apugi���noun. old, worn out. See main entry: iwugi. Category:�Longer.
apungkurryuwu���noun. 1�•�time of the year when bush food is ready to be collected. Syn:�apururrk walij. See main entry: imungkurryuwu. See:�iwururrk�‘succulent, juicy’. Category:�Longer.
2�•�part of a yam plant at the top of the yam which can be cut off and replanted. See:�karwuluk�‘yam type’; Wurruwujpiny�‘yam type’. Syn:�apanga. Category:�Plant parts, Tubers.
apururrk walij���noun. time of the year when bush food is plentiful, February. This is the harvest time for yams, when the long grass goes to seed and falls down. Wularrut apururrkpalij la arrkpana arrapanawun arrapanal. ‘It is now harvest time (for bush foods) so let us go and dig for them and eat them.’ ta apururrk walij ‘good season’. Pa ngatja, ngarrapa, ta apururrk ta walij kapin miyulum. ‘Well we go off and get it, all the juicy food like Miyulum yam.’ See:�iwururrk�‘succulent, juicy’. Syn:�apungkurryuwu. Category:�Longer.
ilijap���noun. young, little, small, cheap (cost). ninyalijap, wulijap ‘small.amount’; malijap, awalijap. ngalijap Syn:�ilinjinyut. See:�ilijpakpak; awalijap�‘small’. Ilijap ja rrupiya. ‘That's cheap.’ Category:�Longer.
iwurraj���noun. 1�•�fat, big. See:�mawurraj�‘very juicy’; ngurlungurlu�‘become bigger, fatter’. Category:�Appearance.
2�•�season time for cockles and karranarn oysters that have fat. See:�ayuk�‘law, custom, lifestyle’. Category:�Shellfish, Longer.
jungkarra���noun. year. Usage:�Used in special idiom with kinnyaka with MA subject and MA object to mean 'X number of years pass' Kinnyaka yarakap jungkarra. ‘As one year passes.’ Awulangaling yarakap jungkarra. ‘They were there for one year.’ See:�kurrana�‘month’; kinnyaka kurrana�‘measure of time’; walmat�‘way of measuring years by counting rainy seasons’. Category:�Longer.
jungkarra la jungkarra���idiom. year after year. Akut la akut, jungkarra la jungkarra, kamamalkpa. ‘Again and again, year after year it appears.’ See:�akut la akut�‘repetitively’. Category:�Activity manner.
kamarlkpakpa���noun. burning season, around June, when people light a lot of grass fires. Anth: When the bush starts to dry off, May and June, when a lot of burning occurs. Same time as people look for freshwater tortoise and wallaby. Kayirrkapa kamarkpakpa. ‘Now it's the dry season, the time of burning off.’ Malany awaninganapa ta marlkpakpangung nakapa anmajunmajungan. ‘Later when they came towards the time of burning off, the water got low.’ See:�kamarkpa�‘burn’; manarkpakpa�‘early part of the dry season’. Category:�Longer.
karrpani mawngku-mawngku���phrase. around Christmas time. Category:�Longer. Anth: refers to time when people sit in shade and do not go out hunting
kartparra���coverb?. flowers bloom, seeds sprout. Kamawun kartparrapa, warrga. ‘Flowers start to open up.’ Warrga kamawun kartparra. ‘The flowers finish.’ Category:�Longer, Automatic actions.
kayirrk���adverb. now, today, nowadays, in the near future. Parang apa kunjurrngpung marnti kayirrkju kunjarray anjamang warlk kanpu tuka kirrwara. ‘I have commanded you lest you go cutting trees and harm your back.’ Kayirrkju kiwrtin parak tuka karlurri. ‘Only now are they going inland to the ceremony.’ ja kayirrk ja kunimakan ‘your current husband’. See:�-yu�‘only, just’. Category:�Daily, Longer.
kimurnangani���iv. 1�•�return. Imurnanganinyka akutju kani Warruwi. ‘He returned to Warruwi again.’ ngatpurnatpurnanganyangka ‘we were all coming back’. amurnanganinyka ‘they came back’. See:�murnangani�‘return, bring back’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
2 : kangmurnangani�•�remember, recall, think back. Kangmurnanganiga ngartu pa ngawunpurrun. ‘Memories came back to me and I thought of them (people who had died).’ Angmurnanganya nuwurru ta wuwugi. ‘Remember the old days!’ Angpurnatpurnanganinyka, ngartu ta wurrgarl. ‘I remember the dreams.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL subject 3�•�next time something happens, or next day. La pa angmurnanganinyapa ta (yuranapa) inimanyka ja waliman. ‘And then the next day he went and got the axe.’ Like angmurnanganinyka, next day ey? Category:�Longer.
Restrict:�LL subject 4�•�blame (OBL). Kangmurnangani ngaw inyanat kirrk ‘She was blamed for everything.’ Pa angmurnanganiny kirrk ngaw inyanat. ‘All the blame was put on her (for a fight she was involved in).’ Kurrkinka pa angpamurnanganinyka ngarrurru. ‘You had a fight and they will bring it back at us.’ See:�kinnyurtjun. Category:�Fight.
innyutpan kurrana���NVidom. new moon appear. See:�kinymarlkurranken�‘new moon appear’. Category:�Longer.
kinyjapurr���noun. the hot dry season, October to December. Ta kinjapurr ta karrkpelkpin mira wuwukuwuk karriwakayaw ja pipij tuka wupaj akut. ‘The kinjapurr is when we get very hot, its hot, and we dip the baby in water frequently.’ Syn:�mamun wirlngukuk. Category:�Longer.
kingalkpun���iv. Restrict:�VE subject quiet, peaceful, calm (weather). Pata warranyngiw kamangalkpun. ‘The children are being quiet.’ Yanat kiwani kamangalkpun. ‘He's sitting silently.’ Warlk mangalkpung kirrk. ‘The trees are quiet (not rustling).’ See:�ingalkpany�‘be from place’; kiningalkpun�‘crack or pound head’. Category:�Longer, Non language human voice sounds, Fight.
mangalkpunngalkpung���iv. peaceful, quiet. Kayirrk mangalkpunngalkpung. ‘We are having a period of peace. (lit: It has been peaceful for a long time)’. See:�malakpuj�‘quiet (coverb)’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Fight.
kurrana���noun. 1�•�moon, month. Ja kurrana kilurrangkenka kinnyutpa mapularr. ‘The full moon rose and made the sea calm (the sea is often calm when there is a full moon in the sky)’. Kurrana kimaju la ilnguk kiningula la karrila ja karnjawarra. ‘When the moon dies the crab makes the red fat and then we eat it.’ Kurrana kaniyirran kurrula kinymalarrijpikpin. ‘The moon's shining and the sea's sparkling.’ See:�kinyjunmarryun�‘new moon’; kinymarryun�‘new moon’; kinymarlkurranken�‘new moon appear’; jungkarra�‘year’. Category:�Sky, Longer.
2�•�uterus. Category:�Organs and torso.
kinnyaka kurrana���measure of time. Restrict:�people as subject - always PL Ngarriyakangung ja kurrana kiki yirrik? ‘The months pass, how many is it?’ See:�ta arryakan ja kurrana�‘some time ago’. Ta awunnyukikiyang ta awuyamangung ta arryakan ja kurrana ta nungmalal yirrk angminy. ‘The work experience program held earlier this year was very popular.’ See:�jungkarra�‘year’. Category:�Longer.
kinnyaka kurrana���measure of time. Restrict:�people as subject - always PL Ngarriyakangung ja kurrana kiki yirrik? ‘The months pass, how many is it?’ See:�ta arryakan ja kurrana�‘some time ago’. Ta awunnyukikiyang ta awuyamangung ta arryakan ja kurrana ta nungmalal yirrk angminy. ‘The work experience program held earlier this year was very popular.’ See:�jungkarra�‘year’. Category:�Longer.
makinyju���part. when, the time that, not sure if it has to occur with ta or not. Ngarri pa ta makinyju ngarraran nganyetpang malany tuka nanguj putarr ta alaj iniyalmany mirnta. ‘We were together all the time. I was with them, then a little while later he died.’ See:�makiny�‘no’; makiny la�‘and so’. Category:�Longer.
malany���part. 1�•�sentence introducer. Waryat kanyu wakapa tuka yarntakpung. Malany tukapa kurrungpawurrun ta ngungunman. ‘There is a reef where he chopped it down. Now you will understand what I told you.’ malany takapa ‘seems to mean 'that's when'’. Malany la Category:�Language.
2�•�when, at that time, used adverbially. Category:�Longer.
3�•�clause connector. Yarntakpung malany ta wupaj angmalkpangungka. ‘He chopped it and the water began to rise.’
4�•�what (about it)? Variant:�falling intonation. Anngalyunyi! Malany? ‘Listen? What (do you want)?’ See:�malanypi�‘later on’.
malanypi���adverb. later on, afterwards. Malanypi la nganamurnanganiga. ‘I will return later on.’ Malanypi nganyawinypukpun mata arawirr. ‘Later on, I will make the didgeridoo smooth.’ See:�malany�‘so then, then’; -wi�‘towards location/ hearer’. Category:�Longer.
mamun wirlngukuk���noun. the hot time immediately preceding the Wet season, October to December. Syn:�kinyjapurr. See:�wirlngukuk�‘coals’. Category:�Longer.
manarkpakpa���noun. Early part of the dry season following wumulukuk, August to September. See:�kamarlkpakpa�‘burning season’. Category:�Longer.
manmuyuk���noun. middle of the dry season. See:�namumuyak�‘dreamtime period’. Category:�Longer.
maryakut���noun. fresh young growth, of the type that appears after rain. Used to refer to the season when this usually occurs too. Kayirrkapa ta maryakut. ‘Now it is the time when the fresh young growth appears (early wet season).’ Muka mata maryakut. ‘This is fresh young growth.’ Ingarnakenang maryakut irrka. ‘His first beard was beginning to come through (a young man).’ See:�maryak�‘fresh, green plant’. Category:�General terms, Longer.
mirlak nuyu���season of new growth, first rains. Category:�Longer.
mirlarrmirlarr���noun. phosphoresence that sparkles in the water at night. Mirlarrmirlarr maniyitpan. ‘The phosphorescence (in the water) lit up.’ Kinnyaka mirlarrmirlarr. ‘He causes the mirlarrmirlarr to glow by disturbing the water, e.g. with paddle’. Category:�Colours and light.
NVidiom. type of night sea hunting. In October and November when the nights are still and men go hunting for turtle and dugong. Awuran mirlarrmirlarr ‘They go hunting at night.’ Mirlarrmirlarr kawarra warak. ‘They go sea hunting at night.’ Kawarra warak mirlarrmirlarr. Inyarlganapa kiwen. ‘They go sea hunting at night. They spear turtles or dugong.’ Category:�Hunting, Longer.
namumuyak���noun. 1�•�dream time period. Category:�Longer.
2�•�dream time people. Category:�Peoples and clans.
nanguj���noun. a time in the recent past, eg. yesterday, the other day, last week. Usage:�Seems to need to be at the beginning of clause Nanguj ngarruran Anjumu ngatpirawning pu pata tuwarlkparrakanut. ‘The other day we went to Anjumu to sing to the old people.’ nanguj putarr ‘a little while ago, e.g. 10 days’. Nanguj ngarrunnyetpang wula ‘Yesterday we had an earthquake.’ See:�wutarr�‘a little bit further’. Syn:�nungmatpa warntatarr, arukaruk. Category:�Longer.
nungmatpa warntatarr���phrase. the other day, yesterday. Nungmatpa warntatarr ngarruran Nganyamirnali. ‘The other day we went to Nganyamirnali.’ See:�arukaruk�‘yesterday afternoon’; nanguj�‘yesterday, the other day’. Category:�Longer.
nungmijpawarri���noun. last part of the wet season. Category:�Longer.
nungpapaka���noun. a long time ago. Araka tuka ta nungpapaka arrarrangung purup. ‘Alas, long ago we camped here sometimes.’ See:�nungpaka�‘that (abstract not locational)’. Category:�Longer.
nungpugi���noun. old ways, traditional ways. Nungpaka kamin ... ta kamin parak, ta ngungunmangung nuwu ta nungpugi warak ta ngungunmangung nuwum, ta manpiri la marntingunyuny nungpaka. ‘That's what they do. I've been telling you what they used to do, the old ways. I've been telling you.’ See:�wuwugi�‘olden time’. Category:�Longer. See main entry: iwugi.
ngamurri���noun. the part of the dry season which follows the cold dry season (wumulukuk) and which precedes the very hot dry season (kinyjapurr), about August to September. Wampa la murtij la kuywala kelkpa. ‘The time when sharks and certain types of stingray give birth.’ Category:�Longer.
ngulam���noun. tomorrow, the next day. Ngapi ngulam ngana karrik. ‘I am going sea-hunting tomorrow.’ Awung nungmatpa ngulam. ‘And they would stay until the next morning.’ Awutpiny ngulam muj. ‘They slept until the next day.’ See:�ngulamngulam�‘morning’. Category:�Longer.
rrunjirrkparligaj���noun. start of the rainy season. Category:�Longer.
ta arryakan ja kurrana���adverb. earlier, an earlier time. Ta awunnyukikiyang ta awuyamangung ta arryakan ja kurrana ta nungmalal yirrk angminy. ‘The work experience program held earlier this year was very popular.’ See:�kinnyaka kurrana�‘measure of time’. Category:�Longer.
ta kikiga���part. what time, when? Kiki la kungeniny ta ngurrij pa apurnungani tuka kunak. ‘When do you want to go home? (lit: How many days until you want to go back home?)’ Nuyi kiki ta ngurrij kungeni. ‘What day do you want? (to go back)’. Kiki kampuma kit, warntatarr? ‘When are they carrying it, daytime?’ See:�kiki�‘how, what’. Category:�Longer, Language.
walmat���noun. 1�•�rain. Usage:�used with kiniwun, kerra kilatpa kangalkpaga Arruniwuning walmat ta kupurrk. ‘It was raining last night (lit. rain was hitting us last night).’ Kerraga arrunpaniwun ja walmat ja naykamarrang. ‘The first rains are coming and will hit us.’ Nyinkurr kerraga ngarrurru ja walmat. ‘The rain cloud is bringing rain to us.’ See:�naykamarrang�‘first rains of wet season’; nyinkurr�‘approaching rain cloud’; kiniwun (katiwun walmat)�‘rain fall on’. Category:�Rains.
2�•�year, way of measuring years - counting number of rainy seasons. Usage:�Used in special idiom with kinnyaka with MA subject and LL object to mean 'X number of years pass' See:�jungkarra�‘year’. Category:�Longer.
warrwak���adverb. 1�•�later on, afterwards. Warrwak malany nganamin nuwurru ta wulatpiyi ta ngungatpi wiymunpiymun arrarrkpi aminy ngartu. ‘Later on, I will tell you the message that I have from the leaders.’ Nganunparra werrk, warrwak la ngana kiyap. ‘I'll sleep first, later on I'll go fishing.’ Category:�Longer.
2�•�that place, already mentioned. Wenat pata kapin tuwuran warrwak. ‘They all belonged to that place, back there.’ See:�meywarra�‘behind’. Category:�Location and distance.
3�•�last person. Ngarri ta warrwak mira ngarrurakangung. ‘We were the last people that got back.’ See:�kiwraka�‘used for first and oldest’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
4�•�behind. See:�kinilurrku�‘be behind someone’.
ja warrwak, jita warrwak���younger sibling or youngest sibling in a family. Reference term. See:�wulkurr�‘oldest sibling, older sibling’; awuniluriny�‘youngest son’. Category:�Ages.
wiyiniyirrk���adverb. before, a long time ago. winiyirrk See:�wularrut�‘a long time ago’. Category:�Longer.
wularrut���adverb. 1�•�before, a long time ago. Tuka ta wularrut ngarrangung juju ngapi li yanat arrungayantung ta kunak. ‘A long time ago we were looking at the country.’ Kinini monmon nuyu pa kani wularrut. ‘He explains to him until he's finished.’ Category:�Longer.
2�•�a long time. Pa kerra kinnyatpi ja naka ja purrujang wularrut. ‘So he keeps that material with him for a long time.’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi yuran nungmatpa kunak iwaningan wularrut yarrat pularnngalk ta Mawng, ta ngaralk. ‘This man, he went away and stayed in another country for a long time and he forgot his language, Mawng.’ Ja kiwken inginkany wularrut ja lirri. ‘The chief spoke for a long time (about) the fighting.’ Category:�Longer.
3�•�already, before, go first, in time, early. Wularrut imalkpany tuka kunak. ‘He has already arrived at the camp.’ See:�wiyiniyirrk�‘long time’; ngatpularrut�‘group of people with the same moiety and totem’; wularrutpularrut�‘long ago, people from long ago’; tuwulwularrut�‘people from long ago’; wurrkaj�‘before’. Category:�Longer.
wumulukuk���noun. the cool windy part of the dry season, approximately June to July. Category:�Longer.
wurupurup���adverb. sometimes, when. Wurupurup karrpin pu 'Ma kungpuni wurrurru'. ‘Sometimes we say to them 'Rock him to sleep'.’ Makiny la nakapa ngatpirawng ja Easter ngatpirawng wurupurup. Nakapa ngatpirawng. ‘And so that's what we sang. The Easter song we sang every year. That's the one we sung.’ ja orange and white muj ja wurupurup ngatpalkpa ja Yumparrparr. ‘We still appear as the orange and white giant often (but the white one, less often)’. See:�yara�‘sometimes’. Category:�Longer.
wuwugi���noun. olden time, a long time ago. See main entry: iwugi. Kurrungmalkpanyi ta ayuk ta wuwugi. ‘Do it the old way like long ago.’ Angmurnanganya nuwurru ta wuwugi. ‘Remember the old days.’ See:�nungpugi�‘old ways, traditional ways’. Category:�Longer.
yara1���noun. 1�•�some, other. ninyara, mara, awara, tora, wera. Yara ja kiyap kiw. ‘There is some fish’. Yiwuwany anyak ja yirratat la yara yiwumany parak tuka kunak, ‘Then they ate a little meat and they took the rest to the camp,’ See:�numatpa�‘other’; wera�‘some (plural), other (plural)’. Category:�Appearance. Note: Masculine form yara is sometimes used for things of any gender.
adverb. sometimes. Yara kawa kampuma mata merrk. ‘Sometimes they go and get leaves.’ See:�tora�‘others, sometimes’; wurupurup�‘sometimes’. Category:�Longer.
Parent category: