Activity manner
akut la akut���phrase. over and over again. Nuka ja apurra wungpulaj. Akut la akut kinima. ‘He is a thief. He keeps on taking things.’ Akut la akut, jungkarra la jungkarra, kamamalkpa. ‘Again and again, year after year it appears.’ Category:�Activity manner.
anyak���noun. 1�•�small amount of, a piece out of, few. Anyakju ngimiyarma ‘I only want a small piece’. Pata tuwuran wapaka awaning anyak. ‘The ones belonging to that place were few.’ Category:�Size and weight.
2�•�young, small. Ja pipij anyak marrik ilangalinga la naka ingurrinang. ‘The small child wasn't sitting down, he was running (about).’ Category:�Illness and death.
adverb. a little bit. Awurtpiny parak anyak. ‘They moved a bit closer.’ Category:�Activity manner.
anyak la anyak���adverb. little by little. Pa nungpakapa ngarrini monmonpu anyak la anyak. ‘So we're explaining this to them little by little.’ Category:�Activity manner.
anyak la anyak���adverb. little by little. Pa nungpakapa ngarrini monmonpu anyak la anyak. ‘So we're explaining this to them little by little.’ Category:�Activity manner.
angkat���adverb. always, keep on, continually, eternally. Kiwani angkat. ‘He always sits there’. Ilangalingju ta wupaj angkat. ‘He just kept on standing there in the water (a buffalo)’. Iwuwuning angkat parak pata Inyjalarrku. ‘The Inyjalarrku spirits were farewelling him (at his funeral).’ Category:�Activity manner.
coverb. farewell. Puka pata arrarrkpi, ngarrkarrk warramumpik la ngarrkarrk la ngarrkarrk arrarrkpi kawuntuwun angkat la wemin. ‘These people, two women and four men, are farewelling each other.’ Kunpun angkat, nganuraka. ‘I'll see you later, I'm going now.’ See:�angkatangkat�‘forever, permanently.’. Syn:�akut. Category:�Language.
angkatangkat���adverb. forever, permanently. Makiny la yuran angkatangkat. Yiwaning nungmatpa kunak. ‘Thereupon he went away for good. He stayed in another country.’ (Ta) marrik kunnyenyjing naka ngana angkatangkat. ‘'If I had seen you, I wouldn't have gone away.'’. Kutpamaju angkatangkat la marrik kutpurnanganingka muj. ‘You'll die forever and you won't come back again."’ See:�angkat�‘always’. Category:�Activity manner.
ayay���coverb. 1�•�be hanging. Naka kili ayay ja manpurrwa. ‘The material is hanging there.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
3�•�float. Kinypani aya. ‘A seagull is floating in the water.’ Ja luluj kiwani aya. ‘The dog is swimming.’ Note: This can be used to refer to a person or dog swimming if they jump in off a boat. Can also be used to refer to a goanna swimming. Cannot be used for crocodiles or turtles Category:�Activity manner, Motion relating to water.
3�•�drift. Anmina "Yarrangung ayayga". ‘You could say "he drifted over this way."’ Category:�Activity manner, Horizontal movements.
jilik���coverb. travel slowly. Atpanarra jilik parak. ‘We will travel slowly’. See:�pirrikpi�‘slowly, lazily’; junta�‘travel slowly’. Category:�Activity manner.
jungkarra la jungkarra���idiom. year after year. Akut la akut, jungkarra la jungkarra, kamamalkpa. ‘Again and again, year after year it appears.’ See:�akut la akut�‘repetitively’. Category:�Activity manner.
kamungkamung���adverb. along the sandhills, i.e. just behind the beach. Mm kamungkamung yarrangung aniyarrukuning. ‘Mm he was going along following the sand dunes.’ See:�kamung�‘sandhill’; ajputajput�‘along the beaches’. Category:�Activity manner.
karrkarrk���coverb. Restrict:�LL object 1 kanima yarrkarrk�•�miss what was said. Ngapi ngungmany karrkarrk. ‘I missed what you said.’ See:�karrk�‘scratch (redup is arrkarrk or yarrkarrk)’. Category:�Language, Activity manner.
Restrict:�LL object 2 kanima yarrkarrk�•�slip. Yanat animany karrkarrk la mawarlkanyiny. ‘He missed his footing and fell.’ Kanima arrkarrk ‘It slips (e.g. a car stuck in a bog).’ Category:�Vertical motion.
3 kinnyen karrkarrk�•�scrape. Kanin karrkarrk.
kertpirran���iv. 1�•�relax, feel relieved of tension and feel better. Pata awungkang apurra marlu, marrngarla yirrk, ngatpin awutikinang la ta kamalkpa kamin awartpirrany. ‘When they went out in rough winds and heavy seas we used to say they were all tied up (tensed up) and when they arrive they say they were untied (relieved).’ Awartpirran yirrk. ‘They relax (fully) (after doing some work).’ Karlapuk ma nganaw nganartpirran. ‘Quiet, I'm going to lie down and relax now.’ See:�kinnyartpirra�‘untie’. Category:�Anxiety, shame, Sleep.
2�•�move slowly. Be slow to go and start doing something. Imajpungkun, kertpirran marlakan. ‘He gets up, taking it easy, very slowly.’ Nuyi ta kanngartpirran. ‘You're a slow mover.’ Category:�Activity manner.
kimajpungkin���iv. get up, set off. Imajpungkiny yarrangung parak. ‘He got up and went on his way.’ Katpun turuy, imajpunjing ying nungmatpa kunak awuniwu. ‘If we transgress, something bad will happen.’ yaminapa ja nuka apa tatken imajpungkun ‘the crow got up and went with the stone axe’. Syn:�kimartpungkin. See:�kinimajpungku�‘raise, lift up’; kilarrikpin�‘rise’. Category:�Change stance, Activity manner.
kimarkpukpun���iv. travel slowly. Ngatpamarkpukpunpi. ‘We will travel slowly (in that direction).’ See:�kinimarkpukpun�‘slow down’; kimarkpungku�‘travel slowly’. Category:�Activity manner.
kimila���iv. hurry. Usage:�used only in present and imperative tense with no special tense marker for imperative. Variant:�Malalkukuj form. imila ‘he must be quick’; anmila ‘hurry! be quick!’. Ma, anmila. ‘Come on, hurry.’ Ngamilang nguntalkpany. ‘I went too fast and missed a bit (lit: took a shortcut)’. See:�kinnyakataka�‘hurry’; raw�‘eat it!’. Category:�Activity manner.
kinimanpun���tv. 1�•�bite, chew, taste. imanpung ‘He bit himself’. Mampumangung mawiya mampumanpukpuning. ‘They would get the leaves and chew them.’ kinimanpukpun ‘he bites and bites him’. Yunyi kanngarra warak wakapa kiw arukin kunimanpu. ‘Don't go there. Snake, he might bite you.’ See:�kiniwanpun�‘eat until full’. Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�hurt. Marrik nganimanpukpu. ‘It doesn't hurt now.’
3�•�listen to and talk in a language. Category:�Activity manner.
4�•�kill or attack. Category:�General change of state.
kinimirrawukpun���tv. writes and writes it, draw it, change during pregnancy. Ya-a-a nakapa kangpayan ngaw yanyjuk kangmurranymin ya you know kanimirrawukpun apa. ‘They can all see her breasts growing, you know, she's changing.’ Category:�Activity manner, Reproduction.
kiniwinypukpun���tv. 1�•�make smooth, by rubbing with an extended movement. Malanypi nganyawinypukpun mata arawirr. ‘Later on, I will make the didgeridoo smooth.’ arrkanawinypukpun Category:�Weak impact.
2�•�washing clothes for somebody. kingawinypukpun ‘he's washing clothes for her’. Iniwinypukpuning kirrk ja manpurrwa. ‘He washed all the clothes.’ See:�kiniwinypun�‘wash, touch’. Category:�Weak impact, General change of state.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kaniwinypukpun�•�complete it, finish it, be the last to finish the work. Category:�Activity manner.
kiniwularrun���tv. 1�•�finished doing something to something. katiwularrun, atiwularrung. Ngarrimung wularrut ta kantijawa ngarrapularrung. ‘We also finished baking the damper.’ Ingawularrung ja yangali. ‘She finished the basket.’ awuniwularrung Category:�Activity manner.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniwularrun�•�finish (task). angkuwularrung ‘they finished (their talk)’. Qeqe parangapa ngarrungpularrung,inypularrung jita warrawurnji kinypani tuka mawngku. ‘Yes, then we finish, the girl finishes sitting in the shelter.’ See:�larr�‘finish’; kiwularrun�‘finish’. Category:�Activity manner.
kiniyarrkpun���tv. finish(a task), finish off (food). Iwaning inilangung iniyarrkpung ja irratat. ‘He was sitting eating the meat (and) finished it off.’ Awunngawng kirrkju akayarrkpung. ‘She gave them everything and there was nothing left.’ arruniyarrkpu ‘it will destroy us’. See:�kiyarrkpunyjilin�‘finish’. Category:�Activity manner, Illness.
kinnyaka���tv. 1�•�throw (out), push (over), knock over, drop off (in car), pile up. kokanyi. Muka mata mawngku kamangakaga. ‘The shade's come over us.’ Ngamangawunapa, ngyeka ja mangawj. ‘As I cough, I cough up flem.’ Nukawk ja manpurrwa kinnyalmuni - nganti innyakakan? ‘All the clothes are untidy - who threw them everywhere?’ See:�kerwen�‘throw with aim’; kingartpirrun�‘throw spear’; kinnyakataka�‘hurry’; jurrk�‘drop off in car (coverb)’; kiniyiwaka�‘take by pulling, snatch’; kunakay�‘excuse me’. Category:�Throw, trip.
2�•�argue. Yanatapa yinyakakangung la yamin. ‘They struggled repeatedly with each other.’ Kinyaka la yamin. ‘They're arguing ( a man and a woman).’ Iwakangung la wemin. ‘They were throwing the ball to each other.’ Category:�Fight.
3�•�go in opposite directions, separate. innyakan ya yamin ‘they went in different directions’. Malany kayirrk karrungayan Weyirra la Warruwi angakan la anyamin. ‘So now you can see that North Goulburn Island and South Goulburn Island have moved apart.’ Category:�General terms.
4: katjaka�•�build (a building); build, or be built out of, or build a structure. atjakan ‘he built it’; apakan ‘they built it’; ngartakan. Wangaran awuranapa karntirrkan apa mampumanyka mampulalkungung ta takapa ta church apakan ta kantirrkan. ‘They went over to Wangaran. They brought the Cypress Pine over and cut it and made the church building out of Cypress Pine.’ La apakan tirip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the height of the house.’ About tukapa yarl ta kangpaka warrawurnji. ‘About this cone of sand that they build for the girl.’ See:�apaka�‘length, breadth, size’. Category:�Manipulation.
5�•�sort out, throw around. Kinnyaka manpurrwa. ‘He threw clothes all over the place.’ Nukawk ja manpurrwa kinnyalmuni - nganti innyakakan? ‘All the clothes are untidy - who threw them everywhere?’ Warranyngiw inyi korratakaka ta apariyirrk from mainland ‘Children, don't throw around the food from another place, the mainland.’ Category:�Manipulation. Note: Edible object form used to refer to household possessions in general.
Restrict:�VE object 6: kamannyaka�•�go line fishing. Usage:�Usually accompanied by wakij, before or after verb, but kamannyaka alone is usually interpreted the same Ngatpakan wakij, ngarrimany wirlmu. ‘We went fishing and got a barramundi.’ Ngatpana ngatanaka wakij Nganyamirnali. ‘We will go (and) cast out a fishing line at Nganyamirnali (ie. go line fishing).’ Angkuwurulpung mampakan mampulalkukunyapa mata nakawkapa mata nganykarrarr. ‘They cleaned up, cut them down and then cut them up into small pieces, all those mangroves.’ See:�yaw (kamannyaka)�‘cast net’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�LL object 7: kannyaka nuyu�•�make trouble for other people by doing something to someone. Annyakan kirrkpu. ‘He caused a lot of trouble for them.’ See:�lirri�‘trouble, enemy’. Category:�Fight.
Restrict:�LL object 8 Kannyaka kirrk nuyu�•�stuff up, ruin everything for somebody. Kungakan kirrk nuyu nuyipa ‘You have spoilt it all for him.’ Nuyipa kungakan kirrk nuyu, pa awunginkan. ‘You ruined everything for him so they fought.’ Category:�Goodness.
9�•�collect turtle eggs. Anth: Turtle eggs are collected by digging them out of the sand near the sea. Kunuka ja kurlajuk kokan? ‘What type of eggs did you get?’ Category:�Hunting.
10�•�clear up area. Kinnyaka rubbish. ‘He cleans up rubbish.’ Syn:�kaniwurulkpun. Category:�Activity manner.
Restrict:�ED object 11 katjaka�•�put on cermonial bands such as ayukayuk and panang. Category:�General ritual.
Restrict:�MA subject, VE object 12 kamannyaka�•�have a serious meeting in which people put forward important and forthright points of view. Like kapin ngarri warakapa ta kamannyaka la wemin ja kiwarlkparran ja kawa pata kawaga pata wimunpimunawk. ‘Like when we exchange strong words with balanda people, with all the important White people who come here (for meetings).’ Kamannyaka la ngarrimung. Kamannyaka la yamin. Category:�Language.
13�•�spend money. Kingama ja rrupiya, kingakaka yirrk, la kinypani arlarrarr. ‘When she gets paid, she spends it until there's nothing left.’
kinnyaka yara���Restrict:�MA object collect money by saving it in the bank or putting it together for a common purpose. Kiki ja arriwaka yara rrupiya? ‘How about we save some money?’ Arrapaka yara. ‘We're collecting food together for a common purpose.’ Syn:�kinnyutpa. Category:�Holding, sticking.
kingaka murr���Restrict:�GEN subject hurt emotionally. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
-aka ta kanyiga���phrase. hurrry! See:�kinnyakataka�‘hurry’. Category:�Language.
kinnyakataka���tv. Restrict:�MA object hurry. Variant:�Mayinjinaj form. Ngiwakataka warak ngana. ‘I will have to hurry.’ Pa, inyminy "Ngawupa ngyekatakanyipa." ‘So she thought "Let's go, hurry!".’ Imi innyakatakay. ‘He doesn't hurry (he gets up slowly).’ See:�kertpirran�‘be relieved’; kimila�‘hurry’; kinnyaka�‘throw’. Category:�Activity manner.
kinnyutpa���tv. 1�•�put down, write down. With oblique object means 'put away for' or 'keep for'. kurriyutpan, iwutpan, ngyutpan ‘I put it, Capell and Hinch Text 1’; kotpa murr ‘You are holding it tight’. Wakapa ngyutpan ja waliman. ‘I put the axe there.’ kiwutpa ingurlaj ‘they give him a name’. Note: 'mata' comes out as 'pata'. Kutanutpa mata dinghy ‘Hold the dinghy on its side.’ Kamannyatpi rlaw, kammanyutpa manjat. ‘He bends the (spear shaft) with his hands, he makes it straight.’ See:�kinilutpa�‘put down, drop off’; kinnyarutpa�‘leave’; purup�‘put into lying position (kinnyutpa)’; put�‘put it there! put it down!’; kilatpa�‘go down’; kinyngarnutpa�‘sun begins to go down’; kinimirrawun�‘write, draw, mark’; kirirrk�‘put’; kinnyaka yara�‘collect or save something’. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�stop doing what you're doing. Innyutpanapa la ngatpiny, ‘He stopped singing and he said,’ Category:�Activity manner.
Restrict:�ED object 3 katjutpa�•�bird or plane land on ground. Category:�Vertical motion, Weak impact.
innyutpan kurrana���NVidom. new moon appear. See:�kinymarlkurranken�‘new moon appear’. Category:�Longer.
kannyutpa alan���NVidiom. go along path/road, travel route. Annyutpangung parak alan. ‘He was going along the path.’ Ma! Arrungutpanyi alan! ‘Come on! Let's take the path, start off.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kannyutpa wularri / wulatpiyi���make a law, put into the law. Annyutpan wulatpiyi wularrut marrik arrungukpu. ‘He put that law there for us a long time ago and we must not break it.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
katjutpa yurnu���NVidiom. bird or aeroplane land, leave tracks. Ja karlurri katjutpa yurnu. ‘The bird comes down and puts his foot on the ground.’ Katjutpa yurnu yiwarak nganaparru. ‘The buffalo left tracks.’ Katjutpa ta yurnu ta kunak. ‘He made a footprint.’ Category:�Vertical motion, Weak impact.
mannyutpan larnngalk���NVidiom. pick up a sound whose source is not visible.. Work out where someone is from sound they are making. Work out what people are doing from sound they are making. mannyutpan larnngalk ‘he tried to listen’. "A" mannyutpan mata larnngalk. ‘"Ah ha!" he picked up the sound.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kingarrarramin���iv. move slowly. Karrkpin "Nakapa kingarrarramin ja kiyap kega". ‘We say, "That fish is coming towards us slowly."’ Category:�Activity manner, General terms.
kiwrtpin���iv. hurry, pass by, move ahead. yurtpiny ‘he hurried’; anngurrtpina ‘you move’; awurtpina, kinyurtpin. Ngapipa wularrut apa ngurtpiny parak. ‘I was already hurrying along.’ Malany Mayinaj la Yumparrparr iniwung imajungan yurtpinypi pa iwung kapin waryat ‘Yes, Mayinaj hit Yumparrparr and he died and turned into a rock.’ Category:�Activity manner, Movement relating to fixed point.
kiwularrun���iv. finish. Qeqe parangapa ngarrungpularru-ng,inypularru-ng jita warrawurnji kinypani tuka mawngku. ‘Yes, then we finish, the girl finishes sitting in the shelter.’ See:�kiniwularrun�‘finish’. Category:�Activity manner.
kiwutpin���iv. approach quickly. Ja marntingunyuny ja ngatpijan, ngarrutpin parak. ‘The dugong, that we're paddling towards.’ awutpikpiny paraju ‘they went quickly to see’. See:�kiwutpa�‘camp overnight’; kiwujpikpin�‘swell, swollen’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Activity manner.
kiyarrkpunyjilin���iv. finish. Iyamangung iyarrkpunyjiliny. ‘He has finished working.’ La kawani kawani ngarlakarlak la kiki yirrik kamin la kapin ta awuyarrkpunjilin kirrk. ‘They sit there having a meeting or whatever and then they finish.’ Yarran iwany iyarrkpunyjiliny yurrwiriyu yung. ‘They burned it all up until there were only ashes left.’ See:�kiniyarrkpun�‘finish’. Category:�Activity manner.
larr���coverb. 1�•�lean against something while standing. Ngapi nganalangali larr. ‘I will stand against, lean against the wall.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�sit on something, lean on something while sitting. Kiwani larr. ‘He's sitting on something / He's sitting and leaning on something.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
3�•�lie on edge of something, can also be lean while lying. Kiw larr. ‘It's lying on the edge (e.g. of a road or a carpet)’. Category:�Remain stationary.
4�•�lean while walking. Kerra larr, kerra larrtarr. ‘He's leaning while walking.’ Category:�Walking.
Restrict:�MA object 5�•�finish, complete. Wularrut iniwung larr ta iyamangung. ‘He has finished what he was doing already.’ And imirawng kirrkapa iniwung larr. ‘And he sang it and he finished it.’ Iwany kirrk, imirawng kirrk, iniwung larr. ‘When it was all burnt he sang and finished singing the song.’ See:�kiniwularrun�‘finish’. Category:�Activity manner.
malakpuj���coverb. quietly. Warranyngiw kutpaninga malakpuj. ‘Children sit quietly.’ See:�nulakpuntakpuj�‘a quiet person’; kingalkpun�‘quiet, peaceful, calm (weather)’. Category:�Activity manner.
marlakan���adverb. slowly, carefully. Nungmalal ta marlakan anpanamin ngartu ‘Please speak slowly to me.’ See:�junta�‘travel slowly’. Ant:�murr. Category:�Activity manner.
interjection. be careful! Watch out! Go slowly! Anmina marlakan! ‘Be careful!’ Marlakan, mawarlkanyi ‘Be careful, it might fall!’ Category:�Language.
mangarnparrawarra���coverb. quickly, movement. Awungurrinang mangarnparrawarra. ‘They were running quickly.’ Kerra marnparrawarra ‘He is moving quickly (walking)’. Kerra warak marnparrawarra. ‘He's going away quickly.’ Category:�Activity manner.
maru���coverb. 1�•�light flash, such as lightning, flashing torch or blinking television. Kiwani maru mantanti. ‘The lightning is flashing on the mainland.’ Anmayanti kamawani maru mata torch. ‘Look at the torch flashing’. See:�marl�‘light flash intermittently’; marrarawk�‘forked lightning strike, lightning man’; mirruk�‘flashing light’. Category:�Colours and light.
2�•�person asleep on his back making jerky movements. Ay naka kiw maru ja Nangila. ‘Nangila is jerking around in his sleep.’ Kinyu maru jita Ngalangila. ‘Ngalangila is jerking around in her sleep.’ Category:�Activity manner.
marumaru���coverb. 1�•�shiver. Kiwani marumaru. ‘He is shivering.’ See:�mirruk�‘flashing light’. Category:�Automatic actions.
2�•�intermittent continuous flashing lightning. Category:�Sky.
mirlakmirlak��� Nuka ja arrarrkpi la warramumpik kinyiyarrun tuka warra mirlakmirlak. ‘This man is chasing the woman in the grass.’ Category:�Activity manner.
mirnta���noun. work hard, have strength. Imurra mirnta iyamany mira. ‘He had a lot of strength (and) worked hard.’ Juka jita imurra mirnta. ‘She works quickly (said of someone who can, for example, collect a lot of shellfish quickly, or clean up quickly)’. Category:�Activity manner, Goodness.
coverb. Restrict:�MA object be tired, need strength, die (in past perfect tense). Ngapi ngiyalmany mirnta wularrut. ‘I am tired now.’ Ngiyalma mirnta. ‘I seek strength, am tired.’ Nungmatpa karrkaj ingayalmany mirnta waka wiyu inypuyurljin Ilarryarru pa kinyu pata pukapa. ‘And on the other side, when she died, they buried her at Ilarryarru, she's lying there. They were there’. See:�ngarlwak�‘die, polite way of describing someone's death’. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
muj���part. again, still, keep on. Yarakap muj. ‘Once again.’ Ara muj. ‘(He goes and does it) again (annoyed retort).’ La muj ta marlu, marrik arrungayanyjiny mira la ta mapularr. ‘When the wind turns rough, you can hardly see it, but when the sea is calm, you can.’ See:�akutju�‘again, still, also’. Category:�Activity manner.
murrpuj���adverb. (to go) in a group. Arrkpana murrpuj. ‘We will go in a group.’ Kawarra murrpuj. ‘They're moving in a group.’ Awaning murrpuj amparrkamparr. ‘Big mob was sitting together.’ See:�purrkut�‘group, grouped’; nguyuyi�‘animal in group’. Category:�Appearance, Activity manner.
palat���adverb. alone. Nangila kiwani palat. ‘Nangila is sitting alone.’ La ja kaniwurrun mankarni well naka kawuniwun ta palat. ‘And that man who knows how to do sorcery, well he kills them when they are alone.’ Ta palat ta marrik nganti innyayanjing / la kawuniwun. ‘By himself so that so that no one sees him, he kills them.’ See:�walatpalat�‘alone’. Category:�Activity manner.
palay���part. go on, keep going. La apuwujpany palay. ‘They packed up.’ La kayirrk ngarrurri ja yarakap imawurryu palay. ‘Now we just grab one front flipper and off we go.’ Yamin ja muliyu palay. ‘Others get a back flipper and just head off.’ See:�katiwujpa�‘pack up’; pirr�‘keep going’. Category:�Activity manner.
parlparl���coverb. fast, quickly. Yanat innyakan parlparl. ‘He went quickly.’ Category:�Activity manner.
pap���interjection. sit! Usage:�command Variant:�a 'baby talk' command. See:�ap�‘sit down’. Category:�Language, Change stance.
coverb. live, as in how a person lives. La yamin kerra pap ju. ‘He was just living on his own.’ Kapin ja nuwarlkparrakan yamin ja kerra pap. ‘He's an old man who goes around on his own.’ Kerra pap yamin palat. ‘He goes around on his own.’ Category:�Activity manner.
pintij���little bit. Kapin kayirrk ta pintijut. ‘Now there's only a little bit’. Category:�Appearance.
coverb. near the end of.
Restrict:�GEN subject 1�•�be near end. Ngarrunngatpi pintij. ‘We are near the end of the trouble.’ Category:�Activity manner, Location and distance.
2�•�Be near to end of something. Malany kanpani pintij. ‘You are sitting near the end of (the seat).’ Category:�Location and distance.
pirr1���adverb. keep going, go on, go away. Pirr awarrangung parak. ‘And so they kept on going.’ used with pirr at beginning of sentence and angkat at end Category:�Activity manner.
interjection. keep on going, go away. Pirrapa! Pirr, anyanyji! ‘Go away! Go, go away!’ Pirr angkat. ‘Keep on going (until you find where it is).’ See:�palay�‘go on, keep going’. Category:�Language.
pirrikpi���coverb. slowly, lazily. Yarrangung pirrikpi. ‘He was going along slowly.’ See:�jilik�‘slow travel’. Category:�Activity manner.
rtalk���coverb. 1�•�very large. Kapala kiw rtalk. ‘The boat is very large.’ Kurrampalk katju rtalk. ‘The house is a very large one.’ Category:�Size and weight.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�begin, start. Wularrut iwumany rtalk. ‘They have begun already.’ Kayirrk la yanat akutju Nangarrij inimany rtalk Namarrkuranymak. Inimany rtalk Yalarrkuku imirawning. ‘After that Nangarrij Namarrkuranymak started again. He started singing Yalarrkuku.’ Category:�Activity manner.
walatpalat���adverb. alone. Walatpalat yamin iwaning. ‘He's always on his own.’ Kiwani walatpalat He is on his own, by himself See:�palat�‘alone’. Category:�Activity manner.
wariparip���coverb. Restrict:�VE object fast, recklessly. Kamanima wariparip parak. ‘He is going along very fast.’ Kamanima wariparip mira la wanyji mira. ‘He is going too fast and he's too close.’ Category:�Activity manner.
werrk���adverb. first. Nuyi werrk. ‘You first.’ Category:�Activity manner.
wurlurlu���adverb. until. Awaningan wurlurlu inyuryiliny jita muwarn. ‘They stayed there until the sun set.’ Wurlurlu awaninganapa inymalkpany wu ja jarrang. ‘They sat long enough until the horse came up to them.’ Category:�Activity manner.
coverb. 1�•�grow, become big. Kerra wurlurlu warak ja ingijalk ja pinana. ‘The banana fruit is growing bigger.’ Category:�General, Size and weight.
2�•�take hold of, embrace, capture. Inimany wurlurlu, innyakan. ‘He grabbed him around the middle and threw him down.’ Yimurnanganyangapa yilatpakpanyapa yiwumany wurlurlupa pata warra mijmij. ‘Then he was returning and coming down, and the sandflies captured him.’ Jita warrawurnji inyimany ja arrarrkpi, inyimany arrarrkpi. ‘The man grabbed the girl, he embraced her.’ Note: Not hug though, just grabbing around her. See:�kiniwuyatpi�‘hold in arms’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�feel pain in the stomach. Atiwany walij pa yalyungan iniwuning wurlurlu. ‘He ate some food and then he felt a pain in his stomach.’ Category:�Sickness.
Restrict:�MA subject 4�•�feel the desire for revenge. Nakapa ja arrarrkpi nakapa ngeyan nganiwun wurlurlu nuyu malanypi la ngiwanawun. ‘That man I see I feel something, revenge against him and later on I will kill him (because 2 to 3 years ago he killed my brother).’ See:�arrarr�‘coverb, have diarrhoea’. Category:�Hate, anger. Note: oblique object pronoun probably only used with second sense
wurrkaj���adverb. 1�•�nearly, about to. Ngapi wurkaj nguran. ‘I nearly went.’ See:�wanyji�‘near’. Category:�Activity manner.
2�•�before. Nginji wurrkaj imirawning ja Nawurlany. ‘Nawurlany was singing the Nginji song, he sung it a lot, before.’ Wurrkaj antajing la ngungjurrkiny. ‘There used to be a hole but I filled it in’. See:�wularrut�‘before’. Category:�Activity manner.
wutarr���part. a little bit further, a bit more. Kutpanyi yurrng putarr. ‘Put it a little further up, a little higher.’ See:�nanguj�‘recent time’. Category:�Location and distance, Activity manner.
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