anpulirri���noun. soldiers, warriors. See:�lirri�‘trouble, enemy’. Category:�Fight.
awunpuyukakaning���tv. encourage to fight. Wemin awulangaling awunpuyakakaning alaj yamin jita kinyimakan la yamin jita kinyimakan. ‘The others were there, egging them on. The wife of one and the wife of the other one.’ See:�kawunpuyungpukpun�‘encourage in fight’. Category:�Fight. Note: Also transcribed as awunpiryakakaning, awunpirrukakaning, awunpuiryakakaning, awunpuyungpukpaning
kawarnakanyjilin���iv. Restrict:�PL subject fight with spears, Make war. ngarrarnakanyjilin ‘we are having a fight with spears’. Puka pata marryun kawarnakanyjilin mata murnta. Kutpunayanti! ‘The boys are playing with the murnta spears. Look at them!’ See:�kinnyarnaken�‘shoot’. Category:�Fight.
kawunjilin���iv. Restrict:�PL subject fight together. kawunjilin, ngatpunjilin, kawunjilina. Ikarna mata wularrut awunjilinang namumuyak awk. ‘Ikarna is what they used to fight with before, in the dreamtime.’ Parang la awunjilinang malany annyarlukpanrtap ja Yumparrparr. ‘As they fought Yumparrparr slipped.’ See:�-njili�‘together’. Category:�Fight.
kilakparikpin���iv. intervene. Kayirrk la ilakparikpiny la iminy pu, Kurlingka nuwurri kurruranka ilgij majawak la murrkarn nuyu ngarrunpawutaka? ‘Then he intervened and said to them, Did you (pl) come with knives and clubs to tie me up?’ Category:�Fight.
kiminyjinymakpa���iv. a peace-loving person, satisfied. Ngapi ngaminyjinymakpa. ‘I am a peace-loving person, make myself not to fight.’ See:�numinyjiny�‘peaceful, satistfied’. Category:�Fight.
kimurnangani���iv. 1�•�return. Imurnanganinyka akutju kani Warruwi. ‘He returned to Warruwi again.’ ngatpurnatpurnanganyangka ‘we were all coming back’. amurnanganinyka ‘they came back’. See:�murnangani�‘return, bring back’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
2 : kangmurnangani�•�remember, recall, think back. Kangmurnanganiga ngartu pa ngawunpurrun. ‘Memories came back to me and I thought of them (people who had died).’ Angmurnanganya nuwurru ta wuwugi. ‘Remember the old days!’ Angpurnatpurnanganinyka, ngartu ta wurrgarl. ‘I remember the dreams.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL subject 3�•�next time something happens, or next day. La pa angmurnanganinyapa ta (yuranapa) inimanyka ja waliman. ‘And then the next day he went and got the axe.’ Like angmurnanganinyka, next day ey? Category:�Longer.
Restrict:�LL subject 4�•�blame (OBL). Kangmurnangani ngaw inyanat kirrk ‘She was blamed for everything.’ Pa angmurnanganiny kirrk ngaw inyanat. ‘All the blame was put on her (for a fight she was involved in).’ Kurrkinka pa angpamurnanganinyka ngarrurru. ‘You had a fight and they will bring it back at us.’ See:�kinnyurtjun. Category:�Fight.
kiniliki���iv. Restrict:�SG subject 1�•�stand alone, in a dispute. Yanat ja Elijah iliking palat. ‘Elijah stood alone (against the others)’. Category:�Fight.
Restrict:�PL subject 2�•�side with each other, Stand by one another. Play a role, as in a play. karrkiki ‘'We take each other's part' or 'You're with us' (used in hymns)’. Ngarrurri karrkiki. ‘We take each other's part (in strife or trouble).’ See:�kinimarriyalan�‘take part’. Category:�Fight.
kinimarriyalan���tv. take someone's side in a fight. Nginymarriyalan jita ngalkpany ngaw. ‘I am taking my daughter's part.’ See:�kiniliki�‘side with each other (plural forms)’. Category:�Fight.
kinimirlkpunge���tv. 1�•�turn over. iwumilkpungany ‘they turned it over’. Arriwamirlkpunga ja inyalgan. ‘We will turn the turtle over.’ Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�change. Ngarrunimirrawuning ngarrunimirlkpungangung ta ngatpalu tora. ‘He changes us and our faces become different.’ See:�mali�‘knowledge, memories’. Category:�General change of state.
Restrict:�LL subject 3: Kangkumirlkpungen�•�affect (us) badly. Malany angpamirlkpungenka ngarrurru ta karrpani Martpalk. ‘It will affect us here at Martpalk.’ Kurrkenkang nuyi la yanat nakapa angpumirlkpungakeny ngarru. ‘You two had a fight and it will effect us badly.’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�trouble come back to affect other people. For example when two people fight then other people get involved and they are also affected by the response from the other group. Angkumirlkpungakeny nuwurru. ‘They bring trouble back to you.’ Pa karrkpin 'Kutpanginkapa kurriwanawunapa. Angpamirlkpungenka ngarrurru. Like lirripa ngungpanatpi. ‘They might say 'You'll go and fight with them and you'll hit them. They will bring something back to us. Like I've got trouble to bring.’ Category:�Fight.
kiningaka���tv. not know because of being from different areas. Or dislike because of being from different areas. iwangakangung. Ingangakangung kirrk. ‘She didn't like any (of the mainland meat foods, because she didn't know them).’ arrunpangakay ‘they don't recognise us’. Awunpangakanyi la wemin. ‘They didn't know each other.’ See:�kinnyarnama�‘hate, dislike’. Category:�Desire, Cognitive senses and attention, Fight.
kiningalkpun���tv. 1�•�crack, pound, smash, whack head, e.g. cracking a turtle head to kill it. Ingangalkpuning ja karrarnarn. ‘She was cracking the oyster shells.’ Jara ja arrarrkpi yuranka iningalkpung. ‘Another man comes along and hits him on the head.’ Qeqe. Kinyalkpun la inyamin. ‘Yes. They are each hitting themselves on the head.’ See:�kingalkpun�‘crack head’; ingalkpany�‘be from place’; kiwirnngalkpun�‘a burning coal fire’. Category:�Strike or chop.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�sing and play accompaniment with clapsticks. Iwanaga ja arrapujpa iwaningalkpun ja manyardi. ‘The song man will come and perform the song cycle.’ Anngalyunyi kiwungalkpukpun nganangka, kawaga kamirawnka. ‘Listen to the clapsticks. They're coming this way.’ ja ngarringalkuny parak ‘when we do the song’. Category:�Play, perform, joke, Song and dance. Note: Old word for singing with clapsticks, now people just use kamirawn
Restrict:�MA object 3�•�cutting oneself in mourning. Category:�Mourning. Note: This sense has also been recorded for kingalkpun
Restrict:�PL subject 4: kawunpungalkpun�•�they are fighting with sticks. Category:�Fight.
kiningartputa���tv. 1�•�tie or wind something around the top of. Ja arrarrkpi kiningartputaka ja walamurru ja inyarlgan. ‘The man winds the string around the end part of the woomera used to throw the spear for turtle.’ Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�hold grudge against someone, leave them to face the consequences and not help them. kungartputa, kungartputiny, kiningartputa Category:�Fight.
kiniwartpi���tv. fight, make trouble with. Inyi kurrungpawartpi. ‘Don't make trouble with anyone.’ Angkuwartpungpu. ‘They had a fight.’ Aniwartpung nuyu. ‘He fought with him.’ Syn:�kinnyayanayan. See:�wartpiwartpi�‘fighting stick’. Category:�Fight.
kinnyaka���tv. 1�•�throw (out), push (over), knock over, drop off (in car), pile up. kokanyi. Muka mata mawngku kamangakaga. ‘The shade's come over us.’ Ngamangawunapa, ngyeka ja mangawj. ‘As I cough, I cough up flem.’ Nukawk ja manpurrwa kinnyalmuni - nganti innyakakan? ‘All the clothes are untidy - who threw them everywhere?’ See:�kerwen�‘throw with aim’; kingartpirrun�‘throw spear’; kinnyakataka�‘hurry’; jurrk�‘drop off in car (coverb)’; kiniyiwaka�‘take by pulling, snatch’; kunakay�‘excuse me’. Category:�Throw, trip.
2�•�argue. Yanatapa yinyakakangung la yamin. ‘They struggled repeatedly with each other.’ Kinyaka la yamin. ‘They're arguing ( a man and a woman).’ Iwakangung la wemin. ‘They were throwing the ball to each other.’ Category:�Fight.
3�•�go in opposite directions, separate. innyakan ya yamin ‘they went in different directions’. Malany kayirrk karrungayan Weyirra la Warruwi angakan la anyamin. ‘So now you can see that North Goulburn Island and South Goulburn Island have moved apart.’ Category:�General terms.
4: katjaka�•�build (a building); build, or be built out of, or build a structure. atjakan ‘he built it’; apakan ‘they built it’; ngartakan. Wangaran awuranapa karntirrkan apa mampumanyka mampulalkungung ta takapa ta church apakan ta kantirrkan. ‘They went over to Wangaran. They brought the Cypress Pine over and cut it and made the church building out of Cypress Pine.’ La apakan tirip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the height of the house.’ About tukapa yarl ta kangpaka warrawurnji. ‘About this cone of sand that they build for the girl.’ See:�apaka�‘length, breadth, size’. Category:�Manipulation.
5�•�sort out, throw around. Kinnyaka manpurrwa. ‘He threw clothes all over the place.’ Nukawk ja manpurrwa kinnyalmuni - nganti innyakakan? ‘All the clothes are untidy - who threw them everywhere?’ Warranyngiw inyi korratakaka ta apariyirrk from mainland ‘Children, don't throw around the food from another place, the mainland.’ Category:�Manipulation. Note: Edible object form used to refer to household possessions in general.
Restrict:�VE object 6: kamannyaka�•�go line fishing. Usage:�Usually accompanied by wakij, before or after verb, but kamannyaka alone is usually interpreted the same Ngatpakan wakij, ngarrimany wirlmu. ‘We went fishing and got a barramundi.’ Ngatpana ngatanaka wakij Nganyamirnali. ‘We will go (and) cast out a fishing line at Nganyamirnali (ie. go line fishing).’ Angkuwurulpung mampakan mampulalkukunyapa mata nakawkapa mata nganykarrarr. ‘They cleaned up, cut them down and then cut them up into small pieces, all those mangroves.’ See:�yaw (kamannyaka)�‘cast net’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�LL object 7: kannyaka nuyu�•�make trouble for other people by doing something to someone. Annyakan kirrkpu. ‘He caused a lot of trouble for them.’ See:�lirri�‘trouble, enemy’. Category:�Fight.
Restrict:�LL object 8 Kannyaka kirrk nuyu�•�stuff up, ruin everything for somebody. Kungakan kirrk nuyu nuyipa ‘You have spoilt it all for him.’ Nuyipa kungakan kirrk nuyu, pa awunginkan. ‘You ruined everything for him so they fought.’ Category:�Goodness.
9�•�collect turtle eggs. Anth: Turtle eggs are collected by digging them out of the sand near the sea. Kunuka ja kurlajuk kokan? ‘What type of eggs did you get?’ Category:�Hunting.
10�•�clear up area. Kinnyaka rubbish. ‘He cleans up rubbish.’ Syn:�kaniwurulkpun. Category:�Activity manner.
Restrict:�ED object 11 katjaka�•�put on cermonial bands such as ayukayuk and panang. Category:�General ritual.
Restrict:�MA subject, VE object 12 kamannyaka�•�have a serious meeting in which people put forward important and forthright points of view. Like kapin ngarri warakapa ta kamannyaka la wemin ja kiwarlkparran ja kawa pata kawaga pata wimunpimunawk. ‘Like when we exchange strong words with balanda people, with all the important White people who come here (for meetings).’ Kamannyaka la ngarrimung. Kamannyaka la yamin. Category:�Language.
13�•�spend money. Kingama ja rrupiya, kingakaka yirrk, la kinypani arlarrarr. ‘When she gets paid, she spends it until there's nothing left.’
kinnyaka yara���Restrict:�MA object collect money by saving it in the bank or putting it together for a common purpose. Kiki ja arriwaka yara rrupiya? ‘How about we save some money?’ Arrapaka yara. ‘We're collecting food together for a common purpose.’ Syn:�kinnyutpa. Category:�Holding, sticking.
kingaka murr���Restrict:�GEN subject hurt emotionally. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
-aka ta kanyiga���phrase. hurrry! See:�kinnyakataka�‘hurry’. Category:�Language.
kinnyatpi���tv. 1�•�have, own , hold. Includes 'have as wife'. Can mean 'have for' or 'get for' with oblique object pronoun. Can mean carry with directional following. Yanat kinnyatpi luluj. ‘He has a dog.’ Kinyetpiga warranyngiw. ‘He brings her a child (i.e. he passes the child's spirit on to her and brings about conception).’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi kilangali, ketpi imawurr. ‘This man is standing, holding his arms.’ Ta wulatpiyi kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wulatpiyi ta iwanamin ngarrurru. ‘He has a message for us which he will tell to us.’ Marlu warrij arrunngatpang. ‘We had strong winds.(lit: strong winds had us)’. See:�kiniwelkpun�‘touch, purposefully bump or jab’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�change to be. Apan kamannyatpi rlaw. ‘He is making the spear shaft crooked (by bending it)’. Kamannyatpi rlaw. ‘With his hands he makes the spear straight (after warming it over the fire, but while it is not fully dried).’ Kammannyatpi rlaw manjat. ‘He bends it until its straight.’ Category:�General change of state.
3 : kingatpi�•�be pregnant, be carrying a child (inside). warranyngiw kingatpi ‘she is carrying a child’. Category:�Reproduction.
Restrict:�LL object 4 : kannyatpi�•�understand, grasp an idea, have knowledge. marrik kurrungatpi ‘you don't understand’. Ta nuwurri yara ta wurrwurr awk marrik kurrungetping ngarripa arrungatpiwi parang apa la arrungpanatpi pirij. ‘Now some of you, the new people, you can't understand, only we can understand but we're going to pass it on to you.’ Kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wurlkpungkuj. ‘He is friendly towards us.’ See:�wirij�‘coverb’; arr�‘keep, hang onto, stick’; kurrunnyatpi�‘this word is used when an atpaji relationship occurs between people’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�VE object 5: kamannyatpi�•�win. Nganti mannyatpung? Nawuyuk mannyatpung. ‘Who won (the fight)? Nawuyuk won.’ Yanat ja marryun mannyatpung. ‘The boy won (the race).’ mannyatpung yanat apa Mayinaj. ‘Mayinaj won (the fight).’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation, Goodness, Fight.
kinnyayanayan���tv. 1�•�look carefully at, scrutinise, aim at. With 3LL object this can mean 'to explore an area'. anyayanayawng, anyayanayantung. Annyayanayantung kunak. ‘He looked the place over carefully.’ Ngamalkpang yala ngungayanayanjing. ‘I don't want to go outside, to look at the place.’ Syn:�yirrirri. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�compose song. Innyayanayantung. ‘He was making the song.’ Innyanayantung. ‘The songs used to come to him (at Mankuluwirrk, from the Inyjalarrku spirits).’ Category:�Play, perform, joke.
Restrict:�LL object 3�•�make trouble with. Inyi kurrungayanayanpu. ‘Don't make trouble with them.’ Inyi kungayanayan nuyu. ‘Don't make trouble with him.’ See:�kinnyayatayan�‘look after’; kinnyayan�‘see’; kiniwartpi�‘fight’. Category:�Fight.
kingalkpun���iv. Restrict:�VE subject quiet, peaceful, calm (weather). Pata warranyngiw kamangalkpun. ‘The children are being quiet.’ Yanat kiwani kamangalkpun. ‘He's sitting silently.’ Warlk mangalkpung kirrk. ‘The trees are quiet (not rustling).’ See:�ingalkpany�‘be from place’; kiningalkpun�‘crack or pound head’. Category:�Longer, Non language human voice sounds, Fight.
mangalkpunngalkpung���iv. peaceful, quiet. Kayirrk mangalkpunngalkpung. ‘We are having a period of peace. (lit: It has been peaceful for a long time)’. See:�malakpuj�‘quiet (coverb)’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Fight.
mangalkpunngalkpung���iv. peaceful, quiet. Kayirrk mangalkpunngalkpung. ‘We are having a period of peace. (lit: It has been peaceful for a long time)’. See:�malakpuj�‘quiet (coverb)’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Fight.
kinginka���iv. 1�•�talk, argue, fight, speak (a language). (Nonhuman) make characteristic noise. ngarrkinka. Kurrkenkang nuyi la yanat nakapa angpumirlkpungakeny ngarru. ‘You two had a fight and it will effect us badly.’ Ja kurrula kinginka. ‘The sea is splashing on the shore, making a noise.’ Mawng nganingka. ‘I speak Mawng / Mawng is my language.’ See:�maningkangung�‘listen to’. Category:�Language, Fight.
Restrict:�birds 2�•�(birds) sing. Kurralyunyi kawunginka karlurri. ‘Listen to the birds singing.’ See:�kimin�‘be’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kiwutin���iv. 1�•�tensed up, upset. Pata awangung apurra marlu marrngarla kirrk ngatpin awutikinang. ‘When they used to go in rough areas we say they are tensed up, upset inside.’ Category:�Anxiety, shame.
Restrict:�LL subject 2 kangputin�•�matter be unresolved. Kangputin ta nungmurrunti. Kangputikin angkat. ‘It is unresolved (that) bad matter. It is still unresolved (a court case).’ Category:�Fight.
lirri���noun. 1�•�trouble associated with arguing or fighting. Yanat kanimalngajpun lirri ngarrurru. ‘He is making more trouble for us.’ Larla wularr ngawu katja ngungatpi karrkpin ta lirri la arrkpana arriwalawkula arrungpanawun manjat ngartu. ‘Sisters come with me and we will straighten out the trouble I am in.’ Takapa anturrangkenang lirri. ‘That's how they make trouble.’ Awaningan pata arrarrkpi awk awuran nuyu lirri ja Kortaweli. ‘Those men went to pay back Kortaweli.’ See:�kilirrinymin�‘be angry’; kamarkpa�‘smoulder’; kilurrangken�‘jump, fly, hop in’. Category:�Fight. Note: All uses seem to involve a verb directly or with ta
2�•�enemy. Usage:�with oblique pronoun Nuka ja lirri wu. ‘He is their enemy.’ See:�anpulirri�‘warriors’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
coverb. 1�•�tell somebody off. Kerra lirri. ‘He growls somebody.’ Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
2�•�want to hit or kill someone. Kinyaka lirri. ‘He tries to hit her.’ Category:�Hate, anger. Anth: For example, the close blood relatives of a deceased try to hit the wife of the deceased, blaming her for his death. People hold them to try and stop them. After that the wife is (theoretically) clear of blame.
3�•�make trouble for other people by fighting with a third group. Kawunnyaka lirri. ‘He's angry with them.’ Naka kawunnyaka lirri. ‘He makes trouble for them.’ Kinnyaka lirri. ‘He makes trouble.’ Category:�Fight, Hate, anger. Note: canonical agreement
Restrict:�GEN subject 4�•�angry. Ingakangung lirri. ‘He was angry.’ Ingakan lirri or kingawun lirri, the same. ‘He gets angry.’ Kingakan ja lirri. ‘He's angry.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
Restrict:�GEN subject 5�•�be very angry. Kingawun lirri ngaw, inypaniwu ‘He's angry at her, he will hit her.’ Kingawun nuyu lirri. ‘He is angry at him.’ Kingawunpu lirri. ‘He's angry and them.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
6�•�make trouble. Kurrungulawu lirri, ay kiki? ‘You make trouble with them, ey what?’ Inyi kurrungulawn lirri. ‘Don't make trouble with other boys.’ Category:�Fight.
miri���noun. oar, paddle, the old type used traditionally. Miri iwumany parak tuka ajput. ‘They took the oar to the beach.’ Miri iwumajpungka, iwatpangka, ngatpin "Aa, manpiri iweny." ‘If they lifted up the paddle, held it up, we'd think "Ah, they got a turtle."’ Note: When hunters returned in a canoe they'd make a signal to show what they caught. Syn:�kayungkayung. Category:�Items for fishing.
coverb. Restrict:�VE object Dodge, avoid attack e.g. punch or flying spear aimed at oneself. Maniwuning miri (laugh) ilurrangkenang tora. ‘He dodges us and jumps over to another spot.’ Category:�Fight.
mularrarr���noun. 1�•�calm, troublefree. Kayirrk kanyu mularrarr. ‘It is calm now.’ Category:�Fight.
2�•�(a man's) favourite daughter. Juka jita ngapi mularrarr. ‘This is my favourite daughter.’ See:�mapularr�‘calm’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
numinyjiny���noun. peaceful, safe, satisfied. nukpinyjiny ‘You are peaceful and don't fight back when somebody tries to fight with you.’; ninyminyjiny, nungminyjiny, naminyjiny ‘a safe fire (not hot so you could burn yourself)’; napinyjiny ‘safe food, not poisonous’; tuminyjinyut. Kiwun numinyjiny. ‘He likes to live a peaceful life.’ Ngaminyjiny la ngilang mira. ‘I am at peace because I can eat plenty.’ Kutpin mali. Naka pata naminyjiny pata yungku. ‘You think that this fire is not dangerous (but it is).’ See:�kiminyjinymakpa�‘peace loving, satisfied’; nulirri�‘dangerous, angry, cheeky’. Category:�Fight.
nganarru���noun. song name. Category:�Fight.
ngarnarru���noun. dreamtime song which goes back to the time of the ngarnarru people. Naminurr and his sons have it now. Category:�Fight.
pawurr���coverb. 1�•�speak against. Yanat iniwuk pawurr orka. ‘He spoke against him.’ Category:�Fight.
2�•�hit accidentally. Nawumut iniwuk pawurr. ‘Nawumut hit him accidentally.’ Category:�Strike or chop.
warrngi���coverb. 1�•�put blame on. Kinini warrngi nakapa awarran rtil. ‘He will blame one (but) they both went.’ Kinyngani warrngi. ‘She is blaming her.’ Category:�Fight.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�put down camp. Ngampiwi kungena warrngi anpana ta ngulam? Ngapi ngana Wiyarla ngulam. ‘Where will you put your camp when you go tomorrow? I will go to Wiyarla in the morning.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.
wularri���noun. 1�•�trouble, problem. Ngawu arrkpana Kunparlanya Nawurlany! Makiny, wakapa kanyu ngartu wularri wakapa ngalyungan. ‘Let's go to Gunbalanya Nawurlany! No, I heard there is trouble there for me.’ Category:�Fight. See:�ilarri�‘leg’.
2�•�meaning. Wakapa kanyu ta wularri. ‘There is a meaning (in it).’ See:�wulatpiyi�‘the body of a message’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�memories, ideas. Angmurnanganinyka nuyu ta wularri. ‘His memories returned to him.’ Ingayawng, "A, parangapa." angangulakantiny kirrk ta wularri ngaw. ‘She saw and said "Oh, that's it." She had already thought up her plan.’ Ngarlawi, wugarra kangatpi ta wularri. ‘Baler shell is used in many ways.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�rules, customs, understanding. Awulakula ta wularri. ‘They explain stories.’ See:�mayali�‘knowledge, meaning, understanding’. See main entry: ilarri. Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
Parent category: