
R - r

rarrk���noun. cross pattern used in bark paintings, or painting bodies. Anth: The cross pattern is fine in Yirrija paintings and coarse in Duwa paintings. From: Yolngu-matha language. Category:�General ritual.

raw���interjection. eat it! Usage:�command to child Anmila raw! ‘Hurry and eat it!’ See:�kimilahurry! (only used in imperative and present tense). Category:�Illness, Language.

coverb. drink, eat. nukawk apa ja kawarra raw kiwula yaliwi ‘Those ones keep drinking that rubbish stuff.’ Kawarra raw. ‘They were walking and eating.’ Awurrangung raw. Category:�Illness.

rom���noun. ceremony type. From: probably. Category:�General ritual.

rumpurr���adverb. low toned, deep voiced, bass note (eg. didgeridoo). Kinymirawn rumpurr. ‘She sings with a deep voice.’ Arawirr mata rumpurr. ‘The didgeridoo is deep voiced.’ Marryun kawunginka arampurr. ‘Young men talk with deep voices.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke, Cognitive senses and attention. Ant:�italka.