arukaruk���noun. late afternoon, early evening. Arrarrkpi awk ta kawarra kinyuryi muwarn pata wera pata arrarrkpi karrpin pu katja arrarranyi nuyu arukaruk. ‘When people go about and the sun is going down some people say let's go because it is late afternoon.’ See:�nungmatpa warntatarr�‘yesterday, the other day’; nanguj�‘a time in the recent past, eg. yesterday, the other day, last week’. Category:�Daily.
imawurr���noun. 1�•�arm, front flipper, front leg (of animal with four legs). ngamawurr, nukpawurr, ninymawurr ‘arm ; claw’; wumawurr ‘creek ; river ; milky.way’; mamawurr ‘tree branch’; apawurr ‘arm of yam, tendril of vine (from Capell and Hinch: presumably yam vine)’; wimawurr. Category:�Limbs, Reptiles and amphibians.
2�•�number of times. Ngarrkarrk imawurr. ‘Two times (he did something).’ Ngarrkarrk nukpawurr. ‘(You did something) two times.’ Category:�Daily, Amounts.
inyarakap���noun. one. See main entry: yarakap. Category:�Daily.
kayirrk���adverb. now, today, nowadays, in the near future. Parang apa kunjurrngpung marnti kayirrkju kunjarray anjamang warlk kanpu tuka kirrwara. ‘I have commanded you lest you go cutting trees and harm your back.’ Kayirrkju kiwrtin parak tuka karlurri. ‘Only now are they going inland to the ceremony.’ ja kayirrk ja kunimakan ‘your current husband’. See:�-yu�‘only, just’. Category:�Daily, Longer.
kayirrk la���part. then, after that. Iwumany ja kiyap kayirrk la iwuwunyanngung kayirrk la awaning iwulangung. ‘They caught the fish, then they cooked it and then they sat and ate it.’ See:�la�‘and’. Category:�Daily.
kayirrk la warrwak���part. after an event of some duration that has been mentioned. Kayirrk warrwak See:�kayirrk la�‘then’. Category:�Daily.
kimartjikpin���iv. Restrict:�MA subject become daylight, early morning. imartjikpiny ‘it was early morning’. Imartjikpinang la imajpungkiny. ‘When it became daylight he arose.’ See:�kiyitpirrakan�‘dawn approach’. Category:�Sky, Daily.
kinyjatpa tirip���phrase. late afternoon. Inypalatpa tirip la arrkpana. ‘In the late afternoon we will go.’ See:�kilatpa; kinyngarnutpa�‘sun begins to go down’. Category:�Daily.
kinymalkpa muwarn���phrase. 1�•�sunrise, literally: the sun is coming out. See:�kimalkpa�‘arrive, come out’. Category:�Daily.
2�•�east. See:�kinyuryi muwarn�‘sunset, west’. Category:�Cardinal directions.
kinyngarnutpa���tv. Restrict:�GEN subject ; FE object (the sun) begin to go down (about 5pm). Kurrinyayanti jita muwarn wularrut kinyngarnputpa warak. ‘Look at the sun ready to go down.’ Muwarn kinyngarnutpa See:�kinnyutpa�‘put down’; kinyjatpa tirip�‘late afternoon’. Category:�Sky, Daily.
kinyuryi muwarn���phrase. 1�•�sunset, literally: the sun is going into the water. Kinyuryi warak jita muwarn. ‘The sun is going down, setting.’ kinyuryi ‘sun set’. Usage:�Sometimes used without muwarn See:�kiwryi�‘swim, bath, wash (self).’; kimalkpa�‘arrive, come out’. Category:�Daily.
2�•�west. Muj mannyutpan arka kapawi kinyuryi ‘He turned his ear to the west’. See:�kinymalkpa muwarn�‘east’. Category:�Cardinal directions.
kiwun���iv. 1�•�be. Kiwun numinyjiny. ‘He likes to live a peaceful life.’ Ngawun ngaminyjiny. ‘I am satisfied.’ Note: All examples have occured with adjective numinyjiny to date.
2�•�change in appearance or nature. Anth: For example, when dreamtime people changed into birds, in the Wurakak story. Also when people get fat, or if they get nasty. Also if people pretend to be different or when they act as in a play. pata arrarrkpi, pata karlurriyawk kayirrkapa awungapa awarranapa awungapa kapin karlurri akut. ‘those people, who are birds now. They stayed there and they went around like people but they were still birds.’ kiwun(ju) kapin palanta ‘he's acting like a balanda (said as a tease)’. Iwung(ju) kapin wurakak. ‘He changed into a crow.’ See:�kimirlkpungen�‘turn around’; kiw�‘a little of’. Category:�General.
Restrict:�LL subject 3: kangpun�•�time of day marker. Angpung arukaruk. ‘It was late afternoon.’ Kangpun arukaruk arrpana kiyap. ‘Every afternoon we go fishing.’ Kangpun manya kiw. ‘Whenever there's a funeral.’ Category:�Daily.
kiyitpirrakan���iv. daylight is coming. Marryun arrkpanurakapa la wularrut kiyitpirrakanka. ‘Boys, let's go home since it is coming on daylight.’ La ajirrik awuwutpiny ngulamngulam itpirrakanka tuka warak nakapa inyuran. ‘And when they were sleeping just around dawn, when the sky was still dark, that was when she went off.’ See:�kimartjikpin. Category:�Daily.
ngulamngulam���noun. morning. Inyarran nyirrnyirrga ngulamngulam. ‘It is another bright morning.’ See:�ngulam�‘tommorrow’. Note: Can also mean 'tommorrow morning' in the right context Category:�Daily.
ngurrij���noun. 1�•�sleep. Naka ja wumurra ngurrij. ‘He sleeps a lot.’ Tukapa ta ngurrij. ‘It's sleep-time (said to kids)’. And nukapa ja jara kiwani kuyuk ngurrij ‘And this other one is feeling sleepy.’ Annyayawng pa ngurrij. ‘He saw they were asleep.’ See:�kiwrnparra�‘sleep’. Category:�Sleep.
2�•�a day of twenty-four hours. Ngampiwi ja naka ja arrarrkpi yuran? Yuran ngarrkarrk ngurrij la iwamurnanganiga. ‘Where has that man gone? He has gone for two days and then he will return.’ Wimurra ngurrij la iwamurnanganiga. ‘It will be many days before he returns.’ Kingawun mira, ay kingawun mira ja ngurrij. ‘She sleep all day.’ See:�warntatarr�‘daytime’. Category:�Daily.
NVidioms. 1�•�sleep. Wularrut yung ngurrij. ‘He has gone to sleep already’. Yung angkat ngurrij. ‘He is fast asleep.’ Category:�Sleep.
2�•�sleep, go to sleep. Wularrut yurnparrang ngurrij. ‘He has gone to sleep already.’ Category:�Sleep.
Restrict:�GEN subject 3�•�want to sleep, feel sleepy, for example in the evening. kiwruju arri is used when you are sleepy after getting up in the morning. nganngawun ngurrij ‘I'm sleepy / I want to sleep.’. Wularrut ingawung ngurrij ja ngapi ja warranyngiw. ‘My child wants to go to sleep, is sleepy.’ Kinyngawun mira ngurrij. ‘She's very sleepy.’ Ngeyan kingawun ngurrij. ‘I see he's sleepy.’ See:�arri�‘sleepy’. Category:�Sleep.
pulnga���coverb. Restrict:�FE subject early afternoon, after midday, when the sun is beginning to descend in the sky. kinyji pulnga ‘it is afternoon’. Inypali pulnga la arrkpana. ‘We will go when midday has past, just after midday, early afternoon.’ See:�kilatpulnga�‘turn around’; kiniwirtpulnga�‘turn over’. Category:�Daily.
tututka���coverb. the sun is high in the sky, like about 9 am. Also used for the moon. Kinymin tututka jita muwarn. ‘The sun is rising up (9 or 10 am)’. inyminang tututka jita muwarn ‘when the sun was already high in the sky’. Kimin tututka. ‘It's rising (the moon)’. See:�tut�‘catch many fish’. Category:�Daily, Sky.
walngakpalngak���noun. about daybreak when the visibility is improving but not perfect. See:�jinyngu�‘in darkness’. Category:�Daily.
coverb. Restrict:�LL object 1�•�see, but not clearly. Ngungayan walngakpalngak murnin ngamaju tuka wun. ‘I see, but not clearly, because my eye is sore, sick.’ Category:�Physical disability and injury.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�not enter area. Naka kannyeyen walngakpalngak. ‘He always goes to that place, but won't go in (e.g. someone's house, not a sacred place)’. Category:�Landscape.
warntatarr���noun. daytime, focus is midday. Muwarn kanjirran ta warntatarr. ‘The sun's shining, it's daytime.’ Warntawurr wungijalk. ‘Full noon.’ See:�ngurrij�‘day, 24-hour period’. Category:�Daily.
wupurrk���noun. night, night time. Category:�Daily.
yarakap���noun. one. ngarakap, nuwarakap, ninyarakap, arakap, orakap, marakap, awarakap, werakap. ngarakap ‘I'm on my own.’ See:�inyarakap�‘one’. Category:�Amounts, Daily.
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