Properties of surface

Properties of surface

arnangkat���noun. strong, hard (to touch). Category:�Properties of surface, Healing and fitness.

arak���coverb. 1�•�separate people who must avoid being close to each other because of their family relation by sitting or sleeping between them. Nganaw arak. ‘I'll sit between them (to separate them because they had a mother-in-law/son-in-law relationship)’. Anpanaw arakpu, kani! ‘You sleep between them, here!’ Kanyu arak wumawurr. ‘The milky way (lit: the creek that lies across)’. Category:�Remain stationary, Anxiety, shame. Note: People who are opposite sex siblings, in an iji-ngaya relationships or are mawawiny to one another cannot sleep lying next to one another so another person must sleep between them.

2�•�travel by boat between two points. kiw warak. ‘He travelled across the sea in a boat.’ Innyakan parak, kiw warakparak. ‘He set off in a boat, he's travelling across a stretch of sea.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

2a�•�be striped. Kingurrin arak karlwa. ‘It has yellow stripes.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

Restrict:�MA object 3�•�to set off in a boat. Used for boats with engines. Innyakan parak pa kerra warak. ‘He left in a boat, went off.’ Arriwaka warak. ‘We're going to travel by boat, you and me, go by sea.’ Innyakan parak ja kapala. ‘He went by sea by himself.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle. See:�warakcoverb; warakparakreduplicated form of coverb warak.

Restrict:�MA object 4�•�cross sea in a boat. Awulatikin la innyutpan arak. ‘They went across (in a boat).’ And karrayan "Innyutpan arak. Kapala. Kerra warak" ‘We see it and say "Somebody's crossing (between north and south Goulburn islands). There's a boat. It's travelling along."’ Innyakan parak innyutpan arak. ‘The boat launched and crossed over between the two pieces of land.’ See:�warak (kinnyaka)launch boat. Category:�Travel by vehicle.

5�•�be in the way of somebody or about to cross paths with them. If that person is a family relation you shouldn't be near to somebody will say this to you so you can go around them. Inyi kutpa arak! ‘Don't cross his path!’ Kiw arak. Ngannyutpan arak. ‘He's in the way. He's blocking my path (a crocodile in a creek).’ Arta nukapa ngannyutpan arak ja marnmarn la kunuka nuyu. ‘Oh, this is not the way to get across (lit. it is blocked for me this way), Marnmarn, what are we doing?’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Anxiety, shame.

Restrict:�VE 6�•�put something across as bridge. Nganyutpan arak. ‘I put (the wood, plank) across.’ Category:�Transfer.

arakarak���coverb. put across. Ngyutpan arakarak. ‘I cut across the wind in the boat (so that the waves wouldn't toss the boat around so much)’. Iniwarlkarriny parak innyutpan arakparak. ‘He launched his canoe and crossed to the other side’. Mannyutpan arakarak. ‘He put (the planks) across.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

warakparak��� Note: reduplicated form of coverb warak See:�araka coverb combining with kiw, kinnyaka and kinnyutpa.

aryak���noun. wet. Category:�Properties of surface. See main entry: yaryak. Category:�Properties of surface.

awarnangkat���noun. strong, hard. Category:�Properties of surface. See main entry: yarnangkat. Category:�Goodness.

awurrurt���noun. cooked, ripe. See main entry: yurrurt. Ant:�yurgun. Category:�Properties of surface.

ingarrmi���noun. odour. Ja najarrari ja imurra ingarrmi. ‘The flying fox has a strong odour.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

irijirij���noun. smooth, slippery. Arrarrkpi ininguliny marntingunynguny iniwung irijirij kirrk. ‘The man made a dugong, making it all smooth.’ Irijirij ja ngarlawi. ‘This baler shell is smooth.’ Muka irijirij mata ngarlawi. ‘This baler shell is smooth.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

iwerr���noun. dry. lean meat, ninyperr dry; wuwerr, mawerr dry; aperr dry; wiwerr. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

iwururrk���noun. succulent, big and juicy. arrkpururrk, wuwururrk breasts.full.of.milk; apururrk. See:�imururrkscar tissue; mawurrajvery juicy; apungkurryuwutop of Karwuluk yam; apururrk walijharvest season; wururrkjanyjukMilkwood tree; yanyjukbreast milk. Malany ta kapin apururrk ta miyulum nakapa katja karrapun. ‘When the miyulum yams are juicy we go and dig them up.’ Pa ngatja, ngarrapa, ta apururrk ta walij kapin miyulum. ‘Well we go off and get it, all the juicy food like Miyulum yam.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

kelartpin���iv. damp. Kelartpin ja manpurrwa. ‘The cloth is damp.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

keryakpin���iv. become wet, (plant) become green and fresh. Yaryakpiny kirrk ja manpurrwa. ‘The clothing has got all wet.’ Ngaryakpiny ngartu ja manpurrwa. ‘My clothes are all wet (because I was out in the rain)’. See:�yaryakwet; kinnyaryakpamake wet. Category:�Properties of surface.

ingalangung muwarn���NVidiom. 1�•�dry in the sun. Iwutpangung tuka muwarn ingalangung kirrk. ‘Next they would put it out in the sun to heat it up (pounded up pandanus stem).’ Category:�Properties of surface, General change of state.

2�•�be affected by the sun. Sun give person sunstroke. Muwarn nganngawany. ‘I got sunstroke (Lit: The sun 'ate' me).’ Kunngawany muwarn. ‘You are affected by the sun, for example if you walk a long way.’ Kunngawany mira, muwarn. ‘You get really struck by the sun.’ Category:�Sickness.

kiningunjanyma���tv. make black, dirty. Iningunjanymany ngartu. ‘He made my things dirty.’ See:�kingunjanyminbecome black, dirty; nungunjiblack, dirty. Category:�General change of state, Properties of surface.

kiniwanpani���tv. 1�•�bark at. Luluj iniwanpanyang. ‘The dog was barking at him.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.

Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniwanpani�•�stack, put on top of each other. Category:�Manipulation, Properties of surface.

Kiniwukpa���tv. Dry. Kayirrk warrwak la ingukpakpangung tuka muwarn. ‘Then she dried it in the sun.’ See:�kiwukpadry. Category:�Properties of surface.

kinnyarnangkata���tv. strengthen, harden. Innyarnangkatiny kirrk. ‘He strengthened it.’ ngatarnangkata mangurrin ‘something like this: the wind is really strong’. See:�kernangkayinstrengthen; yarnangkatstrong, hard. Category:�Manipulation, Properties of surface.

kinnyarntulyakpa���tv. 1�•�lengthening, make taller. Annyarntulyakpany alan. ‘He lengthened the path.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

Restrict:�LL object 2: kannyarntulyakpa�•�long. angparntulyakpakpangung See:�kerntulyakpinlengthen; yarntulyaklong, tall. Category:�Size and weight.

kinnyaryakpa���tv. make wet. Karrunngaryakpa mata maralngkiny. ‘Spittle keeps us moist, healthy.’ Arrarrkpi kinnyaryakpa manpurrwa. ‘A man gets his clothes wet (for example by spilling water on himself).’ Karrunngaryakpakpa mata maralngkiny. ‘Spittle keeps us moist, healthy.’ See:�keryakpinbecome wet; yaryakwet. Category:�Properties of surface.

kinyjurlalku���iv. Restrict:�FE subject striped, e.g. painted body or striped material. Nuka ja manjarlkujparri ja kinyjarlalkuku ja kiyap. ‘The manjurlkujparri fish is striped.’ Nuka kinyjarni ja kinyjurlarlkuku. ‘That woman is wearing pretty colours.’ Kilurlalku kilartpin yanak piyu. ‘He painted himself with stripes.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

kilarlkuku imawurr���phrase. said at a funeral about someone who was married into family of deceased, they have to give presents to the family of the deceased to clear things up. Category:�Mourning.

kingunjanymin���iv. become black, dirty. Kiwuwunya pa kingunjanymin ja warranyngiw . ‘They smoke him and the child's skin darkens.’ Ingunjanyminy ngartu ja manpurrwa. ‘My clothes are dirty.’ anngujanymin ‘you've gone black’. See:�nungunjiblack, dark; kiningunjanymadirty, blacken. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

kiwelkpin���iv. 1�•�hot, dehydrated, dry out. Ngapi ngawelkpin mira. Ngana ngungpanala wupaj. ‘I am hot (and) dry. I'm going to drink water.’ Muka mata ngarntawul mata mirlak nakapa yara kamarntulyakpin marntulyak kamawelkpin yara kama jurr tuka kunak. ‘This grass, it's a tall grass. When it shoots up very high and it's tall and dries out, it falls down on the ground.’ Mata mawelkpiny, or murrurtpiny. ‘Wood that is dried out or ready (to be used).’ See:�wuwukuwukfeel hot to touch. Category:�Discomfort and pain, Properties of surface.

Restrict:�ED subject 2 :kapelkpin�•�the yam vine has died and the yam is ready to dig. Kapelkpin ta karwuluk nakapa karrata ta karwuluk. ‘When it's getting dried, the leaf and the vine, the yam of the vine gets dried, it tells us that it's time for us to go look for wild yams.(lit 'eat')’. See:�pelkcoverb, swelling. Category:�General terms.

kiwukpa���iv. 1�•�cool, cooling. kangpukpa It (liquid) is cooling (still hot); angpukpany It (liquid) is cooled; kamawukpa it is cooling. Met la kangpukpa ta ti kayirrk. ‘Wait, the tea is cooling.’ Met la kangpukpa ta ti. ‘Wait on, the tea is cool (now).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

2�•�dry. Kiwukpakpa manpurrwa. ‘The clothes are drying.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

Restrict:�ED subject 3: kapukpa�•�blow (wind). Usage:�Used for all winds Marlu kapukpaga. ‘The wind is blowing, cooling.’ Kapa kapukpa ta marlu. ‘The wind's blowing that way.’ Kapukpakpa kangmarrangulin. ‘The (north-west) wind blowing reminds me of what happened in the past.’ See:�kiniwukpaauxiliary. Category:�Wind.

majawumajawu���noun. frilly. Category:�Properties of surface.

malililut���noun. 1�•�soft part of the ear. Category:�Head.

2�•�any soft item. Category:�Properties of surface. Usage:�VE object See main entry: nulililut.

malitit���noun. slippery. Marlakan la malitit. ‘Careful, it is slippery.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

mawirrkanyminy���noun. becomes soft, old, worn out. Category:�Properties of surface, Illness and death.

mawugi���noun. old, worn out. See main entry: iwugi. Category:�Illness and death, Properties of surface.

mayirntum���noun. scorpion. Category:�Properties of surface. Note: may be confused with mayintuny, form of kiyintun

miragarrk���noun. 1�•�clear, pure. Ngawu katja inyarlgan la wularrut miragarrk. ‘Let's go after turtles because it (the water) is clear (now).’ Category:�Properties of surface, Goodness.

2�•�clear conscience. Arrkpanamin miragarrk tuka arrkparrk, wanji, marurturt. ‘We will be clear in our abdomen, head, heart.’ Anth: The abdomen is often referred to as the centre of emotion. Category:�Anxiety, shame.

3�•�wise, clever. Nuka ja miragarrk wanji. ‘He is a clever man.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

murntulwanpal���noun. wide across the bottom of (a canoe). Nganyamiyarma mata murntulwanpal mata mamarrk la yunyi mata malakuru. ‘I want the canoe to be wide across the body and don't make it narrow.’ See:�nuwanpalwide. Category:�Properties of surface.

murrkaj���noun. any oil, eg. fat, dripping, butter, margarine, diesel oil. Can be used as a modifier. Syn:�irri. Category:�Properties of surface.

ninyaryak���noun. 1�•�wet. Category:�Properties of surface.

2�•�'runs around' with men. See:�yaryak. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.

ninyjililut���noun. 1�•�soft. See:�nulililutsoft, like a baby. Category:�Properties of surface.

2�•�soft-shelled crab. See:�ninypimpimsoft crab shell. Category:�Crustaceans.

3�•�refers to a rising star before its starts to twinkle. Category:�Sky.

ninypugi���noun. old, worn out. Usage:�not used of people See main entry: iwugi. Category:�Properties of surface.

nulililut���noun. soft, like a baby. ninyjililut e.g. a crab when it's soft and is good to eat; nuntililut e.g. the sand; malililut soft VE item, or soft part of ear; *natililut *atililut, tulililut. Ninyjililut jita karnjawarra. ‘The mud crab is soft.’ Nuntilililut ta ajput. ‘The sand is soft.’ Malililut mata warlk, kamawajiyi. ‘The wood is soft (rotten), it's falls apart (when you touch it).’ See:�ninyjililutsoft; nulililnew baby; ngalililutI am soft (to feel). Category:�Properties of surface.

nungunji���noun. black, dark in colour, dirty, Aboriginal. ninyngunji, wungunji, mangunji, nakunji, wingunji. Wungunji ta kurrula. ‘The sea is dirty today (brown coloured).’ See:�kingunjanyminbecome black, dirty; kiningunjanymamake black, dirty. Category:�Properties of surface, Peoples and clans.

nuwinypukpuj���noun. smooth. ninypinypukpuj, nungpinypukpuj, nawinypukpuj, napinypukpuj. Category:�Properties of surface.

ngalililut���noun. i am soft (to feel). Category:�Properties of surface. See:�nulililutsoft, like a baby.

pujuk���noun. sharp. Pujuk ja wanjawak. ‘The knife is sharp.’ Pujuk murlu. ‘(It has a) pointy face (about a fish).’ See:�pulblunt, rounded. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

pul���noun. blunt, rounded. Nuka pul ja manjawak. ‘This knife is blunt.’ See:�pujuksharp. Category:�Properties of surface.

coverb. Restrict:�VE object 1�•�drop anchor or object with similar use. Tuka mannyakangung pul nakapa kapala. ‘The boat used to drop anchor there.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

2�•�kill. Pa iminy ja Mayinaj "Might be ngungpurrun ngiwuk pul." ‘Then Mayinaj said "Maybe I didn't kill him properly."’ Category:�General change of state.

weryak���noun. wet. Category:�Properties of surface.

wirlpirl���coverb. 1 kila wirlpirl�•�cook. Kila wirlpirl. ‘It's cooking, e.g. dugong ribs on the fire.’ Category:�Cooking.

2 kiniwun wirlpirl�•�cut into pieces, divide. Marntingunyuny ngarriwun wirlpirl. ‘We cut the dugong into pieces.’ ngarriwun wirlpirl ‘We stop (singing) (lit. make it short).’ angpinang Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

3 kiwun wirlpirl�•�dab on. Nuyi anpung wirlpirl. ‘You dabbed yourself (with clay, for decoration)’. Kiwun wirlpirl. ‘He's painting himself with stripes.’ Category:�Properties of surface, Holding, sticking.

Restrict:�LL object 4 kannyen wirlpirl�•�divide. anpinang wirlpirl ‘They divided the land’. See:�pirlnumerous; pirlpirlcut. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

Restrict:�MA object 5 kinnyarlukpa wirlpirl, kinilalkun wirlpirl�•�Dance in big group. Tipa wirlpirl kiwulalkun. ‘There's a big group of people dancing over there.’ Tipa wirlpirl kiwulalkun. ‘There's a big group of people dancing over there.’ See:�wilpilsignal that the song is ending by playing a particular rhythm with the clapsticks. Category:�Arrangement.

wintirrpintirr���coverb. rough. Muka mata arawirr mata nganymanguliny wintirrpintirr. malanypi la nganyawinypukpun. ‘This didgeridoo I made is rough. Later on I will make it smooth.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

wiringki���noun. the characteristic slippery, mucousy coating associated with the smell of stingray. Ja kiyap naka jara nuwurnyak wiringki. ‘The fish is slippery.’ wiringki nuyu Naka ja murtij ja imurra wiringki nuyu. ‘The murtij stingray has a lot of slipperyness.’ See:�ikurriodour. Category:�Rays, Properties of surface.

wurlkurl���noun. uneven ground, mountainous, hilly, soft. Tuka ta wugarra ta wurlkurl wularr. Marrik ngampiwi arrarray warak. ‘This ground is very uneven. There is no way we can get through.’ Mata couch wurlkurl. ‘The couch is soft.’ Category:�Landscape.

coverb. 1�•�sink down. Ta karrpin kerra wurlkurl warak naka ja nulakpi karryaka tuka wupaj kerra warak. ‘When we say "kerra wurlkurl", that is something heavy we throw in the water and it goes away.’ See:�wurlpurltie up canoes and leave them in the water; wurlwurlsink down (with kerra), dunk; kurldrown; kurlkurlhidden away, locked up. Category:�Motion relating to water.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�make bumpy. Nakapa karryatpi karrungaka wurlkurl. ‘We take hold of it and we make grooves in it.’ Category:�General change of state, Properties of surface.

wurlumunwurlumun���noun. lumpy. Ara nangila ngapi ngapalamanman ta pupurru wurlumunwurlumun. ‘Oh, Nangila, I stirred the porridge and it is lumpy.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

yaryak���noun. wet, person who talks and laughs too much. ninyarak, aryak, maryak, awaryak, weryak. Naka ja yaryak. ‘Those are wet (clothes).’ Ngaryak ta ngawiya. ‘My hair is wet.’ Nuyi ta nuwaryak. ‘You talk and laugh too much (a bit rude) (or can mean: you are all wet).’ See:�keryakpinbecome wet; kinnyaryakpamake wet. Category:�Properties of surface.

yurlirr1���coverb. 1�•�melt, soften. Kimin jurlirr ja murrkaj. ‘The butter is melted.’ Angminy jurlirr. ‘It melted.’ Category:�General, Properties of surface.

2�•�(dead animal) swell up. Kimit jurlirr. ‘It's all swollen up (dead animal).’ See:�jurlngarrmelt, soften; yurlngarrjurlngarrcrush.

yurlirrjurlirr���coverb. break up, soften up. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

yurlirrjurlirr���coverb. break up, soften up. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

yurgun���noun. raw, uncooked, unripe. murgun, awurgun. Category:�Cooking, Properties of surface. Ant:�yurrurt, awurrurt.

Parent category:
