

awunnyakpinang���tv. Restrict:�MA subject conceive. Awarrangungapa awunnyakpinang warranyngiw. ‘They go along and they have a child.’ Warranyngiw awunnyekpinangapa. ‘They have a child.’ Syn:�kinnyatpi. Category:�Reproduction.

irrijpalk���noun. stretch marks. Irrijpalk yara ngarrimangung tuka yanyjuk. ‘Sometimes we get stretch marks on our breasts.’ Category:�Other, Reproduction.

iyinmuning���iv. be from a place by birth. Atjurrang atjinmuning. ‘We were born here.’ Category:�Reproduction.

jalaga���coverb. be born. Malany naka kayirrk putarr tuka arrarangpi wularrut amurranymekpiny wimun amalkpany jalaga pa kayirrk la iniyarlmany mirnta yamin. ‘When years back we went along, long ago when the kids had grown up, come out of childhood into adulthood. After that he got old and died.’ See:�yalaout. Category:�Reproduction.

kannyujpakpa���tv. Restrict:�LL object breastfeed. kannyujpakpa ‘he sucks the breast’. See:�kiwujpalick. Category:�Reproduction, Illness.

kawuyanyjilin���iv. lovers, girlfriend and boyfriend. Variant:�Iwaidja: antikin. Ngungpurrun kawuyanyjilin. ‘Maybe they're boyfriend and girlfriend.’ Kawuyanyjilin See:�-njilitogether. Category:�Social responsibilities and events, Reproduction.

kelkpa���iv. 1�•�bare young, lay eggs. Usage:�Not usually used to refer to humans giving birth as this is impolite. Instead -lurrang, -langali or -arawku is used instead Kelkpa kurlajuk ja manpiri. ‘The green-back turtle lays its eggs.’ Kayirrk inypanalkpa, ‘She's about to give birth.’ Inyalkpakpany. ‘Then she gave birth (a woman).’ See:�kilurrangkenjump; kilangalibe born. Category:�Reproduction. Anth: Old way the old women used to hold the mother's knees and push on her stomach.

2�•�a kinship verb which covers mother, mother's brother and mother's mother's mother. pata yalkpanypu. ‘His ngaya.’ Jaka jita inyalkpany ngaw. ‘She is the one who bore her / She is her mother.’ jita inyalkpany nuyu ‘his mother, the one who bore him’. See:�kinnyarkpacarry on back, e.g. horse; kinimalkpabe father to; wulupulugreat-grandmother, grand-niece. Category:�Reproduction. Usage:�so far all uses as kinship verb have been in past punctual tense

kerajpun���iv. 1�•�he's putting hot sand on himself because he has a boil or a pain. kinyarajpun she's heating herself with hot sand.. Kinypani kinyarajpun. ‘She's warming herself on hot sand.’ Category:�Illness. Note: reflexive relationship with transitive form.

2�•�does not lay eggs (lit. keeps on aching). used of turtles which come up onto the beach and dig a hole but do not lay eggs. Manpiri malany yarajpukpuning. ‘The green-back turtle did not lay any eggs.’ See:�kinnyarajpunwarm on hot sand. Category:�Reproduction.

Restrict:�Female subjects only 3: kinyarajpun�•�menstruate. See:�kinnyarajpunroast. Category:�Secretions and substances.

kerawkun���iv. 1�•�vomit. Kerawkun awat. ‘He vomits.’ See:�awatvomit (noun); alargag (coverb with kerawkun). Category:�Secretions and substances, Automatic actions.

2 : kinyarawkun�•�give birth. Usage:�human or animal subjects, more polite than kinyalkpa See:�kiniwulawndrop off. Category:�Reproduction.

lv. Category:�Sickness.

kilalken���iv. 1�•�be in pain, or so sick that you cannot get out of bed. Category:�Discomfort and pain.

Restrict:�female subject 2: kinyjalken�•�she is in labour. Wularrutapa kinyjalken ngungpurrun kayirrkapa iwalangali. ‘She is in labour and I think that the baby will be born soon.’ See:�kinilalkenask; kawulatkanyjilindiscuss something together. Category:�Reproduction.

kilangali���iv. 1�•�stand. karrkangali, kilangaliya come for a visit from that area, homeland or not (same verb?) c.f. kilangali; katangali. Ilangaling yalayala tuka skurl. ‘He was standing outside the school.’ awulangaling ‘they were staying’. See:�kamalangalikitrees be clumped; kiligatravel from, be from; kinilanganistand up; kilarrajpenstand up, stand still; imalmakpanyperform. Category:�Remain stationary.

2�•�stay, be, katangali It is standing; kamalangali It is standing. Wakapa awunlangaling pata arrarrkpi yiwulangungapa kiyap. ‘The people were staying there and eating the fish.’ awunlangaling ‘They were staying’. See:�mulilceremony; minyngu. Category:�Remain stationary.

3�•�be born, more polite than kilurrangken. Variant:�Ngurtikin form. Ilangalingan ja warranyngiw. ‘The child is born.’ Kurlingka inyjangalingan warrawurnji (or) marryun? ‘Did she give birth to a girl or a boy? (lit. was a girl born, or was it a boy?)’ Kula kayirrk iwalangali ja warranyngiw? Iwalurrangken? ‘Is the child being born now? About to be born?’ See:�kilurrangkenjump, be born; kelkpabare young, lay eggs; kiwarntangalikisomeone who is sleeping with their legs elevated. Category:�Reproduction.

Usage:�with PP suffix 4�•�have come from place, in journey. Nuka ngampiwi kilangalinganka? ‘But where has he come from?’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

kilangali tuka wurak���phrase. the child is in utero. Naka warranyngiw kilangali tuka wurak. ‘She is with child.’ Category:�Reproduction.

5�•�be child of. nukapa pata kawulangali Marrawal la Narul. ‘That man's children are Marrawal and Narul.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.

6�•�be part of a certain human grouping. Anth: This includes being in a matrimoiety grouping, semi-moiety (skin) grouping, clan group. Being a participant in a ceremony. Ngapi ngalangali ngangiri Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku. ‘My skin name/matrimoiety is Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku.’ Ja kimaju karriwunyaka nuyu irrkpalakaj la karrangali minyngu. ‘When someone dies, we smoke his possessions and have a minyngu.’ Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties, General ritual.

Restrict:�GEN subject ; FE object 7: kinyngalangali�•�huge. inyngalangaling. Category:�Size and weight.


kilangali tuka wurak���phrase. the child is in utero. Naka warranyngiw kilangali tuka wurak. ‘She is with child.’ Category:�Reproduction.

kilangan���iv. 1�•�Do on own initiative, do what you feel like doing. Kiwanipa, kilanganapa ke. ‘He sits for a long time then he feels like going.’ Kinyjanganapa kinyarra warak. ‘She feels like it so she goes off.’ Marrik ankangay. ‘You are not doing it on your own initiative.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Desire, General.

2�•� Nuwurri kurrungpurrun jita warramumpik ta kinyalkpa ja warrayngiw nakapa kinnyiwunpun werrk warrwakapa la kapalkpa ta atjak la kinyjangen mirayu. ‘�€š�„úYou(plural) know how a woman who bears a child has ( early) labour pains first and afterwards suffering comes and she has severe labour pains.�€š�„ù’. See:�kinnyenpierce. Category:�Reproduction, Discomfort and pain.

kilurrangken���iv. 1�•�jump, fly, hop in. (Moon) rise. jurrk jump!; ilurrang he jumped, he was born; inyjurrangken a girl is born; An-kurrangke-na-ga. Koyanti karlurri kilurrangken ‘Look a bird's flying.’ Ankurrangkenaga. ‘You jump in.’ Ja kurrana kilurrangkenka kinnyutpa mapularr. ‘The full moon rose and made the sea calm (the sea is often calm when there is a full moon in the sky)’. See:�jurrkjump! (ideophone); awulurrangkekenyjingtry and take over somebody else's place; kelkpabare young, lay eggs; kilangaliparticipate in ceremony. Category:�Vertical motion, Movement in and out.

2�•�be born. Usage:�A commonly used term but not considered as polite as ilangalingan. Ilurrang kingurlkparryu. ‘She gave birth to a baby.’ Kurlingka warrawurnji inyjurrang? ‘Was it a girl that was born?’ Takapa anturrangkenang lirri. ‘That's how they make trouble.’ See:�lirritrouble; kawulurrangkeken. Category:�Reproduction. Anth: Traditionally older women held the woman while she gave birth. One held her from behind around the waist. The arms and knees were also held

3�•�interrupt person speaking, take over story. Category:�Language.

kinila���tv. eat, drink. ngunta AD Text 16; kurrilanyi you eat it!; kanila he is drinking it; katila he is eating it; ngarrata, karrata, katanyi eat (yams), Yinkarnarrk; ta ngatanyi that I can eat; ta arratangung that we ate; kuntang see marnngalk entry; kapany (could be kapwany with very slight labialzation) you ate it; kapanala you will eat. Iwaning inilangung irratat. ‘He was sitting eating meat.’ Nuyi kapany ta walij? ‘Did you eat yet?’ arratanyi ‘let's eat’. See:�kilaburn; kiniwanpuneat until full; kinilantafeeds on, feed; raweat!. Category:�Illness.

Restrict:�liquid object 2 kanila�•�tv. drink. Kawani kangpula nuntirri. ‘They are sitting drinking alcohol.’ Ja luluj kanila kurrula. ‘The dog is drinking seawater’. nukawk apa ja kawarra raw kiwula yaliwi ‘Those ones keep drinking that rubbish stuff.’ Category:�Illness.

Restrict:�MA subject 3 kinila�•�tv. hurt. Kunuka kiniwany? ‘What happened to him?/What hurt him?’ Nganila wanji. ‘My head hurts.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.

Restrict:�MA object 4 kinila�•�tv. miscarry. Ingalang ‘She might miscarry’. Ingawany. ‘She lost her baby / miscarried.’ Usage:�Female subject Category:�Reproduction.

ingalangung muwarn���NVidiom. 1�•�dry in the sun. Iwutpangung tuka muwarn ingalangung kirrk. ‘Next they would put it out in the sun to heat it up (pounded up pandanus stem).’ Category:�Properties of surface, General change of state.

2�•�be affected by the sun. Sun give person sunstroke. Muwarn nganngawany. ‘I got sunstroke (Lit: The sun 'ate' me).’ Kunngawany muwarn. ‘You are affected by the sun, for example if you walk a long way.’ Kunngawany mira, muwarn. ‘You get really struck by the sun.’ Category:�Sickness.

kinilakpalyirrkpun���tv. fill right up to the top. Inilakpalyirrkpung ja palaji. ‘He filled the bag to the top.’ Category:�Arrangement, Reproduction.

kinima���tv. 1�•�take, get, bring. Ta kapala nganti arrunimang parak. ‘Somebody with a boat could take us.’ Jita kamu kingama kiyap. ‘Mother is getting fish now.’ Angamany ngartu wurluj. ‘She brought me news.’ Atimany ngaw yurnu ‘They're holding hands’. See:�kimaauxiliary. Category:�Transfer.

2�•�father to. inyimany ‘her father (he is father to her)’. ngawunmany ‘I'm their father’. Syn:�kinimalkpa. Category:�family, inc moieties.

Restrict:�Female subject 3 : kingama�•�be pregnant. kingama ja warranyngiw Category:�Reproduction.

kanima ngaw ngaralk���phrase. learn a language. angamany ngaw ngaralk ‘she learnt the language’. Kuma ngaw ngaralk. ‘You are learning (language).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

kanima nuyu kunak���take a place. Category:�Transfer.


kinimakan���tv. have sex with, have as spouse. Juka jita inyimakantung inyjangaling tuka kunak. ‘His wife was sitting in the camp.’ Nganimakan ‘I am his wife.’ nakapa ja awunimakantung ‘the one they had been married to (who was dead)’. See:�kinyiyirlwahave sex with; kawartpanyjilinmeet, marry. Category:�Reproduction, Social responsibilities and events, family, inc moieties.

kinimalngajpun���tv. 1�•�make more of something. Yanat kanimalngajpun lirri ngarrurru. ‘He is making more trouble for us.’ Kinimalngajpun ja rubbish. ‘He's bringing rubbish into the house.’ See:�kiwmalngajpunmake mess; kimalngkawunchange. Category:�Appearance, General change of state.

Restrict:�Female subject, male object 2: kingamalngajpun�•�reproduce, lay eggs. Manpiri kingamalngajpun. ‘The green-back turtle is laying her eggs.’ Manpiri kingamalngajpun ja kurlajuk. ‘The turtle is laying eggs.’ Category:�Reproduction.

Restrict:�PL subject 3: awuntumalngajpung�•�Descend from (people). arruntumalngajpung our.ancestors (they made us plentiful). our ancestors, those from whom we are descended. They made us a large family. Refers to recent ancestors such as deceased grandparents etc. not long-ago ancestors.. See:�yumalngajgood hunter (masculine). Category:�family, inc moieties.

kinimirrawun���tv. 1�•�write, draw, mark. Iwaning inimirrawuning jurra. ‘He was sitting writing a letter.’ Kinimirrawun. ‘He's drawing him.’ Kimirrawun ingurlaj tuka ngapi ngamawurr. ‘He wrote his name on my arm.’ Category:�Weak impact.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�write down language. Ngaralk ngungmirrawun. ‘I'm writing down language.’ Syn:�kinnyutpa. Category:�Weak impact.

Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�occurrence of changes in appearance during pregnancy - face changes, breasts grow etc. Ja warranyngiw, kanimirrawun ngaw yanyjuk. ‘The child (big pause in which I talk). He draws on her breasts.’ Category:�Reproduction.

kinimirrawukpun���tv. writes and writes it, draw it, change during pregnancy. Ya-a-a nakapa kangpayan ngaw yanyjuk kangmurranymin ya you know kanimirrawukpun apa. ‘They can all see her breasts growing, you know, she's changing.’ Category:�Activity manner, Reproduction.

kinimirrawukpun���tv. writes and writes it, draw it, change during pregnancy. Ya-a-a nakapa kangpayan ngaw yanyjuk kangmurranymin ya you know kanimirrawukpun apa. ‘They can all see her breasts growing, you know, she's changing.’ Category:�Activity manner, Reproduction.

kinimurlukpun���tv. 1�•�squash and cause injury to humans or damage to inanimate objects. kurrumurlukpu You might squash it.. Kurrumurlukpu! ‘You might squash it (car, boat)’. Inimurlukpung. ‘He squashed it.’ Category:�Pressing.

2: angamurlukpu�•�woman kill her unborn child by squashing it. For example by bending over to far or by carrying heavy loads. angamurlukpu She might squash the baby (in her stomach); angamurlukpung She squashed the baby (in her stomach, i.e. killed it). Category:�Pressing, Reproduction.

kinnyarlgunta���tv. 1�•�put away inside. For example, put a boat into the yard, put hay in a shed, put a washing machine in a house. Kinnyarlunta. ‘A man is putting something in the house, e.g. a washing machine.’ Awarluntanyiga ta walij, kawutpany ta kurrampalk, katjarlunta. ‘Put all the food inside, put it in the house, he puts it in the house.’ See:�kiwrlgengo inside; kiniyirnukpungo around. Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�VE object 2 kamannyarlgunta�•�Enter (sexually). Category:�Reproduction.

Restrict:�LL object 3: kannyarlunta�•�go into harbour. Kannyarlunta tuka Martpalk. ‘He brought the boat into Martpalk bay.’ A kannyarlunta warak palapala tuka Wiyarla. ‘Oh the barge is going into Wiyarla bay.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.

kinnyatpi���tv. 1�•�have, own , hold. Includes 'have as wife'. Can mean 'have for' or 'get for' with oblique object pronoun. Can mean carry with directional following. Yanat kinnyatpi luluj. ‘He has a dog.’ Kinyetpiga warranyngiw. ‘He brings her a child (i.e. he passes the child's spirit on to her and brings about conception).’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi kilangali, ketpi imawurr. ‘This man is standing, holding his arms.’ Ta wulatpiyi kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wulatpiyi ta iwanamin ngarrurru. ‘He has a message for us which he will tell to us.’ Marlu warrij arrunngatpang. ‘We had strong winds.(lit: strong winds had us)’. See:�kiniwelkpuntouch, purposefully bump or jab. Category:�Holding, sticking.

2�•�change to be. Apan kamannyatpi rlaw. ‘He is making the spear shaft crooked (by bending it)’. Kamannyatpi rlaw. ‘With his hands he makes the spear straight (after warming it over the fire, but while it is not fully dried).’ Kammannyatpi rlaw manjat. ‘He bends it until its straight.’ Category:�General change of state.

3 : kingatpi�•�be pregnant, be carrying a child (inside). warranyngiw kingatpi ‘she is carrying a child’. Category:�Reproduction.

Restrict:�LL object 4 : kannyatpi�•�understand, grasp an idea, have knowledge. marrik kurrungatpi ‘you don't understand’. Ta nuwurri yara ta wurrwurr awk marrik kurrungetping ngarripa arrungatpiwi parang apa la arrungpanatpi pirij. ‘Now some of you, the new people, you can't understand, only we can understand but we're going to pass it on to you.’ Kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wurlkpungkuj. ‘He is friendly towards us.’ See:�wirijcoverb; arrkeep, hang onto, stick; kurrunnyatpithis word is used when an atpaji relationship occurs between people. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

Restrict:�VE object 5: kamannyatpi�•�win. Nganti mannyatpung? Nawuyuk mannyatpung. ‘Who won (the fight)? Nawuyuk won.’ Yanat ja marryun mannyatpung. ‘The boy won (the race).’ mannyatpung yanat apa Mayinaj. ‘Mayinaj won (the fight).’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation, Goodness, Fight.


kinyiyirlwa���tv. have sex with. See:�kinimakansleep with. Category:�Reproduction.

kinyurlu���iv. Restrict:�female subject pregnant. Jaka jita kinyurlu. ‘That (woman) is pregnant.’ kinyurlukun Category:�Reproduction.

kinyurntulwarran���iv. Restrict:�FE subject menstruate, have period. Inyurntulwarrantiny. ‘She was menstruating.’ See:�kinnyurntulwarrangut; kangarntalwarranglow; kiniwarrancut up meat; kangmurlwarrabrown. Syn:�kirrwara (kiwani). Category:�Reproduction.

kingamarlmanpukpun���tv. Restrict:�female subject (woman) tempt man to adultery. Category:�Desire. See:�kimarlmanpunsatisfied. Category:�Desire, Reproduction.

kirrwara���noun. back (of the body), back of inanimate object. Ngamaju tuka kirrwara ‘I have something wrong with my back.’ Parang apa kunjurrngpung marnti kayirrkju kunjarray anjamang warlk kanpu tuka kirrwara. ‘I have commanded you lest you go cutting trees and harm your back.’ Mampuwarawng yungku la iwuwunyantung tuka kirrwara. ‘They lit a fire and heated the outside part of it.’ See:�Inypajiyiny kirrwarashellfish type; Murwalapandanus palm. Category:�Organs and torso.

coverb. Restrict:�female subject 1�•�menstruate. inypani kirrwara ‘she is menstruating’. See:�kinyurntulwarran; kinnyurntulwarran. Category:�Reproduction.

2�•�turn back on someone, a sign of anger. Arrkinkay arrarrkpi arryakay kirrwara la atjing. ‘We might have an argument with a man, turn our backs on him and walk away.’ Category:�Hate, anger.

3�•�turn back on someone, can be a way of being rude. Kun kirrwara. ‘When you sit in front of someone with your back facing then and don't show you know that he is behind you.’ Kapin kuni kirrwara la nuyimung. ‘Turn so you're facing away from each other.’ Kinnyun kirrwara la yamin ‘They're putting their backs to one another.’ Category:�Change stance. Note: Difference between CC with kinnyaka and kinnyun seems to be that one with kinnyun can be used simply to describe a movement rather than an emotion.

Restrict:�FE subject 4�•�fall backwards onto back. Qe, Imurnanganiny parakju ta yarlkeny. ‘Yes,he went back and went in.’ Ngapi mawarlkanyi inyurakan kirrwara. ‘I fell, I fell onto my back.’ Ant:�marrwakara. Category:�Vertical motion.

rlitirr���coverb. 1�•�hatch. Kiwani rlitirr. ‘It is hatching out.’ Category:�Reproduction.

2�•�keep on moving along, clear (it) up. Inimangung rlitirr. ‘He kept on moving it, he cleared it up.’ Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�MA object 3�•�break through, hatch out. Can be used for anything that has eggs, e.g. birds, reptiles. Koyanti innyeny rlitirr ja ilijpakpak. ‘Look, the young (bird) has hatched out.’ Innyeny rlitirr ja kurlajuk. ‘It hatched out of the egg.’ Inyanat ingany rlitirr. ‘It (female) hatched out.’ See:�kurlajukegg. Category:�Movement in and out.

najaman���noun. 1�•�first born child. Nuka ja ngapi ja marryun ja najaman. ‘This is my first-born child.’ Ingamany najaman. ‘She's given birth to her birth to her first child.’ Ingamany jita najaman. ‘She had her first baby.’ Syn:�anpulawnut; Ant:�namawij. Category:�Ages.

2�•�first menstrual period. Inyimany najaman. ‘She is having her first menstrual period.’ Inyimanyapa ja najaman ‘She had her first period.’ Syn:�warlk (kinnyen), muru (kinnyen). Category:�Reproduction.

ninyjakpi jita ninymarrk���noun. pregnant, literally, she is heavy in front. Category:�Reproduction.

ninyjijpularr���noun. the young of a species. Category:�Reproduction.

warlk���noun. tree, generic term, also covers any type of stick, branch or log. Anth: Also used for 'coffin'. Not used for firewood. See:�yungkufire, firewood. Category:�General terms.

coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject ; Female object first menstrual period, girl's puberty ceremony. Kinyngen warlk. ‘She is having her first period.’ Awunngen warlk. ‘They are having their first period.’ See:�yarlheaped sand used in ceremony. Syn:�muru (kinnyen), najaman (kinima), yurnu (kinnyen). Category:�Reproduction. Usage:�semantic restriction on experiencer object gender: must be feminine Anth: Also used to refer to the ceremony associated with a girl's first period. The construction is a euphemism for menstrual bleeding it means literally 'her skin was pierced by a stick'. After the first period ceremony negotiations with the future husband begin. Note: Exact synonym with muru

wuk2���coverb. mate. Kinyima wuk la yamin luluj. ‘The dogs are mating.’ See:�wuwukuwukfeel hot to touch. Category:�Reproduction.

inyngen yurnu���NVidiom. a girl's first period. Pata warrarrawurnji kakenpu yurnu. ‘Girl's have their first period ceremony.’ Category:�Reproduction.

Parent category:

Human body actions