ajirrik���part. perhaps, might. Yanat ajirrik inypaniyarrun inypanilalku. ‘He might follow and spear it (emu).’ Karlurri amilkpungeny apa karlurri yirrik ajirrik nakapa wiyiniyirrk arrarrkpi. ‘They became birds, for a long time they were people.’ See:�yirrik�‘might, perhaps’. Category:�Appearance.
akut���adverb. 1�•�still, or do something repetitively. Mapularr akut mapularr ngatja. ‘When it's calm we still go.’ Category:�Appearance.
2�•�indicates that a word is being used as a directional, as in mantanti akut, wungijalk akut and kinymalkpa muwarn akut. Kurnpirripirri Weyirra akut kilangali kapal ja bear. ‘The crocodile in on the north side, the bear is in the middle.’ Syn:�angkat. See:�akutju�‘also, too’. Category:�General.
akut la akut���phrase. over and over again. Nuka ja apurra wungpulaj. Akut la akut kinima. ‘He is a thief. He keeps on taking things.’ Akut la akut, jungkarra la jungkarra, kamamalkpa. ‘Again and again, year after year it appears.’ Category:�Activity manner.
amparrkamparr���noun. everyone, all of us. Restrict:�PL Amparrkamparr amalkpany kirrka. ‘Everyone came.’ Amparrkamparr nungmalal mira ta nungpaka ta ngaralk kimin ja school teacher. ‘We all said that's really good what he said, the school teacher.’ Category:�Appearance.
apun���noun. big, important. See main entry: imun. Category:�Appearance.
ja apurra (nuyu) (ta)���person who does X a lot,. a special agentive nominalization. Nuka ja apurra wungpulaj. Akut la akut kinima. ‘He is a thief. He keeps on taking things.’ Innyarntarrakpany ja apurra wungpulaj. ‘They caught out the thief.’ ja apurra nuyu ta wilik yarrangung pilik. ‘The one who always asked them for food (Wurakak)’. See main entry: imurra. Category:�Appearance.
arawungut���noun. a few. Category:�Amounts. See main entry: yarawungut. Category:�Appearance.
awara���noun. other, another. See main entry: yara. Category:�Appearance.
igarra���noun. many, a lot of, only used for non-humans, too expensive (cost). Restrict:�non-human nukarra, nurrkarra, ninykarra, wugarra, magarra, akarra, wigarra. Igarra ja kiyap. ‘There are many fish.’ Or yuran wugarra yirrk kunak ‘He's been to every place.’ Marrik ngimang. Igarra ja rrupiya. ‘I can't get it. It's too expensive.’ Syn:�imurra. Category:�Appearance.
imurra���noun. many, a lot of. not possible, ngatpurra, not possible, nuwutpurra, ninymurra, wumurra, mamurra, ja apurra (nuyu) (ta), wimurra. Pata warrawunyji kiwatpi imurra ja wukej nuyu. ‘The girls have many frills on their petticoats.’ Ngatpurra ngatpani. ‘(Talking to someone outside the group) We here (not including you) are many.’ Syn:�igarra. See:�ninymurra�‘many’; mamurra�‘many’. Category:�Appearance.
iwurraj���noun. 1�•�fat, big. See:�mawurraj�‘very juicy’; ngurlungurlu�‘become bigger, fatter’. Category:�Appearance.
2�•�season time for cockles and karranarn oysters that have fat. See:�ayuk�‘law, custom, lifestyle’. Category:�Shellfish, Longer.
jal���part. only, just. Malany jal arrunngatpung malurtpuj. ‘We only had a short one.’ See:�-yu�‘only, just’. Category:�Appearance.
ju���part. only, just. See:�-yu�‘only, just’. Category:�Appearance.
kap2���particle. just. Category:�Appearance.
kapin���part. like, similar. Wularrutapa imalkpangungpi kapin kani la Wamarli. ‘Afterwards, he got close. Like about as far as between here (Warruwi) and Wamarli.’ Yiniwung ja kapin wuk. ‘He hit that thing which is like an ant.’ Kapin kanmirlkpungen kun kirrwara. ‘You turned your back to him (while he was talking to you)’. Imalngkawuny kapin mularrik. ‘He changed into a frog.’ See:�kapin kunuka�‘lots’; kimirlkpungen�‘change in appearence’. Category:�Appearance.
otherwise. Yunyi wanyjtupanyjut la warakparakut wutarr kuwaka kapin imurranymi awunginkay pata manpala wanpirlk yirrkju. ‘Do not plant them close to each other but put them at a distance from each other otherwise both the seeds might grow and fight each other.’ Category:�Appearance.
kapin kunuka���phrase. lots. Category:�Appearance.
karrilawatpunmuy���tv. 1�•�used to say "We don't know it". Used in conversation to refer to something that is new to the person or community. Nuka ja karrilawutpunmuy. ‘This is new to us.’ See:�kinimuy�‘ignorant’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�many, more than we can count. Word not used much anymore but used to be used instead of imurra or igarra. See:�kinimunmuy�‘not hear about, not know about’. Category:�Appearance.
kiki yirrik���phrase. or anything like that. Kurlingka iniwung warlk ay kiki yirrik? Makinyju la inimany ininganypaniny. ‘Did he hit him with a stick or what? No, he just took him and pushed him down.’ See:�kiki�‘how, what’. Category:�Appearance.
kinimalngajpun���tv. 1�•�make more of something. Yanat kanimalngajpun lirri ngarrurru. ‘He is making more trouble for us.’ Kinimalngajpun ja rubbish. ‘He's bringing rubbish into the house.’ See:�kiwmalngajpun�‘make mess’; kimalngkawun�‘change’. Category:�Appearance, General change of state.
Restrict:�Female subject, male object 2: kingamalngajpun�•�reproduce, lay eggs. Manpiri kingamalngajpun. ‘The green-back turtle is laying her eggs.’ Manpiri kingamalngajpun ja kurlajuk. ‘The turtle is laying eggs.’ Category:�Reproduction.
Restrict:�PL subject 3: awuntumalngajpung�•�Descend from (people). arruntumalngajpung ‘our.ancestors (they made us plentiful). our ancestors, those from whom we are descended. They made us a large family. Refers to recent ancestors such as deceased grandparents etc. not long-ago ancestors.’. See:�yumalngaj�‘good hunter (masculine)’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
kiniyirrawn���dtv. give a little, not a large amount. Arriwayirrukun kurnpi. ‘We will give him a few wild plums.’ See:�kiniwarlkun�‘promise, give generously’; kinnyun�‘give’. Category:�Transfer, Appearance.
kingalmen���iv. increase, multiply, become plentiful. kawungalmen ‘they are increasing in number’. Kutpunpanarutpa awangalmen ngarrurru pata alapika pata wilinjinyut. ‘Leave those small turtles alone so they will become plentiful for us.’ Manamalkpa yirrk kamangalmen. ‘They'll all come up again and multiply (plants that died during the dry season).’ See:�yarlmeny�‘rise again after death’. Category:�Appearance.
kiwmalngajpun���iv. make more. Kiwmalngajpun ja rubbish. ‘He's making a mess, bringing in mess into the house.’ See:�yumalngaj�‘hard-working hunter’; kinimalngajpun�‘make more of’. Category:�Appearance, General change of state.
mara���noun. another, other. Anngamanyi mata mara mata warlk! ‘Bring another piece of wood!’ See:�namatpa�‘other, another one’. See main entry: yara. Category:�Appearance.
murnpurri���noun. a bundle, parcel of. Murnpurri ja jurra kiw. ‘There is a bundle of paper lying there.’ Murnpurri mata karntirrkan kamaw. ‘There is a bundle of cypress pine lying there.’ Category:�Appearance.
murrpuj���adverb. (to go) in a group. Arrkpana murrpuj. ‘We will go in a group.’ Kawarra murrpuj. ‘They're moving in a group.’ Awaning murrpuj amparrkamparr. ‘Big mob was sitting together.’ See:�purrkut�‘group, grouped’; nguyuyi�‘animal in group’. Category:�Appearance, Activity manner.
nagalawurrpu���noun. a mob of, a group of (birds or animals). Category:�Appearance.
namatpa1���noun. other, another one. See:�numatpa�‘other, another one’; mara�‘other, masciline’. Category:�Appearance.
napala���part. perhaps, or. Napala nuka awuran rtil tuka ajput. ‘Perhaps he went with them to the beach.’ See:�manpala�‘both’. Category:�Appearance.
napatpa���noun. other, another one. See:�numatpa�‘other, another one’. Category:�Appearance.
napulurrumpi���noun. crowd of people. Napulurrumpi kilangali ja arrarrkpi. ‘They were talking and sitting in a group.’ Category:�Appearance.
ninyara���noun. other, another. See main entry: yara. Category:�Appearance.
ninymatpa���noun. other, other one. See:�numatpa�‘other, another one’. Category:�Appearance.
ninymurra���noun. many, a lot of. Usage:�used with collective nouns of FE, personal nouns take wimurra Category:�Appearance. Ninymurra jita karnjawarra kinyu. ‘There are many crabs lying there.’ See:�imurra�‘many’.
numatpa���noun. other, another one. ninymatpa, nungmatpa, namatpa, napatpa, tumatpa. Numatpa iwalu. ‘Someone from another group, has another likeness.’ See:�tumatpa wiwalu�‘people of another group’; yara�‘some, other’; ngarrunuwatpa�‘said to a person to avoid mentioning their mother or father directly to them’. Category:�Appearance.
nungmatpa���noun. other, another one. See main entry: numatpa. Category:�Appearance.
nuwurrarawungut���noun. few. Category:�Appearance. See main entry: yarawungut.
nguyuyi���adverb. a group, school, herd of dugong, porpoises, cattle, buffalo. Ngatpunayawng marntingunyuny awarrangung nguyuyi. ‘We saw a school of dugong.’ Ngatpunayawng kawu nguyuyi pata nganaparru. ‘We saw a herd of buffalo lying there.’ Awurli ta, la ta wimurra, naka ngatpin 'nguyuyi' pata wimurra kawani purrkut. ‘Alright, if there's a lot of people then we say 'big group' there are many.’ See:�murrpuj�‘go in group (human)’; kawanpani�‘dugong group’. Category:�General, Appearance.
pawirrik���noun. a little, a bit. Qeqe ngungpurrun pawirrik apa, ngaminang, ngungpurrun. ‘Yes, I know a little bit.’ Category:�Appearance.
pintij���little bit. Kapin kayirrk ta pintijut. ‘Now there's only a little bit’. Category:�Appearance.
coverb. near the end of.
Restrict:�GEN subject 1�•�be near end. Ngarrunngatpi pintij. ‘We are near the end of the trouble.’ Category:�Activity manner, Location and distance.
2�•�Be near to end of something. Malany kanpani pintij. ‘You are sitting near the end of (the seat).’ Category:�Location and distance.
purrkut���adverb. many together in close proximity, dense, thick, grouped closely. Malany kawani purrkut pata arrarrkpi. ‘The people are sitting close together in a group.’ Murrpuj ta katja la purrkut arrkpurra. ‘We go in a group because there is a big mob of us.’ Kartayanti purrkut. ‘See the yams (growing) thick!’ See:�murrpuj�‘go in group’; kamaniwunpurrkut�‘mother's brother's son’. Category:�Appearance.
tora���noun. other, another. Marrik muj awunpuning la wemin tuka toratora. ‘They didn't give them to all different people.’ Ngarrunimirrawuning ngarrunimirlkpungangung ta ngatpalu tora. ‘He changes us and makes our faces different.’ Ya ta tora ta ja kiyap apa ja really kiyap ja kiwirrka kinirrka ja mayakpu. ‘Sometimes the fish are really fish that they spear. The father spears it.’ See:�yara�‘some, other’. Category:�Appearance.
tut���coverb. catch a large amount of fish. Kinima tut. ‘He is getting a large amount of fish.’ See:�tututka�‘sun be high in sky’. Category:�Other fish terms, Appearance.
warra���part. particle that says there is more than one of something. Only used for humans, and a few plants. warra walmurtja ‘jungle, other eg in dict without warra’. Warrapijyikarlu apinyjung." ‘The old people put an increase spell on that place/The old people live and work there a lot (by implication)’. warra mirlakmirlak See:�warra kamumu�‘women, mothers’; warra punyi�‘men, fathers’; warramumpik�‘woman’. Category:�Appearance.
warrij���part. too. Ngarri warrij. Tuka ta kunak ngarrurru, nuyi la ngapi. ‘Us (exclusive) too. It is our (inclusive) country, yours and mine.’ Ta iwulangung nakapa yara awunimirtkujpay, awuniwu warrij. ‘When they ate it, it could strike them and hurt them too.’ See:�akutju�‘too’. Category:�Appearance.
wigarra yirrk���noun. a big crowd of people. Wigarra yirrk arrarrkpi awaning. ‘A big crowd of people were there.’ Category:�Appearance.
wimurra���noun. many (persons, large or domesticated animals). Wimurra pata arrarrkpi kawani tuka ajput. ‘There are many people on the beach.’ See:�wimurratpurra�‘few, not enough’. Category:�Appearance.
wimurratpurra���noun. a few, not many as required. Awunimany wimurratpurra. ‘He (only) got a few’. See:�wimurra�‘many’. Category:�Appearance.
wumurra���noun. a lot of. Wumurra kanyu ta wupaj. ‘There is a lot of water.’ See main entry: imurra. Category:�Appearance.
yara1���noun. 1�•�some, other. ninyara, mara, awara, tora, wera. Yara ja kiyap kiw. ‘There is some fish’. Yiwuwany anyak ja yirratat la yara yiwumany parak tuka kunak, ‘Then they ate a little meat and they took the rest to the camp,’ See:�numatpa�‘other’; wera�‘some (plural), other (plural)’. Category:�Appearance. Note: Masculine form yara is sometimes used for things of any gender.
adverb. sometimes. Yara kawa kampuma mata merrk. ‘Sometimes they go and get leaves.’ See:�tora�‘others, sometimes’; wurupurup�‘sometimes’. Category:�Longer.
yarawungut���noun. a few. nuwurrarawungut, ninyarawungut, arawungut, marawungut, awarawungut, werawungut. Arawungut ta ngarrkinka ‘We only speak a few words (of Djambarrpuyngu).’ See:�ngarrarawungut�‘we are few in number’; arrarawungut�‘we are few in number, we are a small group’. Category:�Appearance.
-nnyun���NS. plural marker, used with some kin terms and some names of trees. Category:�Appearance.
-yu���part. only, just. Inimany ngarrkarrkju. ‘He only got two.’ Kanipa ta wularrut kani ja nguya yung ju jal ‘Here, only one clan lived for a long time’. Arrarrkpiyu awaning. ‘Only men were there.’ See:�ju�‘only, just’; jal�‘only ; just’; wiyu�‘(on one's) own, (by one's) self’. Category:�Appearance. Note: Can follow kayirrk, see kayirrk entry
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