a���interjection. interjection. Category:�Language.
aku���interjection. alright!, okay! Kokatakanyi kumanyiga! Aku! ‘Hurry bring it here! Alright!’ See:�awurli�‘o.k.’. Category:�Language.
alalaj���coverb. spread lies about someone. Kurrima alalaj. ‘You lot have been spreading lies about him.’ Ingamany yalalaj. ‘She was telling lies about him.’ See:�lagarr�‘lie’; alalajalalaj�‘how and when’. Category:�Language.
arlarrarr���part. no, nothing, none. Can be used for negative existential statements 'There is no X'. Nganmarwanyi rrupiya? Ngapi arlarrarr. Marrik ngetping. ‘Can I have some money? I have nothing. I don't have any.’ Kingama ja rrupiya, kingakaka yirrk, la kinypani arlarrarr. ‘When she gets paid, she spends it until there's nothing left.’ Arlarrarr ja 'p' ‘There is no 'p'’. Category:�Language.
angkat���adverb. always, keep on, continually, eternally. Kiwani angkat. ‘He always sits there’. Ilangalingju ta wupaj angkat. ‘He just kept on standing there in the water (a buffalo)’. Iwuwuning angkat parak pata Inyjalarrku. ‘The Inyjalarrku spirits were farewelling him (at his funeral).’ Category:�Activity manner.
coverb. farewell. Puka pata arrarrkpi, ngarrkarrk warramumpik la ngarrkarrk la ngarrkarrk arrarrkpi kawuntuwun angkat la wemin. ‘These people, two women and four men, are farewelling each other.’ Kunpun angkat, nganuraka. ‘I'll see you later, I'm going now.’ See:�angkatangkat�‘forever, permanently.’. Syn:�akut. Category:�Language.
arrarr���coverb. 1�•�tease. Karrima arrarr. ‘We are teasing him.’ Category:�Language.
2�•�talk too much to OBJ, talk someone's ear off. Nganima arrarr, nuka angkat kinginka. ‘He's talking to much (to me) he talks on and on.’ Oh nuka angkat nganima arrarr. ‘He talks too much.’ Category:�Language.
3�•�talk too much about OBJ. Jaka akut kurrinyma arrarr arrkparlanparlarrut. ‘You (pl) always talk about that (female) relative of ours too much.’ Category:�Language.
Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�have diarrhoea. Nganima arrarr. ‘Diarrhoea has me (I have diarrhoea).’ Nganima arrarr. ‘I've got diarrhoea.’ Nganima arrarr ja mawili. ‘I've got diarrhoea.’ See:�arr�‘keep, hang onto, stick’; mawili�‘diarrhoea’; wurlurlu�‘feel the desire for revenge’. Category:�Sickness.
4�•�tow. La nakayu kurrkurrinang arrarrga? ‘So you towed it back home?’ Category:�Manipulation.
arta���interjection. 1�•�eh? (Question marker which expects a yes answer). Arrkpana arta? ‘Let's go, eh?’
2�•�well.., dear, oh dear, oh. See:�wartaw�‘ow!’; artaka�‘oh’. Category:�Language.
artaka���interjection. oh. See:�arta�‘eh?’; wartaw�‘ow!’. Category:�Language.
awurli���interjection. o.k. See:�aku�‘o.k.’. Category:�Language.
ay���interjection. 1�•�used when you can't hear or understand what someone is saying. Also used when you can't think of the next word you want to say. Also used to talk to yourself when you feel confused or have trouble doing something. Category:�Language.
2�•�confusion. Category:�Language.
3�•�surprise. See:�ayu�‘I don't know’. Category:�Language.
ayu���interjection. i don't know. Ngampiwi yuran ja kayu? Ayu. Ngampiwi yirrikpi yuran? ‘Where has older-brother gone? I don't know. Where has he gone?’ See:�ay�‘hesitation marker’. Category:�Language.
iwarruj���noun. used to mean the art of self disclipine which is considered something that is learned. Also used to refer to prayer and religious meetings . Ngarri ngatpunung iwarruj pata warranyngiw ngarru. ‘We gave our children disclipine.’ See:�ayuk�‘law, custom, lifestyle’. Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
coverb. worship, pray. Ngarrilakajpungapa la ngatingan iwarruj nuyu ja arrunimalkpany. ‘We asked him, in our prayer to our father.’ Kilangali iwarruj nuyu la yamin. ‘They pray for each other.’ Category:�Language.
iyi���part. denotes agreement, yes, ok. See:�yi�‘yes, demonstrative’. Category:�Language.
jat���coverb. interfere with, exhort, pry into, pass judgment upon, talk severely to. Karrpunini jat. ‘We (incl) are talking severely to them.’ Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
yatjat���coverb. keep talking to someone severely. Ininang yatjat. ‘He was passing judgment on him.’ marrik ngarrunini yatjat ‘we cannot pass judgement’. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
yatjat���coverb. keep talking to someone severely. Ininang yatjat. ‘He was passing judgment on him.’ marrik ngarrunini yatjat ‘we cannot pass judgement’. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
jorok���coverb. teach traditional, ethical values. Awaning awalangaling jorok. Aminang pu "yunyi kula ja karrkpin ja kiyap la katpunun la nuwurrimung". ‘They used to teach traditional values. They used to say to them "Do not eat the big fish and share (food) with each other".’ Category:�Language.
ka1���interjection. thank you, I receive it from you. Anth: Spoken with expectation of receiving. See:�nya�‘take it!’. Category:�Language.
kak���interjection. don't do it! This form is children's language, that is, a mother uses it to a small child. Category:�Language.
karlapuk���interjection. be quiet! Category:�Language.
kanilalkpa���Restrict:�LL object cutting across country. Can be cutting ahead of someone or just taking a short cut off the road. Anilalkpany. ‘He cut ahead of us (taking a short cut)’. Anilalkpany ta alan. ‘He took a short cut down a road.’ Ngamilang nguntalkpany. ‘I went too fast and missed a bit (lit: took a shortcut)’. See:�kinilalku�‘cut’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Movement relating to moving object, Language.
kardulk���noun. a person who gossips, talks a lot about other people. ja kardulk ‘he talks too fast.’ See:�kartuk�‘agree’. Category:�Language.
karrkarrk���coverb. Restrict:�LL object 1 kanima yarrkarrk�•�miss what was said. Ngapi ngungmany karrkarrk. ‘I missed what you said.’ See:�karrk�‘scratch (redup is arrkarrk or yarrkarrk)’. Category:�Language, Activity manner.
Restrict:�LL object 2 kanima yarrkarrk�•�slip. Yanat animany karrkarrk la mawarlkanyiny. ‘He missed his footing and fell.’ Kanima arrkarrk ‘It slips (e.g. a car stuck in a bog).’ Category:�Vertical motion.
3 kinnyen karrkarrk�•�scrape. Kanin karrkarrk.
kawulalkanyjilin���iv. Restrict:�PL subject discuss something together, have a meeting. Awaning awulalkenyjilinang. ‘They were having a discussion.’ Arukaruk angkat ngatalkanyjiliny kirrk apa, ngatpiny pu, "Arrkpanuraka jinyngu ngulamngulam". ‘During the afternoon we discussed it all, we said to them, "We will go early in the morning".’ awulalkanyjilina weminpi See:�kilalken�‘be in pain’; kinilalken�‘ask’. Category:�Language. Note: could be considered reciprocal form of kinilalken with jilin on end.
kawunpuyungpukpun���tv. encourage in fight. Aminang "Pirr!" awunpuyungpukpuning. ‘They were saying "Go on!" and egging them on.’ See:�awunpuyukakaning�‘encourage to fight’. Category:�Language.
kija���part. how about we....? Usage:�Used before imperatives that include the speaker and the addressee, makes them more polite. See:�kiwnmen�‘keep trying’. Category:�Language.
kiki���part. 1�•�what (action)? Anth: Can also be used when someone is talking to mean 'maybe' or 'hmm' Kiki arrkpanamin? ‘What will we do? What are we going to do to it? How are we going to do it?’ Kiki kanmin? ‘What's happening? (a greeting)’. Category:�Language.
2�•� Kiki ja rrupiya? ‘How much money is it?’ kiki warak See:�kunuka�‘what’; ta kikiga�‘when’; kiki yirrik�‘or anything like that’. Category:�Language.
kilaja���iv. call. Kilaja nuyu ja luluj. ‘He is calling the dog.’ Kinyjaja kingalakpa. ‘She calls out, answering him.’ Awurranka pa iwajawng parang awulajantiny "Aaaah!" ‘Then the people came and say him, they screamed "Aaah!"’ Category:�Language.
kilajaka���tv. entreat, beg. Ilajakantiny nuyu ja nulirri. ‘He entreated the angry man.’ Category:�Language.
kilakijpin���iv. ask somebody to come and sing you a song or tell you a story. ilakijpiny. Kilakijpin nuyu pa kimirawn. ‘He asks him so then he sings.’ Awulakijpinpu. ‘They asked them to come and sing.’ kinyjakijpiny Category:�Language.
kilakiyi(n)���iv. speak against idea, grumble about something. Awulakiyiny pata awaning tuka walaya. ‘The people who lived in the cliff area spoke against it.’ Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
kilakpalolen���iv. speak on a two-way radio. Ngana nganalakpalolen ‘I am going to go and speak on the two-way radio.’ See:�kiniwun�‘call on phone’. Category:�Language.
kilakpantakpa���iv. murmur, whisper. Kawani kilakpantakpa. ‘They are sitting murmuring about something.’ Category:�Language.
kilakujpakpa���iv. plead guilty (by not speaking up about it). Ilangaling ilakujpakpany. ‘He pleaded guilty.’ See:�kilakujpin�‘be quiet’; kinilakujpa�‘kiss, stop from crying’. Category:�Language, Concealment.
kilakujpin���iv. be quiet, silent. Ankakujpena! ‘You stop crying!’ Anpanalakujpin. ‘You stop.’ See:�kinilakujpa�‘kiss, stop crying’; kilakujpakpa�‘plead guilty (by not speaking up about it)’. Category:�Language.
kilangkarlen���iv. say to someone 'there's no more'. Category:�Language.
Kilimu���noun. word that Kortaweli says in his own language. Category:�Language.
kilurrangken���iv. 1�•�jump, fly, hop in. (Moon) rise. jurrk ‘jump!’; ilurrang ‘he jumped, he was born’; inyjurrangken ‘a girl is born’; An-kurrangke-na-ga. Koyanti karlurri kilurrangken ‘Look a bird's flying.’ Ankurrangkenaga. ‘You jump in.’ Ja kurrana kilurrangkenka kinnyutpa mapularr. ‘The full moon rose and made the sea calm (the sea is often calm when there is a full moon in the sky)’. See:�jurrk�‘jump! (ideophone)’; awulurrangkekenyjing�‘try and take over somebody else's place’; kelkpa�‘bare young, lay eggs’; kilangali�‘participate in ceremony’. Category:�Vertical motion, Movement in and out.
2�•�be born. Usage:�A commonly used term but not considered as polite as ilangalingan. Ilurrang kingurlkparryu. ‘She gave birth to a baby.’ Kurlingka warrawurnji inyjurrang? ‘Was it a girl that was born?’ Takapa anturrangkenang lirri. ‘That's how they make trouble.’ See:�lirri�‘trouble’; kawulurrangkeken. Category:�Reproduction. Anth: Traditionally older women held the woman while she gave birth. One held her from behind around the waist. The arms and knees were also held
3�•�interrupt person speaking, take over story. Category:�Language.
kimin���iv. 1�•�be. Usage:�with modifier complement Kimin numalal. ‘He is good.’ Kamamin rlaw mata warlk. ‘The wood is bent.’ Ngaminang warranyngiw. ‘I was a child.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�do. angminy. Kuna nuyu ja arrarrkpi kimin? ‘Why is the man doing that?’ wakapa Wangarran kangurtiny parak kapa angminy parak wawurri. ‘Wangarran stretches right inland, part of it is inland (it's a large area).’ kangminka ‘the road comes towards us, possibly down a slope’. Category:�General terms.
3�•�say something, tell a story, talk a language, talk, call someone or something by name. Make a noise (of nonhuman subjects). mamam ja ngapi ngamin nuyu ‘My Mamam, I call him 'Mamam'.’ Ngaminy nuyu arlarrarr. ‘I said to him there is nothing here.’ Malany apumanpuning apinang "Rtol!" ta malngpi. ‘As they were biting them the malngpi nuts went "Crack!"’ See:�kinini�‘say something’. Category:�Language.
4�•�go. Nganukiya ngampiwi nganamin parak ta alan. ‘Show me where to take the path.’ Qe yarranka iminyka kapa Kunpalanya. ‘So he went to Oenpelli.’ Category:�General terms.
Restrict:�LL subject 5: kangmin�•�it's happening, that's how it is. Ya, nungpakapa angminang ta wularrut. ‘Yes, that's how it has been for a long time.’ Iyarlmu kangmin kirrk. ‘Spirit children, those ones.’ Kayirrkapa kangmin akutju ta nungpaka ngarrayan ta kingurrin. ‘Today those things happen when we see it moving.’ See:�imina�‘modal particle’; kinginka�‘speak’. Category:�Remain stationary.
kinilagurrun���tv. Deceive, trick, do something different to what was expected. Nuka inilagurruning. ‘He was deceiving him.’ Iningikjung ngartu, nganilarung. ‘He deceived me.’ Ngantularung. ‘You lied to me.’ See:�kiningikjun�‘trick’; lagarr�‘lie, deceive’; kunakay�‘excuse me’. Category:�Language, Concealment, Judgement, evaluation.
kinilakajpun���tv. ask about something, not for something. Awaning inilakajpuning ja nuwarlkparrakan. ‘As they sat there he was asking the old man (about it).’ Ngapi ngantakajpuni. ‘Talk to me.’ Kerra warak kinilakajpun ja arrarrkpi yirratat la kimin nuyu, "Ngapi nawurnirri ja yirratat." ‘The man goes off to ask for meat and he says to him, "I don't have any meat."’ See:�kinnyakajpun�‘read’. Syn:�kinilalken. Category:�Language.
kinilakpa���tv. answer. Marrik awunngalakpanyi. ‘She didn't answer them.’ Kinyjaja kingalakpa. ‘She calls out, answering him.’ Yanat kinginka kinilakujpun yamin ali kinilakpa. ‘Like he's talking, he asks him and then it's his turn, he answers him.’ See:�kinilakpalkpa�‘tell secret’. Category:�Language.
kinilakpalkpa���tv. pass on secret information. Speak out about hidden matter, confess. Anth: When someone tells someone something secret, or hidden about what someone did. Inilakpalkpany kirrk. ‘He told him all about it.’ Kayirrk iminypu "Naka inimany wungpulaj". Kinilakpalkpa. ‘Now he says to them "That one stole (something)". He tells him (the secret).’ inyngalalkpany ‘she told her a secret’. See:�kinilakpa�‘answer’. Category:�Language, Concealment.
kinilakpawun���tv. interrupt. Kunyjakpawung jita ninyparlkparrakan. ‘You interrupted the old lady.’ Category:�Language.
kinilakpunyanpunya���tv. answered back, e.g. child being cheeky or rude when he is told to do something. See:�kanilakpunya�‘roast in coals’. Category:�Language.
kinilakpurnangani���tv. reply to, talk back to (not in rude sense). Also used to mean 'translate'. Ngarrunngalakpurnangani. ‘She answers us.’ inilakpurnanganya ‘tell that boy to go and translate for them’. Kinilakpurnangani. ‘He's translating for them.’ Category:�Language.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kanilakpurnangani�•�tv. answer the question. Kanilakpurnangani. ‘He translates it.’ Inyanat kinginka, kanilakpurnangani ngaw. ‘She's talking, he's translating for him.’ Kanilakpurnangani ngaw la yamin. ‘They're explaining for each other.’ Category:�Language.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kanilakpurnangani�•�tv. tell the meaning of a dream. Category:�Language.
kinilakula���tv. Restrict:�MA object explain. Kingalakula ta wurrwurr. ‘She explained something new.’ Iwulakula nuwurru ta wurluj. ‘They explained the news to you.’ Kingalakula wu "Tuka kutpanamin pa ta arriwarnaken yangali". ‘She explains to them "Do it like this, this is how we weave baskets".’ Category:�Language.
kinilalken���tv. 1�•�ask. Ngiwalalken ja Nangila. ‘I will ask Nangila.’ Kinilalken, kinimiyarma kunuka yirrik, iwannyun. ‘He asks him, like he wants him to give him something’. Kuntalkena? ‘Can I ask you something?’ See:�kilalken; kawulalkanyjilin; kinilakajpun. Category:�Language.
2�•�hear. La ta tora muj kamin "Kurruntalkena." ‘And others say "We want hear you."’ "Malany kurrilalkany" kaminka namatpa kupuny. ‘"So did you hear him?' They say to us, the other canoe.’ Ka la yalyung la manilalkay. ‘He might hear.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�taste. Kanilalken. ‘He's tasting the water.’ Kanilalken (ta) wupaj. ‘He's tasting the water.’ Katilalken ta walij. ‘He's tasting the vegetable food.’ Apulalkeny karajarrk. ‘They tasted something sweet.’ Ngatalkeny karajarrk. ‘I tasted something sweet.’ Kulalken ngungmalal? ‘Does it taste good? (prompt: how does it taste?)’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Illness.
Restrict:�ED object 4: katilalken�•�suffer (physical pain not emotional pain). Yung atilalkenang mira. ‘He was lying there suffering a lot.’ See:�kinilalku. Category:�Discomfort and pain.
kinilangkatpa���tv. 1�•�signal, give sign, let know. Awanapa awuntalangkatpa. ‘They will go and signal them.’ Ta karrpin anngawuni yirrirri naka karrpuntangkatpa ta kawarra jinyngu wupurrk. ‘When we say anngawuni yirrirri it means that we are signalling to them as they come along in the dark at night.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
2�•�let know. Kinilangkatpa. ‘He lets him know, eg. someone's coming on the plane, like his wife or kids.’ Inypalangkatpakpangung ‘they were teaching her’. Kiwalangkatpakpa makiny la ngaminy, kiki wiwi ngalyunyi nuwu ja kuwarnangajpukpuni. ‘They teach him to read and my wiwi said, "I'll listen and you read."’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�remind. Kuwalangkatpa ja punyi ara. ‘You will remind father, won't you.’ Category:�Language.
4�•�receive sign, e.g. conception sign. See:�kilangkatpa�‘find out’; kinnyuki�‘show, teach’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
5�•�know person. Ngatangkatpan. ‘We know her very well (the nurse who came back to work at Warruwi, who worked here a long time ago.)’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinilarrani���tv. chastize. Inilarranyang. ‘He was chastizing him.’ See:�kinilarrun�‘loud noise approach’. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
kiniluntu���tv. 1�•�scold, growl (Aboriginal English). Marryun ja numurrunti kiwuluntu akut. ‘The boy who was naughty, they keep on scolding.’ Kawuniluntu wumurra. ‘He growls at them (scold them).’ Only nuyipa kuniluntuwa. ‘It's only him who growls at you (you don't get involved and argue back so you are good and peaceful).’ See:�kantuntun�‘earth shake’. Category:�Language, Hate, anger.
2�•�make sorcery on. Iniluntungung mankarni. ‘The medicine man made sorcery on him.’ Category:�Sorcery.
kinimalyakaka���tv. insult. Kawuntumalyakaka. ‘They are insulting him.’ Category:�Language.
kinimanma���tv. 1�•�stick on to. Wularrut inimanmany. ‘He has already stuck it on.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�persuade to go with (subject). Nangila iwanimanma. ‘Nangila will persuade him.’ Kingamanma pa kawungurrin. ‘She persuades him to go with her and they run off.’ See:�kinimamanta�‘put pressure on’. Category:�Language.
lv. See:�wurru�‘make people feel sorry for oneself’; lagarr�‘mislead’. Category:�Manipulation.
kinimirriyangkata���tv. reassure. Ngawu katja nganpamirriyangkata la ngapimung. ‘Come let us go together and reassure each other (because we are afraid)’. See:�numirriyangkat; angmirriyangkat�‘area becomes safe after a death’. Category:�Language, fear, shock, surprise.
kinini���tv. say something, call something. kingani ‘she's saying it’; ininang, arrinang, ngini ‘I'm saying’; kiwini. Kujpagarriapa inganang jalaj. ‘She called the wallaby 'dingo'’. iwinyang See:�kimin�‘say, think’; kurrininy�‘kunteypi for brother in law’. Category:�Language.
kiningikjun���tv. Restrict:�MA object trick, deceive. "Ay, aku." inyminy "Nuka kinimanma lagarr, kiningikjukun la ngiwayan mira." ‘"Oh, I see." she said, "He's just bullshitting, making excuses so I'll look properly."’ Iningikjung nuyu la yamin. ‘They deceived each other.’ Iningikjung ngartu, nganilagarrung. ‘He deceived me.’ See:�kinilagurrun�‘deceive, trick’. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
kiniwarnangajpun���tv. call something, say name. Kuwarnangajpuni ngartu ja arrarrkpi nuyu ngiwawurrun. ‘Tell me the man's name so that I will know who he is.’ Iwuwarnangajpung Mayinaj, "Kiki anminy?" ‘They said to Mayinaj, "What did you do?"’ Kuwarnangajpuni ja rrupiya. ‘You name the price.’ Category:�Language.
kiniwun���tv. 1�•�hit, impact on, harm, kill. kurriwungka ‘you killed it’. Katiwun taka ta kantijawa. ‘He hits the bread.’ Marrgij inyjuwung. ‘They attacked her magically’. See:�kiniwunpun�‘ring’. Category:�Strike or chop.
2�•�make like (adjective), change to be like (adjective). Iniwuning ilurtpuj. ‘He was making it short.’ Ngannyawun rlaw. ‘I'm bending the wood.’ kampuwun kupuny ‘they make canoes’. Maniwung mata majarr. ‘He's speaking loudly.’ Category:�General change of state.
Restrict:�ED object 3: katiwun�•�hunt yams or other vegetable tubers. Awuran apuwung ta karwuluk. Apumanyka ta apun la ta awalinyjinyut (ta karwuluk). ‘They went out to get some yams. They brought big ones and small ones.’ yiwuwuning kiyap ‘they were catching fish.’ See:�kaniyawun�‘dig with a stick’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�MA object 4: kiniwun�•�ring (on phone). Usage:�used with oblique pronoun Ingawung ngartu. ‘She rang me up .’ Ngiwung parakpu ‘I called them up.’ Kuwanawun? ‘Are you going to make a call?’ Syn:�kilakpalolen. Category:�Language.
Restrict:�FE object 5: kinyiwun�•�clap hands. Kinyiwun yurnu. ‘He's clapping his hands.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
Restrict:�MA subject 6 kiniwun�•�rain on. Arruniwuning walmat ja karrkpin. ‘It was raining hard (on us).’ Katangali. Katiwun walmat nuka, pa kapurranymin. ‘It stands there. Rain falls on it and it grows. (a yam)’. See:�walmat�‘rain’. Category:�Rains.
Restrict:�MA subject 7�•�cure (sickness). Kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘People with ringworm will swim (in waterholes with Paperbark leaves in them) to cure themselves.’ Nukapa ja wurakpa ja kiniwun ja namurarri. ‘The wurakpa tree cures wasting sickness.’ Ja wanpirlk, kiniwun wurnkurrk, nuyu. ‘The seed cures colds, it's used for that.’ Category:�Medicine.
kiniyirrngkatpa���tv. praise. iwuyirrngkatpakpangung. ‘They were calling out his praises.’ Category:�Language, Goodness.
kinnyaka���tv. 1�•�throw (out), push (over), knock over, drop off (in car), pile up. kokanyi. Muka mata mawngku kamangakaga. ‘The shade's come over us.’ Ngamangawunapa, ngyeka ja mangawj. ‘As I cough, I cough up flem.’ Nukawk ja manpurrwa kinnyalmuni - nganti innyakakan? ‘All the clothes are untidy - who threw them everywhere?’ See:�kerwen�‘throw with aim’; kingartpirrun�‘throw spear’; kinnyakataka�‘hurry’; jurrk�‘drop off in car (coverb)’; kiniyiwaka�‘take by pulling, snatch’; kunakay�‘excuse me’. Category:�Throw, trip.
2�•�argue. Yanatapa yinyakakangung la yamin. ‘They struggled repeatedly with each other.’ Kinyaka la yamin. ‘They're arguing ( a man and a woman).’ Iwakangung la wemin. ‘They were throwing the ball to each other.’ Category:�Fight.
3�•�go in opposite directions, separate. innyakan ya yamin ‘they went in different directions’. Malany kayirrk karrungayan Weyirra la Warruwi angakan la anyamin. ‘So now you can see that North Goulburn Island and South Goulburn Island have moved apart.’ Category:�General terms.
4: katjaka�•�build (a building); build, or be built out of, or build a structure. atjakan ‘he built it’; apakan ‘they built it’; ngartakan. Wangaran awuranapa karntirrkan apa mampumanyka mampulalkungung ta takapa ta church apakan ta kantirrkan. ‘They went over to Wangaran. They brought the Cypress Pine over and cut it and made the church building out of Cypress Pine.’ La apakan tirip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the height of the house.’ About tukapa yarl ta kangpaka warrawurnji. ‘About this cone of sand that they build for the girl.’ See:�apaka�‘length, breadth, size’. Category:�Manipulation.
5�•�sort out, throw around. Kinnyaka manpurrwa. ‘He threw clothes all over the place.’ Nukawk ja manpurrwa kinnyalmuni - nganti innyakakan? ‘All the clothes are untidy - who threw them everywhere?’ Warranyngiw inyi korratakaka ta apariyirrk from mainland ‘Children, don't throw around the food from another place, the mainland.’ Category:�Manipulation. Note: Edible object form used to refer to household possessions in general.
Restrict:�VE object 6: kamannyaka�•�go line fishing. Usage:�Usually accompanied by wakij, before or after verb, but kamannyaka alone is usually interpreted the same Ngatpakan wakij, ngarrimany wirlmu. ‘We went fishing and got a barramundi.’ Ngatpana ngatanaka wakij Nganyamirnali. ‘We will go (and) cast out a fishing line at Nganyamirnali (ie. go line fishing).’ Angkuwurulpung mampakan mampulalkukunyapa mata nakawkapa mata nganykarrarr. ‘They cleaned up, cut them down and then cut them up into small pieces, all those mangroves.’ See:�yaw (kamannyaka)�‘cast net’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�LL object 7: kannyaka nuyu�•�make trouble for other people by doing something to someone. Annyakan kirrkpu. ‘He caused a lot of trouble for them.’ See:�lirri�‘trouble, enemy’. Category:�Fight.
Restrict:�LL object 8 Kannyaka kirrk nuyu�•�stuff up, ruin everything for somebody. Kungakan kirrk nuyu nuyipa ‘You have spoilt it all for him.’ Nuyipa kungakan kirrk nuyu, pa awunginkan. ‘You ruined everything for him so they fought.’ Category:�Goodness.
9�•�collect turtle eggs. Anth: Turtle eggs are collected by digging them out of the sand near the sea. Kunuka ja kurlajuk kokan? ‘What type of eggs did you get?’ Category:�Hunting.
10�•�clear up area. Kinnyaka rubbish. ‘He cleans up rubbish.’ Syn:�kaniwurulkpun. Category:�Activity manner.
Restrict:�ED object 11 katjaka�•�put on cermonial bands such as ayukayuk and panang. Category:�General ritual.
Restrict:�MA subject, VE object 12 kamannyaka�•�have a serious meeting in which people put forward important and forthright points of view. Like kapin ngarri warakapa ta kamannyaka la wemin ja kiwarlkparran ja kawa pata kawaga pata wimunpimunawk. ‘Like when we exchange strong words with balanda people, with all the important White people who come here (for meetings).’ Kamannyaka la ngarrimung. Kamannyaka la yamin. Category:�Language.
13�•�spend money. Kingama ja rrupiya, kingakaka yirrk, la kinypani arlarrarr. ‘When she gets paid, she spends it until there's nothing left.’
kinnyaka yara���Restrict:�MA object collect money by saving it in the bank or putting it together for a common purpose. Kiki ja arriwaka yara rrupiya? ‘How about we save some money?’ Arrapaka yara. ‘We're collecting food together for a common purpose.’ Syn:�kinnyutpa. Category:�Holding, sticking.
kingaka murr���Restrict:�GEN subject hurt emotionally. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
-aka ta kanyiga���phrase. hurrry! See:�kinnyakataka�‘hurry’. Category:�Language.
-aka ta kanyiga���phrase. hurrry! See:�kinnyakataka�‘hurry’. Category:�Language.
kinnyunma���tv. 1�•�measure e.g. weigh, measure, take temperature, action understood by context, count. Ngawu kurrununmanyi kiki ta nuwarntulyak nuyu ngarrunpawurrun. ‘Come and we will measure you so we will know how tall you are.’ Ngapi nginyunman jita muwarn. ‘I checked the time / I measured the time it took for something.’ kinypayan jita warramumpik kinypayan apa kingama ja warranyngiw kinypayan kinypunma warramumpik wingijalkut. ‘they see the woman, they see she's pregnant. Women, they see her, they can tell from a woman's body.’ See:�kinnyunmakpa�‘talk about other person’; kannyunmen�‘try’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kannyunma�•�tell, tell a story, explain. ngungpanunma nuwurru ‘I will tell you a story’. Kannyunma ta wulatpiyi. ‘He explains it to them’. Category:�Language.
kinnyunmakpa���tv. talk about other person. Karrinyunmakpa ‘We're talking about her.’ Nganti nganpunmakpa? ‘Who's talking about me?’ Kilalmarlangkeken pa ngungpurrun kiwunmakpa. ‘He feels something in his body so maybe people are talking about him.’ See:�kinnyunma�‘measure’. Category:�Language.
kingalkitun���iv. give off a sound in the distance, e.g. an aeroplane. ingalkitungang ‘sound get soft e.g plane going far away’; ingalkituny, ingalkitunyka ‘the sound of the plane got closer’. See:�nulakpurlakpurlak�‘voice far away’. Category:�Language.
kingaralkinka���iv. grumble, talk on and on. Wularrut kingaralkinka. Marrik kunnyu ja kapala. ‘He is annoyed (about the treatment of the boat). He will not lend you the boat.’ Kingaralkinka. ‘He's talking and grumbling about something on and on like they stole something from him, like an axe or a rake.’ Kuna kanngaralkinka? ‘Why are you complaining so much?’ Category:�Language, Sorrow, happiness.
kinginka���iv. 1�•�talk, argue, fight, speak (a language). (Nonhuman) make characteristic noise. ngarrkinka. Kurrkenkang nuyi la yanat nakapa angpumirlkpungakeny ngarru. ‘You two had a fight and it will effect us badly.’ Ja kurrula kinginka. ‘The sea is splashing on the shore, making a noise.’ Mawng nganingka. ‘I speak Mawng / Mawng is my language.’ See:�maningkangung�‘listen to’. Category:�Language, Fight.
Restrict:�birds 2�•�(birds) sing. Kurralyunyi kawunginka karlurri. ‘Listen to the birds singing.’ See:�kimin�‘be’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kirulk���noun. stinking, smelly. Kurrayanti ngampiwi kiwuja ja kirulk. ‘Look around for where it is stinking, that smelly thing.’ Category:�Language.
kiyirrulken���iv. shout. Awurrangung awuyirrulkekenang. ‘(As they) were going along they kept on shouting out.’ Pa awuyirrulkenang. ‘They were cheering.’ Category:�Language.
kurlingka���part. question marker, requires yes or no answer and verb. Kurlingka aralpa iminy nuwu? ‘Is it true he said (that) to you?’ Kurlingka imij punyiga? Eqe, imij punyi. ‘Is there heavy rain coming? Yes, there is heavy rain.’ Kurlingka iwana Putawin ja marryun? Makiny iniwirtatiny ja kimin nuyu punyi. ‘Is the boy going to Darwin? No, his father stopped him.’ Category:�Language.
kunuka���part. what thing (question marker)? Used with oblique object pronoun in one construction below. Kunuka? Paki ngarrununi. ‘What (is it you want)? Give me tobacco.’ Ta kunuka arrkanawinypukpun tuka mamarrk? ‘What will we clean out the middle part with?’ Atilatikingka ja kurrampalk, wilmurr la kunukaw inilatikingka. ‘He packed all that stuff for houses: iron poles and whatever.’ See:�kiki; kunuka yirrik�‘whatever’. Category:�Language.
kunuka nuyu���part. why? what for? La kunuka nuyu ta kutpin kurriwunya yirrk? ‘And why is it that you burn it all?’ Kunuka (nuyu) kanpani? ‘Why are you sitting?’ Ja kunuka nuyu? ‘What for?’ Category:�Language.
kunuka yirrik kanila���phrase. whatever is happening to him? Restrict:�LL object or MA subject Kunuka yirrik nganiwany ta ngapi? ‘Whatever happened to me?’ See:�kunuka yirrik�‘whatever’. Category:�Language.
lagarr���coverb. 1�•�lie. Arrkpani lagarrapa. ‘We're getting it all wrong.’ Kiwani lagarr. ‘He's telling an untrue story.’ Kerra lagarr. ‘He's telling an untrue story.’ Syn:�kinilagurrun. See:�alalaj. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�tell a lie, mislead someone in another way, get a story or song wrong. Inimangung lagarr ngarrurru. ‘He was telling us lies.’ Ingamany lagarr ngartu. Nganyamirnali awarran kirrk. ‘She lied to me. They all went to Nganyamirnali.’ La jita warrwak naka marrik inyiwuni la ingamany lagarr. ‘However the younger one had tricked him and got away after all.’ Note: Often doesn't really translate well as 'tell lie' but it's more 'make mistake' or something. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
Restrict:�MA object 3�•�mislead, fool someone. "Ay, aku." inyminy "Nuka kinimanma lagarr, kiningijukun la ngiwayan mira." ‘"Oh, I see." she said, "He's just bullshitting, making excuses so I'll look properly."’ See:�kinimanma�‘persuade, stick’. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
lagarrlagarr���keep on telling lies. Inimangung lagarrlagarr. ‘He kept on telling lies.’
lilak���noun. the sound of trees rubbing together. Category:�General terms, Language.
lirri���noun. 1�•�trouble associated with arguing or fighting. Yanat kanimalngajpun lirri ngarrurru. ‘He is making more trouble for us.’ Larla wularr ngawu katja ngungatpi karrkpin ta lirri la arrkpana arriwalawkula arrungpanawun manjat ngartu. ‘Sisters come with me and we will straighten out the trouble I am in.’ Takapa anturrangkenang lirri. ‘That's how they make trouble.’ Awaningan pata arrarrkpi awk awuran nuyu lirri ja Kortaweli. ‘Those men went to pay back Kortaweli.’ See:�kilirrinymin�‘be angry’; kamarkpa�‘smoulder’; kilurrangken�‘jump, fly, hop in’. Category:�Fight. Note: All uses seem to involve a verb directly or with ta
2�•�enemy. Usage:�with oblique pronoun Nuka ja lirri wu. ‘He is their enemy.’ See:�anpulirri�‘warriors’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
coverb. 1�•�tell somebody off. Kerra lirri. ‘He growls somebody.’ Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
2�•�want to hit or kill someone. Kinyaka lirri. ‘He tries to hit her.’ Category:�Hate, anger. Anth: For example, the close blood relatives of a deceased try to hit the wife of the deceased, blaming her for his death. People hold them to try and stop them. After that the wife is (theoretically) clear of blame.
3�•�make trouble for other people by fighting with a third group. Kawunnyaka lirri. ‘He's angry with them.’ Naka kawunnyaka lirri. ‘He makes trouble for them.’ Kinnyaka lirri. ‘He makes trouble.’ Category:�Fight, Hate, anger. Note: canonical agreement
Restrict:�GEN subject 4�•�angry. Ingakangung lirri. ‘He was angry.’ Ingakan lirri or kingawun lirri, the same. ‘He gets angry.’ Kingakan ja lirri. ‘He's angry.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
Restrict:�GEN subject 5�•�be very angry. Kingawun lirri ngaw, inypaniwu ‘He's angry at her, he will hit her.’ Kingawun nuyu lirri. ‘He is angry at him.’ Kingawunpu lirri. ‘He's angry and them.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
6�•�make trouble. Kurrungulawu lirri, ay kiki? ‘You make trouble with them, ey what?’ Inyi kurrungulawn lirri. ‘Don't make trouble with other boys.’ Category:�Fight.
makiny���part. no. Makiny. Ngapi marrik ngayng. ‘No. I am not going.’ See:�makiny la�‘and so’; makinyju�‘the time that’. "Makiny ngungpurrun ta ngarri iwamalkpa ngarriwen." ta nungpaka ngatpin. ‘"Or maybe he'll come up to us and we'll spear him." that's what we say.’ See:�qeqe�‘yes’; marrik�‘not’. Category:�Language.
malany���part. 1�•�sentence introducer. Waryat kanyu wakapa tuka yarntakpung. Malany tukapa kurrungpawurrun ta ngungunman. ‘There is a reef where he chopped it down. Now you will understand what I told you.’ malany takapa ‘seems to mean 'that's when'’. Malany la Category:�Language.
2�•�when, at that time, used adverbially. Category:�Longer.
3�•�clause connector. Yarntakpung malany ta wupaj angmalkpangungka. ‘He chopped it and the water began to rise.’
4�•�what (about it)? Variant:�falling intonation. Anngalyunyi! Malany? ‘Listen? What (do you want)?’ See:�malanypi�‘later on’.
malapiyi���coverb. scoff at, laugh at. Iniwuning malapiyi. ‘He was laughing at him.’ See:�parr�‘laugh at, make fun of’; kinnyarkinyji�‘tease, make fun of’. Category:�Language, Play, perform, joke.
marlakan���adverb. slowly, carefully. Nungmalal ta marlakan anpanamin ngartu ‘Please speak slowly to me.’ See:�junta�‘travel slowly’. Ant:�murr. Category:�Activity manner.
interjection. be careful! Watch out! Go slowly! Anmina marlakan! ‘Be careful!’ Marlakan, mawarlkanyi ‘Be careful, it might fall!’ Category:�Language.
marnti���part. might (with bad consequences). Nganaparru marnti iniwu. ‘A buffalo might hurt him.’ Nuka ja numurrunti. Marnti arruniwu. ‘He's a wild man (angry/upset). He might hurt us.’ Category:�Language.
marrik���part. not, didn't, no. Marrik ngayng. ‘I am not going.’ Marrik kiki muj ami warak angkuwurru warak. ‘They're not doing anything, they don't know anything.’ Marrik nganti ngannyuni. ‘No-one gave it to me.’ Note: mawaning - contraction of 'marrik awaning' Syn:�ma-. See:�yunyi�‘do not’; makiny�‘no’; jimatpi�‘not’. Category:�Language.
marrkmarrk���coverb. to agree (without meaning it). Iminyju marrkmarrk. ‘He just agreed (but he didn't mean it).’ Category:�Language, Social responsibilities and events, Hunting.
marrmarr���coverb. happy, pleased, glad. Ngapi ngamin marrmarr. ‘I am happy.’ inymarrmarr ‘she doesn't like it (food)’. Kimin marrmarr mira. ‘He's really happy.’ See:�marr�‘want very much’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
interjection. i'm happy about X. Category:�Language.
martang���interjection. it sounds all right. Category:�Language.
Kamanima mayali���idiom. explain, enlighten. Manimany mayali wu ja wurrwurr. ‘The young person understood them.’ Manimangung mayali. ‘He was talking and everybody listened.’ Category:�Language.
met���part. but.
interjection. wait! Command form. la met ‘some other use here’. Met la kangpukpa ta ti kayirrk. ‘Wait, the tea is cooling.’ Category:�Language.
met akutju���interjection. wait a minute. Category:�Language.
met akutju���interjection. wait a minute. Category:�Language.
monmon���coverb. Restrict:�MA object tell about something of importance or interest. Inganiny monmon ngartu ta awuran Nganyamirnali. ‘She explained to me that they had gone to Nganyamirnali.’ Inganiny monmon ngaw ta ngaralk, la angawurrun. ‘She explained the words to her, so she understood.’ La tuka ta ngawani ngarlakarlak la ngini monmon nuka ja Warrarakuku ja Murrawn ja nguya Maningkali kawulakpuntikin wu yarakap wu ja nguya. ‘And today I'm speaking saying about Warrarakuku, that's Murrawn clan, also Maningkali are included in the one group.’ Category:�Language.
nawanawa���coverb. talk about another person. Kawani nawanawa numiyi ngapi. ‘They are talking about me.’ Category:�Language.
nukang���pro. used as a hesitation form, before you remember the word you need, maybe indicates that thing will be mentioned in the future. Parang la muj ngarrartayantung ta awarnting ta aparlkparrantung nukang inymarlirrinymikpinang. ‘However, we could also see (the wild plums) hanging there, white ones, which ones were shining (ie. the ripe ones).’ See:�wuyang�‘usual’. Category:�Language.
nulakpurlak���noun. noisy. ngalakpulakpulak ‘I am a noisy person’. Yanat ja nulakpurlak. ‘He is a noisy person.’ See:�nulakpuntakpuj�‘quiet (masculine)’; nulakpurlakpurlak�‘voice heard from far away’. Category:�Other, Language.
nulakpurlakpurlak���noun. voice far away, echo. ngalakpurlakpurlak, arrkakpurlakpurlak, malakpurlakpurlak ‘a sound trees make, heard from far away’; Could not elicit, Wilakpurlakpurlak. ngalakpulakpulak ‘My voice is soft, e.g. because I have a cold.’ Wilakpurlakpurlak kawunginka. ‘Their voices talking softly (he can hear them far away).’ Awalyungan wilakpurlakpurlak ‘They heard many people talking’. See:�kingalkitun�‘make sound in the distance’; nulakpurlak�‘noisy’. Category:�Language.
nya���interjection. take it! Anth: This is a response to a request to pass something over. That person in response again answers ka, I receive it, thank you. See:�ka�‘I take it’. Category:�Language.
nga���interjection. hey! Nga! Ngawu katja! ‘Hey! Let's go!’ Nga, ngungpurrun kapa kunuka kiw. ‘Hey, maybe there's something in there.’ Category:�Language.
is that so? Nga? Aralpa? ‘Is that so? True?’ See:�nge�‘I don't believe it’. Category:�Language.
ngarlakarlak���coverb. Restrict:�PL subject 1�•�talk. Kili ngarlakarlak. Karrilakpa. Pa karralyu ta wurluj. ‘He's talking. We answer him. So we hear the news.’ Category:�Language.
2�•�talk together while standing. Juka jita warrawurnji la marryun kawulangali ngarlakarlak. ‘This girl and boy are standing and talking.’ Category:�Language.
3�•�talk, discuss, have meeting. Ngampiwi kiwani? Nuka. Kawani ngarlakarlak tuka mawngku. ‘Where is he? There. He is sitting talking with them in the shade.’ Nungpakapa iwaning ngarlakarlak ja, yanatapa ja Wurakak. ‘That's what Crow was saying.’ Kawuli wurlupurlup kawarra/kawani ngarlakarlak. ‘They're swimming and talking.’ Category:�Language. Note: can have a singular subject.
4�•�talk. "Kurryarutpanyi!" kerra ngarlakarlak, like kinginka. ‘You lot leave it, he's talking, talking.’ Category:�Language.
ngaralk���noun. tongue, word, language. Ngapi ngungmuy nuyu ta ngaralk. ‘I do not know his language.’ Kiki ta ngaralk ta kutpin house? ‘What word do you say for house?’ Ngaralk iwungka. ‘He has brought knowledge - a stranger in town who has brought witchraft or brought knowledge for a ceremony.’ See:�mangaralk�‘tongue of flame’; mayali�‘knowledge’; larnngalk�‘ear’. Category:�Language, Head.
ngawi���interjection. i am coming. Usage:�Said in response to a call. See:�ngawu�‘come here!’. Category:�Language.
ngawu���interjection. come here! Usage:�command See:�ngawi�‘coming!’. Category:�Language.
ngawulukuj���interjection. expression of love or sympathy to one person. Ngawulukuj pularr ngawinyun. ‘Oh our dear ngawinys!’ See:�ngala�‘term of address for mother or mother's brother used in time of distress’. Category:�Desire, Language.
ngawulukuj pularr���plural of ngawulukuj. Anth: When we see some boys coming back after hunting we say, Ngawulukuj pularr ngawinyun. That means we are glad they got back safely. When those men have gone away we say ngawulukuj pularr. That means we are sorry they have gone. Category:�Desire, Language.
ngawulukuj pularr���plural of ngawulukuj. Anth: When we see some boys coming back after hunting we say, Ngawulukuj pularr ngawinyun. That means we are glad they got back safely. When those men have gone away we say ngawulukuj pularr. That means we are sorry they have gone. Category:�Desire, Language.
nge���interjection. i don't believe it. See:�nga�‘oh!’. Category:�Language.
ngilikilik���coverb. whisper. Kungmalkpanyi! Yunyi kankangali ngilikilik la kungmalkpanyi! ‘Out with it! Don't whisper but (speak) out!’ Category:�Language.
ngungpurrun���part. maybe, probably. Kangkuwurrun ngungpurrun awana Manawan. ‘Maybe they know they're going to Maningrida.’ See:�kiniwurrun�‘think, know’. Category:�Language.
pap���interjection. sit! Usage:�command Variant:�a 'baby talk' command. See:�ap�‘sit down’. Category:�Language, Change stance.
coverb. live, as in how a person lives. La yamin kerra pap ju. ‘He was just living on his own.’ Kapin ja nuwarlkparrakan yamin ja kerra pap. ‘He's an old man who goes around on his own.’ Kerra pap yamin palat. ‘He goes around on his own.’ Category:�Activity manner.
parang���part. that's all, it's finished, as in closing a transaction of some sort. Ngapi ngungunman nuwurru kayirrk la parang. ‘I have told it to you and that's all (I have to say).’ A, naka marrik ngimany! Parangju. Iwanaw. ‘Oh, I didn't bring it! Leave it. Let it lie.’ Parangju! ‘Leave it! Don't bother about it any more!’ See:�parang la�‘then’. Category:�Language.
part���interjection. bring it here. Usage:�baby talk command Category:�Language.
pay���part. indeed. Pay la ngapimung ja Nawurlany nuyu ja naputjanputjan. ‘I suddenly thought about Nawurlany's things.’ La aminy "Pay nuyi". ‘And they said, "It's up to you."’ Category:�Language.
pirl���noun. cripple. Nuka ja pirl. ‘He's the cripple’. See:�ngalpirl�‘cripple (female)’; wirl�‘nuisance’. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
coverb. 1�•�cut across, through, squeeze, divide something. Atiwuk pirl ta kantijawa. ‘He cut through the bread.’ Nganiwut pirl ja nuka. ‘This thing is squeezing me.’ Tukapa angkuwung pirl wemin ta Warrarakuku la wemin ta kinyuryi muwarn. ‘They've already divded it, the Warrarakuku - they're the sun set side.’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Pressing.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�cross mountains, land or bodies of water. angkanawut pirl ‘they will go across’; kangkuwut pirlga ‘They are going across’. Aku, angkuwuk pirlgapa kupuny. ‘They came across to the place by canoe.’ angkuwuk pirl warak ‘They went across to the other side.’ Ngapi ngungput pirl ta alan. ‘I cut across the path.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Impact.
3�•�chop up, divide. innyej pirl ‘he cut it short (MA, e.g. string)’. kinnyet pirl ‘he is cutting it short (MA obj)’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�cut story, conversation short. ngungej pirl. anyej pirl ‘he cut it short (LL: a story/conversation)’. anyeny pirl ‘he just stopped’. Awulalkanyjiliny apa angpaj pirl innyung. ‘They had a meeting for a while. They shortened that meeting and he gave him.’ Category:�Language.
5�•�pinch hard. kininyji pirl. ‘He pinched him.’ Kunuka nuyi ta kannginyji pirl? ‘Why are you pinching yourself?’ Nganyjuk pirl ta ngapi wiyu. ‘I'm pinching myself.’ See:�wirlwirl�‘squeeze (kininyji)’. Category:�Pressing.
6�•�choke. Wularrutapa iwuwutiny pirl. ‘They have choked him already.’ iwutin pirl ‘he choked.’ Category:�Pressing, Head.
Restrict:�VE subject 7�•�burn through. Muka mata yungku mata kamala pirl. ‘This fire is burning through, in the middle (ie. as a camp fire does).’ See:�pirlpirl�‘flowing strongly’; wirlpirl�‘flowing’; purl�‘light with firesticks’. Category:�Fire.
Restrict:�MA subject 8�•�be a cripple, for example need a wheelchair or suffer from paralysis. Kinima pirl ‘He's a cripple.’ Nuka ja inimaj pirl kiwani. ‘He became a cripple.’ Syn:�mirngij. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
pirr1���adverb. keep going, go on, go away. Pirr awarrangung parak. ‘And so they kept on going.’ used with pirr at beginning of sentence and angkat at end Category:�Activity manner.
interjection. keep on going, go away. Pirrapa! Pirr, anyanyji! ‘Go away! Go, go away!’ Pirr angkat. ‘Keep on going (until you find where it is).’ See:�palay�‘go on, keep going’. Category:�Language.
purup���interjection. well done! Purup ngarrurru! ‘Well done for us, good for us!’ Category:�Language.
put1���interjection. put it there! put it down! Variant:�children's talk. See:�kinnyutpa�‘put’. Category:�Language, Manipulation.
qeqe���part. yes. See:�qe�‘yeah’; makiny�‘no’; Qmqm�‘agreement’. Category:�Language.
raw���interjection. eat it! Usage:�command to child Anmila raw! ‘Hurry and eat it!’ See:�kimila�‘hurry! (only used in imperative and present tense)’. Category:�Illness, Language.
coverb. drink, eat. nukawk apa ja kawarra raw kiwula yaliwi ‘Those ones keep drinking that rubbish stuff.’ Kawarra raw. ‘They were walking and eating.’ Awurrangung raw. Category:�Illness.
ta kikiga���part. what time, when? Kiki la kungeniny ta ngurrij pa apurnungani tuka kunak. ‘When do you want to go home? (lit: How many days until you want to go back home?)’ Nuyi kiki ta ngurrij kungeni. ‘What day do you want? (to go back)’. Kiki kampuma kit, warntatarr? ‘When are they carrying it, daytime?’ See:�kiki�‘how, what’. Category:�Longer, Language.
rtuj���interjection. get up! Usage:�command to children Inyngayikpung "larla! larla! larla! wake up! rtuj! katja!, larla larla larla". ‘She tried to wake her up "Sister! Sister! Sister! Wake up! Come on! Let's go! Sister! Sister! Sister!"’ Category:�Language.
waraju���part. completely taken away, right away. Iwumany kirrk paraju. ‘They took them completely out of the way.’ Kapa waraju manamalkpa kapa warak tuka wanyji wumawurr. ‘It will have to come out near the creek.’ Nukang ngampi ta tuka? Whalebone ta kaminapa, Whalebone ngarrungparnangajpun parakju. ‘Where was it? They call it Whalebone (beach). We just call it Whalebone.’ See:�warak�‘away’. Category:�Language.
wartaw���interjection. ow! See:�arta�‘eh?’; artaka�‘oh’. Category:�Language.
wayway���coverb. groaning or talking in one's sleep. Yung yarrangung wayway. ‘He was lying groaning in his sleep.’ Category:�Language, Sleep.
wey���interjection. hey. Category:�Language.
wilik���coverb. ask for, request food or money. Ngana Wiyarla Wumanga nganarra wilik walij. ‘I am going to the Wiyarla end of Wumanga to ask for food.’ La yarrangung pirlik akut. ‘He kept asking them for more (food)’. La nakapa wurakak awunyarrikpan ja apurra nuyu ta wilik yarrangung pilik. And he's the crow that ruined it and after that he kept asking for more food.. Category:�Language.
wilikpilik���1�•�keep seeking food. Nuka ja arrarrkpi ja kannyayan kirrk kunak kerra wilikpilik. ‘This man keeps looking around the place for food.’ Category:�Language.
2�•�rapid blinking of the eyes (original definition). Wink or blink. Used for animals, wilipilip is used for humans. Maminang wilikpilik nuyu wun ja manpiri la alapika la majirnti, naka ngatpin imurra ja murrkaj. ‘When they used to blink their eyes, those greenbacks or alapika turtles or majirnti turtles, we say they have a lot of fat on them (ie. when caught to eat).’ Syn:�wilipilip. Category:�Automatic actions.
wilikpilik���1�•�keep seeking food. Nuka ja arrarrkpi ja kannyayan kirrk kunak kerra wilikpilik. ‘This man keeps looking around the place for food.’ Category:�Language.
2�•�rapid blinking of the eyes (original definition). Wink or blink. Used for animals, wilipilip is used for humans. Maminang wilikpilik nuyu wun ja manpiri la alapika la majirnti, naka ngatpin imurra ja murrkaj. ‘When they used to blink their eyes, those greenbacks or alapika turtles or majirnti turtles, we say they have a lot of fat on them (ie. when caught to eat).’ Syn:�wilipilip. Category:�Automatic actions.
wurluj���noun. a piece of news, story. Kiminpu "Kutpana yirrka kutpanalyu wurluj." ‘He says to them "You all go and listen to the news."’ Ngungmany wurluj pa ngungpanunma nuwurru. ‘I've got news that I'll tell you.’ Animany ta wurluj. ‘He has something (to teach them).’ See:�wulatpiyi�‘the body of a message, the main teaching of a system, news’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Language.
wurra���interjection. oh, I remember, or Oh I forgot. Ay wurra, ngungpurrun kunung ja manjawak. ‘I forgot, perhaps I gave the knife to you.’ Wurra, ngungpanunma about Wurakak, about tukapa warral manilalkung. ‘I know, I'll tell you about Crow, about how he cut the Warral tree.’ Category:�Language, Cognitive senses and attention.
ya���interjection. an exclamation denoting agreement or approval. See:�yo�‘yes’. Category:�Language.
yarrk���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�lie open, be a gap, open space. Takapa kanyu yarrk. ‘It is lying open.’ kanyu yarrk ‘a space in an area’. Angpanaw yarrk ngartu ‘Leave a space for me (to sit)’. See:�jarrk�‘make room’; ngatngat�‘tear, split’. Category:�Landscape, Movement relating to fixed point, Physical stance.
2�•�ask a favour of, request. Yunyi kuwin jarrk. ‘Don't ask him for it (just now).’ Category:�Language.
3�•�taste something sweet. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�detect sound from far away. Innyet jarrk. ‘He heard.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
5�•�split, cut in half. Kuwuk jarrk manpurrwa. ‘You tore the piece of clothing/cloth’. aniwuk jarrk ‘the axe split the island in half’. See:�kannyarlan�‘divide, halve’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
yarrkjarrk���break, split open, gut. Iniwung yarrkjarrk ja kapala la kunuka yirrik iniwung innyartpungkuny worri ta waka. ‘It tore the boat open and all that, broke it and then lifted it up onto the dry land there.’ See:�karten yarrkjarrk�‘one who uses a different pronunciation’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
yaya���interjection. oh no! Category:�Language.
yi1���part. Okay, yeah. Yi nuka ja ngapi ja muli ngartu. ‘The flipper is for me.’ Parang inymurnanganyang parak yi. ‘Then she was going back.’ See:�iyi�‘yes’; yo�‘yes’. Category:�Language.
yirrik���part. might, perhaps. Nungpaka yirrik aralpa. ‘Perhaps it is true.’ Used between words in a list See:�kunuka yirrik�‘whatever’; ajirrik�‘perhaps’. Category:�Language.
yiyi2���part. yes, I know. Yes, I agree. Syn:�yi. Category:�Language.
yo���interjection. yes. See:�yi�‘o.k.’. Category:�Language.
delight, amazement. Anth: Said as a group after a performance, in place of clapping Category:�Language.
yunyi���part. do not, don't, negator of verbs and also sometimes nouns. Nganyamiyarma mata murntulwanpal mata mamarrk la yunyi mata malakuru. ‘I want the canoe to be wide across the body and don't make it narrow.’ Yunyi kuwin jarrk. ‘Don't ask him for it (just now).’ Yuwunyi kulangung. ‘You should not have been eating that!’ See:�marrik�‘negator for verb’; inyi�‘do not’. Category:�Language.
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