Non language human voice sounds
ayirrayirr���coverb. rinse out, gargle. Anmina ayirrayirr. ‘You must gargle.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
jijiji���interjection. expression used to call a dog. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
jirrk���ideophone. noise made by clapsticks. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
noun. leader of ceremony (the one who has the clapsticks). See:�mardamarda�‘boss worker in Martayin’; jirr�‘hold tightly’. Category:�Initiation.
jirrk mardamarda���phrase. person who takes the place of the leader of the ceremony if he is not able to be present. See:�mardamarda�‘boss worker in Martayin’. Category:�Initiation.
jurrk���coverb. drop off in car. Anpanamin nuyu Jonah kunpannyaka jurrk. ‘You tell Jonah to drop you off.’ Category:�Transfer.
ideophone. ideophone for jumping. Jurrkpi iwumany yanatjanat. ‘They both sprang and grabbed it.’ See:�kilurrangken�‘jump’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kanilaka���tv. Restrict:�LL object noisy, chattering. Can also be used to describe things, such as the air-conditioner. kangaka ‘she is noisy’. La ngarukin mira, ngarralyu ja miri, kangpulaka ja kamitjan ta warak, ngatpin pu, "Makiny, yunyi kurruntaka, la marlakan". ‘We get right up and if we hear the paddle, if they make a loud noise with their paddling we say to them "No, don't make a loud noise, go slowly."’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kantuntun���iv. earth rumble. kanuntunka ‘they heard the snake coming from far away’; kiluntun. Parang apa la wularrut awalyungan ta kunak antuntunang. ‘They felt that the earth was shaking.’ See:�kiniluntu�‘scold, make sorcery on’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kartuk���coverb. agree to, nod in assent. Iminy kartuk nuyu. ‘He agreed with him.’ Anmina kartuk! ‘You, nod!’ See:�kardulk�‘gossip’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kilakurma���iv. use body signs and hand signs to communicate. Ngatakurma ‘We make kinship body signs.’ Kinyjakurma. ‘She's signing.’ Ngalakurma nuwu. ‘I'm signing to you.’ See:�kinilakurma�‘dance, imitate, act’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kimilkun���iv. moan, groan. Arlarrarr marrik yalyunyi ja imirlkukenang. ‘He couldn't hear anyone moaning there.’ See:�kinimirlkun�‘moan, groan’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kinilakujpa���tv. 1�•�kiss. Inilakujpany ja warranyngiw anyak. ‘He kissed the little child.’ Pukapa kinyilakujpa ‘They're kissing.’ See:�kilakujpin�‘be quiet, stop crying’; kinnyujpa�‘lick, suck’; kilakujpakpa�‘plead guilty (by not speaking up about it)’. Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
2�•�comfort, stop from crying. Kulakujpanyi. ‘You stop him crying!’ See:�kilakujpin�‘quiet’. Category:�Social responsibilities and events, Non language human voice sounds.
kinilangkatpa���tv. 1�•�signal, give sign, let know. Awanapa awuntalangkatpa. ‘They will go and signal them.’ Ta karrpin anngawuni yirrirri naka karrpuntangkatpa ta kawarra jinyngu wupurrk. ‘When we say anngawuni yirrirri it means that we are signalling to them as they come along in the dark at night.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
2�•�let know. Kinilangkatpa. ‘He lets him know, eg. someone's coming on the plane, like his wife or kids.’ Inypalangkatpakpangung ‘they were teaching her’. Kiwalangkatpakpa makiny la ngaminy, kiki wiwi ngalyunyi nuwu ja kuwarnangajpukpuni. ‘They teach him to read and my wiwi said, "I'll listen and you read."’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�remind. Kuwalangkatpa ja punyi ara. ‘You will remind father, won't you.’ Category:�Language.
4�•�receive sign, e.g. conception sign. See:�kilangkatpa�‘find out’; kinnyuki�‘show, teach’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
5�•�know person. Ngatangkatpan. ‘We know her very well (the nurse who came back to work at Warruwi, who worked here a long time ago.)’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinilarrun���tv. hear a big sound coming closer like a plane or thunder. Awarran la yara awalyungan kapin marrarawk awunilarraning. ‘After a while they heard the sound like lightning coming closer.’ Nganilarrang. ‘He came up behind me and made a loud noise givng me a fright.’ Kunilarrun. See:�kinilarrani�‘chastize’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kinimalkpa���tv. 1�•�be father or father's sister to. Nuka ja ngapi nganimalkpany. ‘This is my father.’ ngapi nganimalkpany ‘my father’. kayirrk la kaniwurrun apa yamin ja inimalkpany kimin "warranyngiw pa ngartu". ‘and then he thinks, the father and he says "Oh, it could be my child."’ Syn:�kinima, kimalkpa. Category:�family, inc moieties.
2�•�take out, make come out. Ma kurrungmalkpanyi ta ayuk! ‘Go on, do it the old way! (dance)’. See:�kinima�‘father to’; kimalkpa�‘arrive, come out’; kelkpa�‘bare young, lay eggs’. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�LL object 3�•�(turtle) make noise or surface. La ja kanimalkpa mira ilijap putarr. ‘And the little one makes a big noise (the baby dugong or the turtle?).’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Reptiles and amphibians.
kinimanypukpun���tv. 1�•�pleased with (someone). Aralpa inimanypukpung. ‘It is true that he was pleased with him.’ Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
2�•� Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kinimirlkun���tv. 1�•�sense by extrasensory perception that something is about to happen. Anth: When a child or baby gives a sign that someone is coming to visit from far away, for example by crying a lot. Also when someone knows that someone else is about to betray him. Used in Easter song cycle to say that when they had the last supper Jesus knew someone was going to betray him. Covers predicting good and bad events. Kinimirlkun. ‘Like somebody coming.’ Kinyimirlkun. ‘He senses a woman's coming.’ Kunmirlkung anngarrangungka. ‘I sensed you were coming.’ Category:�Supernatural.
Restrict:�VE object 2: kamanimilkun�•�moan, groan. Someone might say 'you pay me very quick' and he answers 'm-m-m-m' that is kamanimilkun. A type of crying that is like a soft moaning, unlike kiwurlkujpakpan that is a sobbing, interrupted by large gulps of air. manimilkung ‘He groaned’. Kamanimilkun kuyak nuyu. ‘He is moaning because of his illness.’ manimirlkukunang ‘he kept moaning’. Manimirlkukuning. ‘He moaned.’ See:�kimirlkun�‘moan, groan’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kiniwanpani���tv. 1�•�bark at. Luluj iniwanpanyang. ‘The dog was barking at him.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniwanpani�•�stack, put on top of each other. Category:�Manipulation, Properties of surface.
kiniwirtpurama���tv. Restrict:�MA object grumble about people's treatment of one's things. Kingawirtpurama. ‘She's grumbling about people touching her things.’ Kuwirtparama ja inimany wungpulaj nuwu? ‘Are you looking for what they stole from you?’ Kakawirtpurama nuyu walij ta kapuma nuyu. ‘She complains about people taking his food without asking.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Manipulation, Judgement, evaluation.
kiniwulati���tv. make laugh. iniwulatiny. Kawuniwulatiki. ‘He makes them laugh.’ Nganiwulati, ngampijin. ‘He makes me laugh, I'm laughing.’ See:�kempijin�‘laugh’. Category:�Play, perform, joke, Non language human voice sounds.
kiniwun���tv. 1�•�hit, impact on, harm, kill. kurriwungka ‘you killed it’. Katiwun taka ta kantijawa. ‘He hits the bread.’ Marrgij inyjuwung. ‘They attacked her magically’. See:�kiniwunpun�‘ring’. Category:�Strike or chop.
2�•�make like (adjective), change to be like (adjective). Iniwuning ilurtpuj. ‘He was making it short.’ Ngannyawun rlaw. ‘I'm bending the wood.’ kampuwun kupuny ‘they make canoes’. Maniwung mata majarr. ‘He's speaking loudly.’ Category:�General change of state.
Restrict:�ED object 3: katiwun�•�hunt yams or other vegetable tubers. Awuran apuwung ta karwuluk. Apumanyka ta apun la ta awalinyjinyut (ta karwuluk). ‘They went out to get some yams. They brought big ones and small ones.’ yiwuwuning kiyap ‘they were catching fish.’ See:�kaniyawun�‘dig with a stick’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�MA object 4: kiniwun�•�ring (on phone). Usage:�used with oblique pronoun Ingawung ngartu. ‘She rang me up .’ Ngiwung parakpu ‘I called them up.’ Kuwanawun? ‘Are you going to make a call?’ Syn:�kilakpalolen. Category:�Language.
Restrict:�FE object 5: kinyiwun�•�clap hands. Kinyiwun yurnu. ‘He's clapping his hands.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
Restrict:�MA subject 6 kiniwun�•�rain on. Arruniwuning walmat ja karrkpin. ‘It was raining hard (on us).’ Katangali. Katiwun walmat nuka, pa kapurranymin. ‘It stands there. Rain falls on it and it grows. (a yam)’. See:�walmat�‘rain’. Category:�Rains.
Restrict:�MA subject 7�•�cure (sickness). Kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘People with ringworm will swim (in waterholes with Paperbark leaves in them) to cure themselves.’ Nukapa ja wurakpa ja kiniwun ja namurarri. ‘The wurakpa tree cures wasting sickness.’ Ja wanpirlk, kiniwun wurnkurrk, nuyu. ‘The seed cures colds, it's used for that.’ Category:�Medicine.
kiniyurlka���tv. 1�•�bury, cover, plant. Usage:�Can be used for burying humans or animals, unlike -e kunak inypuyurljiny ‘they buried her’; iwuyurljiny ‘They buried him’; kiniyurkaka. Atiyurkangung ta walij. ‘He was planting the food (yams).’ Nungmatpa karrkaj ingayalmany mirnta waka wiyu inypuyurljiny Ilarryarru pa kinyu pata pukapa. ‘And on the other side, when she died, they buried her at Ilyarru, she's lying there. They were there’. Kurlajuk kingayurlka. ‘She (turtle) buries her eggs.’ See:�kiyurjin�‘be buried’; kiwrlkatin�‘disappear’. Category:�Manipulation, Concealment.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniyurlka�•�cover with sand. Ngapi Inyjalarrku ngamirawng. Ngarrunjurjiny arakap tuka Nawurlany nuyu. ‘I sang Inyjalarrku song. We covered the area where Nawurlany's things were.’ Angamany mangayurrkjiny nuyu wun ja luluj. ‘She grabbed it and threw it in the dogs eyes.’ Katiyurlka. ‘He plants food, or puts food in sand to cook it.’ Category:�Concealment.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kaniyurlka�•�make a smoke signal. Kaniyurlka nuyu. ‘He sends him a smoke signal.’ Kangpuyurlka. ‘They send a smoke signal.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Fire.
kingalkpun���iv. Restrict:�VE subject quiet, peaceful, calm (weather). Pata warranyngiw kamangalkpun. ‘The children are being quiet.’ Yanat kiwani kamangalkpun. ‘He's sitting silently.’ Warlk mangalkpung kirrk. ‘The trees are quiet (not rustling).’ See:�ingalkpany�‘be from place’; kiningalkpun�‘crack or pound head’. Category:�Longer, Non language human voice sounds, Fight.
mangalkpunngalkpung���iv. peaceful, quiet. Kayirrk mangalkpunngalkpung. ‘We are having a period of peace. (lit: It has been peaceful for a long time)’. See:�malakpuj�‘quiet (coverb)’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Fight.
mangalkpunngalkpung���iv. peaceful, quiet. Kayirrk mangalkpunngalkpung. ‘We are having a period of peace. (lit: It has been peaceful for a long time)’. See:�malakpuj�‘quiet (coverb)’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Fight.
kinginka���iv. 1�•�talk, argue, fight, speak (a language). (Nonhuman) make characteristic noise. ngarrkinka. Kurrkenkang nuyi la yanat nakapa angpumirlkpungakeny ngarru. ‘You two had a fight and it will effect us badly.’ Ja kurrula kinginka. ‘The sea is splashing on the shore, making a noise.’ Mawng nganingka. ‘I speak Mawng / Mawng is my language.’ See:�maningkangung�‘listen to’. Category:�Language, Fight.
Restrict:�birds 2�•�(birds) sing. Kurralyunyi kawunginka karlurri. ‘Listen to the birds singing.’ See:�kimin�‘be’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kingutin���iv. cry. Variant:�Mayinjinaj form; not commonly used now. Kawungutin pata warranyngiw. ‘The children are crying.’ Syn:�kiwararrken. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Automatic actions.
kirrirri���interjection. a high pitched call meaning that the caller is about to go back to camp or home. See:�yirrirri�‘signal with firestick’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kiwararrken���iv. cry. Kiwararrken nuyu ja inimalkpany. ‘He is crying for his father.’ Ngapi ngawararrkeny. ‘I cried’. Awuranka awujikiny nuyu pa kiwararrken ja warranyngiw. ‘They came over and showed themselves, sat for a little while and that little child cried for them when they left.’ See:�kingutin�‘cry’; warnalay�‘cry’; kiwararrkpararrken�‘cry at length’. Category:�Automatic actions, Sorrow, happiness, Non language human voice sounds.
kiwararrkpararrken���iv. cry at length. La awararrkpararrkenang. ‘And they used to cry and cry.’ See:�kiwararrken�‘cry’. Category:�Automatic actions, Sorrow, happiness, Non language human voice sounds.
kiwirlkujpakpan���iv. sob, taking in large gulps of air at intervals, sound like hiccups. When a child is really distressed they cry like this. See:�kinimirlkun�‘moan’. Category:�Automatic actions, Sorrow, happiness, Non language human voice sounds.
kiyitirrikun���iv. wail, cry strenuously. Iwaning iyitirrikunang. ‘He was sitting (there) wailing.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kork! kork! kork!���interjection. a call indicating a large amount of food or fish has been obtained. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kortong���ideophone. sound made when gulping water. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kunakay���interjection. excuse me, when going close to another person or about to move in front of them. See:�kinnyaka; kinilagurrun�‘deceive, trick’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kunijanaka���part. hesitation form, literally 'what is that?'. See:�ngantijanuka�‘person, indefinite.’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kup���ideophone. noise of a spear hitting a target.
coverb. Restrict:�LL object person make noise by smashing things together (only wooden objects?) La nakapa manatapa ikarna alaj angkuwuni(ng) kup kapin marrarawk akut. ‘That lightning sound was the sound of those ikarna clubs smashing together.’ Kangkuwut kuk. ‘They are making a smashing noise.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kurrok kurrok���ideophone. pelican call and/or ideophone for flying. Kurrok kurrok marrmarr karrkaj Jurrta. ‘'Kurrok kurrok' I like the island at Jurrta.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kurrurruk���ideophone. the action of putting a warm hand or foot on a person as part of warming ceremony. Aminangapa iwuwunyantung ja warranyngiw kurrurruk kurrurruk kurrurruk kurrurruk kurrurruk aminang. ‘They do that, they warm the baby (ideophone), that's what they do.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kuwi���coverb. beckon. Inimany kuwi iminy ngawu. ‘He beckoned to him, he told him to come.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
larnit���noun. hiccup. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Discomfort and pain.
rlelerrk���interjection. a warning sound to indicate that a shark or policeman is around. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
rluj2���coverb. Restrict:�VE object whistle. Nganymakangung rluj. ‘I was whistling.’ Mannyanaka rluj la arrkpana. ‘The (whistle) will blow and then we will go.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
ma���part. Do it! Off you go! Okay! mapa ‘ma-pa’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
murnin���part. because, so. Nuka ja karrkpin ja weli murnin ja mamurra nuyu kurak ja kurrana la arrkpana kiyap. ‘The tide is out because the moon is full so let's go fishing.’ Ja marryun kanimiyarma ta kerra juju murnin kimin marrmarr. ‘The boy likes walking, so he's happy.’ See:�la; numuyi�‘because of (unpleasant reason)’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
murrkarterte���noun. 1�•�holding hands up stiffly towards a person with fingers and thumbs bent inwards. This is a 'debildebil' sign that someone has died or a spirit present. Nakapa ja arrarrkpi murrkarterte iminy ngartu la ngamurtpiny. ‘That man did the 'debildebil' sign to me and I was frightened.’ Category:�Supernatural, Non language human voice sounds.
2�•�star pattern on pandanus mats.
ngalaman���noun. my voice. Category:�Human speech and vocal sounds, Non language human voice sounds. See main entry: ilaman.
ngerrk���ideophone. call of marnung, the white cockatoo. See:�marnung�‘White cockatoo type’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Small birds.
ngorrkngorrk���ideophone. sound of frog calling. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Reptiles and amphibians.
perrk���ideophone. sound made by a crying dog. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
pip���coverb. Restrict:�VE object blow a whistle. Malany wularrut mannyakat pip. ‘The whistle (to stop work) has already sounded.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
pirrukukuku���ideophone. sound of short object flying through the air. See:�pirrukuku�‘coverb’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
puk���ideophone. sound made by a dog when barking. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
turuy���coverb. 1�•�rumbling of distant thunder. Anngalyunyi kiwani turuy. ‘Listen to the distant rumble of thunder.’ Iniwartpalwaniny kiwani turuy. ‘A thunderhead has developed from which there is distant thunder and lightning.’ See:�marrarawk�‘forked lightning strike’. Category:�Sky, Non language human voice sounds.
2�•�thunder make itself heard. Ngawaningan imit turuy. ‘I heard thunder.’ Category:�Sky, Rains.
3�•�cause thunder to occur by breaking traditional law? Katpun turuy, imajpunjing ying nungmatpa kunak awuniwu. ‘If we transgress, something bad will happen.’ Category:�Sky, General ritual.
rtartaj���ideophone. onomatapoeic expression for a crack of thunder. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Sky.
rtep���ideophone. sound of short object hitting target. Inyiwungapa "rtep". ‘He hit her "rtep".’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
rtijemro���ideophone. sound of a didgeridoo. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Play, perform, joke.
rtol���ideophone. noise made by malngpi nuts being cracked open in Kortaweli story. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
rtum���ideophone. sound of noise made by distant rumbling thunder. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Sky.
warnalay���coverb. cry. Variant:�not commonly used. Kiwani warnalaya. ‘He is crying.’ Anth: The old people used to cry for the deceased very early in the morning before sunrise. See:�kiwararrken�‘cry’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
wingping���noun. a sucking sound made to attract attention or to rouse someone. Nuka ja arrarrkpi ja apurra wingping. ‘This man (makes a) lot of sucking (sounds).’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
yi2���dem. Demonstrative referring to movement, or ideophone for the type of movement she demonstrates? Tuka ngatpinang "Yi" ta ngarrunpatpang kapa ‘We go "Yi." and they hold us there.’ Syn:�yiyi. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
yirrirri���2�•�coverb. watch carefully. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�VE object 1�•�coverb. signal with a fire stick. Ta karrpin anngawuni yirrirri naka karrpuntangkatpa ta kawarra jinyngu wupurrk. ‘When we say anngawuni yirrirri it means that we are signalling to them as they come along in the dark at night.’ See:�kirrirri�‘we are going home (call)’. Syn:�kinnyayanayan. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
Parent category: