atinikanikang���tv. huge from eating a lot. See:�katinikiniki�‘carry a lot on back and head’. Category:�Illness.
irri���noun. 1�•�oil, fat, hair oil, fuel. See:�kinilangani. Syn:�murrkaj. Category:�Fire, Other, Hair.
2�•�stew. Category:�Illness.
coverb. Restrict:�LL object (grease) softening, melting. Kanilangani irri. ‘It (fat) is melting. For example when you cook meat and the fat starts bubbling out, or when marge or butter melts.’ Category:�Cooking.
irrkalku���tv. when fish such as trevally or tuna jump out of the water or disturb the water surface. Category:�Movement of water.
Restrict:�VE object 2: kamanirrkalku�•�tv. eat, crop grass. Malany pulikang kampirrkalku mirlak. ‘The cattle are eating grass.’ Category:�Illness.
karlakurr���noun. too sweet, a lot of sweet substance in (eg. tea). See:�kakurl�‘sugar’. Category:�Illness. Anth: used of any honey or sugar
katilakpanpun��� Restrict:�LL object 1: kanilakpanpun�•�tv. have full cheeks, be chewing on some food, bite tongue or a biting bag. Ngalakpanpun (*ja nangartam). ‘I'm biting my own cheek.’ See:�paltak�‘biting bag’. Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�ED object 2: katilakpanpun�•�tv. have food in mouth, be biting food in mouth, be chewing. Katilakpanpun ta walij. ‘Nominal not necessary, so sounds a bit funny.’ Category:�Illness.
kinilakpankukpun���tv. same meaning as kanilakpanpan.
kannyujpakpa���tv. Restrict:�LL object breastfeed. kannyujpakpa ‘he sucks the breast’. See:�kiwujpa�‘lick’. Category:�Reproduction, Illness.
katilakpanpun��� Restrict:�LL object 1: kanilakpanpun�•�tv. have full cheeks, be chewing on some food, bite tongue or a biting bag. Ngalakpanpun (*ja nangartam). ‘I'm biting my own cheek.’ See:�paltak�‘biting bag’. Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�ED object 2: katilakpanpun�•�tv. have food in mouth, be biting food in mouth, be chewing. Katilakpanpun ta walij. ‘Nominal not necessary, so sounds a bit funny.’ Category:�Illness.
kinilakpankukpun���tv. same meaning as kanilakpanpan.
kernpin���iv. warm self. Yanat ilangaling yarnpinang. ‘He was standing warming himself.’ Category:�Illness.
kerajpun���iv. 1�•�he's putting hot sand on himself because he has a boil or a pain. kinyarajpun ‘she's heating herself with hot sand.’. Kinypani kinyarajpun. ‘She's warming herself on hot sand.’ Category:�Illness. Note: reflexive relationship with transitive form.
2�•�does not lay eggs (lit. keeps on aching). used of turtles which come up onto the beach and dig a hole but do not lay eggs. Manpiri malany yarajpukpuning. ‘The green-back turtle did not lay any eggs.’ See:�kinnyarajpun�‘warm on hot sand’. Category:�Reproduction.
Restrict:�Female subjects only 3: kinyarajpun�•�menstruate. See:�kinnyarajpun�‘roast’. Category:�Secretions and substances.
kimarlmanpun���iv. be satisfied. imarlmanpung ‘He was satisfied’. Ngapi ngamarlmanpung kirrk. ‘I am well satisfied.’ Parangapa amarlmanpung kirrk. ‘So they were satisfied (with his playing.)’ See:�wunkun�‘satisfied’; kingamarlmanpukpun�‘tempt’. Category:�Illness, Judgement, evaluation.
kimilunta���iv. shit. See:�kiwunta�‘shit’; tirrk�‘shit’. Category:�Illness.
kinila���tv. eat, drink. ngunta ‘AD Text 16’; kurrilanyi ‘you eat it!’; kanila ‘he is drinking it’; katila ‘he is eating it’; ngarrata, karrata, katanyi ‘eat (yams), Yinkarnarrk’; ta ngatanyi ‘that I can eat’; ta arratangung ‘that we ate’; kuntang ‘see marnngalk entry’; kapany (could be kapwany with very slight labialzation) ‘you ate it’; kapanala ‘you will eat’. Iwaning inilangung irratat. ‘He was sitting eating meat.’ Nuyi kapany ta walij? ‘Did you eat yet?’ arratanyi ‘let's eat’. See:�kila�‘burn’; kiniwanpun�‘eat until full’; kinilanta�‘feeds on, feed’; raw�‘eat!’. Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�liquid object 2 kanila�•�tv. drink. Kawani kangpula nuntirri. ‘They are sitting drinking alcohol.’ Ja luluj kanila kurrula. ‘The dog is drinking seawater’. nukawk apa ja kawarra raw kiwula yaliwi ‘Those ones keep drinking that rubbish stuff.’ Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�MA subject 3 kinila�•�tv. hurt. Kunuka kiniwany? ‘What happened to him?/What hurt him?’ Nganila wanji. ‘My head hurts.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.
Restrict:�MA object 4 kinila�•�tv. miscarry. Ingalang ‘She might miscarry’. Ingawany. ‘She lost her baby / miscarried.’ Usage:�Female subject Category:�Reproduction.
ingalangung muwarn���NVidiom. 1�•�dry in the sun. Iwutpangung tuka muwarn ingalangung kirrk. ‘Next they would put it out in the sun to heat it up (pounded up pandanus stem).’ Category:�Properties of surface, General change of state.
2�•�be affected by the sun. Sun give person sunstroke. Muwarn nganngawany. ‘I got sunstroke (Lit: The sun 'ate' me).’ Kunngawany muwarn. ‘You are affected by the sun, for example if you walk a long way.’ Kunngawany mira, muwarn. ‘You get really struck by the sun.’ Category:�Sickness.
kinilakantawn���tv. 1�•�feed, e.g. child or old man. Kulakantawn. ‘You're feeding him.’ Ngilantawning warranyngiw. ‘I was feeding the child.’ Category:�Illness.
2�•�get food for, for example potential son-in-law gets food for his potential spouse's parents. Can include giving money now. Kuwayalma wu karlurri walij apanamawu kunuka yirrik anpunpalakantawn inyanatjanat. ‘"Look for game for them, get food for them, anything like that, you’. See:�kinilanta�‘feed on’. Category:�Illness.
kinilakparrki���tv. 1�•�cut the meat out of the clam shell. Inimany maminga inilakparrkang. ‘He took the clam shell and cut out the meat.’ See:�kantakparrki�‘spear cut ground’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Shellfish.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�Eat sand, a habit of some fish. kanilakparrki ‘What fish mungkulurrut, nayuma and mirrk do as a habit.’ Category:�Illness, Fish.
kinilalken���tv. 1�•�ask. Ngiwalalken ja Nangila. ‘I will ask Nangila.’ Kinilalken, kinimiyarma kunuka yirrik, iwannyun. ‘He asks him, like he wants him to give him something’. Kuntalkena? ‘Can I ask you something?’ See:�kilalken; kawulalkanyjilin; kinilakajpun. Category:�Language.
2�•�hear. La ta tora muj kamin "Kurruntalkena." ‘And others say "We want hear you."’ "Malany kurrilalkany" kaminka namatpa kupuny. ‘"So did you hear him?' They say to us, the other canoe.’ Ka la yalyung la manilalkay. ‘He might hear.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�taste. Kanilalken. ‘He's tasting the water.’ Kanilalken (ta) wupaj. ‘He's tasting the water.’ Katilalken ta walij. ‘He's tasting the vegetable food.’ Apulalkeny karajarrk. ‘They tasted something sweet.’ Ngatalkeny karajarrk. ‘I tasted something sweet.’ Kulalken ngungmalal? ‘Does it taste good? (prompt: how does it taste?)’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Illness.
Restrict:�ED object 4: katilalken�•�suffer (physical pain not emotional pain). Yung atilalkenang mira. ‘He was lying there suffering a lot.’ See:�kinilalku. Category:�Discomfort and pain.
kinilanta���tv. feed on. See:�kinila�‘eat’. Naka ja kinilanta. ‘He eats a lot (of meat, fish etc.)’ Marrik awanyjiyu, awarranyi apulantanyi ‘They couldn't stay alive just by eating.’ Category:�Illness. See:�kamanilanta wurak�‘Hairfin Goby (fish type)’; kinilakantawn�‘feed, get food for’; kinilantawn�‘load harpoon’; kinila�‘eat’. Category:�Illness.
kinimanpun���tv. 1�•�bite, chew, taste. imanpung ‘He bit himself’. Mampumangung mawiya mampumanpukpuning. ‘They would get the leaves and chew them.’ kinimanpukpun ‘he bites and bites him’. Yunyi kanngarra warak wakapa kiw arukin kunimanpu. ‘Don't go there. Snake, he might bite you.’ See:�kiniwanpun�‘eat until full’. Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�hurt. Marrik nganimanpukpu. ‘It doesn't hurt now.’
3�•�listen to and talk in a language. Category:�Activity manner.
4�•�kill or attack. Category:�General change of state.
kiniwanpun���tv. eat until full, eat too much, eat up, eat all the food. katiwanpun ‘he ate a lot’; akawanpany ‘she ate too much (any type of food, or specifically veg. food)’; she at too much (meat or fish). See:�kinila�‘eat’; kinimanpun�‘bite’. Category:�Illness.
kiniyarrkpun���tv. finish(a task), finish off (food). Iwaning inilangung iniyarrkpung ja irratat. ‘He was sitting eating the meat (and) finished it off.’ Awunngawng kirrkju akayarrkpung. ‘She gave them everything and there was nothing left.’ arruniyarrkpu ‘it will destroy us’. See:�kiyarrkpunyjilin�‘finish’. Category:�Activity manner, Illness.
kinnyarlikpi���tv. feed. Ngapi ngerlikpi ja warranyngiw. ‘I am feeding the child.’ Category:�Illness, Transfer.
kinnyarajpun���tv. 1�•�roast. Usually refers to roasting on hot sand. ngawarajpuning. Kamu la larla kawani kaparajpun ta mawugany tuka ngurrk. ‘Mother and older sister are roasting the lily roots in the hot sand.’ Kaparajpung karwuluk. ‘They are roasting karwuluk yams.’ Kinnyarajpun marrwakara. ‘He's roasting a goanna.’ Category:�Cooking. Note: Basic meaning is to roast on hot sand. Cannot be used to refer to cooking in the oven.
2�•�warm with hot sand. Awuntanarajpukpun ngarrurru pata warrarrawurnji. ‘Our girls will sit on the hot sand.’ Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�GEN subject 3: kingarajpun�•�ache, feel pain, hurt. Ngapi nganngarajpuning. ‘I was aching, it was causing me to ache’. Nganngarajpun tuka ngayigi. ‘I have a toothache.’ Kani jarrang ngannyarlukpan, nganngarajpun. ‘A horse kicked me here, it hurts.’ See:�kimaju�‘tired, sick, dead’. Category:�Discomfort and pain. Variant:�Iwaidja: ardajbun.
Restrict:�GEN subject, FE object 4: kinyngarajpun�•�used of turtle which comes up on the beach but does not lay eggs. Kinyngarajpun jita manpiri. ‘That turtle dug a hole but is not laying eggs.’ Kinyngarajpukpun. ‘She dries herself out using the sand.’ Syn:�kerajpun. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
kinnyartawn���tv. give him a drink, breastfeed with 3GEN subject. kinyartawn ‘she is giving him to drink’; ngertawng. Kingartawn yanyjuk. ‘She is breastfeeding him.’ Kingartawn wupaj. ‘She is giving him a drink of water.’ Kingartawn yanyjuk ja marryun anyak. ‘She is giving the little boy a drink of milk.’ See:�kinnyartawkun�‘add on to’. Category:�Illness.
kinnyujpa���tv. lick, suck. Kurryakanyi palayt la luluj wularrut innyujpany ngarrurru. ‘Throw the plate away, our dog has been licking it.’ See:�kinilakujpa�‘kiss’. Category:�Illness.
kiwujpa���iv. lick. kiwujpakpaga. See:�kannyujpakpa�‘breastfeed’; katiwujpa�‘pack up and leave’. Category:�Illness.
rlurl���coverb. fill. e.g. water rise up in a spring, rice fill up in a saucepan. Person have enough to eat. Kurlingka wularrut kapin rlurlga ta pirraja? ‘Is the rice filling up the saucepan yet?’ Kangmin rlurlga ta wupaj. ‘The water is welling up (in the hole).’ Ngapi ngaminy rlurl. ‘I had sufficient to eat.’ See:�lurlpung�‘tune’. Category:�Illness, Movement in and out, Arrangement.
malaman���noun. flavour. Category:�Illness. See:�ilaman�‘voice, taste’.
natirri���noun. stale, bitter tasting. Taka ta kantijawa ta natirri. ‘That flour is stale.’ See:�napinyjiny�‘fresh tasting grain or yam foods’. Category:�Illness.
nulaji���noun. greedy person, person who eats a lot. Variant:�vulgar language. ngalaji, nutaji, nuwutaji, *, *, *. See:�kilaji�‘greedy’. Category:�Goodness, Illness.
nulakputirri���noun. sour or bitter to taste. ngalakputirri, nuntakputirri ‘tea without enough sugar’; *malakputirri, *atakputirri. Like ngapi ngalakputirri. ‘I'm not good at singing.’ Paki nulakputirri. ‘Tobacco which is not strong enough.’ Category:�Illness.
puluny���coverb. smoke. Iwaning iminang puluny. ‘He was sitting smoking.’ Arrarrkpi kimin puluny tuka ajput. ‘A man is smoking on the beach.’ Category:�Illness.
raw���interjection. eat it! Usage:�command to child Anmila raw! ‘Hurry and eat it!’ See:�kimila�‘hurry! (only used in imperative and present tense)’. Category:�Illness, Language.
coverb. drink, eat. nukawk apa ja kawarra raw kiwula yaliwi ‘Those ones keep drinking that rubbish stuff.’ Kawarra raw. ‘They were walking and eating.’ Awurrangung raw. Category:�Illness.
tirrk���coverb. shit. Kiwani tirrk. ‘He is shitting.’ Category:�Illness.
rtap���coverb. 1�•�explode. Iwany rtap. ‘It exploded.’ Category:�General.
2�•�pop out. Wanyji ngulamngulam la mamit rtap mata wun. ‘Close to morning his eyes popped out.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
3�•�break. Ara iniwung rtap ngartu! ‘Oh, he broke my (belonging)!’ Ipijipij ja karrkpin naka karriwu rtapartap. ‘Ipijipij is what we say when we break something into pieces.’ See:�ipijipij�‘pieces’. Category:�General change of state.
4�•�get and break. Awungurrinang la awuniwuning igarnpa, awunimurnanganyang awunimangung rtap. ‘They were running and he was hitting them with his tail, bringing them back and breaking them up.’ Category:�General change of state, Manipulation.
5�•� Inimany rtap. ‘He ate it, including eating nuts and cracking them open with your mouth.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.
6�•�break by kicking. Innyarlukpan rtap. ‘He broke it by kicking it.’ Category:�Strike or chop.
Restrict:�LL object 6�•�slip. Parang la awunyjilinang malany annyarlukpanrtap ja Yumparrparr. ‘As they fought Yumparrparr slipped.’ angpannyarlukpa rtap wanji nuyu Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Movement relating to fixed point.
7�•�bite into something (e.g. bush peanut), breaking it open with a noise. Apumanpunik rtap la akin akinkangung. ‘They bit on them and it made a sound.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.
rtapartap���coverb. keep on breaking, break completely. Iniwung rtapartap. ‘He broke it into pieces.’ Category:�General change of state.
rturrkrturrk���coverb. 1�•� Nganawani rturrkrturrk. ‘I will keep on pulling myself (in order to get out of my stuck position).’ Kiwani rturrkrturrk la yamin. ‘They are pulling on opposite ends of something (like in tug-of-war)’. Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�keep on pulling. Kinima rturrkrturrk. ‘He's pulling’. See:�wirrngak�‘breath’. Category:�Manipulation.
3�•�(small fish) keep eating bait off hook without getting hooked. Category:�Illness.
walij���noun. 1�•�vegetable food. This name incldues all grain, yam, and 'flour' type foods as well as fruits, nuts and berries. It is sometimes used to include all types of food. Ta walij katju tuka kunak ta karrata. ‘Vegetable food that lies in the ground that we eat.’ Kaniyalgan nuyu walij. Kangayalgan ngaw walij (female subject) ‘He hunts for his food (eg. goanna).’ See:�walngijpa�‘different, foods’. Category:�Illness, Plant food.
2�•�blackhead. ta walij ‘the blackhead.’ Category:�Sickness.
walngijpa���noun. different kinds of food. Arrkpana arrapanala walngijpa. ‘We'll go and eat those different kinds of food.’ See:�walij�‘vegetable food’. Category:�Illness, Plant food.
wirij���coverb. 1�•�thirsty. Ngapi ngamaju wirij mira. ‘I am very thirsty.’ Ngatpajung wirij ta wupaj. ‘We were thirsty.’ Ngamaju wirij wupaj. ‘I am thirsty for water.’ Category:�Illness.
2�•�drop, mislay, leave behind. Ngetpung pirij. ‘I dropped it.’ Kurryatpung pirij. ‘You mislaid it (by putting it down).’ Mangatpuk pirij. ‘She let go of the tree.’ Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Holding, sticking.
3�•�miss when trying to get something. Innyeny pirij. ‘He missed it (when he went to spear it).’ Kayirrk la ngarrima wirijpirij ‘Then we got something wrong (in singing the song).’ Inirrjij pirij kimurnanganinyka. ‘He spears him but misses and he comes back to him.’ See:�kinnyatpi�‘understand, grasp an idea, have knowledge’. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�go past land. Kinyuryi muwarn yarran ilangakan yarran parak anyeny pirij ta kani Minjilang. ‘He kept going towards the west, he floated along and went past Minjilang.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
wirijpirij���coverb. keep on missing. Kawunima wirijpirij. ‘He kept on missing them (did not catch up with them)’. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.
wirrngak���1�•�noun. breath, life or hunger. La animaj rturrkpu wirrngak. ‘He made them really upset (lit: he pulled their breath).’ See:�kinnyaka�‘throw’. Category:�Healing and fitness.
Usage:�used with kimaju 2�•�NVidiom. be hungry, feel weak and tired from hunger. Nuka ja marryun kimaju mira wirrngak. ‘This boy is very hungry.’ la wirrngak marrik anmajung ‘so you won't be hungry (later)’. Yiwaninganpi yimin, Purrup ngarrurru; marrmarr pa nuyu, arriwanala la wularrut nganamaju wirrngak ta ngapi ‘Then he said, "We did well. I'm happy because we will eat, and I will be hungry."’ See:�kiniwurlkparrki�‘hungry, have empty stomach’. Category:�Illness, Healing and fitness.
Usage:�used with kinnyatpi 3�•�NVidiom. be hungry. Naka ja kinnyatpi wirrngak ja warranyngiw murnin ja mayakpu marrik aniwurru. ‘The child feels hungry but the father isn't noticing (for example, because he's playing cards)’. Category:�Illness.
Usage:�used with kinima rturrk 'pull' 4�•�NVidiom. make upset. Restrict:�LL object La animaj rturrkpu wirrngak. ‘He made them really upset.’ Kanima rturrk ngartu wirrngak. ‘He's really making me upset (eg. by crying for along time)’. See:�rtururrk�‘wipe, graze’. Category:�General change of state, Sorrow, happiness.
Restrict:�LL object 5: kannyaka ta wirrngak�•�NVidiom. breathe, rest, take a holiday. Juka jita warranyngiw marrik angakay mira ta wirrngak. ‘This child is not breathing properly.’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi iyamany wularrut la kayirrk kannyaka wirrngakapa. ‘This man was working before but now he is having a rest.’ Ngungaka wumurra wirrngak. ‘I'm panting.’ Category:�Automatic actions, Sleep.
6�•�NVidiom. short of breath. Kanjintukun ngartuk wirrngak. ‘I'm short of breath.’ See:�mangmang�‘pant’. Category:�Sickness.
wurlk���noun. sorrow, sadness. Ta wurlk ngarrurru. ‘Our feelings / our sorrow.’ Ta wurlk ngarrurru ta karrkpin. ‘Our sorrow is great.’ Wurlk kapalkpa ngarrurru la kawararrken nuyu ja nakapa ja arrarrkpi ja imajungan. ‘Sorrow comes to us as they cry for the dead man.’ See:�kinnyukpun�‘be moved’; pulkij�‘murder’; kiniwurlkpungku�‘cause to feel sorrow’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject 1�•�be sad, sorrowful. Ingawuning wurlk ta karrkpin iwararrkenang. ‘Sorrow filled him and he was crying.’ Kelyu wurlk kingawunapa, ‘He feels sorrow hitting him.’ Kingawun ta wurlk. ‘She is sad’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
2�•�swallow (food), also has broader meaning 'eat food'. Ngartakan wurlk walij. ‘I swallowed food.’ Ngeka wurlk nganngarajpun ‘It hurts when I swallow.’ Ma, kokanyi wurk medicine. ‘Come on, swallow the medicine.’ Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�ED object 3�•�have compassion (without oblique object pronoun), feel sorry for someone (with oblique object pronoun). Takapa ta kapatpi wurlk ngarrurru la marrik awunginkay arruntuwu. ‘They are sorry for us and will not fight us.’ Pata kapatpi wurlk. ‘They are compassionate, caring people’. Wurlk kingawunpu. ‘He feels sorry for them (his family, because he's going to die and leave them).’ Category:�Sorrow, happiness, Judgement, evaluation.
Parent category: