Divide, cut, tear
aril���coverb. 1�•�circle around, linger. Can be 'linger' or 'hang around' for people. Or for a person who keeps going up and down looking for something. Koyanti karlurri kili aril. ‘Look at the bird circling around.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
2�•�circle around. Kerra aril. ‘He's circling, e.g. bird looking for fish.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
3�•�cut around. Inilalkuny arilga arilwi. ‘He cut it in a circular fashion.’ kinilalkuny aril la aril Category:�Divide, cut, tear. Anth: Used in decribing how turtles, dugongs and buffaloes are cut open to remove the guts.
4�•�encircle. Category:�Horizontal movements.
5�•�surround, entry. Awuntuwutiny aril ‘They (birds) are circling them (prey).’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
arilaril���coverb. go on circling around. Category:�Horizontal movements.
1�•�go around in circles. Kawungurrin arilaril ‘They're going around and around in a circle (on their bicycles)’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
2�•� Category:�Horizontal movements.
jarrk���coverb. 1�•�break, split open. Kuwuni jarrk! ‘Cut that (paper, or shirt or anything)’. Syn:�yarrk. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�make room (for OBL). Kurrungpuni jarrk! ‘Get off the road (a car's coming). (Lit: make room!)’ Kurrungpuni jarrk nuyu mutika. ‘Make room for the car.’ See:�yarrk; kannyarlan�‘divide, halve’. Category:�General terms.
3�•�cut in half. Karlanti jarrk. ‘Cut it in half (paper or clothing, or dividing a crab into half so each can take half.)’ Manpurrwa, korranti jarrk. ‘Divide the clothes in half.’ Korlanti jarrk, like nuyi.... ‘Divide them in half, like you...’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
jarrkjarrk���coverb. split open. Ngarringula ngarriyarlan jarrkjarrk kirrk. ‘We open it, and make it split right open’. See:�yarrk (kinilalku)�‘split’; karten yarrkjarrk�‘one who uses a different pronunciation’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
jarrkjarrk���coverb. split open. Ngarringula ngarriyarlan jarrkjarrk kirrk. ‘We open it, and make it split right open’. See:�yarrk (kinilalku)�‘split’; karten yarrkjarrk�‘one who uses a different pronunciation’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
kalk���coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject 1�•�be in a line, queue. Kinypet kalk ta kawarra warak pata arrarrkpi. ‘They walk in line as they go along, those men.’ See:�walk�‘circumcise’. Category:�Arrangement.
2�•�chop. Ngatingan kalk ‘We chopped’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
kannyarlan���tv. Restrict:�LL object Divide, halve. annyarlantiny ‘He divided it and gave it away (land).’ Yangkung aniyarlatuny ngaw ja iminy mawawiny. ‘He would give half to his future mother-in-law.’ angarlantiny ‘Water split the two islands’. See:�yarrk�‘split open’; kiniwilkpun�‘divide and share’; kiningarlan�‘divide up’; jarrk�‘break open’. Category:�Transfer, Divide, cut, tear, Social responsibilities and events.
katiyirlatu���tv. Restrict:�ED object slice (the yam, ready to soak). Usage:�not used for potato or bread, just yams. Not used much anymore. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Cooking.
kerlangken���iv. tear, split, separate. Ay naka yarlangkeny ja jalwarra. ‘Oh, the trousers are torn’. Wula kawarra la kangarlangken kanya wurrkaraga la anyamin. ‘When they have an earthquake the earth opens up from one side to another.’ Naka wernangkat akutju pata, warra Japani la kapala pa wularrut yarlangken. ‘The Japanese were still alive but the boat was torn open.’ See:�marlangkeny�‘log’; kapijarlangken�‘scatter’; kiyiyarlangken�‘yawn’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
kinilakparrki���tv. 1�•�cut the meat out of the clam shell. Inimany maminga inilakparrkang. ‘He took the clam shell and cut out the meat.’ See:�kantakparrki�‘spear cut ground’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Shellfish.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�Eat sand, a habit of some fish. kanilakparrki ‘What fish mungkulurrut, nayuma and mirrk do as a habit.’ Category:�Illness, Fish.
kinilalku���tv. 1�•�cut. ilalkany ‘he cut himself’; arralalku, AD Text16, kurrilalkung, Yinkarnarrk. Inilalkuny manjawak. ‘He cut it with a knife.’ mampulalkuny ‘they cut it down (tree)’. Kilalku. ‘He cut himself once (eg with a knife).’ See:�kinilalken�‘ask’; kanilalkpa�‘cutting across country’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
2�•�spear (with a shovel spear). Inilalkuny rlama. ‘He speared it with a shovel spear.’ See:�kinirrka�‘spear fish’; rlama�‘shovel spear’; irrkaka�‘man hunting with a spear’. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
kanilalku (kunak)���lie on side. See:�kiw kinilalku�‘lie on side’. Category:�Remain stationary.
kinimarlalku���tv. cut throat. Iningalkpung ja manpiri waliman imajunga apa la inimirlkpungeny ingurlkparrungan la inimarlalkuny. ‘He clubbed the turtle with an axe, turned it over onto its back and cut its throat.’ Pa iwumarlalkuny ja ngarrkarrk inyarlgan. ‘They cut the necks of the two turtles.’ Pata wera mampumarlalkuny majarr ngaw. ‘They cut it off at the trunk.’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Head.
kininyji���tv. 1�•�feel, examine, pinch, grab, turn on equipment by pushing a button (eg. ghetto blaster). ininyjung, ininyjung. Ngapi nginyji ja kimaju. ‘I am examining the sick man.’ ininyjung ‘for example when a sea eagle suddenly swoops down and grabs a fish from the sea’. Nganinjukpiny ja nganimany ta ngayatpung. ‘He scratched my arm when he touched me.’ See:�kininyjininyji�‘massage’; awunypinyjung�‘play around’; kinyji; kinimarlinyji�‘choke’. Category:�Pressing, Holding, sticking.
2�•�heal someone through use of magic. ininyjung marrngijpu ‘he healed her with witchcraft’. Category:�Sorcery, Medicine.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kaninyji�•�dig up food from ground which can be easily got just with the hands such as mawany. Not used for digging karwuluk because that is much more difficult. kangpinyji mawugany ‘they are gathering mawugany lily roots’. Kamu la larla angpinyjung kirrk ta mawugany la kawuraka. ‘Mother and older sister have got all the mawugany roots and are going home.’ Ngarrunginyji ‘We're getting shellfish from the mud’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�LL object 4: kaninyji�•�milk cow. Puka pata kangpinyji. ‘They are the ones who do the milking.’ Karrunginyji ‘We milk a cow.’ Syn:�kinyji. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�ED object 5: apinyjung�•�a long time ago the old people put a spell on that place to make it productive and make it a good place for their families to live. Warrapijyikarlu apinyjung." ‘The old people put an increase spell on that place/The old people live and work there a lot (by implication)’. See:�punyikarlu�‘old person’; nypinyju�‘this word is used when the children go off together walking a long way or fighting or playing around’. Category:�Sorcery.
kiningarlan���tv. 1�•�Divide up and separate, for example by giving to different people. For example, divide up and give away dugong meat or turtle, or money, or sort out clean washing. iningarlantiny ‘he separated them, sorted them out’. Ingaralakantiny. ‘She was counting up the money and giving half each to different people.’ See:�kannyarlan�‘divide, halve’. Category:�Transfer, Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�VE object 2: kamaningaralan�•�split (wood). Anmangaralanti mata yungku ngarrurru. ‘You must split our firewood for us.’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
kiniwarran���tv. cut up meat. Iniwarrangung ja irratat. ‘He was cutting up the meat.’ See:�kiniwarranparran�‘cut up all meat’; kiniwarrama�‘share out meat’; kinnyurntulwarran�‘gut’; kiniyamparlkarlku�‘cut up meat (of turtle or dugong)’; kangmurlwarra�‘brown’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
kiniwarranparran���tv. cut up all meat. Iwuwarranparrantiny kayirrk la awunpuning la wemin. ‘They cut up the meat into pieces and shared it with all the people.’ See:�kiniwarran�‘cut up meat’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
kiniyamparlkarlku���tv. cut up meat (of turtle or dugong). Iwaning iniyamparlkarlkungung. ‘He was there cutting up the meat of the sea-going animal.’ See:�kiniwarran�‘cut up meat’; kinilalku�‘cut’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
kiniyulun���tv. cast off the old shell and leave the new, soft one. Kiniyulun ja mawuga. ‘The mawuga crab is shedding its old shell.’ See:�kiyulu�‘move’; ninypimpim�‘soft crab shell (feminine)’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Crustaceans.
kinnyarnkirrun���tv. take skin off an animal, take bark off a tree. kuwarnakirrun. Kiwarnkirrun ja pulikang nuyu iwanamaga ja irratat tuka purijarata. ‘They are skinning the bull so they can bring the meat to the refrigerator.’ Kamparnkirrun ‘They remove the bark.’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
kinnyartjirtpun���tv. peel skin off something such as an orange. Ngiyartjirtpung kirrk. ‘I peeled it all off.’ Kawartjirtpuni ta kaluku. ‘Husk the coconut’. See:�kertjirtpun�‘peel off’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
kinnyurntulwarran���tv. gut (animal). Nuyi wiyu kurrurntulwarranti! ‘You gut it yourself!’ See:�kinyurntulwarran�‘menstruate’; kangarntalwarran�‘glow in the distance’; kirrwara�‘back’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
kingamarlintun���tv. Restrict:�MA subject 1�•�be broken apart. Manimarlintuny marlu. ‘The wind broke the rope (because boat was tied using rope).’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�GEN subject 2�•�being blown by the wind. Being moved by the wind, not just feeling a breeze. ta apurra marlu awunngamarlintunyi tumalarrakpin miga yu. ‘A big wind would blow them away because they were really very thin.’ Ingamarlintuny ta marlu. ‘The wind blew it.’ Karrangamarlintun. ‘We're being blown by the wind (eg in a boat)’. See:�mamarlintuny�‘break off’. Category:�Manipulation.
kiyarrkalku���iv. cut own hair. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Head.
ngatngat���coverb. tear, split. Angarran ngatngat ta waryat. ‘The stone split.’ See:�yarrk�‘split’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
pirl���noun. cripple. Nuka ja pirl. ‘He's the cripple’. See:�ngalpirl�‘cripple (female)’; wirl�‘nuisance’. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
coverb. 1�•�cut across, through, squeeze, divide something. Atiwuk pirl ta kantijawa. ‘He cut through the bread.’ Nganiwut pirl ja nuka. ‘This thing is squeezing me.’ Tukapa angkuwung pirl wemin ta Warrarakuku la wemin ta kinyuryi muwarn. ‘They've already divded it, the Warrarakuku - they're the sun set side.’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Pressing.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�cross mountains, land or bodies of water. angkanawut pirl ‘they will go across’; kangkuwut pirlga ‘They are going across’. Aku, angkuwuk pirlgapa kupuny. ‘They came across to the place by canoe.’ angkuwuk pirl warak ‘They went across to the other side.’ Ngapi ngungput pirl ta alan. ‘I cut across the path.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Impact.
3�•�chop up, divide. innyej pirl ‘he cut it short (MA, e.g. string)’. kinnyet pirl ‘he is cutting it short (MA obj)’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�cut story, conversation short. ngungej pirl. anyej pirl ‘he cut it short (LL: a story/conversation)’. anyeny pirl ‘he just stopped’. Awulalkanyjiliny apa angpaj pirl innyung. ‘They had a meeting for a while. They shortened that meeting and he gave him.’ Category:�Language.
5�•�pinch hard. kininyji pirl. ‘He pinched him.’ Kunuka nuyi ta kannginyji pirl? ‘Why are you pinching yourself?’ Nganyjuk pirl ta ngapi wiyu. ‘I'm pinching myself.’ See:�wirlwirl�‘squeeze (kininyji)’. Category:�Pressing.
6�•�choke. Wularrutapa iwuwutiny pirl. ‘They have choked him already.’ iwutin pirl ‘he choked.’ Category:�Pressing, Head.
Restrict:�VE subject 7�•�burn through. Muka mata yungku mata kamala pirl. ‘This fire is burning through, in the middle (ie. as a camp fire does).’ See:�pirlpirl�‘flowing strongly’; wirlpirl�‘flowing’; purl�‘light with firesticks’. Category:�Fire.
Restrict:�MA subject 8�•�be a cripple, for example need a wheelchair or suffer from paralysis. Kinima pirl ‘He's a cripple.’ Nuka ja inimaj pirl kiwani. ‘He became a cripple.’ Syn:�mirngij. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
walk���coverb. circumcise. Iwunguliny walk ja marryun. ‘They circumcised the boy.’ Walkapa iwanutpa. ‘They will circumcise him.’ See:�kalk�‘chop’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, General ritual.
weringki���noun. when you got an animal, when you open the guts you find it is very greasy in there, this grease is called weringki. May only be found in grazing animals. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, General.
wirlpirl���coverb. 1 kila wirlpirl�•�cook. Kila wirlpirl. ‘It's cooking, e.g. dugong ribs on the fire.’ Category:�Cooking.
2 kiniwun wirlpirl�•�cut into pieces, divide. Marntingunyuny ngarriwun wirlpirl. ‘We cut the dugong into pieces.’ ngarriwun wirlpirl ‘We stop (singing) (lit. make it short).’ angpinang Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
3 kiwun wirlpirl�•�dab on. Nuyi anpung wirlpirl. ‘You dabbed yourself (with clay, for decoration)’. Kiwun wirlpirl. ‘He's painting himself with stripes.’ Category:�Properties of surface, Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�LL object 4 kannyen wirlpirl�•�divide. anpinang wirlpirl ‘They divided the land’. See:�pirl�‘numerous’; pirlpirl�‘cut’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�MA object 5 kinnyarlukpa wirlpirl, kinilalkun wirlpirl�•�Dance in big group. Tipa wirlpirl kiwulalkun. ‘There's a big group of people dancing over there.’ Tipa wirlpirl kiwulalkun. ‘There's a big group of people dancing over there.’ See:�wilpil�‘signal that the song is ending by playing a particular rhythm with the clapsticks’. Category:�Arrangement.
yarrk���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�lie open, be a gap, open space. Takapa kanyu yarrk. ‘It is lying open.’ kanyu yarrk ‘a space in an area’. Angpanaw yarrk ngartu ‘Leave a space for me (to sit)’. See:�jarrk�‘make room’; ngatngat�‘tear, split’. Category:�Landscape, Movement relating to fixed point, Physical stance.
2�•�ask a favour of, request. Yunyi kuwin jarrk. ‘Don't ask him for it (just now).’ Category:�Language.
3�•�taste something sweet. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�detect sound from far away. Innyet jarrk. ‘He heard.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
5�•�split, cut in half. Kuwuk jarrk manpurrwa. ‘You tore the piece of clothing/cloth’. aniwuk jarrk ‘the axe split the island in half’. See:�kannyarlan�‘divide, halve’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
yarrkjarrk���break, split open, gut. Iniwung yarrkjarrk ja kapala la kunuka yirrik iniwung innyartpungkuny worri ta waka. ‘It tore the boat open and all that, broke it and then lifted it up onto the dry land there.’ See:�karten yarrkjarrk�‘one who uses a different pronunciation’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
yarrkjarrk���break, split open, gut. Iniwung yarrkjarrk ja kapala la kunuka yirrik iniwung innyartpungkuny worri ta waka. ‘It tore the boat open and all that, broke it and then lifted it up onto the dry land there.’ See:�karten yarrkjarrk�‘one who uses a different pronunciation’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Parent category: