Shelter, camp, house

Shelter, camp, house

apartpalmili���noun. part of the house under the gables. Category:�Shelter, camp, house. See main entry: iwartpalmili.

igu���noun. handle. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

ilinjinyut imun���phrase. the little and big things, all things. Kawunpun la wemin. Kiwatpi wemin, ja ilinjinyut imun kawunpun la wemin ‘They're sharing it. They've all got some, big and small things, they're sharing.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

irrgiyirrgi���noun. palm type found growing along creeks in jungle. Carpentaria acuminata, Gronophyllum ramsayi, Hydriastele wendlandiana. Variant:�Iwaidja: Rdarrirdarri (Carpentaria acuminata). Maka pata Irrgiyirrgi. ‘That is an Irrgiyirrgi.’ See:�marrunycabbage palm. Category:�Palms, Shelter, camp, house. Anth: Grows along creek beds. Leaves were used in the past to make shelters and other things. Not good for firewood.

jarlan���coverb. (beating in) through. Walmat kimin jarlan. ‘The rain is beating through (the window).’ Category:�Weather, Shelter, camp, house.

japiri���noun. large mat. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

jularra���coverb. go naked. Ja marryun anyak yarrangung jularra. ‘The little boy was going about naked.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

katingki���tv. Restrict:�ED object mess with other people's things. kakenyji, kakarrkingki, kawarrkingki Don't play with that thing/ Don't play with that flour.. Inyi kartingki kanngarra wungpulajpu kunuka yirrik.. ‘Don't mess with other people's stuff, steal from them or whatever.’ Inyi kartingki ‘Don't do any bad thing like stealing or messing with another person's stuff’. Inyi kartingki. ‘Don't take anything from that house.’ See:�katingkanbe sung. Category:�Shelter, camp, house, General change of state.

kinimarrkuta���Restrict:�MA object tv. close the door and steal all the belongings. Category:�Shelter, camp, house, Holding, sticking.

Restrict:�VE object 2: kamanimarrkuta�•�tv. close the door. Ant:�kamannyatpalan. Category:�Arrangement.

kinjirran���noun. light shining from inside, a star. See:�kiyirranshine light. Category:�Shelter, camp, house, Sky.

kunak���noun. 1�•�ground or dirt, can also refer to the sea bottom. Kiw tuka kunak. ‘It is lying on the ground.’ See:�yulngpujdust. Category:�Land features.

2�•�camp, home. Kiwani tuka kunak ngartu. ‘He is at my camp.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

3�•�country, land. Ngapi ngartu kunak kapa Wungarnpa. ‘My country is at King River.’ Category:�Land features.

Restrict:�LL subject 1 kanti kunak, kantangali kunak�•�camp semipermanently for a few months, build huts, many people camping there. Usage:�Used like a noun to refer to the camp. Wakapa kanti kunak arrarrkpi kawulangali. ‘Over there a group of people were staying in a long term camp.’ Wakapa antangaling kunak wigarra pata arrarrkpi awaning la warra kamumu la warranyngiw. ‘There were a lot of people camping there; men, women and children.’ Iwulangungapa kiyap. Anting kunak pata pukawkapa pata arrarrkpi, pata karlurri awk. ‘They were eating the fish. They had a big camp with a lot of people where they stayed for a while, all those people, all those birds.’ Category:�Remain stationary.

Restrict:�LL object 2 kannyen�•�bury.dead. Usage:�only for humans, not animals Wularrut ngungeny kunak. ‘I already buried the body.’ Kangpen kunak kirrk like ngarrkarrk la werakap kangpen kunak. ‘They buried them all, like they buried three.’ Category:�Mourning.

kunkawarn���noun. camping place. Category:�Shelter, camp, house. Note: Used when talking about lost boy - marrkijpu saw the place where he was sleeping for a few nights

kurrampalk���noun. house. Category:�Shelter, camp, house, Other.

rlirr���coverb. 1�•�move, shift from one place to another. Warranyngiw kutpina rlirr! ‘Children, move over!’ Nganiluta la imina rlirr warak. ‘He is in my way and should move away.’ See:�yap (kimin)move.location. Category:�Horizontal movements.

2�•�move or push something along. Kumanyi rlirr nuwu ja mutika. ‘Move your car out of the way.’ Kunymanyi rlirr jaka (*ngaw) ‘Move her along (e.g. a child).’ Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�ED object 3�•�move camp. La apakawi rlirr warak ngampiwi yirrik ta waka. ‘And further on to - I'm not sure which places - over there.’ Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.

malakpirij���noun. hole in a tree, hollow tree, doorway. See main entry: ilakpirij. See:�kilajihollow, hole. Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house, Plant parts.

marlya���noun. 1�•�crocodile nest. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•�hole dug in the ground to take upright sticks to make a shelter. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

maryawu���noun. 1�•�Paperbark tree. This term also refers to its bark alone which is used for many things. It is used in cooking and to make shelters. Melaleuca argentea and others. Variant:�Iwaidja: Martiyawu. Maryawu apakan. ‘They made a shelter of Paperbark.’ Mata maryawu naka mampakangung yaw tuka wupaj tuka marruny mawng purlup. Kayirrk la mampuwinypuning larnngalk. Yara tuka wurl ta anyung ta wupaj tuka maryawu kamalangali la kama jurr mata mawiya, kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘They used to put the Paperbark in water in a container made of Palm tree leaves to soak. Then they would wash out their ears (with the water it had soaked in). Sometimes in a waterhole where there are Paperbark trees growing and the leaves fall in the water, people with ringworm will swim to cure themselves.’ See:�marterrlarge Paperbark trees; warralRed Paperbark; jijirokbrackish water from a paperbark tree; iwarnjiwarna model made of paperbark; irrajtorch made from paperbark; wulurrupaperbark torch, roll of paperbark. Category:�Trees and bushes, Medicine, Shelter, camp, house.

2�•�playing cards. See:�warrallarge paperbark tree; jijirokbrackish water from a paperbark tree. Category:�Other.

warra maryawu���area of paperbarks. Category:�Trees and bushes.

mawngku���noun. 1�•�shade, shadow. Mawngku kamawarlkanyi warak. ‘The tree's shadow is extending (as the sun moves down in the sky).’ Waryat kamangutpa mawngku. ‘The rock has a shadow.’ Category:�Other, Colours and light. Usage:�Used for shadow of non-humans. Yarlawu is used for humans.

2�•�shelter which people make to sit under. Kapumurntulku ngarrurru ta mawngku. ‘They make a shelter for us.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

murinmuri���noun. a hideout for catching magpie geese. Category:�Shelter, camp, house, Hunting. Anth: A hole is dug in the ground near where geese feed. Then the lily roots which geese eat are put over the top and a peephole made. The man grabs the goose when it gets close enough.

ngalyapanta���noun. 1�•�a forked piece of wood such as is used to make a bark shelter. Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.

2�•�buffalo horn. See:�larnngalkhorn. Category:�Mammals.

3�•�place name on the 'top side' of King River where the river forks out into smaller arms. Category:�Place names.

palapala���noun. 1�•�a large, flat-surfaced piece platform including the platforms traditionally built in Stringybark houses or a bed or table. See:�nawanpalflat clapsticks. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

2�•�barge. Category:�Other.

palungang���noun. pillow. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

parlangkit���noun. blanket. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

tarrkal���noun. door. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

warrngi���coverb. 1�•�put blame on. Kinini warrngi nakapa awarran rtil. ‘He will blame one (but) they both went.’ Kinyngani warrngi. ‘She is blaming her.’ Category:�Fight.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�put down camp. Ngampiwi kungena warrngi anpana ta ngulam? Ngapi ngana Wiyarla ngulam. ‘Where will you put your camp when you go tomorrow? I will go to Wiyarla in the morning.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

wurul���noun. Dodder laurel, a fine climber with white flowers. Cassytha filiformis. Wurul katiwuta. ‘They use Dodder laurel to make a shade.’ See:�wurulwurula right-handed person, 'right hand' or right hand side. Anth: Was used for shelter from rain as it forms a thick cover. Also has an edible white fruit. Category:�Small plants, Plant food, Shelter, camp, house.

yap2���coverb. move from one spot to another, move location, move oneself to another spot and stay there for a while, shift camp. amijap ‘they moved camp (because someone had died)’. Amajpungkiny parak aminy jap parak pata Wamirunmu awaning. ‘The people who were staying at Wamirunmu got up and shifted camp.’ Kayirrk la yarran imijaparak tuka marapa seat, kawani. ‘Later on he moved to another seat.’ See:�rlirrmove, change location. Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.

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