Peoples and clans

Peoples and clans

arrarrkpi���noun. 1�•�man, married man or man who has gone through ceremonies. Nuka arrarrkpi. ‘This is a man.’ Kurlingka marryun kawani? ‘Are there any males/boys living here?’ See:�warla nuyumale; warra punyifathers, men. Category:�Peoples and clans, Ages.

2�•�aboriginal person. Category:�Peoples and clans. Nuka arrarrkpi la nuka palanta. ‘This is an aborigine and this is a white man.’

3�•�a group of Aboriginal people. Category:�Females. Arrarrkpi kawulangali iliwan. ‘The (aboriginal) people are at Iliwan.’

4�•�human, person. Ngarrurri arrarrkpi yirrk, ta ngarrurri. ‘We are all people, we are.’ Category:�Females.

arrkpuntuj���noun. sisters who are in the same clan. They need not be 'close' sisters. Ngatpuntuj Yalama ‘My sisters who are also in Yalama clan.’ Ngatpuntuj Bon. ‘My sisters who are also in Bon clan.’ See:�arrkpurrungmy brothers who share the same clan name as me; nuwutpuntuja man or woman uses this to talk to one of their children about another one. Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties.

arrkpurrung���noun. brothers who are in the same clan. They need not be 'close' brothers. Ngatpurrung Jalama. ‘My brothers who are also in Yalama clan.’ Ja nuka ngatpurrung Manjulnguny Nawuraj inimany. ‘My cousin-brother's (Kuwartpu number 1), son (Albert).’ ngatpurrung, ngatpirring, ngatpurru ‘my brother’. See:�nuwutpurrunga man or woman uses this to talk to one of their children about another male one; arrkpuntujsisters same clan; kiniwurrunknow, remember or think about a specific person or thing. Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties.

arrparlkparrakanut���noun. we are old people, us old people. Category:�Peoples and clans, Illness and death.

awk���part. refers to a group of items or people. Awuniwu awk nukang arukin. ‘The snake might hurt that group of people.’ La kuwanala awk ja karlurri la irratat. ‘You can eat all kinds (groups) of animals and meats.’ Ngarrartayawng awk ta kurnpi atangaling. ‘We could see the groups of kurnpi trees standing there.’ See:�kinnyartawkunadd on to; kiwartawkunjilinmixed together; yirrkpost-verbal particle, all, completive. Category:�Peoples and clans.

awulurrangkekenyjing���iv. try and take over somebody else's place. Malany naka naka muj marrik awulurrangkekenjing ngarri ngarruken ‘So they shouldn't just try and take over and be our boss.’ See:�kilurrangkenjump. Category:�Arrangement, Peoples and clans.

imurra wimpurrk���phrase. a successful person. Category:�Peoples and clans, Goodness.

inilarruwun���tv. 1�•�have same mother's clan. -larruwun, -lagarruwun, ingalagarruwun from her mother's clan; inilarruwun imarrk his uncle, or 'they are uncle and ngaya' e.g. Roy and Jacob; inilarruwun ninymarrk his mother; kiwularruwun wimarrk they share the same mother's clan in that group; awunpularruwun wimarrk they have the same mother's clan as them. Nganilarrawun ngamarrk. ‘May's mother and Billy's mother are in the same clan so if May wanted to talk about Billy she could have said this.(i.e. he who has the same mother's clan as me)’. Jakapa jita nginyjarrawun ninymarrrk. ‘Solomon's mother and Nita are in the same clan Malkparryi so he coiuld say this to refer to Nita - note difference in agreement of -marrk, this could be relevant here.’ Angalarruwun ninymarrk ‘She is in her mother's clan, e.g. kamulkparn.’ Nganilarruwun ngamarrk ‘He's my son’. See:�anminajpanymother's mother's clan; wimarrkstomachs, bellies. Category:�Peoples and clans.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�share land, in any way. arrundarruwun our mother's homeland. Anilarruwun kunak. Category:�Social responsibilities and events.

inimi amparlarr���people from the topside of Alligator River. See:�niminimigo to back; nimibuttocks. Category:�Peoples and clans.

inypularr���noun. orphan, one whose mother has died. This term is used for a person whose mother has died, usually just for a short time after her death. It may be used for children until they have grown up. See:�lakputorphan (lost father); iwularr. Category:�Peoples and clans.

coverb. 1�•�murder. Qe yi pa ninyarakapapa inyiwung inypularr. ‘Yes and he killed one of the women.’ Category:�General change of state.

2�•�kill, intending to kill by doing so. Category:�General change of state.

ingalkpany���noun. to have been born in a place, have grown up in a place. Naka ingalkpany Warruwi. ‘He was born at Warruwi, he grew up at Warruwi.’ See:�kingalkpunquiet, calm weather; nuwuranbe from place; kiligatravel from, be from. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ja katiwarrama walij���phrase. one who distributes food, store worker. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ja katiwunyaka walij���phrase. one who cooks food, cook. See:�kiniwunyakakeep cooking. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ja katjaka kurrampalk���phrase. one who puts houses together, builder. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ja kawunnyukiki warranyngiw���phrase. one who teaches children, teacher. Category:�Peoples and clans.

jawirna���noun. friend. See:�ngantakalifriend. Category:�Peoples and clans.

jenmal���noun. person who lisps, has nonstandard pronunciation, talks too softly etc. ngaljenmal FE.person.with.strange.pronunciation. Category:�Peoples and clans.

kakawarr���noun. messenger for kurnapipi ceremony. Anth: For the dua ceremony the messenger must be yirridja See:�purlkumessenger for mardayin ceremony; kurnapipibig ceremony that is run by the duwa side. Category:�Peoples and clans, General ritual.

kamulwarrakan���noun. a person who is part Aborigine. Category:�Peoples and clans.

kapikapik���noun. coastal dweller. Yanat ja nuwul kapikapik. ‘He comes from a coastal area.’ Syn:�nuwulwurrula. Category:�Peoples and clans.

kapumunkapumun���noun. Restrict:�PL leaders of the community, very important people. Syn:�wimunpimun. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ja katiwirtpalaka wu���phrase. the main traditional owner of an area of land. Category:�Peoples and clans.

karten yarrkjarrk���phrase. one who uses a different pronunciation. See:�yarrkjarrkbreak, split open, gut. Category:�Peoples and clans.

kawulartparrki���iv. Restrict:�PL subject they are countrymen. See:�kiningartparrkishoot successfully in the head. Category:�Peoples and clans.

kilangali���iv. 1�•�stand. karrkangali, kilangaliya come for a visit from that area, homeland or not (same verb?) c.f. kilangali; katangali. Ilangaling yalayala tuka skurl. ‘He was standing outside the school.’ awulangaling ‘they were staying’. See:�kamalangalikitrees be clumped; kiligatravel from, be from; kinilanganistand up; kilarrajpenstand up, stand still; imalmakpanyperform. Category:�Remain stationary.

2�•�stay, be, katangali It is standing; kamalangali It is standing. Wakapa awunlangaling pata arrarrkpi yiwulangungapa kiyap. ‘The people were staying there and eating the fish.’ awunlangaling ‘They were staying’. See:�mulilceremony; minyngu. Category:�Remain stationary.

3�•�be born, more polite than kilurrangken. Variant:�Ngurtikin form. Ilangalingan ja warranyngiw. ‘The child is born.’ Kurlingka inyjangalingan warrawurnji (or) marryun? ‘Did she give birth to a girl or a boy? (lit. was a girl born, or was it a boy?)’ Kula kayirrk iwalangali ja warranyngiw? Iwalurrangken? ‘Is the child being born now? About to be born?’ See:�kilurrangkenjump, be born; kelkpabare young, lay eggs; kiwarntangalikisomeone who is sleeping with their legs elevated. Category:�Reproduction.

Usage:�with PP suffix 4�•�have come from place, in journey. Nuka ngampiwi kilangalinganka? ‘But where has he come from?’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

kilangali tuka wurak���phrase. the child is in utero. Naka warranyngiw kilangali tuka wurak. ‘She is with child.’ Category:�Reproduction.

5�•�be child of. nukapa pata kawulangali Marrawal la Narul. ‘That man's children are Marrawal and Narul.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.

6�•�be part of a certain human grouping. Anth: This includes being in a matrimoiety grouping, semi-moiety (skin) grouping, clan group. Being a participant in a ceremony. Ngapi ngalangali ngangiri Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku. ‘My skin name/matrimoiety is Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku.’ Ja kimaju karriwunyaka nuyu irrkpalakaj la karrangali minyngu. ‘When someone dies, we smoke his possessions and have a minyngu.’ Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties, General ritual.

Restrict:�GEN subject ; FE object 7: kinyngalangali�•�huge. inyngalangaling. Category:�Size and weight.


kiliga���iv. travel from, be from. Stand. ngati, ankingan, inyjinganka she came from (her homeland); ilinganka he came from; kilinganka he is coming from. Juka kapa inyjinganka Wumara ngungpurrun arakap ngarru kunak apa. ‘Her, she came from Wumara. I think we come from the same area.’ Karrkpurnangani akutju tuka arrkinganka tuka kamalangali muka. ‘Now we're back at the same place we left, where this tree is.’ Awulingan inimany wurlurlu. ‘They stood there and he hugged him.’ See:�awulinganbe siblings; kilangalibe born; ingalkpanyTo have been born in a place, have grown up in a place; kinyjichoke; yili (kingurrin). Category:�Peoples and clans, Remain stationary.


kinnyurlngpun���tv. 1�•�mix together. Kiki ja arrapanurlngpukpun ta kantijawa. ‘How about we mix together them (flour and baking powder) to make the damper?’ Nuwurri la ngarri arranurlngpun. ‘Your lot and our lot will share our (two lots of crabs), put them together.’ Category:�Manipulation.

2�•�be countryman to. Restrict:�PL subject Nuka arryurlngpukpun kerra warak. ‘That is our countryman going along (there).’ See:�kawulakpuntikinbe company together in land. Category:�Peoples and clans.

Restrict:�PL subject3: arryurlngpun�•� See:�murlijYour ngawiny who is my ngawiny. Category:�family, inc moieties.

Restrict:�PL object 4: kawunnyurlngpun�•�can mean 'have multiple wives' or 'have the same father but different mothers'. Category:�family, inc moieties.

kingatarryu���iv. know, be a wise man, one who knows the law and things that other people do not know. Politics person. Nuka ja kingartarryu. ‘He is a wise man’. Ja nulawnut ja kingartarryu. ‘Fully initiated aboriginal man.’ See:�murrparlclever, wise, knowledgable; nuwalarrpiyinyimportant person, clever person; kiwkenlook for. Category:�Peoples and clans. Usage:�Heavy Mawng.

kiwarlkparran���iv. white, clear, clean. kangparlkparran 3LL-clear-NP, 3LL-white-NP. Yarakap arrarrkpi ngeyawng kiwarlkparran. ‘I saw that the man is white.’ kangparlkparran ‘When the water is clear’. Category:�Colours and light, Water bodies.

noun. non-Aboriginal. kiwarlkparran ‘white person’. Like angparlkparran kawunginka. ‘(the language) That White people speak.’ See:�kiyiwarrakanshow white. Category:�Peoples and clans.

kawarlkparran kawukawuk���noun. half case person. Puka pata kawarlkparran kawukawuk. ‘They are part of European people.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.

kawarlkparran kawukawuk���noun. half case person. Puka pata kawarlkparran kawukawuk. ‘They are part of European people.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.

kiwanpani���iv. 1�•�sits up (used of child who is able to sit up). Nuka ja warranyngiw wularrut kiwanpani. ‘This child is already sitting up.’ Category:�Remain stationary, Illness and death.

2�•�come from, habitually live at. Ngarri ta ngatpanpani ta ngatpuran Warruwi. ‘We are people who live at, who come from Warruwi.’ See:�kawanpanidugong group; kiwanisit. Category:�Peoples and clans.

kiwken���iv. 1�•�look, look for. arrkpanuken we will look; karrukany, nguken, anngukeny, yukeny, inyukeny, awukeny~awukany. Awuran tuka wurl awukany ajirrik yurnu nuyu. ‘They went to a billabong, they looked for what might be its footprints.’ Anngukeny tuka kurrampalk, arlarrarr mata yungu. ‘You looked at the house but there's no fire.’ Ngarrkarrk arrarrkpi awuran awukakenang nganaparru. ‘Two men went looking for buffalo.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

2�•�boss, leader. Usage:�light Mawng yukenang he was chief. Yanat ja kiwken ngarrurru. ‘He is our boss.’ ngarruken ‘we are the bosses’. Syn:�kingatarryu. Category:�Peoples and clans.

kun-���NP. prefix added to partilineal clan name to show that it is the mother's patrilineal clan. Ngapi warlarr muwarn ngalangali ta warlarr ngartu la manjulnguy la kuntanek. ‘My moiety is sun and (my clan) manjulnguny and (from my mother) tanek.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.

lirri���noun. 1�•�trouble associated with arguing or fighting. Yanat kanimalngajpun lirri ngarrurru. ‘He is making more trouble for us.’ Larla wularr ngawu katja ngungatpi karrkpin ta lirri la arrkpana arriwalawkula arrungpanawun manjat ngartu. ‘Sisters come with me and we will straighten out the trouble I am in.’ Takapa anturrangkenang lirri. ‘That's how they make trouble.’ Awaningan pata arrarrkpi awk awuran nuyu lirri ja Kortaweli. ‘Those men went to pay back Kortaweli.’ See:�kilirrinyminbe angry; kamarkpasmoulder; kilurrangkenjump, fly, hop in. Category:�Fight. Note: All uses seem to involve a verb directly or with ta

2�•�enemy. Usage:�with oblique pronoun Nuka ja lirri wu. ‘He is their enemy.’ See:�anpulirriwarriors. Category:�Peoples and clans.

coverb. 1�•�tell somebody off. Kerra lirri. ‘He growls somebody.’ Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.

2�•�want to hit or kill someone. Kinyaka lirri. ‘He tries to hit her.’ Category:�Hate, anger. Anth: For example, the close blood relatives of a deceased try to hit the wife of the deceased, blaming her for his death. People hold them to try and stop them. After that the wife is (theoretically) clear of blame.

3�•�make trouble for other people by fighting with a third group. Kawunnyaka lirri. ‘He's angry with them.’ Naka kawunnyaka lirri. ‘He makes trouble for them.’ Kinnyaka lirri. ‘He makes trouble.’ Category:�Fight, Hate, anger. Note: canonical agreement

Restrict:�GEN subject 4�•�angry. Ingakangung lirri. ‘He was angry.’ Ingakan lirri or kingawun lirri, the same. ‘He gets angry.’ Kingakan ja lirri. ‘He's angry.’ Category:�Hate, anger.

Restrict:�GEN subject 5�•�be very angry. Kingawun lirri ngaw, inypaniwu ‘He's angry at her, he will hit her.’ Kingawun nuyu lirri. ‘He is angry at him.’ Kingawunpu lirri. ‘He's angry and them.’ Category:�Hate, anger.

6�•�make trouble. Kurrungulawu lirri, ay kiki? ‘You make trouble with them, ey what?’ Inyi kurrungulawn lirri. ‘Don't make trouble with other boys.’ Category:�Fight.

rlanyja���noun. person who fights a lot, is aggressive. ngarrkarrk lanyja ‘two who fight a lot’. Category:�Peoples and clans.

malarrk���noun. a person who comes from North Eastern Arnhem Land. Nuka ja malarrk kerraga. ‘The Eastern Arnhem Lander is coming.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.

mamik���noun. a short, stout person. Ant:�warlarr. Category:�Size and weight, Peoples and clans.

mamuli���noun. 1�•�large male animal. Category:�General.

2�•�greedy, lustful. Category:�Desire, Peoples and clans.

mankarni���noun. 1�•�a powerful medicine man who works sorcery against people. Mankarni ja karruniwun, karrunirrka kunuka irrik. ‘The mankarni is someone who harms us, sticks something into us or does something else.’ Category:�Peoples and clans, Sorcery.

2�•�the knowledge that a mankarni has. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention. See:�marrgijpusorcerer. Category:�Ritual and socery.

mantanti���noun. the mainland, people from the mainland. Category:�Landscape, Peoples and clans.

mantanti akut���phrase. South, South side (literally: the direction of the mainland). Pulikang wumarrk kinyjangali la leopard mantanti akut. ‘The cow is below and the leopard is on the south side.’ Category:�Cardinal directions.

mantanti kapukpaga���phrase. south wind. The wind which comes from the direction of the mainland. See:�jimurruSouth-east trade winds; parrawest wind. Category:�Wind.

mangkajarra���noun. Macassan. Now used for Indonesians too. Pata mangkajarra awangkungka awaning awuyamangung jarripang. ‘The Macassans used to come and work on trepang.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.

marnturrkpaj���noun. a person who walks a long way. Ja arrarrkpi ja kanimarrajpun warak ke naka ngatpin marnturrkpaj. ‘A man who walks long distances we call a marnturrkpaj.’ See:�walarrkpajlong way off; ilarrkupanyalong, tall; manturr-manturrplace name. Category:�Peoples and clans.

marawk���noun. 1�•�Friarbirds, honeyeaters (generic). Philemon spp.. Category:�Small birds.

2�•�baldy. An insulting term for people with a small amount of hair on the head, like a leatherhead bird. Nuyi ta marawk wanji. ‘You have a head like a leatherhead, not much hair!’ Category:�Peoples and clans, Head.

Maringa���noun. 1�•�country around Cape Stewart. Wakapa tuka maringa kunak. ‘There in the Blyth River, Cape Stewart region.’ Category:�Place names.

2�•�refers to a person from the Blyth River, Cape Stewart Region. Punyi maringa arrarrkpi. ‘Father is a Cape Stewart man.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.

marrgijpu���noun. 1�•�sorcerer, witchdoctor. Tribal medicine man who can work good or bad medicine. He is like a doctor, not like a mankarni. Category:�Peoples and clans. Usage:�used with kininyji for 'heal'

2�•�the knowledge a marrgijpu has of his type of sorcery. ta marrgij ta mankarni ‘used to refer to the two types of knowledge I think’. See:�mankarnisorcerer; pilpuaboriginal doctor. Category:�Supernatural.

milarngmilarng���noun. cry baby, too many tears. See:�milarngtears. Category:�Peoples and clans.

murntamurnta���noun. large bellied person. Naka ja arrarrkpi ja kerra juju naka ja murntamurnta. ‘That man walking along there is a large bellied person.’ Category:�Shape, Peoples and clans.

namanamaj���noun. patrilineal descent line. People of a common patrilineal descent share a common clan name. See:�yurrumupatrilineal name. Syn:�nguya. Category:�Peoples and clans.

namapa���noun. a hostile warlike person or group. Tumatpa wiwalu awuranka namapa awanginka. ‘The hostile group came to fight.’ Tukapa namapapa yurankawu. ‘A big group of people went for revenge.’ Ya imalkpanykapa ja namapapa awunilagatpung. ‘Yeah, the group of fighters arrived and he surrounded them.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.

namumuyak���noun. 1�•�dream time period. Category:�Longer.

2�•�dream time people. Category:�Peoples and clans.

naworneng���noun. a person who makes people laugh. See:�ngalwornenga female who is a good story teller and can make people laugh. Category:�Peoples and clans.

naykamarrang���noun. friend-namarrang. See:�nayk-a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names. Category:�Peoples and clans.

naykangila���noun. friend-nangila. See:�nayk-a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names. Category:�Peoples and clans.

naykawaj���noun. friend-nawaj. See:�nayk-a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names. Category:�Peoples and clans.

naykngarrij���noun. friend-nangarrij. See:�nayk-a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names. Category:�Peoples and clans.

naykpangari���noun. friend-nawangari. See:�nayk-a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names. Category:�Peoples and clans.

naykpurlany���noun. friend-nawurlany. See:�nayk-a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names. Category:�Peoples and clans.

naykuyuk���noun. friend-nawuyuk. See:�nayk-a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names. Category:�Peoples and clans.

naykwamut���noun. friend-nawumut. See:�nayk-a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nayk-���NP. a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names. Anth: It is used of a trusted close relation who is in that particular subsection, skin. If it was still not clear who was being referred to, the namanamaj or nguya name could be used. See:�ngalyik-prefix to subsection names; naykamarrangfriend-namarrang; naykangilafriend-nangila; naykawajfriend-nawaj; naykngarrijfriend-nangarrij; naykpangarifriend-nawangari; naykpurlanyfriend-nawurlany; naykuyukfriend-nawuyuk; naykwamutfriend-nawumut. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ninymun���noun. important woman. See main entry: imun. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ninypulwarak���noun. a person who comes from afar (a woman). See:�nuwulwarakstranger, foreigner. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ninypuran���noun. country a person belongs to, where they are from. Juka jita ninypuran Putawin. ‘She comes from Darwin.’ See main entry: nuwuran. Category:�Peoples and clans.

numariyirrk���noun. a stranger, outsider. ninymariyirrk, nungmariyirrk, mamariyirrk, tumariyirrk. Ngatpin "Juka Ngarrurranka jita ninymariyirrk." ‘We say "We've come here with this new girl."’ Kapin ja manyirrk yang. ‘When strange men go there.’ Pata tumariyirrk kapin Djambarrpuyngu kawunginka. ‘And some people from outside our country speak Djambarrpuyngu.’ Category:�Peoples and clans. Anth: Used of fellow Aborigines from other areas. For example if a new girl comes to Warruwi they take her to Wulakpirij and call out to the ancestors

numurrpikpin���noun. afraid or causes fear. A person that is frightened of something or a fearful animals such as one that is too afraid to come near. ninymurrpikpin, nungmurrpikpin, tumurrpikpin. Ngagarrak ta nungmurtpikpin kunak. ‘Ngagarrak (Cone Point) is a frightening place.’ See:�kinimurtpafear; kimurtpinafraid of, afraid for, worried about. Category:�Peoples and clans, fear, shock, surprise, Supernatural, Landscape.

nuna���noun. non-Aboriginal woman. See:�palantaa non-aboriginal who is not Macassan. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nungunji���noun. black, dark in colour, dirty, Aboriginal. ninyngunji, wungunji, mangunji, nakunji, wingunji. Wungunji ta kurrula. ‘The sea is dirty today (brown coloured).’ See:�kingunjanyminbecome black, dirty; kiningunjanymamake black, dirty. Category:�Properties of surface, Peoples and clans.

nuwalarrpiyiny���noun. an important person, a clever person. See:�kingaturrynknow, be a wise man. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nuwulwarak���noun. a person who comes from a long way off, a stranger, a foreigner. ngawulwarak, ninypulwarak, napulwarak, tuwulwarak. See:�nuwul-be from; nuwurancountry a person belongs to; wul-person coming from. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nuwulworri���noun. person who comes inland, a bush dweller. People from Oenpelli or further inland. ninypulworri, nawulworri a tree that is found only in inland areas; napulwawurri, tuwulwawurri. Napulwawurri. ‘Wind from the land (south).’ tuwul warrin See:�nuwul-be from; wawurriinland, dry land. but nawaran mantanti, pa nawulworri. ‘but it (tree) is only found on the mainland, inland’. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nuwulwurrula���noun. a coastal dweller. Syn:�kapikapik. See:�kurrulasea; nuwul-be from; nuwurancountry a person belongs to; wul-person coming from. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nuwul-���NP. prefix or particle meaning 'be from' doesn't occur on its own. napul- (wind).be.from. Napul wungijalk. ‘Wind from the sea (north).’ Napul wawurri. ‘Wind from the land (south).’ See:�nuwuranbe from place; nuwulwarakforeigner, stranger; nuwulwurrulaa coastal dweller; tuwulwularrutancestors; nuwulworriperson from inland. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nuwuran���noun. country a person belongs to, where they are from, clan they are from. arrkpuran, ninypuran, nawuran, tuwuran. Ja nuwuran ngampiwi ja arrarrkpi? ‘Where does that man come from?’ Ngungpurrun nuwuran Wamarli. ‘I think he came from Wamarli.’ Syn:�pani. See:�ninypurancountry a person belongs to, where they are from; tuwurancountry people belong to; arrkpuranwe belong to the same land; nuwul-prefix or particle meaning 'be from' , not used on its own; nuwulwarakstranger, foreigner; nuwulwurrulaa coastal dweller; ingalkpanybe from place; kiniwarlka iwuranused to refer to a man's brother-in-law or a pair of brothers-in-law.. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nuwutja���noun. inexpert, poor fisherman. ninyputja no good at getting crabs or oysters; tuwutja. Taka pata tuwutja. ‘They're bad at fishing.’ Ant:�angparti. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nyunyuk���noun. a place that is very important for the well-being of the people, a sacred site. Only certain people can go there. Mata, mata nyunyuk mata warlk mata malangaling Warral. ‘A special tree was standing there, the Warral.’ Syn:�jang. Category:�Supernatural, Landscape, Peoples and clans.

ngaljenmal���noun. a person with an abnormal pronunciation, a lisp. See:�jenmalperson who lisps. Category:�Physical disability and injury, Peoples and clans.

ngantakali���noun. friend. Anth: This is a polite way of addressing a person, especially if asking for something. Ara ngantakali nganuni ngilanyi nakapa kiyap. ‘Hey friend, how about givng me some of that fish to eat.’ See:�jawirnafriend. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nguya���noun. 1�•�a group of people associated with a patrilineal or matrilineal clan name. See:�yurrumupatrilineal name. Syn:�namanamaj. Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties.

2�•�language one uses and songs one sings to make a turtle or dugong come to you when hunting. Category:�Play, perform, joke.

pakala���noun. a chatterbox, a person who talks incessantly. Category:�Peoples and clans.

pani���noun. belong to place named. ja pani Inyparlmun ‘who comes from Inyparlmun’. Syn:�nuwuran. Category:�Peoples and clans.

pangku���noun. part-Aboriginal person. Category:�Peoples and clans.

parijak���noun. name given to a person who holds his arms away from his body when he walks. Category:�Peoples and clans.

pilpu���noun. an aboriginal doctor. See:�marrgijpusorcerer. Category:�Peoples and clans.

purlku���noun. messenger for mardayin ceremony. See:�kakawarrmessenger for kurnapipi ceremony. Category:�Peoples and clans, General ritual.

punyikarlu���noun. 1�•�blind person. See:�punyiblind (coverb). Category:�Physical disability and injury, family, inc moieties, Peoples and clans. Note: Also used as polite term of reference to avoidance relatives

2�•�old person, old people, can be used as term of respect for one's mother when she becomes older. Warra punyikarlu apinyjung." ‘The old people put an increase spell on that place/The old people live and work there a lot (by implication)’. See:�punyifather; kininyjia long time ago the old people put a spell on that place. Category:�Peoples and clans, Illness and death, family, inc moieties.

rrimpa���noun. boss. Variant:�not used now. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ta ngatpalkany kirrka���phrase. we, the new generation. Kayirrk ta ngatpalkpany kirrka naka ngatpin marrmarr murnin kayirrk apa mamalkpanyka mata palanta nuyu mata yungku. ‘So when the new generation came up we were so excited that the whiteman brought us matches and lighters to show us.’ See:�yirrkpost-verbal particle, all, completive. Category:�Peoples and clans.

tangok���noun. one who talks a lot. Variant:�A term used in Mawng; Kunwinyku; and Kunbarlang.. Category:�Peoples and clans.

tumatpa���noun. others (human). See main entry: numatpa. Category:�Peoples and clans.

tumatpa wiwalu���idiom. people of another group. Category:�Peoples and clans. Pata tumatpa wiwalu awuranka ta kayirrk. ‘A different group of people have come now.’ See:�numatpaother, another one.

tuwarlkparrakanut���noun. old people, people from long ago. Category:�Peoples and clans. See main entry: nuwarlkparrakan.

tuwujirran���noun. a successful person. See:�kiniwujirrasmell. Category:�Peoples and clans.

tuwulwularrut���noun. ancestors, not dreamtime people, but earlier human people. See:�wularrutpularrutpeople from long ago; ngatpularrutgroup of people with the same moiety and totem; wularrutbefore; nuwulbe from. Category:�Peoples and clans.

tuwuran���noun. country people belong to. Category:�Peoples and clans. See main entry: nuwuran.

warla nuyu���noun. male human. Ilangaling warla nuyu. ‘A male child has been born.’ Ant:�warramurntuj. See:�warlapenis; arrarrkpiman, married man or man who has gone through ceremonies. Category:�Peoples and clans.

warlarr2���noun. a tall person. See:�mamikshort; warlarrparlarrugly. Category:�Size and weight, Peoples and clans.

warlarr1���noun. clan or skin grouping. Also used as term of address between people in same group. Ngapi warlarr muwarn ngalangali ta warlarr ngartu la manjulnguny la kuntanek. ‘My clan is sun and manjulnguny and (from my mother) tanek.’ See:�warlarrparlarrugly; witparlarrutthey of the same moiety and have the same totem. Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties.

warlarrparlarr���noun. an ugly person. Jaka jita warlarrparlarr. ‘She is ugly looking.’ See:�warlarrtall, clan group, skin group. Category:�Goodness, Peoples and clans.

warra kamumu���phrase. women. See:�warramumpikwoman, women; warra punyimen; kamumother, mother's sisters, father's other wives and her sisters; warramurntujfemale. Category:�Peoples and clans.

warra ngurrijakurr���noun. little people, who live in the mangroves on Goulburn Island. Category:�Peoples and clans.

warra punyi���noun. fathers, men. See:�warra kamumuwomen; arrarrkpiman; warraparticle that says there is more than one of something; punyifather, father's brother. Category:�Peoples and clans.

warrarrawurnji���noun. female children, young girls. See:�warrawurnjigirl. Category:�Peoples and clans.

warrwak���adverb. 1�•�later on, afterwards. Warrwak malany nganamin nuwurru ta wulatpiyi ta ngungatpi wiymunpiymun arrarrkpi aminy ngartu. ‘Later on, I will tell you the message that I have from the leaders.’ Nganunparra werrk, warrwak la ngana kiyap. ‘I'll sleep first, later on I'll go fishing.’ Category:�Longer.

2�•�that place, already mentioned. Wenat pata kapin tuwuran warrwak. ‘They all belonged to that place, back there.’ See:�meywarrabehind. Category:�Location and distance.

3�•�last person. Ngarri ta warrwak mira ngarrurakangung. ‘We were the last people that got back.’ See:�kiwrakaused for first and oldest. Category:�Peoples and clans.

4�•�behind. See:�kinilurrkube behind someone.

ja warrwak, jita warrwak���younger sibling or youngest sibling in a family. Reference term. See:�wulkurroldest sibling, older sibling; awunilurinyyoungest son. Category:�Ages.

wera���noun. other (people), some. See main entry: yara. See:�yarasome. Category:�Peoples and clans, Amounts.

werawungut���noun. a few (people). See:�yarawunguta few. Category:�Amounts, Peoples and clans.

wirl���noun. a person or thing that keeps following someone, a nuisance. Mirrinyak ja wirl ja ngili. ‘The mirrinyak is a type of mosquito that is a nuisance (it keeps following someone).’ Nuka ja karruniyarrukun angkat ja wirl. ‘He is always following us, he is a nuisance.’ Ngawunpirlung la wirl. ‘I went to pick them up but they didn't want to come home.’ See:�pirlcripple. Category:�Peoples and clans.

wimun���noun. big, important people, 'big' people. See main entry: imun. Category:�Peoples and clans.

wimunpimun���noun. very important people, leaders of the community. See:�wimunimportant. Syn:�kapumunkapumun. Category:�Peoples and clans.

wirriwirri���noun. poor-conditioned, skinny. Naka ja marryun ja wirriwirri. ‘He is very skinny boy.’ Maka mata kamarnti mata wirriwirri mata mangko. ‘There are some mangoes in poor condition.’ Category:�Size and weight, Peoples and clans.

wularrutpularrut���noun. people from long ago. Ajirrik ta wularrut ta tukapa angpunmangung pata wularrutpularrut pata karrkpin wawupawu la karrkpin mamam. ‘They were telling that story long ago, our old ancestors, our father's fathers and our father's mothers.’ See:�wularrutbefore; tuwulwularrutancestors. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nuwulworri���noun. person who comes inland, a bush dweller. People from Oenpelli or further inland. ninypulworri, nawulworri a tree that is found only in inland areas; napulwawurri, tuwulwawurri. Napulwawurri. ‘Wind from the land (south).’ tuwul warrin See:�nuwul-be from; wawurriinland, dry land. but nawaran mantanti, pa nawulworri. ‘but it (tree) is only found on the mainland, inland’. Category:�Peoples and clans.

wul-���NP. person coming from. This prefix makes a bound nominal stem from a word that says something about the origin of a person. It is found in only 3 words and is probably not productive. See:�nuwulwarakstranger; nuwulwurrulaperson from the coast. Category:�Peoples and clans.

wurlngun���noun. 1�•�small periwinkle, called Greyish Turban Snail, somewhat bumpy. Turbo cinereus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wurlngun. Wurlngun ja karrila. ‘The wurlngung that we eat.’ Kiw tuka waryatparyat. ‘It lives among the rocks.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat. Note: May refer to any small snail

2�•�harmless growth in the eye. Usage:�does not participate in sickness constructions Naka wurlngun nuyu. ‘That's his growth in his eye.’ Category:�Sickness.

3�•�big eyes, bulging eyes, way of describing someone that is not polite. See:�wurlungunnguna net dillybag used to gather yams. Category:�Peoples and clans.

wurlurn���noun. 1�•�back part of the canoe. Anngurakanyi warak kapal la angparti la ngapi nganawani wulurn ngiwanatpi ngarrurru ja kuling. ‘You go into the front part of the canoe and I will sit in the back and hold the rudder for us.’ Category:�Items for fishing. See:�angpartibow.

2�•�captain. He controls the canoe by steering from the back of the canoe. See:�angpartiHunter who sits at front of canoe; kapalHunter who sits in the middle of the canoe. Category:�Peoples and clans.

wunku���noun. murderer. Wunku ja arrarrkpi ja kawuniwun. ‘A murderer is a man who kills.’ Arrarrkpi ja wunku la iniwung iwularr arrarrkpi. ‘A man is a murderer when he has killed someone.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.

wupaja���noun. policeman. Category:�Peoples and clans.

yarli���noun. a cheerful person. Category:�Peoples and clans, Sorrow, happiness.

yanatinyanat���pro. the two of them (a male and a female). Yanatinyanat awuran tuka ajput. ‘The two of them went to the beach.’ Kawunimirlajun yanatinyanat. ‘He is waiting for the two of them.’ See:�yanatjanatthe two of them (two males); inyanatinyanatthe two of them (two females). Category:�Peoples and clans, Amounts.

yanatjanat���pro. the two of them (two males). See:�yanatinyanatthe two of them (a male and a female); ngapilinyanatme and her. Category:�Peoples and clans, Amounts.

yumalngaj���noun. hard working hunter, someone who spends a lot of time hunting and travels a long way looking for particular types of food. inymalngaj I suggested this and it was accepted but not repeated, prob NG not that familiar with the word.. Iwuning ta walij kunukawk pa yangkungapa nuka yumalngaj. ‘They gave him all sorts of food. He used to go for it, he was a hard working hunter.’ See:�kiwmalngajpunmake more of; kinimalngajpundescend from (people). Category:�Goodness, Peoples and clans, Hunting.

yumparrparr���noun. 1�•�giant. Anth: Yumparrparr is a giant who meets people when they die. You can see him as a shooting star at night. Category:�Peoples and clans. Note: Generic term for a giant but used in many myths as a proper name because the actual name cannot be spoken.

2�•�meteor. Category:�Sky.

yurnturrpalili���noun. kind, friendly. ninyjurnturrpalili. Category:�Peoples and clans, Goodness.

Parent category:

Human groups