Location and distance
apaka���noun. length, breadth, distance, size. Ya. Wakapa, kani la apaka inyangkung ‘Yes, over there, here and further on, she travelled back and forth, getting the language.’ Kani Maningrida ta outstation ngaw apaka wakapa kawani arrarrkpi. ‘The outstation where people live is further on from Maningrida.’ Apaka Wunguk yurtiny nungmatpa karrkaj yurtiny. ‘He landed further on, at Wunguk, on that other island.’ See:�kinnyaka�‘build’; wapaka�‘at that place, far distant’. Category:�Location and distance, Size and weight.
arka���adverb. part way, halfway, a little.bit. Iwumany arka iwutpan. ‘They took it part of the way and then put it down.’ Nungpakapa ta ngarrat pularngalk arka arakap ja nukapa ja nguya ja nukapa kaminWarrarakuku ‘Also I forgot a little bit, one tribe name - that tribe Warrarakuku’. Iniyarrun parak ingawirrung orka warlk ja pelk, la iminy arririj ja arrarrkpi kingurrin parak ingawung warlk. ‘He was chasing him, the belt got caught on the tree as he passed it and the man turned around, was running and hit a tree.’ Category:�Location and distance.
japaka���dem. that, far distant. Japaka kinyarra warak. ‘That woman, in the distance, is going (that way).’ Category:�Location and distance.
kani���LOC.ADV. here. Kani kiwani. ‘Here he is.’ Ta waliwali ta kanyu ta apaka la kani ta karrkpin. ‘The corals are there and they take up a large area.’ kaniga ‘further this way’. Category:�Location and distance.
kapal���noun. 1�•�the middle, in between, in the middle. Category:�Location and distance.
2�•�a plain, open flat country, includes floodplain. See:�kap�‘small bare patch without plants’. Category:�Landscape.
3�•�seat in middle of canoe or dinghy. Nganpaningan tuka kapal. ‘I'm sitting in the middle of the canoe.’ Category:�Items for fishing.
4�•�the hunter who sits in the middle of the canoe. See:�wurlurn�‘captain of canoe’; angparti�‘hunter who sits at front of canoe’. Category:�Initiation.
kernti���iv. be up in, on, hanging from, high up. ngarnti, karrarnti, ngarrarnti, kanngarnti, kurrarnti, kinyarnti, karnti. Awarnting tuka warlk. ‘They were up in the tree/ they were hanging from the tree’. Kinyarnti akutju tuka stool la ja arrarrkpi iminy ngaw push, mawarlkanyi. ‘She's still up on the stool and then a man pushes her and she falls down.’ See:�kiwarlkarrin�‘have been put high up’; wirt�‘be up in, be up on’. Category:�Location and distance.
kilatin���iv. be inside something. Ingamany ja manjawak ilatikinang tuka kapala. ‘She got the knife which was lying in the boat.’ Kilatin mutika. ‘He is in the car.’ Awulatikin la innyutpan arak. ‘They went across (in a boat).’ See:�kinilati�‘put in something’. Category:�Location and distance.
kinilarrikpi���tv. lift up, raise up. Yanat inilarrikpung inimany parak. ‘He lifted him up and carried him away.’ See:�kilarrikpin�‘rise’. Syn:�kinimajpungku. Category:�Location and distance, Manipulation.
kinilarrngani���verb. raise something up while hanging. iwumajpungkuny inypularrnganiny iwumajpungkuny inypularrnganiny ‘They lifted him up and stood/hung him on the cross.’ See:�kiniwularrun�‘finish’. Category:�Location and distance, Manipulation.
kiniwalkara���tv. 1�•�hang up. Iniwarlkariny yurrng tuka warlk ja pilikan. ‘He hung the billy up in the tree.’ Ngiwalkariny ja jalakaraj la pukijuku ta kurrampalk ta ngapi. ‘I have a jalakaraj and a pukijuku spear hanging up in my house.’ See:�kiwarlkarrin�‘have been put high up’. Category:�Manipulation, Location and distance.
2�•�put up sail. Iniwarlkariny kerra warak kupuny. ‘He put up the sail and is now going along by canoe.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwarlka���tv. 1�•�sit on. Karrpani karriwarlka ja purrpurruka. ‘We are sitting on top of the material bag.’ Nganngawarlka. ‘She's sitting on me.’ Syn:�kiniwarlkatpa. Category:�Remain stationary, Location and distance.
Restrict:�GEN subject 2: kingawarlka�•�be the boss of land, look after land, own land. Kingawarlka ‘He's the head man, he looks after the land.’ Wularrut ngapi nganngawarlka ta kunak. ‘I am based on this land, I am in control of this land.’ Kingawarlka ta kunak. ‘He looks after the land.’ Like yanat nuyu pa ta kunak. Kingawarlka ta kunak. ‘Like it's his land. He's the boss of that land.’ Kingawarlka ta yanat ta nuyu ta kunak. ‘He's the boss of this, his land.’ Marrakarrak kingawarlka ta kunak. ‘His son is (now) the boss of he land.’ Nganngawarlka ta kunak. ‘I am in control of this land.’ Kingawarlka ta kunak. ‘He is one of the main owners of this land.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
kiwarlkarrin���iv. put high up, hang up. Nuka ja jurra ja iwarlkarriny. ‘Someone has put these books up high.’ Nuka ja purrupurrukang kiwarlkarrin tuka table kernti. ‘This bag has been put up there on the table, it's up there.’ Apuwarlkarrinyapa ta jampakang. ‘They put corrugated iron on top (of a shelter, ta mawngku).’ See:�kernti�‘be high’; kilakpalkarin�‘lie with head on pillow’; kiniwalkara�‘hang up’. Category:�Manipulation, Location and distance.
kiwraka���iv. -uraka. 1�•�go first, go ahead, go in front, be in front. Nganuraka, ngarruraka. Yanat wularrut yurakan. ‘He has already gone ahead.’ wularrut mira pata namumuyak pata awurakangung ‘a long time ago those dreamtime people who came before us’. kawuraka ta kurrampalk ‘they're in front of the house’. Ant:�kinilurrku. Category:�Movement relating to moving object, Location and distance.
2�•�go home. Anth: Used in saying goodbye. Ngarri ta warrwak mira ngarrurakangung. ‘We were the last people that got back.’ yurakan ‘he went home’. See:�jinyngu�‘dark’; warrwak�‘afterwards’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point. Note: Can mean 'go ahead' in a temporal sense too
meywarra���noun. behind. Warlk kamalangali meywarra tuka kurrampalk. ‘The tree is behind the house.’ See:�wurrkara�‘opposite, behind’. Category:�Location and distance.
mimi���noun. 1�•�rib. Mawajiyiny nuyu mata mimi. ‘His rib is broken.’ See:�inimi�‘lower back’; nimi�‘buttocks’. Category:�Organs and torso.
2�•�side of the road. Takapa mimi ngaw ta alan. ‘That is the side of the road.’ See:�mirkawk�‘one side of road’. Category:�Location and distance.
3�•�mimi spirit. imurra ja mimi ‘there are many carved mimi figures (in the arts centre)’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
napaka���dem. that, far distant. japaka, tapaka, wapaka. Napaka, kerra warak. ‘There he is over there, going along.’ Category:�Location and distance.
nimi���noun. 1�•�the blocked off end of the honeycomb in the tree. Arrungpayarrun arrkpanarra arrkpamalkpa ngaw ta nimi. ‘We will follow it along (ie. with the axe) until we come to the end of it.’ See:�inimi amparlarr�‘people from the topside of Alligator River’. Category:�Bees and honey.
2�•�the underneath side. Kamalangali mata warlk la arrkpana arrkanamajpungku nimi ngaw. ‘We will lift up the underneath part of the tree.’ Category:�Location and distance.
3�•�buttocks. See:�niminimi�‘go to back (of something)’; mimi�‘rib’. Category:�Organs and torso.
nukuka���dem. you (singular) there, near distance. Nukuka kankangali, kilaja nuwu kapapa. ‘You there, he is calling you from over there (much further away).’ See main entry: nuka. Category:�Location and distance.
ngampiwi���part. where? Which? La ngampiwi yuran? Yuran Wigu. ‘But where has he gone? He has gone to Wigu.’ Ngampiwi ja kinila kalakalak? ‘Which one (of the dogs and cat) eats chickens?’ See:�ngampi yirrik�‘wherever, that place’; waka�‘at that place’. Innyeyawng iminy "Marrik ngampi ngiwu" ‘He looked at him and thought "There's nowhere I can hit him." (because his head and torso were too high up).’ Category:�Location and distance.
pintij���little bit. Kapin kayirrk ta pintijut. ‘Now there's only a little bit’. Category:�Appearance.
coverb. near the end of.
Restrict:�GEN subject 1�•�be near end. Ngarrunngatpi pintij. ‘We are near the end of the trouble.’ Category:�Activity manner, Location and distance.
2�•�Be near to end of something. Malany kanpani pintij. ‘You are sitting near the end of (the seat).’ Category:�Location and distance.
purlup���coverb. be in water. ta waryat kanyu purlup ‘the rock lies underwater’. Mata maryawu naka mampakangung yaw tuka wupaj tuka marruny mawng purlup. ‘They used to put the Paperbark in water in a container made of Palm tree leaves to soak.’ Kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘People with ringworm will swim (in waterholes with Paperbark leaves in them) to cure themselves.’ See:�wurlupurlup�‘bathe’. Category:�Location and distance.
tapaka���dem. at that place, far away but in sight, ?that way. could be ref to a place or 3pl group Yamin tapaka ta kinyuryi muwarn. ‘He's that way to the west side’. Tapaka warak kiki yirrik kamin parak? ‘Where did the story go from there? What did they do?’ Category:�Location and distance.
tipa���dem. there, middle distance, visible. See:�nipa�‘demonstrative’; kapa�‘over there’. Category:�Location and distance.
walarrkpaj���noun. a very long way off, far. Makiny. La walarrkpaj mira, makiny wupaj. ‘No, it is too far, there is no water.’ La walarrkpaj la ngampi yirrik awk kawuntuwurrun awk pata warra mayakpu ngarrurrru. ‘Far away and all over they know our fathers.’ See:�warak�‘a particle which follows the verb directly to mean that the direction of the action described by the verb is away from the speaker and the hearer’; marnturrkpaj�‘person who walks far’; ilarrkupanya�‘long, tall’. Category:�Location and distance.
wanyji���adverb. near, close by. Usage:�may be followed by oblique pronouns Kilangali wanyji tuka skurl. ‘He is standing near the school.’ Kimalkpaga wanyji. ‘(The boat) is coming closer.’ tuka wumawurr wanyji ngaw ‘near the creek’. See:�wurrkaj�‘nearly, about to’. Category:�Distance, Location and distance.
wanyji kap���working on meaning. Category:�Distance, Location and distance.
wanyji kap���working on meaning. Category:�Distance, Location and distance.
wapaka���dem. at that place, far distant. Wapaka awuran. ‘Over there, they went (far away, out of sight).’ See:�apaka�‘length, breadth, distance, size’. Category:�Location and distance.
warrwak���adverb. 1�•�later on, afterwards. Warrwak malany nganamin nuwurru ta wulatpiyi ta ngungatpi wiymunpiymun arrarrkpi aminy ngartu. ‘Later on, I will tell you the message that I have from the leaders.’ Nganunparra werrk, warrwak la ngana kiyap. ‘I'll sleep first, later on I'll go fishing.’ Category:�Longer.
2�•�that place, already mentioned. Wenat pata kapin tuwuran warrwak. ‘They all belonged to that place, back there.’ See:�meywarra�‘behind’. Category:�Location and distance.
3�•�last person. Ngarri ta warrwak mira ngarrurakangung. ‘We were the last people that got back.’ See:�kiwraka�‘used for first and oldest’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
4�•�behind. See:�kinilurrku�‘be behind someone’.
ja warrwak, jita warrwak���younger sibling or youngest sibling in a family. Reference term. See:�wulkurr�‘oldest sibling, older sibling’; awuniluriny�‘youngest son’. Category:�Ages.
warrwakparrwak���adverb. elsewhere. Ngarrimung warrwakparrwak. ‘We were elsewhere.’ Category:�Location and distance.
wirt���noun. be up in, be up on. Restrict:�inanimate subject Ta kilangali wirt ja kernti yurrng tuka warlk yara palapala. ‘Wirt means that we put it up high in a tree or on a flat surface (roof, table).’ See:�kernti�‘be up in, on, hanging from, high up’; yurrng�‘high up’. Category:�Location and distance.
wukej���noun. inside, in water, underground. ta wukaj tuka kunak ‘underground’. See:�yalayala�‘outside’. Category:�Location and distance.
wumarrk���noun. below, under, area below, low lying area, beyond the horizon. See main entry: imarrk. See:�wumarrkwumarrk�‘bottom of, lower edge of’; yurrng�‘high area’. Category:�Location and distance.
wumarrkwumarrk���adverb. bottom of, lower edge of. Yunyi kanngarra yurrng tuka walaya la anpana wumarrkwumarrk. Wakapa ta nungmalal anpanarra warak. ‘Don't go along the top of the cliffs but go along at the bottom. It is safe to walk there.’ See:�wumarrk�‘below, under’; wuwutuwut�‘low flying’. Category:�Location and distance.
wungijalk���noun. 1�•�centre or main part of an area named by a particular place name, or centre or main part of any other Land gender thing. Mawng wungijalk. ‘Real Mawng, the way old people spoke.’ See main entry: ingijalk. Category:�Land features, Location and distance.
2�•�deep water, ocean. Awuran warranyngiw la ja marryun yuran wungijalk iniwunyan wurnkurrk. ‘The children went (to the beach) and one boy went out (to where it was) deep and a jellyfish stung him.’ See:�mapakapak�‘the ocean, the sea, the 'deep'’. Category:�Water bodies.
3�•�north. Anth: The deep ocean is to the North of Goulburn Island and thus wungijalk is to the north. Category:�Cardinal directions.
wungijalk kapukpaga���the North wind, which blows from the direction of the deep ocean. Category:�Wind.
wurrkara wurrkara���phrase. both ends or both sides. wurrkara wurrkara ‘each side’. wurrkara la wurrkara ‘both ends’. Category:�Location and distance.
wurrkurr���coverb. 1�•� Karrunnyen wurrkurrga. ‘He's exactly facing us.’ See:�kurr�‘stand upright’. Category:�Location and distance.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�sharp pain originating from inside the body. Kimin wurrkurr ngamawurr. ‘There is a sharp pain in my arm.’ Kimin wurrkurr tuka ngamawurr. ‘There's a sharp pain in my arm.’ Like he ask "Ngampi ta kunngarajpun mira, kiw wurrkurr? Like Inyminy "Parang, nungmalal. Ma-yung wurrkurr nganijmanpun. ‘Like he asks "Where does it hurt?". She says "Don't worry it's ok. It doesn't hurt."’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.
wutarr���part. a little bit further, a bit more. Kutpanyi yurrng putarr. ‘Put it a little further up, a little higher.’ See:�nanguj�‘recent time’. Category:�Location and distance, Activity manner.
yalayala���noun. outside, open area, do something openly, in public rather than in secret. Awaning yalayala. ‘They were sitting outside.’ ngawu yalayala! ‘Come outside (speaker is outside, hearer is inside)’. See:�yala�‘out’; wukej�‘inside’. yalayala and yalayalaya, used to mean 'openly' Category:�Location and distance.
yurrng���noun. high up, on top of. Nakapa ja yurrng parak. ‘The one at the top (picture of fish at the top of the page)’. See:�wumarrk�‘low lying area’; wirt�‘be up in, be up on’; kiniyurrngpun�‘command, force’. Syn:�wanji. Category:�Location and distance.
Parent category: