General change of state
inypularr���noun. orphan, one whose mother has died. This term is used for a person whose mother has died, usually just for a short time after her death. It may be used for children until they have grown up. See:�lakput�‘orphan (lost father)’; iwularr. Category:�Peoples and clans.
coverb. 1�•�murder. Qe yi pa ninyarakapapa inyiwung inypularr. ‘Yes and he killed one of the women.’ Category:�General change of state.
2�•�kill, intending to kill by doing so. Category:�General change of state.
iwularr���coverb. kill, animals or people. Iniwung iwularr ja arrarrkpi. ‘He killed the man.’ Kinyiwuk iwularr. ‘He killed her.’ See:�inypularr�‘orphan (lost mother)’. Category:�General change of state.
jurlngarr���coverb. melt, soften. kangmin jurlngarr ta irruk. ‘The ice is melting.’ Kangmit jurlngarr. ‘It's melting.’ Syn:�yurlirr. See:�yurlngarrjurlngarr�‘crush’. Category:�General change of state.
katingki���tv. Restrict:�ED object mess with other people's things. kakenyji, kakarrkingki, kawarrkingki ‘Don't play with that thing/ Don't play with that flour.’. Inyi kartingki kanngarra wungpulajpu kunuka yirrik.. ‘Don't mess with other people's stuff, steal from them or whatever.’ Inyi kartingki ‘Don't do any bad thing like stealing or messing with another person's stuff’. Inyi kartingki. ‘Don't take anything from that house.’ See:�katingkan�‘be sung’. Category:�Shelter, camp, house, General change of state.
ingalangung muwarn���NVidiom. 1�•�dry in the sun. Iwutpangung tuka muwarn ingalangung kirrk. ‘Next they would put it out in the sun to heat it up (pounded up pandanus stem).’ Category:�Properties of surface, General change of state.
2�•�be affected by the sun. Sun give person sunstroke. Muwarn nganngawany. ‘I got sunstroke (Lit: The sun 'ate' me).’ Kunngawany muwarn. ‘You are affected by the sun, for example if you walk a long way.’ Kunngawany mira, muwarn. ‘You get really struck by the sun.’ Category:�Sickness.
kinilatparlangkata���tv. strengthen. Mananilatparlangkata maya mingkaga. ‘He will strengthen the fence.’ See:�nulatparlangkat�‘strong’; kilatparlangkayin�‘feel stronger’; angmirriyangkayiny�‘area of land or road becomes safe after a death’. Category:�General change of state.
kinilurtpujpa���tv. shorten, abbreviate. Inilurtpujpany ja manpurrwa. ‘He shortened the cloth.’ See:�ilurtpuj�‘short’; kilurtpujpin�‘become short’. Category:�Size and weight, General change of state.
kinimalngajpun���tv. 1�•�make more of something. Yanat kanimalngajpun lirri ngarrurru. ‘He is making more trouble for us.’ Kinimalngajpun ja rubbish. ‘He's bringing rubbish into the house.’ See:�kiwmalngajpun�‘make mess’; kimalngkawun�‘change’. Category:�Appearance, General change of state.
Restrict:�Female subject, male object 2: kingamalngajpun�•�reproduce, lay eggs. Manpiri kingamalngajpun. ‘The green-back turtle is laying her eggs.’ Manpiri kingamalngajpun ja kurlajuk. ‘The turtle is laying eggs.’ Category:�Reproduction.
Restrict:�PL subject 3: awuntumalngajpung�•�Descend from (people). arruntumalngajpung ‘our.ancestors (they made us plentiful). our ancestors, those from whom we are descended. They made us a large family. Refers to recent ancestors such as deceased grandparents etc. not long-ago ancestors.’. See:�yumalngaj�‘good hunter (masculine)’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
kinimarlurrwa���tv. hang someone. Iwumarlurrwany. ‘They hung him.’ Category:�General change of state.
kinimanpun���tv. 1�•�bite, chew, taste. imanpung ‘He bit himself’. Mampumangung mawiya mampumanpukpuning. ‘They would get the leaves and chew them.’ kinimanpukpun ‘he bites and bites him’. Yunyi kanngarra warak wakapa kiw arukin kunimanpu. ‘Don't go there. Snake, he might bite you.’ See:�kiniwanpun�‘eat until full’. Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�hurt. Marrik nganimanpukpu. ‘It doesn't hurt now.’
3�•�listen to and talk in a language. Category:�Activity manner.
4�•�kill or attack. Category:�General change of state.
kinimirlkpunge���tv. 1�•�turn over. iwumilkpungany ‘they turned it over’. Arriwamirlkpunga ja inyalgan. ‘We will turn the turtle over.’ Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�change. Ngarrunimirrawuning ngarrunimirlkpungangung ta ngatpalu tora. ‘He changes us and our faces become different.’ See:�mali�‘knowledge, memories’. Category:�General change of state.
Restrict:�LL subject 3: Kangkumirlkpungen�•�affect (us) badly. Malany angpamirlkpungenka ngarrurru ta karrpani Martpalk. ‘It will affect us here at Martpalk.’ Kurrkenkang nuyi la yanat nakapa angpumirlkpungakeny ngarru. ‘You two had a fight and it will effect us badly.’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�trouble come back to affect other people. For example when two people fight then other people get involved and they are also affected by the response from the other group. Angkumirlkpungakeny nuwurru. ‘They bring trouble back to you.’ Pa karrkpin 'Kutpanginkapa kurriwanawunapa. Angpamirlkpungenka ngarrurru. Like lirripa ngungpanatpi. ‘They might say 'You'll go and fight with them and you'll hit them. They will bring something back to us. Like I've got trouble to bring.’ Category:�Fight.
kinimulun���tv. 1�•�track person down in order to kill them, hunt an animal. Ngimulun kapin ngiwanawun ja arrarrkpi. Mankarni iwaniwun la yalayala ta lirri. ‘Ngimulun is when I kill a man. A medicine man will kill him or straightforward trouble.’ Category:�General change of state, Hunting.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kanimulun�•�typical male hunting on land, e.g. looking for kangaroo or buffalo with a spear. Malany ta karrungmulun ta apururrk walij nakapa katja tuka warak kunak kapa mantanti yara kani wiyu. ‘When we go hunting for bush foods in the time of plenty (early dry season) we go to the mainland or somewhere here.’ Kanimulunapa iwana, ayang iwanilalku. ‘He hunts. He will go and spear a kangaroo.’ angkumuluning kiyap ‘they wanted to go fishing’. See:�pirrpirr�‘hunting on land, with dog’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kanimulun�•�want to go: shopping, fishing, hunting, home. Ngapi ngungmulun ngatpanala walij tuka kunak. ‘I want to go home and eat.’ Nuwutpurra ta marryun kurrungmuluni kutjanyji. ‘Come on all you boys, you want to go.’ Kanimulun. ‘He wants to go.’ Kanimulun kiyap. ‘He wants to go fishing.’ Kangkumulun. ‘They all want to go.’ Category:�Desire.
kiningartpanpun���tv. 1�•�attack. iningartpanpun nuyu wanj ‘he ate his head’. Pa arukin yuranka inyingartpanpun. ‘Well the serpent came and bit her head off.’ Category:�General change of state.
Restrict:�MA subject 2: kiningartpanpun�•�have a headache. Nganingartpanpun mira. ‘It, headache, is hurting me badly, I have a bad headache.’ Kapukpaga marlu. Pa nganingartpanpun. ‘The wind's blowing, giving me a headache.’ Category:�Sickness.
kiningartpulati���Restrict:�MA object tv. turn off the power, power go off (on its own). Category:�General change of state, General.
Restrict:�VE object 2: kamaningartpulati�•�tv. put out fire, turn off stove. Kamaningartpulatiki mata yungku. ‘He's putting out the fire.’ kungartpulatja ‘used when telling someone to put out a fire’. Category:�Fire, Cooking.
kiningulaka���tv. repair, fix, heal, make good, for example: tidy up or neaten up. kiwungulakan, iwulangakantiny, iningulakantung, angpungulakanjing. Wularrut iningulakantung ja injin. ‘He has already fixed the engine.’ Marrik muj angkuwurru awang angpungulakanjing kirrk. ‘They didn't think of making a place (i.e. a concrete memorial).’ Ngarrila ngarruningulakan. ‘We eat it and it makes us better (Alangunta).’ See:�kiningula�‘heal’; kiniwaniki�‘change by adding’; kingulikin�‘recover, strengthen’; kiningulanngula�‘get ready, prepare’. Category:�Manipulation, General change of state, Healing and fitness.
kiningulanngula���tv. 1�•�get ready, prepare. Kurriwangulanngula angkat ngarrurru la arrkpana. ‘Get our things ready and then we will go.’ Naka ngarringulakan, ngarringulanngula kirrk ngarryarnangkat ta yirrk marrik muj kunuka ja iyirrngukuy. ‘The reason we tidy everything up, get everything ready and straighten it all out is so that it can't move.’ See:�kiningulaka�‘fix, heal, make good’. Category:�General change of state.
2�•�quieten down. Kurriwanama la kurriwangulanngula. ‘Get hold of him and quieten him down.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
3�•�look after children, teach them the right way. Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
kiningunjanyma���tv. make black, dirty. Iningunjanymany ngartu. ‘He made my things dirty.’ See:�kingunjanymin�‘become black, dirty’; nungunji�‘black, dirty’. Category:�General change of state, Properties of surface.
kiniwinypukpun���tv. 1�•�make smooth, by rubbing with an extended movement. Malanypi nganyawinypukpun mata arawirr. ‘Later on, I will make the didgeridoo smooth.’ arrkanawinypukpun Category:�Weak impact.
2�•�washing clothes for somebody. kingawinypukpun ‘he's washing clothes for her’. Iniwinypukpuning kirrk ja manpurrwa. ‘He washed all the clothes.’ See:�kiniwinypun�‘wash, touch’. Category:�Weak impact, General change of state.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kaniwinypukpun�•�complete it, finish it, be the last to finish the work. Category:�Activity manner.
kiniwun���tv. 1�•�hit, impact on, harm, kill. kurriwungka ‘you killed it’. Katiwun taka ta kantijawa. ‘He hits the bread.’ Marrgij inyjuwung. ‘They attacked her magically’. See:�kiniwunpun�‘ring’. Category:�Strike or chop.
2�•�make like (adjective), change to be like (adjective). Iniwuning ilurtpuj. ‘He was making it short.’ Ngannyawun rlaw. ‘I'm bending the wood.’ kampuwun kupuny ‘they make canoes’. Maniwung mata majarr. ‘He's speaking loudly.’ Category:�General change of state.
Restrict:�ED object 3: katiwun�•�hunt yams or other vegetable tubers. Awuran apuwung ta karwuluk. Apumanyka ta apun la ta awalinyjinyut (ta karwuluk). ‘They went out to get some yams. They brought big ones and small ones.’ yiwuwuning kiyap ‘they were catching fish.’ See:�kaniyawun�‘dig with a stick’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�MA object 4: kiniwun�•�ring (on phone). Usage:�used with oblique pronoun Ingawung ngartu. ‘She rang me up .’ Ngiwung parakpu ‘I called them up.’ Kuwanawun? ‘Are you going to make a call?’ Syn:�kilakpalolen. Category:�Language.
Restrict:�FE object 5: kinyiwun�•�clap hands. Kinyiwun yurnu. ‘He's clapping his hands.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
Restrict:�MA subject 6 kiniwun�•�rain on. Arruniwuning walmat ja karrkpin. ‘It was raining hard (on us).’ Katangali. Katiwun walmat nuka, pa kapurranymin. ‘It stands there. Rain falls on it and it grows. (a yam)’. See:�walmat�‘rain’. Category:�Rains.
Restrict:�MA subject 7�•�cure (sickness). Kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘People with ringworm will swim (in waterholes with Paperbark leaves in them) to cure themselves.’ Nukapa ja wurakpa ja kiniwun ja namurarri. ‘The wurakpa tree cures wasting sickness.’ Ja wanpirlk, kiniwun wurnkurrk, nuyu. ‘The seed cures colds, it's used for that.’ Category:�Medicine.
kiniwutpunya���tv. 1�•�start engine. Wularrut iniwutpunyan ja kapala kingurrin parak. ‘He has started the (engine of) the boat which is running (its course).’ Category:�General change of state.
2�•�good hunter. Kuwutpunyanapa ‘You're a great hunter.’ Iniwutpunyan. ‘He's a good hunter.’ Nuka ja iniwutpunyan ja karrkpin. ‘He killed a bit turtle.’ Category:�Goodness. Note: Used when men catch their first turtle or dugong, or when they catch a particularly big one and people are proud.
kinnyarrikpa���tv. 1�•�ruin, spoil, wreck. Injin innyarrikpakpan. ‘He has completely ruined the engine.’ awunyarrikpan ‘He spoiled it for them’. Yunyi karrarra warak tuka napakarriwun wanyji ngarrunarrikpay la ngarrimung. ‘We mustn't go close to sacred places or we will be destroyed.’ Category:�General change of state.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�ruin everything. "Kungarrikpay kunpeygo la ngamalkpanyi" ‘"You ruined everything, you're my mawawiny, let me out"’. See:�kerrikpa�‘get old’. Category:�Goodness, General change of state.
kinnyatpi���tv. 1�•�have, own , hold. Includes 'have as wife'. Can mean 'have for' or 'get for' with oblique object pronoun. Can mean carry with directional following. Yanat kinnyatpi luluj. ‘He has a dog.’ Kinyetpiga warranyngiw. ‘He brings her a child (i.e. he passes the child's spirit on to her and brings about conception).’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi kilangali, ketpi imawurr. ‘This man is standing, holding his arms.’ Ta wulatpiyi kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wulatpiyi ta iwanamin ngarrurru. ‘He has a message for us which he will tell to us.’ Marlu warrij arrunngatpang. ‘We had strong winds.(lit: strong winds had us)’. See:�kiniwelkpun�‘touch, purposefully bump or jab’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�change to be. Apan kamannyatpi rlaw. ‘He is making the spear shaft crooked (by bending it)’. Kamannyatpi rlaw. ‘With his hands he makes the spear straight (after warming it over the fire, but while it is not fully dried).’ Kammannyatpi rlaw manjat. ‘He bends it until its straight.’ Category:�General change of state.
3 : kingatpi�•�be pregnant, be carrying a child (inside). warranyngiw kingatpi ‘she is carrying a child’. Category:�Reproduction.
Restrict:�LL object 4 : kannyatpi�•�understand, grasp an idea, have knowledge. marrik kurrungatpi ‘you don't understand’. Ta nuwurri yara ta wurrwurr awk marrik kurrungetping ngarripa arrungatpiwi parang apa la arrungpanatpi pirij. ‘Now some of you, the new people, you can't understand, only we can understand but we're going to pass it on to you.’ Kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wurlkpungkuj. ‘He is friendly towards us.’ See:�wirij�‘coverb’; arr�‘keep, hang onto, stick’; kurrunnyatpi�‘this word is used when an atpaji relationship occurs between people’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�VE object 5: kamannyatpi�•�win. Nganti mannyatpung? Nawuyuk mannyatpung. ‘Who won (the fight)? Nawuyuk won.’ Yanat ja marryun mannyatpung. ‘The boy won (the race).’ mannyatpung yanat apa Mayinaj. ‘Mayinaj won (the fight).’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation, Goodness, Fight.
kinnyuki���tv. arrunpukyang. 1�•�show something, show how to do somethings. Nganuka. ‘Show me.’ Nganukiya ngampiwi nganamin parak ta alan. ‘Show me where to take the path.’ See:�kinilangkatpa�‘signal’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, General change of state.
2�•�teach. kanpunukiki ‘you went around and taught them showed them a lot of things’; awunpujikiny ‘apparently’. Yanat ja kawunnyukiki pata warranyngiw. ‘he is one who teaches the children.’ Ngannyukikang parang. ‘Then he taught me (the song).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, General change of state.
kingulikin���iv. heal, become better, strengthen, harden. Ingulikiny ja arrarrkpi. ‘The man got better.’ inypungulikiny yingulikinang See:�kiningulaka�‘fix, heal, make good’. Category:�Sickness, General change of state.
kiwmalngajpun���iv. make more. Kiwmalngajpun ja rubbish. ‘He's making a mess, bringing in mess into the house.’ See:�yumalngaj�‘hard-working hunter’; kinimalngajpun�‘make more of’. Category:�Appearance, General change of state.
mapularr���noun. calm, for example: a calm situation, calm body of water, calm wind. Tukapa ta mapularr ta marlu. ‘The wind's calm.’ Malany mata manimi kapin ta mapularr ja kapala arrkurri la arrkpayanyjiny ta kangparlkparran kirrk. ‘When we go in the boat and the sea is calm, you can see the tree stump clearly.’ La muj ta marlu, marrik arrungayanyjiny mira la ta mapularr ‘When the wind turns rough, you can hardly see it, but when the sea is calm, you can.’ See:�mularrarr�‘calm, troublefree’. Ant:�marrngarla. Category:�Sky, Water bodies.
coverb. Restrict:�MA object make it calm, e.g. sea, air. The only human subject this verb can have is Jesus Christ. It cannot be used for calming a baby, or anything an ordinary human can do. Innyutpan mapularr yirrk. ‘He made it all calm, caused it to be calm. (Jesus)’. Ja kurrana kilurrangkenka kinnyutpa mapularr. ‘The full moon rose and made the sea calm (the sea is often calm when there is a full moon in the sky)’. Ta marlu katjutpa mapularr. ‘The wind went calm’. Category:�General change of state.
ngayijpulkanyi���iv. kill turtle. Nakapa ngatpin, ngayijpulkanyi. ‘We do that, we kill turtles.’ Category:�General change of state.
pangap���coverb?. (to fill) full. Ngapi ngungpawulawkun pangap. ‘I will fill it full.’ Yanat kiniwulawkun pangap ja kiyap. ‘He's filling it up with fish.’ Category:�Arrangement, General change of state.
parrparr���coverb. 1�•�be extended, cover a large area. Kutpayanti mata miyurrk kamaw parrparr. ‘Look at the smoke, it stretches a long way.’ Nuka kiw parrparr. ‘He's lying down.’ Manjat tuka kanyu parrparrwu. ‘The one who's straight to them.’ See:�parr�‘peel back, become unstuck’; arr�‘stretch’. Category:�Size and weight.
2�•�be extended, cover a large area, stretch out. La mata karlagarla naka kapa Wartpen, mutpiny parrparr warak. ‘His tail stretched up to Wartpen.’ Category:�Remain stationary, Size and weight.
3�•�stretch, extend. Kurlingka kutpan parrparr ja manpurrwa? ‘Did you stretch out that material?’ Category:�Manipulation.
4�•�make correct, write down correctly. Angamany ngaw ngaralk pa angutpan parrparr warak ta wulinjinyut la ta wumun ta ngaralk. ‘She got my words and put them down correctly, the easy parts and the hard parts of the language.’ Ngungpanutpa parrparr tuka ajput ora ta waryat. ‘I'll straighten up the sand and the rocks.’ Karryutpa parrparr warak ‘We keep the pitch straight (not particularly high or low like the other two of the three types of tunes)’. Category:�General change of state, Goodness.
5�•�extend. ja kingurrit parrparr ‘it's roots’. Category:�Plant parts, Size and weight.
pul���noun. blunt, rounded. Nuka pul ja manjawak. ‘This knife is blunt.’ See:�pujuk�‘sharp’. Category:�Properties of surface.
coverb. Restrict:�VE object 1�•�drop anchor or object with similar use. Tuka mannyakangung pul nakapa kapala. ‘The boat used to drop anchor there.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.
2�•�kill. Pa iminy ja Mayinaj "Might be ngungpurrun ngiwuk pul." ‘Then Mayinaj said "Maybe I didn't kill him properly."’ Category:�General change of state.
pulkij���coverb. murder. jita wulkurr jita pulkpijapa ‘the older one who was murdered’. Inyiwung pulkij. ‘He murdered her.’ See:�inypularr�‘orphan / murder’; wurlk�‘sorrow’. Category:�General change of state.
rtap���coverb. 1�•�explode. Iwany rtap. ‘It exploded.’ Category:�General.
2�•�pop out. Wanyji ngulamngulam la mamit rtap mata wun. ‘Close to morning his eyes popped out.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
3�•�break. Ara iniwung rtap ngartu! ‘Oh, he broke my (belonging)!’ Ipijipij ja karrkpin naka karriwu rtapartap. ‘Ipijipij is what we say when we break something into pieces.’ See:�ipijipij�‘pieces’. Category:�General change of state.
4�•�get and break. Awungurrinang la awuniwuning igarnpa, awunimurnanganyang awunimangung rtap. ‘They were running and he was hitting them with his tail, bringing them back and breaking them up.’ Category:�General change of state, Manipulation.
5�•� Inimany rtap. ‘He ate it, including eating nuts and cracking them open with your mouth.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.
6�•�break by kicking. Innyarlukpan rtap. ‘He broke it by kicking it.’ Category:�Strike or chop.
Restrict:�LL object 6�•�slip. Parang la awunyjilinang malany annyarlukpanrtap ja Yumparrparr. ‘As they fought Yumparrparr slipped.’ angpannyarlukpa rtap wanji nuyu Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Movement relating to fixed point.
7�•�bite into something (e.g. bush peanut), breaking it open with a noise. Apumanpunik rtap la akin akinkangung. ‘They bit on them and it made a sound.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.
rtapartap���coverb. keep on breaking, break completely. Iniwung rtapartap. ‘He broke it into pieces.’ Category:�General change of state.
rtapartap���coverb. keep on breaking, break completely. Iniwung rtapartap. ‘He broke it into pieces.’ Category:�General change of state.
uki���iv. show oneself, appear to. Nguran ngujiny nuyu ngannyeyawng. ‘I went and showed myself to him and he saw me.’ Awuranka awujikiny nuyu pa kiwararrken ja warranyngiw. ‘They came over and showed themselves, sat for a little while and that little child cried for them when they left.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, General change of state.
wirrngak���1�•�noun. breath, life or hunger. La animaj rturrkpu wirrngak. ‘He made them really upset (lit: he pulled their breath).’ See:�kinnyaka�‘throw’. Category:�Healing and fitness.
Usage:�used with kimaju 2�•�NVidiom. be hungry, feel weak and tired from hunger. Nuka ja marryun kimaju mira wirrngak. ‘This boy is very hungry.’ la wirrngak marrik anmajung ‘so you won't be hungry (later)’. Yiwaninganpi yimin, Purrup ngarrurru; marrmarr pa nuyu, arriwanala la wularrut nganamaju wirrngak ta ngapi ‘Then he said, "We did well. I'm happy because we will eat, and I will be hungry."’ See:�kiniwurlkparrki�‘hungry, have empty stomach’. Category:�Illness, Healing and fitness.
Usage:�used with kinnyatpi 3�•�NVidiom. be hungry. Naka ja kinnyatpi wirrngak ja warranyngiw murnin ja mayakpu marrik aniwurru. ‘The child feels hungry but the father isn't noticing (for example, because he's playing cards)’. Category:�Illness.
Usage:�used with kinima rturrk 'pull' 4�•�NVidiom. make upset. Restrict:�LL object La animaj rturrkpu wirrngak. ‘He made them really upset.’ Kanima rturrk ngartu wirrngak. ‘He's really making me upset (eg. by crying for along time)’. See:�rtururrk�‘wipe, graze’. Category:�General change of state, Sorrow, happiness.
Restrict:�LL object 5: kannyaka ta wirrngak�•�NVidiom. breathe, rest, take a holiday. Juka jita warranyngiw marrik angakay mira ta wirrngak. ‘This child is not breathing properly.’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi iyamany wularrut la kayirrk kannyaka wirrngakapa. ‘This man was working before but now he is having a rest.’ Ngungaka wumurra wirrngak. ‘I'm panting.’ Category:�Automatic actions, Sleep.
6�•�NVidiom. short of breath. Kanjintukun ngartuk wirrngak. ‘I'm short of breath.’ See:�mangmang�‘pant’. Category:�Sickness.
wurlkurl���noun. uneven ground, mountainous, hilly, soft. Tuka ta wugarra ta wurlkurl wularr. Marrik ngampiwi arrarray warak. ‘This ground is very uneven. There is no way we can get through.’ Mata couch wurlkurl. ‘The couch is soft.’ Category:�Landscape.
coverb. 1�•�sink down. Ta karrpin kerra wurlkurl warak naka ja nulakpi karryaka tuka wupaj kerra warak. ‘When we say "kerra wurlkurl", that is something heavy we throw in the water and it goes away.’ See:�wurlpurl�‘tie up canoes and leave them in the water’; wurlwurl�‘sink down (with kerra), dunk’; kurl�‘drown’; kurlkurl�‘hidden away, locked up’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�make bumpy. Nakapa karryatpi karrungaka wurlkurl. ‘We take hold of it and we make grooves in it.’ Category:�General change of state, Properties of surface.
Parent category: