

alalanyun���noun. Restrict:�PL young men. Nganamin nuwurru anpulawnut, alalanyun. ‘I am going to speak to your elders, young men.’ Syn:�marryunmarryun. See:�marryunboy. Note: No singular form. Category:�Ages.

alalkiya���noun. a woman who has had children. Used as a term of address or reference. Can be used as reference term together with the name of a child of the woman to refer to its mother. Alalkiya, ngawu! ‘Mother of children, come!’ alalkiya X. ‘refers to mother of person with that name in third person’. See:�inymarrkparrkman with children. Category:�Ages. Anth: Used as term of address by for example brother in law or marnmarn.

alikornka���noun. mother of deceased child. Usage:�Address or reference term. Used regardless of the age of the child who dies. Anth: Term is usually dropped after some time, or after the woman has another child. An alikornka cannot go near the sea or eat fish or turtle as this will stop the men being able to catch any. After she has finished the period of sitting at home and warming herself on a sand cone (up to one month long) she can eat sea foods and go near the sea again. This is not generally practiced anymore. Jaka jita kinyarra waraju jita alikornka. ‘There goes the mother of the deceased child.’ Category:�Ages. Note: A person is not addressed by this name.

aningurtpulmuniny���noun. the last, youngest son in a family. Syn:�awuniluriny. See:�aniwukpulmununythe last child of a certain gender who comes after many of the opposite gender; perrgensecond eldest brother. Category:�Ages.

aniwukpulmununy���noun. the last child of a certain gender who comes after many of the opposite gender. For example the youngest child in a family if that child is a boy and the three children who came before him were girls. Form angawukpulmuny used for girls. See:�aningurtpulmuninythe last, youngest son in a family; kiniyirntunbe a woman's last child. Category:�Ages.

anpulawnut���noun. oldest sibling in family, male or female. "Larla" aminy ngaw jita anpulawnutapa inypaning awunngatpang. ‘"Sister" they said to the oldest one who was looking after them.’ See:�anpulawnut pularrelders; yarrunparrkia person talking to their kamu or yiji about their own brother or sister. Syn:�najaman, wulkurr, nulawnut. Category:�Ages.

anpulawnut pularr���noun. elders. Restrict:�PL Nganamin nuwurru anyak anpulawnut pularr. ‘I will say just a little to you elders.’ anpulawnut pularr See:�nulawnutelder; anpulawnutoldest sibling. Category:�Ages.

arrarrkpi���noun. 1�•�man, married man or man who has gone through ceremonies. Nuka arrarrkpi. ‘This is a man.’ Kurlingka marryun kawani? ‘Are there any males/boys living here?’ See:�warla nuyumale; warra punyifathers, men. Category:�Peoples and clans, Ages.

2�•�aboriginal person. Category:�Peoples and clans. Nuka arrarrkpi la nuka palanta. ‘This is an aborigine and this is a white man.’

3�•�a group of Aboriginal people. Category:�Females. Arrarrkpi kawulangali iliwan. ‘The (aboriginal) people are at Iliwan.’

4�•�human, person. Ngarrurri arrarrkpi yirrk, ta ngarrurri. ‘We are all people, we are.’ Category:�Females.

arrimanga���noun. used to talk about or talk to a man who has recently lost a brother or sister. Usage:�address term or reference term, replaces use of skin name during bereavement period See:�arrinymangabereaved sister; wumangasource of a creek. Category:�Ages.

arrinymanga���noun. used instead of skin name for a woman who has recently lost a brother or sister. Usage:�address term or reference term, replaces use of skin name during bereavement period See:�arrimangabereaved brother. Category:�Ages.

awuniluriny���noun. the youngest son in a family. Awuniluriny. Warrwak imalkpanyka. Awuniluriny. Warrwak Awuniyarrungka ‘He's the youngest son. He's the one who came after (all the others).’ Awunngaluriny ‘She's the youngest daughter.’ Syn:�aningurtpulmuniny. jar jaawuniluriny See:�kinnyarlukpato precede a sibling in birth order; warrwakthe last person. Category:�Ages.

inymarrkparrk���noun. a man who has children. This is a polite term of address or reference. For example, a man's sister-in-law or brother-in-law would use it. It is also used in third person with the name of the referent's child to refer to the them. See:�alalkiyamother. Category:�Ages.

iyalala���noun. primapara; a woman who had already had one child, or been pregnant up to around 25 weeks. Category:�Ages.

kamumu���noun. a middle aged woman. warra kamumu. See:�kamumother. Category:�Ages.

ta ngatpalkpany kirrka���we, the new generation. Category:�Ages.

kiniyirntun���tv. 1�•�pull down, e.g. clothing from washing line. Category:�Manipulation.

2�•�sorcerer sing to stop rain. Category:�Supernatural.

3: kaniyirntun�•�be a woman's last child. angayirntuny she is the last child. ja aniyirntuny yanyjukapa ‘he was his mother's last child on the breast’. aniyirntuny yanyjuk ‘the last child (male)’. angayirtuny yanyjuk See:�aniwukpulmununythe last child of a certain gender who comes after many of the opposite gender. Category:�Ages.

lakput���noun. one whose father has died. Anth: This term is usually only used for a short time after the death of the person's father. For children it may be used until they have grown up. See:�inypularrorphan (lost mother). Category:�Ages.

malamanyjirrka���noun. a youth. Anth: literally: facial hair is beginning to appear Category:�Ages.

marryun���noun. young man, boy. Anth: used of a male into early twenties, sometimes used of a man until the time of marriage marryun anyak ‘little boy’. See:�marryunmarryunboys; alalanyungroup of young men. Category:�Ages.

marryun putarr���noun. boys aged about three to seven. Category:�Ages.

marryunmarryun���noun. boys, aged about ten to fourteen. See:�marryunboy; alalanyungroup of young men. Category:�Ages.

murkpurk���noun. pregnant woman. Category:�Ages.

najaman���noun. 1�•�first born child. Nuka ja ngapi ja marryun ja najaman. ‘This is my first-born child.’ Ingamany najaman. ‘She's given birth to her birth to her first child.’ Ingamany jita najaman. ‘She had her first baby.’ Syn:�anpulawnut; Ant:�namawij. Category:�Ages.

2�•�first menstrual period. Inyimany najaman. ‘She is having her first menstrual period.’ Inyimanyapa ja najaman ‘She had her first period.’ Syn:�warlk (kinnyen), muru (kinnyen). Category:�Reproduction.

namarlaja���noun. an orphan, an uncared-for child. See:�namarlanmarlajaorphaned children. Category:�Ages.

namarlanmarlaja���noun. orphaned or uncared-for children. See:�namarlajaorphan. Category:�Ages.

ninyjelel���noun. newborn female infant. See:�nulelelnewborn baby. Category:�Ages.

ninyparlkparrakan���noun. old woman. Category:�Ages. See:�nuwarlkparrakanold man.

nulawnut���noun. a male elder. Syn:�anpulawnut. See:�anpulawnut pularrelders. Category:�Ages.

nuwarlkparrakan���noun. old man. ngawarlkparrakan, karrparlkparrakan, ninyparlkparrakan, tuwarlkparrakanut. See:�ninyparlkparrakanold person (female); tuwarlkparrakanutold people; arrparlkparrakanutus old people; kiwarlkparranbe white; kiwarlkparrakanminhe is becoming old; kiwirkanyminsenile, very old; ngulkuolder person, person with white hair. Category:�Ages. Note: stress on second and penultimate syllables

nyelk���noun. age stage term. Category:�Ages.

yarakap ngarlwak���phrase. only child. inyalkpany yarakap ngarlwak. ‘She has only one child, an only child.’ Category:�Ages.

perrgen���noun. 1�•�second eldest brother. Usage:�subsection name Variant:�term of reference. Yanat Nawurlany perrgen. ‘He is the second male Nawurlany in that family.’ Category:�family, inc moieties, Ages.

2�•�a family of sisters with a youngest brother. Anth: the brother is called by subsection name plus perrgen. See:�aningurtpulmuninyyoungest son. Category:�family, inc moieties, Ages.

pipij���noun. baby. From: English. Category:�Ages.

warranyngiw���noun. child: young person or child of someone. ja warranyngiw ‘used to refer to child of either sex’. Category:�Ages. Note: Meaning seems quite fluid, can cover older children. Can also mean 'child of' and thus apply to people of any age. Masculine is the default for referring to any nonspecific child

ja warrwak, jita warrwak���younger sibling or youngest sibling in a family. Reference term. See:�wulkurroldest sibling, older sibling; awunilurinyyoungest son. Category:�Ages.

wilijpularr���noun. the young of (people), the young children. Kiki kamin pata manpiri anpunayawng pata wilijpularr? ‘How many baby turtles did you see?’ Category:�Ages. See main entry: ilijpularr.

wulku nuyu���noun. a grey-haired person. See:�ngulkuold person. Category:�Ages.

wulkurr���noun. oldest sibling, older sibling, reference term. Can be used to refer to oldest male or female sibling in a family or just used for 'older' when distinguishing between smaller set of referents. Malany jita warrwak naka akamuy la jita wulku naka akawurruning. ‘The younger sister hadn't seen these nuts before but the older sister knew about them.’ Syn:�anpulawnut. See:�warrwakyounger sibling; namawijyoungest boy in set of siblings; ngalmawijyoungest girl in set of siblings; ngulkuold person. Category:�Ages, family, inc moieties. Note: Pronunciation 'wulku' seems to be used now.

numatpa wulkurr���second oldest. Kayirrk la ingalakan ja numatpa wurlku ‘Then she sent the second oldest.’ Category:�Ages, family, inc moieties.

numatpa wulkurr���second oldest. Kayirrk la ingalakan ja numatpa wurlku ‘Then she sent the second oldest.’ Category:�Ages, family, inc moieties.

wungumpuli yitpiyitpi���phrase. younger girls starting to have breasts. See:�kangmartiyoung breasts; wungumpulipoint or headland; itpiyitpigrasshopper. Category:�Ages.

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