaidja: kirrwar. Kuwanama ngartu arnmirlmirl alaj ingiri. ‘Collect oysters for me, still in their shell (i.e. don't just collect the meat out of them).’ See:�karrarnarnoysters; arrayiBlack-Lip Rock Oyster; namatpaother, another one. Syn:�ngalpiri. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Oysters are collected in clumps, unopened by knocking the clump of oysters off the rock. They can then be carried home and eaten when needed, even a few days later. The arnmilwil can be placed in the fire and the shells will open on their own.

arawirrarawirr���noun. Worm Snail. Serpulorbis sp.. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ardawirrardawirr. See:�arawirrdidgeridoo, gun. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Not good to eat.

arrayi���noun. Black-lip Rock Oyster (Large). Saccostrea mytiloides. Variant:�Iwaidja: arrayi. See:�arnmilwilfragment of rock with oysters on it. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat. Only the white part is eaten, not the white lips.

igiyigi���noun. heap of discarded cockle shells, cockle shell midden. Category:�Shellfish.

ilurrk���noun. squid, calamari and cuttlefish. See:�irriwukirriwukcuttlefish bone. Category:�Shellfish.

inypajiyiny kirrwara���noun. Penguin Wing Oyster. An oyster with a forked shell found in deeper water. Pteria penguin, Isognomon isognomon. See:�murrinyBastard Pearl Oyster; kirrwaraback; iwajiyinybroken. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: 'We used to dive for this one from canoes and eat it.'

ingarturt���noun. hiant Venus Clam. Marcia hiantina. Variant:�Iwaidja: munang. Usage:�This one is called ngarnji by children Syn:�ngarnji. Category:�Shellfish.

ingiri���noun. skin, hide, 'skin name' (moiety, subsection), shell of a turtle, or of shellfish. ingiri ‘used to refer to shell of karrarnarn shellfish and other shellfish’. ngangiri, ninyngiri, wungiri, mangiri bark; akiri, wingiri. Ngapi ngalangali ngangiri Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku. ‘My skin name/matrimoiety is Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku.’ Martpoj ingiri. ‘Martpoj shell.’ See:�mangiribark; akiriskin, foreskin; nukiriyour (singular) skin; iyayikbones. Category:�Other, Shellfish.

irratat���noun. meat, includes the 'meat' of shellfish. Kaniyalgan karlurri. ‘He hunts game.’ See:�mayirratatpenis. Category:�General, Shellfish.

irriwukirriwuk���noun. 1�•�Crab's eye vine. Abrus precatorius. Variant:�Iwaidja: Irriwugirriwug.. Anth: Beans are used as beads for necklaces. A red and black seed. Vine found in the jungle, winding around trees. Category:�Small plants.

2�•�Cuttlefish bone. See:�ilurrkcuttlefish. Category:�Shellfish.

irtulul���noun. 1�•�chips of wood. mata irtulul ‘Not sure what it means in this context’. Arlarrarr pata irtulul. ‘There are no woodchips.’ Category:�General terms.

2�•�fingers of coral. Category:�Shellfish.

iwurraj���noun. 1�•�fat, big. See:�mawurrajvery juicy; ngurlungurlubecome bigger, fatter. Category:�Appearance.

2�•�season time for cockles and karranarn oysters that have fat. See:�ayuklaw, custom, lifestyle. Category:�Shellfish, Longer.

iyayik���noun. bone, shells (old ones that have been bleached by the sun). atjayik Also a place name on Warruwi.; ninyjayik, wiyayik. See:�ingiriskin, shell; iyarrmuluskeleton. Category:�Other, Shellfish.

jarripang���noun. trepang. Category:�Shellfish.

kalannyun���noun. 1�•�Window Pane Oyster, a large flat round oyster. Typelacuna placenta. Variant:�Iwaidja: kalanyun. Nuka ja kalannyun. ‘This is kalannyun.’ Anth: Traditionally used to cut the umbilical cord of newborns. Category:�Shellfish.

2�•�shoulder blade. See:�mukibelly button. Category:�Organs and torso.

3�•�hard cash, money. Syn:�rrupiya. Category:�Other.

karrarnarn���noun. Milky Oyster, also used as a general term for oysters. Includes the small Black-lip Rock Oyster. Saccostrea mordax (previously S. amasa), Saccostrea cucullata. Variant:�Iwaidja: kirrwar; arrarnarn. karrarnarn iwurraj. ‘Oyster fat.’ See:�arnmilwila clump of oysters; ngalpirioysters knocked off the rock whole. Category:�Shellfish.

kinilakparrki���tv. 1�•�cut the meat out of the clam shell. Inimany maminga inilakparrkang. ‘He took the clam shell and cut out the meat.’ See:�kantakparrkispear cut ground. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Shellfish.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�Eat sand, a habit of some fish. kanilakparrki ‘What fish mungkulurrut, nayuma and mirrk do as a habit.’ Category:�Illness, Fish.

Kinimirrawun katikatik���noun. young Hiant Venus Clam (ngarnji). Marcia hiantina. Variant:�Iwaidja: Munang. See:�ngarnjiHiant Venus Clam; katikatikPied Oystercatcher. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: name means that the Oyster catcher bird, katikatik, drew on the shells

kingaran���tv. cook kupiya cockles. Wularrutapa arringarantiny kayirrkapa la arriwanala. ‘We have prepared the kupiya and now we will eat them.’ Anth: done by covering with brush and setting it alight. This is done on Croker Island. Kupiya cockles are not found at Warruwi Category:�Shellfish, Cooking.

kunkarrk���noun. Chinese Fingernail Clam. Solen sp.. Variant:�Iwaidja: manjawakmanjawak. See:�kunkarlktree species, upright part of firestick. Category:�Shellfish.

kupiya���noun. cockle species, looks like a large ngarnji cockle. Syn:�arlajirr. Category:�Shellfish.

kurrwirtu���noun. a big ngarnji cockle that has grown very big, over 5cm in width. Marcia hiantina. See:�ngarnjiHiant Venus Clam. Category:�Shellfish.

lumurr���noun. small jellyfish type of animal, not dangerous. Category:�Shellfish.

rlakupanya���noun. shellfish type. Anth: Were used as pipes. Category:�Shellfish.

maj���noun. octopus. Category:�Shellfish.

malawurlkpinyananut���noun. Screw Shell. Turritella terebra. Variant:�Iwaidja: Mangayikulu. Category:�Shellfish.

maminga���noun. Scaley Giant Clam. Tridacna squamosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: maminga. ilijap maminga ‘a young clam shell’. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat. Lots are found at Nganyamirnali.

martpoj���noun. Roughback Clam, also called Round-ribbed Ark Clam. Anadara rotundicostata, Anadara granosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wartbaj. Karrima tuka irnkirr la kijpuki, naka ingurlyak mirayu. ‘We get it in the mud and the sandy mud, it's very important (food).’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat, important food. Found together with arlajirr.

merrkmerrk���noun. 1�•�soft meat just behind the ribs of an animal, the flank. Category:�General.

2�•�shell fish which is like kalannyun but shell is twisted. Category:�Shellfish.

milwarn���noun. periwinkle, name includes many different Nerites, a type of small sea snail. Nerita balteata, Nerita polita. Milwarn naka ta karriwarnangajpun kirrk parakapa ja jara jarawk ja ilinyjinyut la ja imun. ‘We call all the different sorts, both big and small, milwarn.’ See:�ngartjerrmangrove snail. Anth: Found on rocks and other places as well as mangrove roots. Cooked on hot coals. Category:�Shellfish.

mirwuna���noun. ear shell. Category:�Shellfish.

murriny���noun. Bastard Pearl Oyster. Pinctada radiata, Pinctada sugillata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Malujuj. See:�inypajiyiny kirrwaraforked oyster. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Looks like a small pearl shell, it is edible. Lives in the mud. Found at Martpalk and Wigu.

mutarra���noun. pearl shell. Category:�Shellfish.

namatpa2���noun. oysters found growing on mangroves. La naka namatpa tuka nganykarrarr kiw. ‘And that namatpa is found in the mangroves.’ See:�arnmilwiloysters removed by cutting whole mangrove root. Category:�Shellfish.

nujurnti���noun. large Mactra sp. clam. See:�pijurntiTrough clam, mactra alta; witunyjishellfish type. Category:�Shellfish.

ngalpiri���noun. 1�•�an oyster species similar to karrarnarn but with a milder taste. See:�karrarnarnMilky Oyster. Category:�Shellfish.

2�•�oysters that have been collected in their shells. Kuwanama ngartu ngalpirri ‘Collect me some oysters still in their shells.’ Syn:�arnmilwil. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Any type of oyster (karrarnarn, arrayi or namatpa), collected whole in shell, often still stuck together and with a bit of rock stuck to it. If the oyster is growing on a mangrove root then the bit of root is cut off the plant, with the oysters still on it.

ngarlawi1���noun. Baler shell. Melo amphora, Melo umbilicatus. Variant:�Iwaidja: ngarlawi. Nakapa iwetpang, ngarlawi la yupirlk. ‘They held bailer and conch shells.’ Irijirij ja ngarlawi. ‘This baler shell is smooth.’ Muka irijirij mata ngarlawi. ‘This baler shell is smooth.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat. Was traditionally used to dig out wells, carry water and cook stingray fat. Found at Wigu.

ngarlwak���noun. 1�•�knee cap. Kimaju tuka ngarlwak. See:�kartawarrknee joint. Category:�Limbs.

2�•�mud Mussel, lives in mangroves, in mud. Polymesoda erosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: ngarlwak. Kuwanama ngartu ngarlwak. ‘Get me some Mud Mussels.’ Ngarlwak mampulalkungung muki. ‘Ngarlwak was used to cut umbilical cords.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat.

coverb. Restrict:�MA object 1�•�sit cross-legged, literally: bend knees. Ngarri ngarryukpuning ngarlwak ‘We sat cross-legged.’ Category:�Remain stationary.

2�•�die, polite way of describing someone's death. innyukpung ngarlwak ‘he died, polite (lit: he kneeled down or collapsed)’. ingawkpung ngarlwak ‘she died.’ See:�kartawarrkartawarrkneel; mirntadie in old age. Category:�Illness and death.

yarakap ngarlwak���phrase. only child. inyalkpany yarakap ngarlwak. ‘She has only one child, an only child.’ Category:�Ages.

nganypam���noun. Swollen Venus Clam. Gafrarium tumidum. Variant:�Iwaidja: Arlwarra. Ja nganypam ja kapin ngarnji. Malany yarnangkat ja ingiri. ‘Nganypam are like ngarnji cockles. They have a hard shell.’ Category:�Shellfish.

ngarnji���noun. Hiant Venus Clam. Marcia hiantina. Variant:�Iwaidja: munang. Ja nganypam ja kapin ngarnji. Malany yarnangkat ja ingiri. ‘Nganypam are like ngarnji cockles. They have a hard shell.’ Napa ja ingurlyak ja karrila. ‘It's an important food for us.’ See:�kurrwirtua big ngarnji; kinimirrawun katikatikyounger ngarnji. Syn:�ingarturt. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Very good to eat. Important food source. Found in sandy areas such as Wigu.

ngartjerr���noun. mangrove Nerite, snail that grows on Mangroves roots. Nerita balteata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ngarjarr. Kiw tu yurrng mata kamarra warak la wumarrk mata mamawurr wularr mata nganykarrarr. ‘They live up high in the branches and also lower down on the roots of the mangroves.’ See:�milwarnperiwinkle. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Grows on the roots of mangroves, called malarri or mamawurr wularr. Cooked on hot coals.

pijurnti���noun. High Trough Clam. Mactra alta. Variant:�Iwaidja: Arrwila. Kinila nuka katikatik ‘The Pied Oystercatcher eats it.’ See:�nujurnticlam type; witunyjiunidentified but looks a bit similar. Category:�Shellfish.

pulyuyu���noun. Ear-shaped Horse Mussel. Modiolus auriculatus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wulyuwiyuwi. Kiw tuka irnkirr la kijpuki. ‘It lives in the mud and in the muddy sand.’ Ngarrima tuka mirwij. ‘We find it where the seaweed is.’ See:�wuwukpajfreshwater mussel. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat. Found at Wigu. Lives in the mud, with the seaweed.

rrajung���noun. jellyfish type. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Has a painful sting and causes vomiting but is not fatal.

takutaku���noun. pyramid Top Snail. Tectus pyramis, Trochis hanleyanus?. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kurtingkarr. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat and also good bait.

waliwali���noun. dome shaped coral. Ngeyawng waliwali. ‘I saw the coral.’ Nuka waliwali. ‘This is waliwali.’ See:�wamawuncoral. Category:�Shellfish.

wamawun���noun. 1�•�Place/coral name. See:�yungiyirkplace name; waliwalicoral. Category:�Place names, Shellfish.

2�•�cancer. Category:�Sickness.

warrgili���noun. Spikey Chiton. Acanthopleura spinosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: Warrkbunyu. Nuka ja warrgili ja kannyurjun waryat malany numalal akutju. ‘The chiton clings to the rocks and is good (to eat) as well.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Used as bait. Was eaten in earlier times. Anth: Good bait for catching bluebone fish.

wilngar���noun. large shellfish very much like ngarlwak but has black marks across it. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Found at top of King river in the mud among mangroves, in the Arla area. Note: Host to kurrmala 'hermit crab'. Makes a lot of tracks on the king river.

wirlamurrk���noun. 1�•�star. Juka jita wirlamurrk jita kinyjangali yurrng. ‘There is a star in the heavens.’ Wirlamurrk kinyjurrangken. ‘Stars appear.’ Category:�Sky.

2�•�pearly (or Chambered) Nautilus. Nautilus pompilius. Variant:�Iwaidja: karramart. Juka jita wirlamurrk jita nginymany inyung tuka ajput. ‘I found this nautilus shell on the beach.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Found at beach next to Anjumu billabong, North Goulburn and Alwampi. No known uses.

witunyji���noun. shell fish species found in sandy areas. Witunyji, naka wurt, ilijap mira ja ngarrima tuka ajput. ‘Witunyji is the smaller one that we get in the sand.’ See:�pijurntiHigh Trough Clam; nujurnticlam species. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Not found in mud as is ngarnji

wirtuwirtu���noun. Bicolor Razor Shell. Pinna bicolor. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kulabunu. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Found at Wigu and Martpalk. It is sharp and can easily cut your foot when it is standing up. Was eaten in the past but not any more. Tastes like murriny.

wiyirr���noun. Barnacle. Megabalanus sp.. Variant:�Iwaidja: munangmunang. Category:�Shellfish, Crustaceans. Anth: Grows on rocks, turtles and even whales.

wurlngun���noun. 1�•�small periwinkle, called Greyish Turban Snail, somewhat bumpy. Turbo cinereus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wurlngun. Wurlngun ja karrila. ‘The wurlngung that we eat.’ Kiw tuka waryatparyat. ‘It lives among the rocks.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat. Note: May refer to any small snail

2�•�harmless growth in the eye. Usage:�does not participate in sickness constructions Naka wurlngun nuyu. ‘That's his growth in his eye.’ Category:�Sickness.

3�•�big eyes, bulging eyes, way of describing someone that is not polite. See:�wurlungunnguna net dillybag used to gather yams. Category:�Peoples and clans.

wumi���noun. shellfish type. Category:�Shellfish.

wumunpanji���noun. Longbum, shell fish type. Telescopium telescopium. Variant:�Iwaidja: marrkika. See:�yarrkajLongbum. Anth: It is good for fish baits and can be used for eating too. Meat is blue, goes green when cooked. Category:�Shellfish.

wun nuyu���noun. 1�•�cartridge. Naka kilatin wun nuyu. ‘(The gun) has a cartridge in it.’ Syn:�rtangarrtangarr. Category:�Other.

2�•�small hole in the sand that indicates a shellfish is living underneath. wun nuyu ngarlwak (Mud Mussel) ‘the hole made by ngarlwak’. Anth: The holes look different, depending on the type of shellfish that has made it. Category:�Shellfish.

wurnkurrk���noun. 1�•�Jellyfish. Category:�Shellfish.

2�•�snot. See:�mangawjphlegm. Category:�Secretions and substances.

3�•�bad cold with runny nose. Ja wurnkurrk numurrunti. ‘It's a bad cold.’ Ja wanpirlk, kiniwun wurnkurrk, nuyu. ‘The seed cures colds, it's used for that.’ Pa kinnyaka ja wurnkurrk, tuka kumpil ngarru ‘It gets rid of the colds in our chests.’ See:�wurnngulkinsect type. Category:�Secretions and substances, Sickness.

wuwukpaj���noun. type of freshwater mussel. Similar in appearance to wulyuyu, which is a saltwater type. Variant:�Kunwinjku or Kunbarlang?. Awuranapa iwumangung wuwukpaj. ‘They were collecting wuwukpaj (freshwater mussels).’ Awuran iwumany ja wuwukpaj. ‘They went and got wuwukpaj.’ See:�pulyuyumussel type. Category:�Shellfish.

yarrkaj���noun. Longbum. Terebralia semistriata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ilyajbu. See:�wumunpanjiLongbum. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Meat goes brown when cooked.

yupirlk���noun. False Trumpet shell, Staghorn Murex. Syrinx aruanus, Chicoreus cornucervi. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ldurldu; Wunba; Yurnku. yupirlk nuwurnyak ilarri ‘yupirlk with legs’. Yupirlk, imawurr wularr ‘Yupirlk with lots of arms (used this to describe Staghorn Murex)’. yupirlk ja iwugi ‘an old yupirlk (used to describe photos of Onion-shaped Cask Snail of Sabine's)’. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Old people ate yupirlk but only the False Trumpet shell, not the Staghorn Murex. Yupirlk were used to carry water like Ngarlawi. Yupirlk is found at Yumarlakaka, Wigu and Alwampi. Note: Berndt and Berndt (1970) mentions use of 'conch shell' jubilk in music.

yurtujurtu���noun. Cowrie shell. Cypraea spp. including Cypraea arabica. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yurtujurtu. Kiw tuka waryat. ‘It lives on the rocks (near to karrarnarn oysters).’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Not good to eat.

Parent category:
