Holding, sticking

Holding, sticking

arr���coverb. 1�•�keep, hang onto, stick, stay attached for a while. Kanyu arr. ‘It (the drip) is stuck on (and will stay there for a few days)’. Ngapi ngaw arr. ‘I am keeping that / I still want that’. Nuyi kanyu arr. ‘You are keeping that / You still want that.’ See:�arrarrtease, have diarrhoea; marrlike very much; kinnyatpihave. Category:�Holding, sticking.

2�•�too long, very long. Katju arr ta tuka. ‘This thing is very long/ too long.’ Category:�Size and weight.

3�•�pull, tow or drag something e.g. tow a car or drag a boat on a rope. Aminy arr warakapa mata mara marukiny warak tuka kamung.. ‘They pulled it down the sandhills.’ Parangapa aminang arr karrurru. ‘Then they would put up the sails. (i.e. stretch them)’. Ngamin arr. ‘I am stretching (myself)’. See:�kimilitpakanstretch arms or legs out. Syn:�kinilagalun. Category:�Manipulation.

4�•�drag. Kerra arrarr warak. ‘He drags it away (eg. croc with bone).’ Category:�Manipulation.

5�•�pull, stretch. Inimangung arrga. ‘He was pulling it in this direction.’ Kinima arr. ‘He drags it (e.g. a croc with a bone)’. See:�parrparrbe extended, cover a large area. Category:�Manipulation, Automatic actions.

arraj���coverb. grab (sand, dirt). Animany arraj kunak. ‘He was digging in the sand.’ Ngungpanama arraj ‘I'm going to grab (some sand).’ Ja luluj aniwung arraj. ‘The dog has kicked dirt here (to cover his shit).’ Syn:�ngarrk. Category:�Holding, sticking.

jir���coverb. hold firmly, tightly. Malany innyatpung jir ja waliman. ‘He held the axe tightly.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.

jirr���coverb. 1�•�hold tightly. Angkat yimin innyatpiyang jirr. ‘He always held him tightly (i.e. captive)’. Category:�Holding, sticking.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�have traditional knowledge. Anth: For example what a father explains to his son about his land, its place names and dreamings. Kurrungpanatpi jirr la tuka ta katpin nuwurru. ‘Carry on this knowledge that we have told you.’ Kannyatpi jirr. ‘He knows, understands (traditional knowledge)’. Kannyatpi jirr ta kunak. ‘He knows about the place’. See:�jirrkceremony leader; jirrjirrskip, slide. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

kaparnkatpin���iv. Restrict:�ED subject stick together, remain together. Aparnkatpiny ja jalwarra la pajupaju. ‘He always wears the same trousers and the same shirt.’ Kerra warakapa kaparnkatpini kinima ja warranyngiw. ‘The spirit goes along and sticks on to him.’ Apartkatpinang. ‘It was stuck, e.g. rice on the bottom of a saucepan’. See:�katiwarntakpunstick into (foot). Syn:�kinnyurtjun. Category:�Holding, sticking.

katiwarntakpun���tv. Restrict:�ED object stick into (foot). See:�kaparnkatpinstick together. Category:�Holding, sticking.

kerlkan���iv. sink, drown, submerge, get bogged (i.e. enter water). Yarlkeny ja mutika. ‘The vehicle is bogged.’ Angpanarlken ta kunak. ‘The land will be flooded (Crow story).’ Awarlkeny. ‘They were submerged (Crow story).’ See:�kiwrlgengo inside; kiwryiswim, go in water. Category:�Motion relating to water, Holding, sticking.

kilarukpungkun���iv. become unhooked. Imalkpanyapa tu warlk ilarukpungkuny ja pelk, pa kingurrin. ‘He gets free, the belt got unhooked and he runs.’ Ilarukpungkuny ja walimanapa mawarlkanyiny. ‘The axe head came off and fell down.’ See:�kinilarkpungkupull out, pull off; kiniwirrunhook up; kiniwurrunknow, remember or think about a specific person or thing. Category:�Holding, sticking.

kilarrarlken���iv. bog down. Category:�Holding, sticking.

kilarrutpin���iv. be in need, go without. Yarrangung ilarrutpinang. ‘He was in need.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.

kinilagatpi���tv. 1�•�hold in front of body, in arms or on hip. Kinilagatpi ja warranyngiw. ‘He is holding the child in his arms.’ Ingagatpung jara ja ingarkpany yurrng ‘She carried him in her arms and the other one she carried on her shoulders.’ Kingalagatpi ja warranyngiw. ‘She is nursing the child.’ See:�kinnyarkpacarry on back/shoulders; kiniwuyatpihold in arms. Category:�Holding, sticking.

2�•�meet. Nginyjagatpung jita ngatingan tuka ta karrungpunwilpin. ‘I met my sister at the river crossing.’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object.

3�•�surround. Ya imalkpanykapa ja namapapa awunilagatpung. ‘Yeah, the group of fighters arrived and he surrounded them.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

kinilatpani���tv. stop, prevent. Inilatpaniny arka. ‘He stopped him from going any further.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.

kinilulku���tv. 1�•�stay with, stick with, follow. Kiwraka la karrilulku. ‘He goes ahead and we keep up with him, follow him.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.

Restrict:�MA object 2�•�not understand. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention. See:�kilulkustuck; kilulkuntulkustuck, trapped. Syn:�kinilulkuntulku. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.

kinimanma���tv. 1�•�stick on to. Wularrut inimanmany. ‘He has already stuck it on.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.

2�•�persuade to go with (subject). Nangila iwanimanma. ‘Nangila will persuade him.’ Kingamanma pa kawungurrin. ‘She persuades him to go with her and they run off.’ See:�kinimamantaput pressure on. Category:�Language.

lv. See:�wurrumake people feel sorry for oneself; lagarrmislead. Category:�Manipulation.

kinimarrkuta���Restrict:�MA object tv. close the door and steal all the belongings. Category:�Shelter, camp, house, Holding, sticking.

Restrict:�VE object 2: kamanimarrkuta�•�tv. close the door. Ant:�kamannyatpalan. Category:�Arrangement.

kinimilin���tv. miss out on. Leave behind (after death). Ngapipa ngimiliny ja kiyap. ‘I missed out on getting the fish.’ Naputjanputjan ja nakapa inimiliny. ‘Naputjanputjan is the things that he left behind (when he died).’ See:�numilinmilirridifficult (of performance); milirridifficult (coverb). Category:�Hunting, Holding, sticking.

kinimurntulku���tv. Restrict:�MA object 1�•�trap fish. Iwumurntulkuny ja kiyap. ‘They trapped fish (by blocking the creek).’ See:�murntulkuja sheltered place. Category:�Hunting.

Restrict:�ED object2 katimurntulku�•� Apumurntulkuny nuyu. ‘They trapped him (e.g. a bull).’ Pulikang ngawunpanalunta la ngapamurntulku wu ngungpanama put ‘We fence in the cows and block them in and lock them in.’ Apumurntulkuny merrk where ilangaling ja kiyap, inside. ‘They built a barrier of leaves, trapping the fish.’ Category:�Holding, sticking, Concealment.

Restrict:�ED object 3�•�cover, protect, make windbreak. Apumurntulkuny ta jampakang. ‘They make a windbreak of corrugated iron.’ Walmat katimurntulku ngaw jita muwarn. ‘The rain (or rain cloud) covered up the sun.’ Yanat kinimurntulku ja tarpaulin la iniwutiny ‘He put up a tarpaulin and tied it on.’ Category:�Manipulation.

kininyji���tv. 1�•�feel, examine, pinch, grab, turn on equipment by pushing a button (eg. ghetto blaster). ininyjung, ininyjung. Ngapi nginyji ja kimaju. ‘I am examining the sick man.’ ininyjung ‘for example when a sea eagle suddenly swoops down and grabs a fish from the sea’. Nganinjukpiny ja nganimany ta ngayatpung. ‘He scratched my arm when he touched me.’ See:�kininyjininyjimassage; awunypinyjungplay around; kinyji; kinimarlinyjichoke. Category:�Pressing, Holding, sticking.

2�•�heal someone through use of magic. ininyjung marrngijpu ‘he healed her with witchcraft’. Category:�Sorcery, Medicine.

Restrict:�LL object 3: kaninyji�•�dig up food from ground which can be easily got just with the hands such as mawany. Not used for digging karwuluk because that is much more difficult. kangpinyji mawugany ‘they are gathering mawugany lily roots’. Kamu la larla angpinyjung kirrk ta mawugany la kawuraka. ‘Mother and older sister have got all the mawugany roots and are going home.’ Ngarrunginyji ‘We're getting shellfish from the mud’. Category:�Hunting.

Restrict:�LL object 4: kaninyji�•�milk cow. Puka pata kangpinyji. ‘They are the ones who do the milking.’ Karrunginyji ‘We milk a cow.’ Syn:�kinyji. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

Restrict:�ED object 5: apinyjung�•�a long time ago the old people put a spell on that place to make it productive and make it a good place for their families to live. Warrapijyikarlu apinyjung." ‘The old people put an increase spell on that place/The old people live and work there a lot (by implication)’. See:�punyikarluold person; nypinyjuthis word is used when the children go off together walking a long way or fighting or playing around. Category:�Sorcery.


kiningaratpi���tv. have. Kapin ngapi muj nganingaratpi wurwiny ta ngawani ngarlakarlak ta qe tuka ta Mawng. ‘I feel a bit embarrassed talking in Mawng.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.

kiniwalpun���tv. touch for a short time. Jurra iniwalpung. ‘He touched the book.’ iniwalpupu See:�kiniwinypunrub, stroke; kelpundisappear; rtururrkwipe, graze. Category:�Holding, sticking.

kiniwirrun���tv. catch, hook up. For example, when we are walking in the jungle and our dress gets caught on a prickly plant. Iniyarrun parak ingawirrung orka warlk ja pelk, la iminy arririj ja arrarrkpi kingurrin parak ingawung warlk. ‘He was chasing him, the belt got caught on the tree as he passed it and the man turned around, was running and hit a tree.’ Nganiwirrung. ‘I'm stuck on something’. See:�kilarukpungkunget unhooked. Category:�Holding, sticking.

kiniyirtutpa���tv. leave something with someone. Iniyirtutpan kiyap. ‘he left the fish for him.’ Nginyjirtutpan ingayatayantung. ‘I left them with her and she was looking after them for me (clothes).’ Category:�Holding, sticking.

kiniyiwaka���tv. take by pulling, snatch. iniyiwakan, kuniyiwakan he snatches something from you. Ja ngapi ngatpaningan nganyarutpan kuyak nganiyiwakan ‘We were married, then I lost him, some disease took him away.’ See:�kinnyakathrow. Category:�Holding, sticking.

kinnyaka yara���Restrict:�MA object collect money by saving it in the bank or putting it together for a common purpose. Kiki ja arriwaka yara rrupiya? ‘How about we save some money?’ Arrapaka yara. ‘We're collecting food together for a common purpose.’ Syn:�kinnyutpa. Category:�Holding, sticking.

kinnyarkanyu���tv. hold in a lying position in arms, cradle. Kinyngarkanyu warranyngiw anyak. ‘She is holding the little child lying in her arms.’ See:�kinnyarkpacarry on back. Category:�Holding, sticking.

kinnyatpi���tv. 1�•�have, own , hold. Includes 'have as wife'. Can mean 'have for' or 'get for' with oblique object pronoun. Can mean carry with directional following. Yanat kinnyatpi luluj. ‘He has a dog.’ Kinyetpiga warranyngiw. ‘He brings her a child (i.e. he passes the child's spirit on to her and brings about conception).’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi kilangali, ketpi imawurr. ‘This man is standing, holding his arms.’ Ta wulatpiyi kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wulatpiyi ta iwanamin ngarrurru. ‘He has a message for us which he will tell to us.’ Marlu warrij arrunngatpang. ‘We had strong winds.(lit: strong winds had us)’. See:�kiniwelkpuntouch, purposefully bump or jab. Category:�Holding, sticking.

2�•�change to be. Apan kamannyatpi rlaw. ‘He is making the spear shaft crooked (by bending it)’. Kamannyatpi rlaw. ‘With his hands he makes the spear straight (after warming it over the fire, but while it is not fully dried).’ Kammannyatpi rlaw manjat. ‘He bends it until its straight.’ Category:�General change of state.

3 : kingatpi�•�be pregnant, be carrying a child (inside). warranyngiw kingatpi ‘she is carrying a child’. Category:�Reproduction.

Restrict:�LL object 4 : kannyatpi�•�understand, grasp an idea, have knowledge. marrik kurrungatpi ‘you don't understand’. Ta nuwurri yara ta wurrwurr awk marrik kurrungetping ngarripa arrungatpiwi parang apa la arrungpanatpi pirij. ‘Now some of you, the new people, you can't understand, only we can understand but we're going to pass it on to you.’ Kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wurlkpungkuj. ‘He is friendly towards us.’ See:�wirijcoverb; arrkeep, hang onto, stick; kurrunnyatpithis word is used when an atpaji relationship occurs between people. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

Restrict:�VE object 5: kamannyatpi�•�win. Nganti mannyatpung? Nawuyuk mannyatpung. ‘Who won (the fight)? Nawuyuk won.’ Yanat ja marryun mannyatpung. ‘The boy won (the race).’ mannyatpung yanat apa Mayinaj. ‘Mayinaj won (the fight).’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation, Goodness, Fight.


kinnyurtjun���tv. 1�•�dab, stick, solder. Kapala iwurtjukung la kayirrk nungmalal iwakan jawu kilangali pulup. ‘They soldered the (crack in the) boat and now it is alright (as) they have put it back in the water and it is floating.’ Category:�Manipulation. Innyurtjung mejijin. ‘He dabbed on the medicine.’ Ma kurtjuni aparnkatpina. ‘Go on, stick it onto yourself! (a toy tattoo)’. Kiwuwutaka yirrk kayirrk la kiwurtjun warnany. ‘They tie it around and they stick it onto the wax.’ Syn:�kaparnkatpin. Category:�Holding, sticking.

2�•�blame; blame person. Aminy mali yanat iniwung la iwurtjukuning. ‘They thought that he had killed him and so they were blaming him.’ Iminy, "Punyi yunyi kanpunurtjun." ‘He said "Father don't put them on yourself."’ Kinypurtjun. ‘They blame her (for causing a fight).’ See:�kimurnanganiblame. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.

kiw2���iv. 1�•�lie, sleep. Ngapi marrik ngawng. ‘I won't go to sleep / I'm not lying down.’ Yanat marrik yung. ‘He won't go to sleep / He's not lying down.’ Kiw warak nungunji. ‘It has black stripes (description of Trumpeter fish, Pelates quadrilineatus’. See:�kiwrnparrasleep. Category:�Remain stationary, Sleep.

2�•�be, stay. Usually for things on the ground. Wakapa kiw ja jurra. ‘The book is lying there’. Kanipa ta wularrut kani ja nguya yung ju jal ‘Here, only one clan lived for a long time’. Ta waliwali ta kanyu ta apaka la kani ta karrkpin. ‘The corals are there are they take up a large area.’ See:�kimirlkpungenturn body around; kiwunbe. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.

3�•�be owned, takes oblique pronoun to encode possessor. See:�kiwrlkatindisappear, get lost; kinnyungive. Category:�Holding, sticking.


kiwarlkun���iv. 1�•�choose (for yourself). 'Bags' something. Juka inyparlkung. ‘She chose (it for herself).’ Ngapi ngawarlkun. ‘That's for me!’ Kiwarlkun ja luluj. ‘He chose the puppy.’ See:�kiniwarlkunpromise, give generously. Note: oblique object not possible Category:�Holding, sticking.

2�•�promise. Kiwin nungmatpa kupunyapa, ngatparlkun. ‘Another canoe spears him, we promise it (the dugong).’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.

kiwirtpalma���iv. stuck, stranded. Parangapa wularrut angpirtpalmany la kuwawirtata injin. ‘It is stuck in the sand (refers to outboard motor) so turn off the motor.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.

kurlkurl���coverb. hidden away from view, stuck somewhere where no one can see you, in jail, stuck. Pa awuntuwinypuningapa nukang weringki nuyu ta awaning kurlkurl tuka wurak nuyu. ‘They were washing them because of it's stomach grease, from them being stuck inside its guts.’ See:�wurlwurlsink down, dunk; wurlkurlsink down, uneven ground; kurldrown (submerge with the intention to kill). Category:�Concealment, Holding, sticking.

nawurnirri���noun. without, not having, not possessing. See:�nuwurnirriwithout, not possessing. Category:�Holding, sticking, Concealment.

nawurnnyak���noun. having, possessing. See:�nuwurnnyakhaving, possessing. Category:�Holding, sticking.

ninypurnirri���noun. without, not having, not possessing. Juka jita ninypurnirri warranyngiw. ‘She does not have have any children.’ See:�nuwurnirriwithout, not possessing; ninypurnnyakshe has, possesses. Category:�Holding, sticking, Concealment.

ninypurnnyak���noun. she has, possesses. See:�nuwurnnyakhaving, possessing; ninypurnirriwithout. Category:�Holding, sticking.

nungpurnirri���noun. without, not having. See main entry: nuwurnirri. Category:�Holding, sticking.

nuwurnirri���noun. without, not possessing. ngawurnirri, ninypurnirri, nungpurnirri, nawurnirri, napurrniri, tuwurnirriyut. Nuka ja nuwurnirri warramumpik. ‘He is unmarried, ie. does not have a woman.’ Juka arlarrarr, ninypurnirri ninyngurlaj. ‘This one nothing, she doesn't have a name.’ Qeqe ngarrkarrk pata kawungartalku hat la ngarrkarrk tuwurnirri. ‘Yes, two are wearing hats and two are without.’ Ant:�nuwurnnyak. See:�tuwurnirrinot having. Category:�Holding, sticking.

nuwurnnyak���noun. having, possessing. ninypurnnyak, nungpurnnyak, nawurnnyak, napurnnyak, tuwurnnyakut. arrarrkpi ja nuwurnyak kapala ngungpurrun kinnyatpi. ‘A man who has a boat, well that means that he has one.’ Kilangali tuka wanyji warlk nukapa ja nuwurnyak circle. ‘He's standing near a tree (in) this one with a circle.’ Warranyngiwapa atiwurruning ta napurnnyak kakurl ‘The child was thinking about the sweet one.’ See:�nuwurnirriwithout, not possessing; ngawurnnyakI have, I possess. Category:�Holding, sticking.

ngawurnnyak���noun. i have, I possess. Ngawurnyak kurrampalk. ‘My house’. See:�nuwurnnyakhaving, possessing. Category:�Holding, sticking.

tuwurnirri���noun. not having, possessing. See:�nuwurnirriwithout, not possessing. Category:�Holding, sticking.

tuwurnnyakut���noun. having, possessing. Category:�Holding, sticking. See main entry: nuwurnnyak.

rtal2���part. having it in, impregnated with. Naka kakurl rtal. ‘That has sugar in it.’ Kiyap rtal. ‘That smells of fish.’ See:�rtiltogether. Category:�Holding, sticking.

wirlpirl���coverb. 1 kila wirlpirl�•�cook. Kila wirlpirl. ‘It's cooking, e.g. dugong ribs on the fire.’ Category:�Cooking.

2 kiniwun wirlpirl�•�cut into pieces, divide. Marntingunyuny ngarriwun wirlpirl. ‘We cut the dugong into pieces.’ ngarriwun wirlpirl ‘We stop (singing) (lit. make it short).’ angpinang Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

3 kiwun wirlpirl�•�dab on. Nuyi anpung wirlpirl. ‘You dabbed yourself (with clay, for decoration)’. Kiwun wirlpirl. ‘He's painting himself with stripes.’ Category:�Properties of surface, Holding, sticking.

Restrict:�LL object 4 kannyen wirlpirl�•�divide. anpinang wirlpirl ‘They divided the land’. See:�pirlnumerous; pirlpirlcut. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

Restrict:�MA object 5 kinnyarlukpa wirlpirl, kinilalkun wirlpirl�•�Dance in big group. Tipa wirlpirl kiwulalkun. ‘There's a big group of people dancing over there.’ Tipa wirlpirl kiwulalkun. ‘There's a big group of people dancing over there.’ See:�wilpilsignal that the song is ending by playing a particular rhythm with the clapsticks. Category:�Arrangement.

wirij���coverb. 1�•�thirsty. Ngapi ngamaju wirij mira. ‘I am very thirsty.’ Ngatpajung wirij ta wupaj. ‘We were thirsty.’ Ngamaju wirij wupaj. ‘I am thirsty for water.’ Category:�Illness.

2�•�drop, mislay, leave behind. Ngetpung pirij. ‘I dropped it.’ Kurryatpung pirij. ‘You mislaid it (by putting it down).’ Mangatpuk pirij. ‘She let go of the tree.’ Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Holding, sticking.

3�•�miss when trying to get something. Innyeny pirij. ‘He missed it (when he went to spear it).’ Kayirrk la ngarrima wirijpirij ‘Then we got something wrong (in singing the song).’ Inirrjij pirij kimurnanganinyka. ‘He spears him but misses and he comes back to him.’ See:�kinnyatpiunderstand, grasp an idea, have knowledge. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Holding, sticking.

Restrict:�LL object 4�•�go past land. Kinyuryi muwarn yarran ilangakan yarran parak anyeny pirij ta kani Minjilang. ‘He kept going towards the west, he floated along and went past Minjilang.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

wirijpirij���coverb. keep on missing. Kawunima wirijpirij. ‘He kept on missing them (did not catch up with them)’. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.

wujpi���coverb. 1�•�lacking in something. Arlarrarr ankingan wujpi la ngayinmuni. ‘Sorry, you haven't got anything, dear.’ Arlarrarr anking wujpi. Wularrut iwumany kirrk pata wiyinirrk amalkpany ngartu. ‘No sorry. Those who came to me first took it all.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.

2�•�have plenty of something, implies that food is available and should be shared with those who ask. Kula wujpi ja inyarlgan. Malany anpana karrik kuwen ja inyarlgan la kanamaga ngartu. ‘You have plenty of turtle to share. Next time you hunt and harpoon one, bring me some (implies that he has plenty and should share it with the asker.’ See:�kiwujpikpinswollen. Category:�Holding, sticking.

wurlurlu���adverb. until. Awaningan wurlurlu inyuryiliny jita muwarn. ‘They stayed there until the sun set.’ Wurlurlu awaninganapa inymalkpany wu ja jarrang. ‘They sat long enough until the horse came up to them.’ Category:�Activity manner.

coverb. 1�•�grow, become big. Kerra wurlurlu warak ja ingijalk ja pinana. ‘The banana fruit is growing bigger.’ Category:�General, Size and weight.

2�•�take hold of, embrace, capture. Inimany wurlurlu, innyakan. ‘He grabbed him around the middle and threw him down.’ Yimurnanganyangapa yilatpakpanyapa yiwumany wurlurlupa pata warra mijmij. ‘Then he was returning and coming down, and the sandflies captured him.’ Jita warrawurnji inyimany ja arrarrkpi, inyimany arrarrkpi. ‘The man grabbed the girl, he embraced her.’ Note: Not hug though, just grabbing around her. See:�kiniwuyatpihold in arms. Category:�Holding, sticking.

Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�feel pain in the stomach. Atiwany walij pa yalyungan iniwuning wurlurlu. ‘He ate some food and then he felt a pain in his stomach.’ Category:�Sickness.

Restrict:�MA subject 4�•�feel the desire for revenge. Nakapa ja arrarrkpi nakapa ngeyan nganiwun wurlurlu nuyu malanypi la ngiwanawun. ‘That man I see I feel something, revenge against him and later on I will kill him (because 2 to 3 years ago he killed my brother).’ See:�arrarrcoverb, have diarrhoea. Category:�Hate, anger. Note: oblique object pronoun probably only used with second sense

kinnyatpi yurnu���NVidiom. shake hands. Kapatpi wu la wemin yurnu, kamin marrmarr. ‘They shake hands and they're happy.’ Category:�Holding, sticking, Social responsibilities and events.

Parent category:

Physical transfer