I - i
citation form���noun. decorative band of string worn crossed under breasts and around back in puberty ceremony of girl concerned. It is made by marnmarn and must not be seen by others while it is being made. Apangaka ayukayuk. ‘She will wear the ceremonial body band.’ See:�panang�‘head band’; arlampa�‘ceremonial headband’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
Restrict:�Restrictions on inflection, due to selectional restrictions or lexicalised agreement sense number�•�noun. definition. scientific name. Usage:�usage An example of an inflected form ‘Gloss for form in lv field’. Mawng text of example ‘English free translation of example’. See:�see also - links to a related entry�‘gloss of see also field’. See main entry: For derived forms. Syn:�Synonym; Ant:�Antonym. From: Source language for borrowings. Note: notes (public) Anth: Anthropological notes (public)
igalk���crossreference. See:�iyalk�‘cheeky yam’.
igarnpa���noun. leg, lap, tail (of snake), side fins of a fish. Usage:�Used as reference point for 'lap': where a child sits. ngagarnpa, arrkarnpa, ngarrkarnpa, nukarnpa, nuwurrkarnpa, ninykarnpa, wungarnpa, magarnpa, akarnpa, wigarnpa. See:�wungarnpa�‘narrow section of water, place name’; magarnpa�‘fishing line, burning stick used as torch’; magarnpa wularr�‘tree roots’; akarnpa�‘yam root, not the part that is eaten’; ilarri�‘his leg’. Category:�Organs and torso.
igarra���noun. many, a lot of, only used for non-humans, too expensive (cost). Restrict:�non-human nukarra, nurrkarra, ninykarra, wugarra, magarra, akarra, wigarra. Igarra ja kiyap. ‘There are many fish.’ Or yuran wugarra yirrk kunak ‘He's been to every place.’ Marrik ngimang. Igarra ja rrupiya. ‘I can't get it. It's too expensive.’ Syn:�imurra. Category:�Appearance.
igiyigi���noun. heap of discarded cockle shells, cockle shell midden. Category:�Shellfish.
igu���noun. handle. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.
iji���noun. mother's brother. See:�ngalmu�‘mother's brother’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
ijij���noun. anus. Category:�Organs and torso.
ikaman���noun. freshwater catfish, Triangular Shield Catfish. Neoarius leptaspis. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ikaman. Ikaman la wururi ja nuwuran mawuruwuj la marrnguny. ‘The freshwater catfish and herring live in the fresh water and the eel-tailed catfish too.’ See:�arrapulyu�‘Saltwater catfish’; marrnguny�‘Eel-tailed catfish’. Category:�Catfish.
ikaman mawuruj���noun. saratoga (generic). Scleropages jardini. See:�mawuruj�‘freshwater stream’. Category:�Fish.
ikarna���noun. fighting club, made from the same tree as murrkarn but different. Kunuka yirrikawk miyarwu mampumajpungkunyka, ikarna, wartpiwartpi alaj iwuwuning. ‘The brought all sorts of weapons specially for fighting like miyarwu sticks and ikarna clubs and wartpiwartpi sticks and hit him with them.’ Category:�Tools, men's.
ikirl���noun. Milkwood tree. Alstonia actinophylla. See:�wururrkjanyjuk�‘Milkwood tree’. Category:�Trees and bushes.
ikpiny���noun. traditional torch used to fish by night, made by tying up walurru bark with munmunka vine. Jitapa mampu mampuyirrantung like muka pata bark nuka, ikpin. ‘Jit, they would light those bark torches.’ Iwuwutangung make like candle, light mampungulangung, yungku mampuwarawning, iwuwutangung ikpin ‘They would tie it up and make like a candle, they made a light, lit the fire and made an ikpin torch.’ See:�magarnpa�‘burning stick used as a torch’; wulurru; irraj. Category:�Tools, men's, Fire.
ikurri���noun. odour. Usage:�followed by nuyu Karriwunya tuka panikin ja inyarlgan karryaka la karriwujirra ja ikurri nuyu. ‘We cook the turtle in a container and then take it out and smell the odour of it.’ See:�wiringki�‘slippery’. Category:�Secretions and substances, Cognitive senses and attention.
ikurru���noun. human bones. See:�iyarrmulu�‘skeleton’. Category:�Other.
ilakirrayirra���noun. the edge of a seashore of a jungle. Category:�Landscape.
ilakpirij���noun. mouth (outside part), opening. ilakpirij ‘The black lips of arrayi are referred to as ilakpirij’. Inside part of mouth is wurlgirk. arrtakpirij, arrkakpirij. Tuka ta arrtakpirij. ‘These are our lips.’ nukakpirij, ninyjakpirij, wulakpirij ‘place name’; malakpirij ‘hole in tree ; hollow tree’; *atakpirij ‘no ED form elicited’; wilakpirij. See:�wurlgirk�‘inside of mouth’; ninyjakpirij�‘mouth (of a woman)’; wulakpirij�‘place name’; malakpirij�‘hole in a tree, hollow tree’; atakpirij�‘mouth, opening’; ngalakpirij�‘my mouth’. Category:�Head.
Ilarlarri���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
ilaman���noun. voice of a person, characteristic taste of something. ngalaman, arrtaman, ngarrtaman, nukaman, nuwutaman, ninyjaman ‘female voice, flavour of crab’; wulaman ‘flavour of Land gender drinks’; mataman ‘not recognised (no other entry for it)’; nataman, ataman ‘flavour of plant foods (no other entry, just cross-reference)’; wilaman. Arralyu nuyu ilaman. ‘We hear his voice.’ Ngarrila kiyap. Marrik ilangali ilaman, arlarrarr. ‘We eat fish but it doesn't have any taste, nothing.’ Animany wulamanwulaman annyarutpanju. ‘He tasted the flavour (of the drink) but left it.’ See:�malaman�‘flavour’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Other.
ilangararru���noun. jaw, jawbone. ngalangararru, arrtangararru, ngarrtangararru, ninyjangararru, wilangararru. See:�ninyjangararru�‘jawbone’; nangartam�‘jaw, cheek’. Category:�Head.
ilarranypany���noun. 1�•�centipede. Category:�Insects.
2�•�shape of small spiral starter piece of a basket, yangali. This shape is a spiral like muki but is elongated. Anth: The name refers only to the initial few layers of coils that are made to start off the basket. See:�muki�‘round starter spiral for basket’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
ilarri���noun. leg, back leg of animals that walks on land with four legs. Cannot refer to back flippers of turtle. ngalarri, arrkarri, ngarrkarri, nukarri, nuwutarri, ninyjarri, wularri ‘law ; argument ; meaning ; memories’; malarri. malarri ‘mangrove aerial roots’. wilarri. Kamaju tuka wilarri. ‘They have sore legs.’ See:�ninyjarri; wularri; igarnpa�‘his lap, his leg’. Category:�Limbs.
ilarrkupanya���noun. long, tall. La ilarrkupanya angkat iwararrkenang. ‘It's a long cry, he starts to cry harder.’ Ilarrkupanya ja arrarrkpi. ‘He's a tall man.’ See:�walarrkpaj�‘place be far’; marnturrkpaj�‘a person who walks a long way’. Category:�Size and weight.
ilatjilat���noun. Crinum lily. Crinum augustifolium, Crinum uniflorum. Variant:�Iwaidja: Marldarrajwajbarldarraj (C. uniflorum). Walurru iwulartpantung. ‘They used to smear it on to Stringbark (paintings).’ See:�yalamari�‘tree orchid’. Category:�Small plants, Supernatural, Tools, men's. Anth: If it is immersed in water it will bring rain and lightning. The inside of the round root has a glue-like substance used as a binding agent in bark painting.
ilawarrkurlyak���noun. very important. Category:�Goodness. Syn:�ingurlyak.
ilij���crossreference. See:�alaj�‘with’.
ilijap���noun. young, little, small, cheap (cost). ninyalijap, wulijap ‘small.amount’; malijap, awalijap. ngalijap Syn:�ilinjinyut. See:�ilijpakpak; awalijap�‘small’. Ilijap ja rrupiya. ‘That's cheap.’ Category:�Longer.
ilijpakpak���noun. young of a species, singular. See:�ilijpularr; ilijap�‘small’; malijpakpak�‘used to refer to the smaller nawanpal clapstick’. Category:�Size and weight, General. Note: Edible gender form atijpakpak is used to refer to the fingers.
ilijpularr���noun. many young of animals. ninyjijpularr ‘many small crabs’; wulijpularr ‘tributary’; malijpularr ‘small.intestines, small chips of wood’; atijpularr ‘young.plant (OBS) ; fingers (old)’; wilijpularr ‘many young birds or turtles’. See:�wulijpularr; malijpularr; atijpularr; wilijpularr; ilijpakpak�‘one young’; ilinjinyut�‘small things’. Category:�General.
ililakaj���noun. itchiness. Naka Ililakaj karrunima. ‘(When we go to the billabong and sit down collecting Mawugany) we feel itchy (where we've been sitting)’. Kurrula ililakaj. ‘Seawater itches.’ Karralyupa Ililakaj. ‘We feel itchy’. Category:�Sickness.
ilinjinyut���noun. small things, nonhuman. wulinjinyut, malinjinyut, awalinjinyut ‘small yams such as mayuparl’; wilinjinyut ‘small people’; Syn:�ilijap; Ant:�imun. See:�awalinjinyut�‘small, small things’; ilijpularr�‘many young of animals’; nawaralinjinyut. Category:�Size and weight.
ilinjinyut imun���phrase. the little and big things, all things. Kawunpun la wemin. Kiwatpi wemin, ja ilinjinyut imun kawunpun la wemin ‘They're sharing it. They've all got some, big and small things, they're sharing.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.
ilurlmu���noun. 1�•�waistline. Category:�Organs and torso.
2�•�thickest part through the centre of a fish. Category:�Fish bodyparts.
ilurrk���noun. squid, calamari and cuttlefish. See:�irriwukirriwuk�‘cuttlefish bone’. Category:�Shellfish.
ilurrngarni���noun. far away places. Often used to refer to cities down south which people visit such as Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane. Also covers anywhere overseas. Category:�Place names.
ilurtpuj���noun. short. nukurtpuj, ninyjurtpuj, wulurtpuj ‘short stretch’; malurtpuj, aturtpuj; Ant:�yarntulyak. See:�ninyjurtpuj; wulurtpuj; malurtpuj; aturtpuj; nuwartpalurtpuj�‘become short’; kinilurtpujpa�‘make short’; kilurtpujpin�‘become short’. Category:�Size and weight.
Ilyarru���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
imalmakpany���iv. perform a ceremonial dance or drama. amalmakpany ‘they did that drama/performance’; imalmakpany ‘he did that performance, e.g. he was the giant in the giant dance’. See:�kinilakurma�‘dance, imitate, act’; kilangali�‘participate in ceremony’. Category:�Play, perform, joke.
imanganaj���noun. small Hardyheads. Family Atherinidae. See:�yarrmanaya�‘large Hardyheads’. Category:�Fish.
imarnawuji���noun. back flippers of a turtle. See:�kawikawik�‘a crab's small walking legs’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
imarrk���noun. belly, stomach, abdomen. Considered the seat of emotions. Usage:�more polite than kurak ngamarrk, arrkparrk, ngatparrk, nukparrk, wimarrk, ninymarrk ‘her belly, stomach, womb’; wumarrk ‘below, under, area below, low lying area, beyond the horizon’; mamarrk ‘main body of canoe, may include bottom and middle part but kapal is used to refer specifically to the middle of the canoe.’; aparrk ‘penis’. Kimin iljil imarrk. ‘He is at peace.’ La wularrutapa imurranyminangka tuka ngatparrk. ‘And he's already growing up in our belly.’ Angmalkpa tuka mamarrk. ‘Water is coming in to the middle of the canoe.’ See:�wimarrk�‘bellies, stomachs’; ninymarrk�‘belly, stomach, womb’; wumarrk�‘below’; mamarrk�‘bottom of canoe’; aparrk�‘penis’; kurak�‘shit’. Category:�Organs and torso, Items for fishing.
imartuk���noun. Silver Bream, Black Bream. Acanthopagrus Berda, Acanthopagrus Australis. Variant:�Iwaidja: Rirrjin. See:�inarrka�‘Sea Bream or Emperor’; kimartukpun�‘he obeys, believes, respects, agrees to’. Category:�Fish. Anth: Silver Bream season starts in the early dry season (June). Goes until August. Begins when the Mango tree flowers and ends when they fall off.
imawurr���noun. 1�•�arm, front flipper, front leg (of animal with four legs). ngamawurr, nukpawurr, ninymawurr ‘arm ; claw’; wumawurr ‘creek ; river ; milky.way’; mamawurr ‘tree branch’; apawurr ‘arm of yam, tendril of vine (from Capell and Hinch: presumably yam vine)’; wimawurr. Category:�Limbs, Reptiles and amphibians.
2�•�number of times. Ngarrkarrk imawurr. ‘Two times (he did something).’ Ngarrkarrk nukpawurr. ‘(You did something) two times.’ Category:�Daily, Amounts.
imaynmi���iv. not ready for something because too young. Imaynmi nuwurrupa ja kurrunima nawaralinjinyut. ‘You're too young for a child to get you, you're still small.’ Inymaynmi nuyu. ‘She's too old for him.’ Imaynmi ngaw. ‘It's too much for her because she's young.’ Category:�Automatic actions.
imijik���noun. wing or feather on a bird, side fins on a fish. Usage:�follows after name of animal, sometimes DAT pro used to, see examples below. Nuka ja wurakak imijik. ‘This is a crow feather.’ Nuka ja karlarrk imijik ngaw. ‘This is a green parrot's wing.’ Ngarri ngarrila imijik nuyu. ‘We are eating the side fins of the fish.’ Category:�Small birds, Fish bodyparts.
imijimi���noun. gentle falling rain.
coverb. Restrict:�MA subject gentle rain fall. Malany ilangaling imijimi. ‘The rain was falling gently.’ See:�punyi�‘heavy rain’. Category:�Rains, Weather.
imilirr���noun. head lice eggs. See:�kurrpung�‘head lice (generic)’; jerniman�‘dog fleas’. Category:�Insects.
imilng���noun. sour. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
imirrurlk���noun. fish scales. Category:�Fish bodyparts.
imiyingkarl���noun. pandanus already prepared for basket making. Pandanus spiralis, Pandanus aquaticus. Anth: Prepared pandanus leaves for basket making have already been split into their two parts: kirrwara and ingijalk that are used in different parts of the basket. See:�murwala�‘pandanus tree (MA)’; murwala�‘Beach and River Pandanus’. Category:�Plant parts, Palms, Clothing, adornment, magic items.
impiyung���noun. what's his name? ninyimpiyung ‘what's.her.name’; piyung ‘about.that.place’. See:�piyung�‘about that place’. Category:�Other.
impurrk1���noun. bush Sugar Cane. Heteropogon triticeus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Anbidjung or Imburr. See:�karntawululu�‘impurrk juice’; wanjikpu�‘similar coarse grass’. Category:�Plant food, Grasses.
impurrk2���noun. Striped seaperches, Stripey, Five-lined Seaperch. Lutjanus carponotatus; L. quinquelineatus (Lutjanidae). Syn:�yarri. See:�martali�‘Sea Perches’. Category:�Fish.
imurlk���noun. area to the east of Goulburn Island: Maningrida and Malarrk and areas inland from there. See:�atjirr�‘area to west of Goulburn island’; walem�‘further south than Gunbalanya, Oenpelli, from Warruwi’. Category:�Landscape.
imun���noun. big, important. ninymun ‘ninymun jita warramumpik’; wumun ‘a big stone or wide road’; mamun, apun, wiymun, wimun. wumun ta waryat ‘a big stone’. Wumunapa ta nungpanpal ta alan. ‘The road is big and wide.’ Ant:�ilinjinyut. See:�wimunpimun�‘important people, community leaders’; kapumunkapumun�‘important people, community leaders’. Category:�Size and weight.
imunimun���noun. reduplicated form, seems to mean much the same.
imungkurriyi���iv. he might break his neck. inymungkurriyi ‘She might break her neck’; imungkurriyiny ‘He broke his neck.’. See:�inimungkurrukpu�‘twist neck’; imungkurryuwu�‘back of neck’; kiniyirnpulanyi�‘hit on nose’. Category:�Twist, bend.
imungkurryuwu���noun. nape of the neck, back part of the neck, ninymungkurryuwu, mamungkurryuwu ‘neck.of.tree’; apungkurryuwu ‘part of yam that can grow if cut off and replanted, like top of carrot. Not visible from above ground. Part that is vis’; wimungkurryuwu. See:�majarr�‘front of neck’; imungkurriyi�‘break neck’; inimungkurrukpu�‘break neck’; ngamungkurryuwu�‘the nape of the neck’. Anth: dogs, horses, turtles and birds all have this body part. Category:�Head.
kinnyun imungkurryuwu���to change direction and move away from speaker, when person was initially moving towards speaker. La karrkpin, "Ah, karrunnyun imungkurryuwu, kimurnangani warak." ‘We say, "Oh, he's stopped coming towards us, he's going back again."’
imururrk���noun. scar. Arrkpururrk awk tuka karrpaju. ‘Scars occur where we get hurt.’ See:�iwururrk�‘juicy’. Category:�Discomfort and pain.
imurra���noun. many, a lot of. not possible, ngatpurra, not possible, nuwutpurra, ninymurra, wumurra, mamurra, ja apurra (nuyu) (ta), wimurra. Pata warrawunyji kiwatpi imurra ja wukej nuyu. ‘The girls have many frills on their petticoats.’ Ngatpurra ngatpani. ‘(Talking to someone outside the group) We here (not including you) are many.’ Syn:�igarra. See:�ninymurra�‘many’; mamurra�‘many’. Category:�Appearance.
imurra wimpurrk���phrase. a successful person. Category:�Peoples and clans, Goodness.
imurtpurrk���noun. worm. Category:�Insects.
imuyuk���noun. crab sections used for bait. Category:�Crustaceans.
inarrka���noun. Seabream or Emperor (generic). Lethrinus atkinsonii, Lethrinus spp.. See:�imartuk�‘Silver Bream’; yarri�‘Sea Perch’; martali�‘generic term for many reef fishes’. Category:�Fish.
inilarruwun���tv. 1�•�have same mother's clan. -larruwun, -lagarruwun, ingalagarruwun ‘from her mother's clan’; inilarruwun imarrk ‘his uncle, or 'they are uncle and ngaya' e.g. Roy and Jacob’; inilarruwun ninymarrk ‘his mother’; kiwularruwun wimarrk ‘they share the same mother's clan in that group’; awunpularruwun wimarrk ‘they have the same mother's clan as them’. Nganilarrawun ngamarrk. ‘May's mother and Billy's mother are in the same clan so if May wanted to talk about Billy she could have said this.(i.e. he who has the same mother's clan as me)’. Jakapa jita nginyjarrawun ninymarrrk. ‘Solomon's mother and Nita are in the same clan Malkparryi so he coiuld say this to refer to Nita - note difference in agreement of -marrk, this could be relevant here.’ Angalarruwun ninymarrk ‘She is in her mother's clan, e.g. kamulkparn.’ Nganilarruwun ngamarrk ‘He's my son’. See:�anminajpany�‘mother's mother's clan’; wimarrk�‘stomachs, bellies’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�share land, in any way. arrundarruwun ‘our mother's homeland’. Anilarruwun kunak. Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
inimi���noun. spine. nganimi, arrkimi, ngarrkimi, nukimi, nuwutimi, ninyimi, wunimi ‘main.part.of.creek (not source or mouth)’; manimi ‘tree.trunk’; atimi ‘last bit of food’; winimi. See:�mimi�‘rib’; niminimi�‘go to back (of something)’; ninynimi�‘lower part of the back’; nginpurl�‘upper back area’. Category:�Organs and torso.
inimi amparlarr���people from the topside of Alligator River. See:�niminimi�‘go to back’; nimi�‘buttocks’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
inimiyarnpalarr���noun. large green-back turtle. See:�manpiri�‘generic for green-back turtle’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
inimungkurrukpu���tv. break neck. ingamungkurrukpu ‘She might twist his neck.’; ingamungkurrkpung ‘she twisted his neck’; inimungkurrukpung. ngarrimungkurrukpun ‘about doing something to Pandanus, I'm not sure what.’ See:�imungkurriyi�‘break neck’; iwajiyiny�‘broken’; imungkurryuwu�‘nape of the neck’. Category:�Twist, bend. Note: Described as 'twist neck' but this might be more idiomatically translated as break neck in English.
inimungkutpinyung���tv. be mother's father to, and siblings. awunimungkutpinyung, ngimungkutpinyung ‘he is my mamam’; nginymuntkutpinyung ‘she is my mamam’; kunymungkutpinyung ‘You are her mother's father (This is the kunteypi way for a woman to talk to her father about her daughter.)’; kumungkutpinyung ‘You are his mother's father, his mamam. This is the kunteypi way for a woman to talk to her father about her son.’. Inimungkutpinyung. ‘He's his mother's father.’ Kurrunimungkutpinyung mamam. ‘He's your mother's father, mamam.’ Puka pata ngarrkarrk warrarrawurnji puka pata nuwarlkparrakan awunimungkutpinyung. ‘These two girls are the children of this old man's sister's daughter.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.
inimuyunmuyung���tv. be kamu or yiji to. ingamuyunmuyung, kumuyunmuyung, kunymuyunmuyung. kunymuyunmuyung ‘Your daughter (to a woman). You are mother to her.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.
ininarnti���noun. Beauty Leaf, a type of tree which can irritate the skin. Calophyllum sil, Calophyllum inophyllum. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yininardi. Arrkpujpikpi arij Ininarnti nakapa. ‘We swell up in lumps, from that Ininarnti.’ Category:�Trees and bushes.
inipij���noun. Coachwhip Stingray, spotted form. Himantura uarnak?. Syn:�kinykarnkarn. Category:�Rays. See:�yagaru�‘Stingray (generic)’. Anth: These live over sandflats. Their backs have a speckled appearance. The Leopard Whipray lives in deeper water and may not be as well known as the Coachwhip and Reticulate whiprays
Iniwanpanyaliwi���noun. this is a point with mangroves growing on it, past Ilarlarri if you are coming from Martpalk but before Angpungijpa. Category:�Place names.
Inkarnarrk���noun. name of a rainbow serpent. See:�Karringitpalka�‘Rainbow Serpent’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
innyurawng���iv. father-in-law to. kurawng ‘are father-in-law to him, your son-in-law, the man who's married to your brother's daughter’; ngiwrawng ‘my son-in-law, my brother's son-in-law, 1sg.POSS.ngawiny's.H’; ingurawng ‘her brother's son-in-law, her son-in-law, mawawiny’; kunnyurawng ‘2sg.POSS.ngawiny's.W’; ngannyurawng ‘1sg.POSS.father in law’; nginyurawng. Innyurawng. ‘He is his father-in-law’. Juka ngannyurawng. ‘She is the daughter of my father-in-law.’ See:�kuntuy�‘father-in-law, child-in-law of man’; kinnyun�‘give’; mawawiny�‘man's mother-in-law and her siblings’; nuwutpuwong�‘your nanung who is my ngiwrawng’; kurryarrwiny�‘a man or woman says this to their spouse about their spouse's wirlupirlu or punyi’; inyngeny yirulk�‘be mother-in-law to man/woman’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
Intan���noun. probably a place on North Goulburn Island. Category:�Place names.
intikarnjawarra���noun. brackish water. Category:�Water bodies.
Inyalalkunymatay���noun. place on North Goulburn. Category:�Place names.
inyalkpa wurrut���noun. a medium sized trevally, smaller than wurrut but larger than rlunguran. Caranx ignobilis and others. See:�Mungkulurrut�‘Golden Trevally’; wurrut�‘trevally (generic), a large Trevally’; rlunguran�‘a small Trevally’; mangali�‘Scad, small Trevally’. Category:�Sweetlips.
inyarlgan���noun. turtle or dugong (generic term). See:�marntingunyuny�‘dugong’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
inyamin���pro. third person reciprocal, contrastive, serial pronoun. See:�yamin�‘third person masculine pronoun’.
inyampurrawa���noun. the underneath breast plate of a turtle. When cutting up the meat it refers to the upper half of the abdomen. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
inyanat���pro. she. See main entry: yanat.
inyanatinyanat���pro. the two of them (two females). See:�yanatinyanat�‘the two of them (a male and a female)’.
inyanatjanat���pro. they two, one male and one female.
inyarakap���noun. one. See main entry: yarakap. Category:�Daily.
inyi���part. do not. See:�yunyi�‘do not’.
inyjaku���noun. left side of the body, left-handed person. Pa kinypani tuka inyjaku. ‘Then she sits on the left side.’ See:�wurulwurul�‘right handed’. Category:�Other, General.
Inyjalarrku���noun. 1�•� Category:�Song and dance.
2�•�White freshwater tortoise. See:�mangili�‘freshwater tortoise’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
inyjartpalmu���noun. 1�•�the dark coloured liver in a stingray which is a sign that it is not edible. See:�kurntaparr�‘light stingray liver’. Anth: When the liver of a stingray is dark it can't be eaten. Category:�Rays.
2�•�Brown stingray, Blotched Fantail Ray. Dasyatis annotatus. Taeniura meyeni,. See:�yagaru�‘Stingray, generic term’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a big "black" stingray. It has a long tail with one spine. It has 'black' flesh and 'no fat'. It lives in the mangroves. This is the 'mother one' (it is the largest). Although it has only one spine, it is no good to eat. When the liver is enlarged and brown ('kingana') it is inedible. However in the right season the liver becomes 'white' (pale) and at this time it can be eaten.
inyjinyakaj���noun. a type of cheeky yam. Typhonium sp.?. Category:�Plant food, Tubers. Anth: Yam which can be eaten after much treatment, like Kuli. No longer eaten. Found on the stone country on the mainland.
inyjirrjum���noun. open scrub country. Category:�Landscape.
inymangararrk���noun. sacred ibis (white). Threskiornis aethiopica. See:�yampurlpurl�‘ibis (generic)’. Category:�Small birds.
inymarrkparrk���noun. a man who has children. This is a polite term of address or reference. For example, a man's sister-in-law or brother-in-law would use it. It is also used in third person with the name of the referent's child to refer to the them. See:�alalkiya�‘mother’. Category:�Ages.
inymulwapi���noun. tree type, used to make things. Xanthostemon paradoxus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Walart. See:�majamurlirra�‘Kurrajong tree’. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: Wood hard and strong. It is used for carving, making digging sticks and other things.
inyngeny yirulk���coverb. be mother-in-law to man/woman. Inyngeny yirulk ‘She is her mother in law’. See:�innyurawng�‘father-in-law to’. Syn:�mawawiny (kinnyun). Category:�family, inc moieties.
inypajiyiny kirrwara���noun. Penguin Wing Oyster. An oyster with a forked shell found in deeper water. Pteria penguin, Isognomon isognomon. See:�murriny�‘Bastard Pearl Oyster’; kirrwara�‘back’; iwajiyiny�‘broken’. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: 'We used to dive for this one from canoes and eat it.'
inyparl���noun. turtle hunting ground: place where turtles are likely to be found when hunting. Awurli tuka ngarriwarnangajpun inyparl. ‘Alright, we call that 'inyparl'’. See:�Martali�‘generic for many reef fishes’. Category:�Landscape, Reptiles and amphibians.
Inyparlmun���noun. outstation at Croker Island. Category:�Place names.
inypampuk���noun. Coal Grunter. Hephaestus carbo. See:�wirtjirrk�‘Yellowtail grunter’; manjarlkujparri�‘Three-lined Grunter (Trumpeter), Striped grunter-like fish, Spangled Grunter’. Category:�Fish.
inypana���iv. she will go. See main entry: ke.
inypularr���noun. orphan, one whose mother has died. This term is used for a person whose mother has died, usually just for a short time after her death. It may be used for children until they have grown up. See:�lakput�‘orphan (lost father)’; iwularr. Category:�Peoples and clans.
coverb. 1�•�murder. Qe yi pa ninyarakapapa inyiwung inypularr. ‘Yes and he killed one of the women.’ Category:�General change of state.
2�•�kill, intending to kill by doing so. Category:�General change of state.
inyumpuli ngurrkpartpart���noun. Shortfin Mako. Isurus oxyrhincus. See:�ngurtpartpart�‘Milkfish, a freshwater fish’. Category:�Fish.
inyumpuli ngurtpartpart���noun. larger Whaler Sharks. Carcharhinus spp.. See:�arlitju�‘Whaler sharks with black tip on tail’; ngurtpartpart�‘Milkfish’; mangirk�‘Small reef-dwelling Black-tip Whaler Sharks’. Category:�Sharks.
ingalalk���noun. woman's son, man's sister's son (of a man), mother's brother. Seems to cover any male who is is ngaya or yiji. Usage:�reference term ingalalk ngartu ‘A woman can say this to refer to her son’. ingalalk kilangali nuyu ‘his sister's son’. See:�ninyngalalk�‘man's sister's daughter’; ngalmu�‘mother's brother’; nigi�‘mother’; kamaniwunpurrkut�‘mother's brother's son’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
ingalk���noun. coarse sand like that found at Wigu, Warruwi. Category:�Soil.
ingalkpany���noun. to have been born in a place, have grown up in a place. Naka ingalkpany Warruwi. ‘He was born at Warruwi, he grew up at Warruwi.’ See:�kingalkpun�‘quiet, calm weather’; nuwuran�‘be from place’; kiliga�‘travel from, be from’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
ingarrmi���noun. odour. Ja najarrari ja imurra ingarrmi. ‘The flying fox has a strong odour.’ Category:�Properties of surface.
ingarturt���noun. hiant Venus Clam. Marcia hiantina. Variant:�Iwaidja: munang. Usage:�This one is called ngarnji by children Syn:�ngarnji. Category:�Shellfish.
ingijalk���noun. body, self of a person. nukijalk, nuwukijalk, ninyngijalk, wungijalk, mangijalk, akijalk, wingijalk ‘their bodies ; themselves’. wingijalkut ‘themselves’. Ngungpurrun manya or, arrarrkpi ingijalk. ‘Maybe a spirit or a real man.’ Qeqe, that's the Mawng wungijalk. ‘It's correct. It's real Mawng (I asked: is that a bit old, that word)’. Category:�Other.
ingiri���noun. skin, hide, 'skin name' (moiety, subsection), shell of a turtle, or of shellfish. ingiri ‘used to refer to shell of karrarnarn shellfish and other shellfish’. ngangiri, ninyngiri, wungiri, mangiri ‘bark’; akiri, wingiri. Ngapi ngalangali ngangiri Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku. ‘My skin name/matrimoiety is Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku.’ Martpoj ingiri. ‘Martpoj shell.’ See:�mangiri�‘bark’; akiri�‘skin, foreskin’; nukiri�‘your (singular) skin’; iyayik�‘bones’. Category:�Other, Shellfish.
ingkarl���noun. gravel. Category:�Soil.
ingking���noun. laughter. Yanat ja imurra ingking. ‘He is always laughing.’ Iwana yirrka ingking ‘The laughter is still going too heavy.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke.
ingpurrkurlyak���noun. beautiful. Category:�Goodness.
ingurlaj���noun. name. ngangurlaj, arrkurlaj, nukurlaj, ninyngurlaj, wungurlaj, mangurlaj (token RS Elic 52), akurlaj, wingurlaj. Pa kimin parak ja ingurlaj. ‘That's how the words (of the song) should be pronounced.’ Category:�Other.
ingurlyak���noun. a person who is well known. Good part of meat. ninyngurlyak, wungurlyak, mangurlyak, akurlyak, wingurlyak(ut) or anpungurlyakut. Ingurlyak ja imarrk ja marntingunynguny. ‘The stomach is the good part of the dugong (to eat).’ akurlyak ta walij. ‘the important yams which are good to eat.’ See:�kingurlyakpin�‘become important’; kiningurlyakpa�‘make important, presentable’; nulakpi�‘heavy’. Syn:�ilawarrkurlyak. Category:�Goodness.
irnkarrk���noun. fish gills. Category:�Fish bodyparts.
irnkirr���noun. mud, includes mangrove mud. See:�kijpulgi�‘sandbar, sandbank’. Category:�Soil.
ipang���noun. bait. Category:�Other fish terms.
ipijipij���noun. pieces. Ipijipij ja karrkpin naka karriwu rtapartap. ‘Ipijipij is what we say when we break something into pieces.’ See:�rtap�‘break’. Category:�Arrangement.
ipit���noun. quail, any type. Coturnix spp., Turnix spp.. See:�wirrgu�‘bird, said to be similar’; witpit�‘plover type’. Category:�Small birds.
irigigi���noun. collarbone. Category:�Organs and torso. Syn:�mamungaparl.
irijirij���noun. smooth, slippery. Arrarrkpi ininguliny marntingunynguny iniwung irijirij kirrk. ‘The man made a dugong, making it all smooth.’ Irijirij ja ngarlawi. ‘This baler shell is smooth.’ Muka irijirij mata ngarlawi. ‘This baler shell is smooth.’ Category:�Properties of surface.
irminy���noun. tender meat inside the turtle, inside from the flipper. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
iru���noun. weeping fig. Tree with edible red berry. Grows in jungle. Anth: Can be eaten raw, usually cooked in cakes in the fire. Ficus benjamins. See:�irrkari�‘Banyan, Rock Fig’. Category:�Plant food, Other.
Irwaj���noun. yam type. Sowerbaea alliacea?. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yirriwadj. See:�Wulpay�‘Triglochin dubium’. Category:�Tubers.
irra���noun. rain song. Category:�General ritual.
irraj���noun. torch made from paperbark. See:�maryawu�‘paperbark tree’; ikpiny�‘Stringybark torch’. Category:�Tools, men's.
irratat���noun. meat, includes the 'meat' of shellfish. Kaniyalgan karlurri. ‘He hunts game.’ See:�mayirratat�‘penis’. Category:�General, Shellfish.
irrgiyirrgi���noun. palm type found growing along creeks in jungle. Carpentaria acuminata, Gronophyllum ramsayi, Hydriastele wendlandiana. Variant:�Iwaidja: Rdarrirdarri (Carpentaria acuminata). Maka pata Irrgiyirrgi. ‘That is an Irrgiyirrgi.’ See:�marruny�‘cabbage palm’. Category:�Palms, Shelter, camp, house. Anth: Grows along creek beds. Leaves were used in the past to make shelters and other things. Not good for firewood.
irri���noun. 1�•�oil, fat, hair oil, fuel. See:�kinilangani. Syn:�murrkaj. Category:�Fire, Other, Hair.
2�•�stew. Category:�Illness.
coverb. Restrict:�LL object (grease) softening, melting. Kanilangani irri. ‘It (fat) is melting. For example when you cook meat and the fat starts bubbling out, or when marge or butter melts.’ Category:�Cooking.
irrijpalk���noun. stretch marks. Irrijpalk yara ngarrimangung tuka yanyjuk. ‘Sometimes we get stretch marks on our breasts.’ Category:�Other, Reproduction.
irrilga���noun. a bush which grows at edge of beach a bit like a thicket. Pemphis acidula. Variant:�Iwaidja: Arndiny. Purrkut kamalangali. ‘They grow close together.’ Category:�Trees and bushes, Medicine. Anth: Used to treat ulcers, scabies, skin infections and burns. Preparation: Scrape bark off branches, place branches in bill with water and put on fire. Leave until warm and then put affected area into a bowl of the liquid. Very hard timber used to make many things. Not eaten.
irriwukirriwuk���noun. 1�•�Crab's eye vine. Abrus precatorius. Variant:�Iwaidja: Irriwugirriwug.. Anth: Beans are used as beads for necklaces. A red and black seed. Vine found in the jungle, winding around trees. Category:�Small plants.
2�•�Cuttlefish bone. See:�ilurrk�‘cuttlefish’. Category:�Shellfish.
Irriyala���noun. Red Bush apple, not growing on beach. Syzygium suborbiculare (inland). Variant:�Iwaidja: Yirriyala. See:�wardwardang�‘Red Apple (beach form)’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food. Anth: Fruit a red colour. Have strong 'cheeky' taste; can only be eaten when they are really ripe and falling on the ground.
irrka���noun. beard. Ingarnakenang maryakut irrka. ‘His first beard was beginning to come through (on a young man).’ Category:�Hair.
irrkaka���tv. Restrict:�ED object used to describe a man going hunting on the land. Tends to hunt with a spear. Could get goanna, kangaroo. apirrkakangung, *akirrkakangung. atirrkakangung Atirrkakangungpu pata tuwarlkparrakanut, inimany wu kiyap. ‘He was hunting for the old people, he got them fish.’ See:�kinirrkpun�‘sew’; kinilalku�‘cut’. Category:�Hunting.
irrkalku���tv. when fish such as trevally or tuna jump out of the water or disturb the water surface. Category:�Movement of water.
Restrict:�VE object 2: kamanirrkalku�•�tv. eat, crop grass. Malany pulikang kampirrkalku mirlak. ‘The cattle are eating grass.’ Category:�Illness.
irrkari���noun. Banyan and Rock fig. Banyan has long roots that hang down from the branches. The Rock Fig grows at Nganyamirnali and other rocky places. Ficus virens var. virens, Ficus atricha?, Ficus racemosa?, Ficus hispida?. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yilimbil (Ficus virens). Irrkari mampungulangung alguru la warramumpik iwuwuning wularnngarna la yangali. La alawi manpumulangung. ‘They used to make rope from irrkari. Women made dilly bags and baskets from it. And alawi nets were made from it.’ See:�iru�‘Weeping fig’; iwiyilimbil�‘Banyan fig’. Category:�Other, Plant food, Items for fishing. Anth: Fruit of Banyan Fig and Rock Fig are eaten raw. Fibre of aerial roots are used to make yangali string bags and alawi nets.
irrkpalakaj���noun. clothes owned by a living person that have been used by them. Ngimany parak ja irrkpalakaj, alaj box. ‘I took the clothes, with a box.’ See:�naputjannaputjan�‘clothes of dead person’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
irrkpalk1���noun. turtle meat from the breast and flippers. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
irrkpalk2���noun. bird's nest. Category:�Small birds.
irrkurl���noun. 1�•�Blind-eye mangrove. Excoecaria agallocha, Excoecaria ovalis. Category:�Mangroves, Dye and fibre plants, Toxic plants. Anth: Used to make a black dye for making baskets. The leaves are heated until they release the black dye. It has a milky sap that is dangerous to your eyes that makes your skin itch.
2�•�mangrove type. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. Category:�Trees and bushes, Dye and fibre plants.
irruk���noun. cold. Ngamaju irruk. ‘I am cold.’ Kingama irrukirruk. ‘He's sick and he's feeling cold.’ nuka irruk ‘the fridge’. See:�jil�‘cold’. Category:�Temperature, Discomfort and pain.
irrwa���coverb. 1�•�splash. Kurrula angminang irrwa. ‘The (waves of) the sea were splashing (against the shore).’ Warranyngiw aminang irrwa. ‘The children were splashing (about in the water).’ Ja kurrula kinginka. ‘The sea is splashing on the shore, making a noise.’ See:�jurlup�‘splash’. Category:�Movement of water.
Restrict:�MA subject 2 kaniwun irrwa�•�splash (of sea). Kaniwun/kiniwun irrwa kurrula. ‘Big waves are splashing’. Category:�Movement of water.
irrwuluk���noun. a very big majirnti (hawksbill) turtle. See:�majirnti�‘hawksbill turtle’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
italka���noun. high pitched sound, high note. Kinymirawn italka mira. ‘She sings on a high note, soprano.’ Ant:�rumpurr. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Play, perform, joke.
itamuki���noun. shallow water, used in reference to turtle hunting. See:�warlwat�‘deep’. Ant:�palu. Category:�Movement of water, Landscape, Reptiles and amphibians, Distance, Amounts. Note: Measurement of depth of water.
itjit���noun. dorsal fins of fish. The fin that runs along their back. Category:�Fish bodyparts.
itpalk���noun. wattle species. Acacia gonocarpa, Acacia oncinocarpa. See:�wirarrwirarr�‘Wattle type’. Anth: Very important calendar plant that signals many things. Sign that it is time to get rlunguran small trevally. Flowering is a sign of wumulukuk 'cold season' when manpiri 'Green-back turtle' has a lot of fat in it. Category:�Trees and bushes, Calendar plants.
itpil���noun. Flying Fish. Cypselurus sp.. Category:�Fish.
itpirrk���coverb. be naughty. Warranyngiw ja kingurlkparryu nakapa karriwunya wurul akutju ja iwamurranymin marrik imi wungpulaj marrik imi itpirrk. ‘When a child is still on its back, we warm him over the fire so that when he grows up he does not steal or be naughty.’ Inyi itpirrk kanmin. ‘Don't be naughty.’ Category:�Goodness.
itpiyitpi���noun. grasshopper. See:�wungumpuli yitpiyitpi�‘younger teenage girl’. Category:�Insects. Note: Yitpiyitpi song on Le Brun Holmes record. Seems to be Feminine due to some mythological associations. See also Berndt and Berndt (1970) for discussion and transcription of some itpiyitpi songs
irtakayi���noun. an old fashioned wooden-pronged spear similar to a fishing spear. Category:�Tools, men's.
irtulul���noun. 1�•�chips of wood. mata irtulul ‘Not sure what it means in this context’. Arlarrarr pata irtulul. ‘There are no woodchips.’ Category:�General terms.
2�•�fingers of coral. Category:�Shellfish.
Iwaja���noun. Iwaidja. Category:�Dreamtime names.
iwajinypajiyi���iv. break. arrkajinypajiyi., iwajinypajiny, iwajinypajiyi. Ya, anpajinypajiyi namararri kunima. ‘You might be injured or become seriously ill.’ Yanat iwajinypajiyi. ‘not sure exactly’. See:�iwajiyiny�‘break’. Category:�General.
iwajiyiny���iv. 1�•�break. Tuka ta nuyi nujigi anpajiyiny ‘Your tooth is broken.’ Marnti nuyi iwajiyiny. ‘You might break it.’ Malililut mata warlk, kamawajiyi. ‘The wood is soft (rotten), it's falls apart (when you touch it).’ See:�iwajinypajiyi�‘break’; inimungkurrukpu�‘break neck’; kinnyukpun�‘break’; inypajiyiny kirrwara�‘shellfish type’. Category:�General, Physical disability and injury.
Restrict:�LL subject 2�•�border exist. kangpajiyin ‘there's a border (between the land of two clans)’. Category:�Walking, Social responsibilities and events.
iwak���noun. Cabbage palm species. Livistona benthamii. Variant:�Iwaidja: Iwak. See:�marruny�‘cabbage palm’; marlinkarrk�‘Cycad palm, Livistonia palms’; Yuwak�‘yam type’. Category:�Palms.
iwalu���noun. be like, look like, a likeness. ngawalu ‘my person, my likeness’; ninypalu ‘person ; likeness ; look.like’; wiwalu ‘be.similar.to ; look.like ; likeness’. Ja iwalu kapin ngapi. ‘He (looks) like me.’ Ninymatpa ninypalu kinypani. ‘A (female) person from another group is there.’ Jita ninypalu kapin jita nigi. ‘Her likeness is that of her mother.’ Tumatpa wiwalu awuranka namapa awanginka. ‘The hostile group came to fight.’ ngatuka ngatpalu ‘we lot, our group, in contrast to another’. tumatpa wiwalu Category:�Other.
iwarlirr���noun. large net string bag, made from irrkari. Inyimany inilatiny tuka iwarlirr. ‘He grabbed her and put her into his big net string bag.’ Category:�Tools, women's.
iwana���iv. he will go. See main entry: ke.
Iwaningornmilkirr���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
iwarnjiwarn���noun. a model made of paperbark which warns that there is a dead body nearby. The person who sees the model picks up miyarrurl (a fighting stick) and hits the model so the spirit will not follow him. See:�maryawu�‘paperbark tree’. Category:�Mourning.
iwarak���noun. 1�•�footprints, tracks. arrkparak, wiwarak. Katjutpa yurnu iwarak nganaparru. ‘The buffalo left tracks.’ Yarran parakapa innyeyawng iwarak. ‘He went along and then he saw the tracks.’ See:�yurnu�‘foot, hand, tracks’; artparak�‘well’. Category:�Limbs.
2�•�flipper marks. Category:�General.
iwari���noun. sore on body, wound. ngawari, arrpari, ninypari ‘wound ; sore’; wiwari. Category:�Other.
iwarurra���noun. lower part of face. wimarrura, arrkparrura. Wimarrura arlarrarr. ‘No face at all.’ Category:�Head.
iwarruj���noun. used to mean the art of self disclipine which is considered something that is learned. Also used to refer to prayer and religious meetings . Ngarri ngatpunung iwarruj pata warranyngiw ngarru. ‘We gave our children disclipine.’ See:�ayuk�‘law, custom, lifestyle’. Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
coverb. worship, pray. Ngarrilakajpungapa la ngatingan iwarruj nuyu ja arrunimalkpany. ‘We asked him, in our prayer to our father.’ Kilangali iwarruj nuyu la yamin. ‘They pray for each other.’ Category:�Language.
iwartpalmili���noun. his forehead. ninypartpalmili, nungpartpalmili ‘riverbank’; wuwartpalmili ‘edge.of.cliff ; river.bank’; apartpalmili ‘part of the house under the gables’; wiwartpalmili. See:�nungpartpalmili�‘riverbank or creekbank’; wuwartpalmili�‘riverbank’; apartpalmili�‘part of the house under the gables’; nukpartpalmili�‘your (singular) forehead’. Category:�Head.
iwawupa���noun. hot to eat, warm to eat. manawupa, apawupa, karrawarupa. Ta walij apawupa. Ta walij manawupa. ‘The food is warm/hot.’ Ja yirratat iwawupa. ‘The meat food is hot.’ Syn:�mawupawuk. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
iwerr���noun. dry. lean meat, ninyperr ‘dry’; wuwerr, mawerr ‘dry’; aperr ‘dry’; wiwerr. Category:�General, Properties of surface.
iwijiwij���noun. 1�•�nose plug. Either the one worn in the nose or the one used to plug a dugong's nose so it will die quickly. See:�keport�‘pandanus nose plug’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items, Tools, men's.
2�•�wooden needle. Used to sew up wilam 'bark canoe'. Anth: Used by dreamtime awungirrkpung to sew up stone in legend. See:�marrapirnta�‘pierced nasal septum’. Category:�Tools, men's.
iwik���noun. scrotum. Category:�Organs and torso.
iwiya���noun. hair. ngawiya, ninypiya, mawiya ‘VE.foliage ; VE.tree.leaves’; apiya ‘ED.leaves’; wiwiya. Nakapa ilurtpujpiny ja iwiya. ‘His hair is shorter.’ Takapa apiya ngaw karwuluk. ‘That is the foliage of the long yam.’ Category:�Hair.
Iwiya manya���noun. a spreading tree with conspicuous yellow flowers that grows in the jungle. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wurrungmilurrungmil. Category:�Trees and bushes.
iwugi���noun. old, worn out. ninypugi ‘FE.old ; FE.worn.out’; wuwugi ‘olden.time ; a.long.time.ago’; nungpugi ‘old ways’; mawugi ‘V.old ; V.worn.out’; apugi. Usage:�This modifier is not used of people, inyarlgan or wallabies/kangaroos. But is used for fish. See:�marnpularr�‘old, worn out’. Category:�Illness and death, Goodness.
iwulakpaminy���tv. be paternal grandfather to. awunilakpaminy, iwuyilakpaminy, iwulakpaminy. Category:�family, inc moieties.
kulakpaminy���my son (male speaker)son, who is your wawu (grandson). Hearer replies using namiyingi.
kunjakpaminy���noun. male speaker: my daughter who is your son's daughter. Hearer replies using ngalmiyingi. See:�lakpaminy; ngalmiyingi�‘my wawu who is your ngawiny’; namiyingi�‘My wawu who is your ngawiny’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
iwularr���coverb. kill, animals or people. Iniwung iwularr ja arrarrkpi. ‘He killed the man.’ Kinyiwuk iwularr. ‘He killed her.’ See:�inypularr�‘orphan (lost mother)’. Category:�General change of state.
iwururrk���noun. succulent, big and juicy. arrkpururrk, wuwururrk ‘breasts.full.of.milk’; apururrk. See:�imururrk�‘scar tissue’; mawurraj�‘very juicy’; apungkurryuwu�‘top of Karwuluk yam’; apururrk walij�‘harvest season’; wururrkjanyjuk�‘Milkwood tree’; yanyjuk�‘breast milk’. Malany ta kapin apururrk ta miyulum nakapa katja karrapun. ‘When the miyulum yams are juicy we go and dig them up.’ Pa ngatja, ngarrapa, ta apururrk ta walij kapin miyulum. ‘Well we go off and get it, all the juicy food like Miyulum yam.’ Category:�Properties of surface.
iwurraj���noun. 1�•�fat, big. See:�mawurraj�‘very juicy’; ngurlungurlu�‘become bigger, fatter’. Category:�Appearance.
2�•�season time for cockles and karranarn oysters that have fat. See:�ayuk�‘law, custom, lifestyle’. Category:�Shellfish, Longer.
iwuyi���noun. bandicoot nest. Category:�Mammals.
iyakirn���noun. honeycomb wax. Category:�Bees and honey.
iyalala���noun. primapara; a woman who had already had one child, or been pregnant up to around 25 weeks. Category:�Ages.
iyalk���noun. cheeky yam species. It is cooked first and then crushed to get rid of the poisonous juices, and can then be eaten. Less round than mutjak. Category:�Tubers, Plant food. See:�mutjak�‘cheeky yam species’; yuwak�‘yam type’.
iyarliyarl���noun. an increase centre for a given species. See:�yarl�‘sand cone’; jang�‘sacred site’. Category:�Sorcery, Landscape.
iyarlmu���noun. spirit of a living person. Anth: No one knows what the spirit of a living person is like - he is just alive. The spirit of a dead person can be seen (a little white thing like a bird).= ninyjarlmu ‘3FE.POSS.spirit’; wiyarlmu. See:�manya�‘ghost, spirit, dead person’; malarlmuniny kirrkju�‘completely deaf’. Category:�Other.
iyarrmulu���noun. skeleton. See:�namajungpu�‘skeleton’; iyayik�‘bones’; ikurru�‘human bones’. Category:�Other.
iyayik���noun. bone, shells (old ones that have been bleached by the sun). atjayik ‘1pl.in.POSS.bones. Also a place name on Warruwi.’; ninyjayik, wiyayik. See:�ingiri�‘skin, shell’; iyarrmulu�‘skeleton’. Category:�Other, Shellfish.
iyi���part. denotes agreement, yes, ok. See:�yi�‘yes, demonstrative’. Category:�Language.
iyigi���noun. 1�•�his tooth. ngayigi ‘1sg.POSS.tooth’; nujigi ‘2sg.POSS.tooth’; ninyjigi ‘3FE.POSS.tooth’; wuyigi ‘crack in ground (Capell 1956:41)’; mayigi ‘stone.spear ; crab.claw.for.smoking ; fishing.hook ; splinter of wood’; atjigi ‘roasted crushed shells used as special 'sand' for cooking kuli yam together with a special tree’; wiyigi ‘3pl.POSS.teeth’. Category:�Head.
2�•�axehead, tomahawk head, knife head, shovel spear head. Category:�Tools, men's.
iyinmuning���iv. be from a place by birth. Atjurrang atjinmuning. ‘We were born here.’ Category:�Reproduction.
iyirriki���nouns. pieces, bits, scraps. mayirriki ‘sawdust, finely scraped wood’; ajirriki ‘left-over crumbs or scraps of food, flour, yam etc., scraps of vegetable food, bits of vegetable food’. Category:�General, General terms. Ta ajirriki naka jara walij awk. ‘Ajirriki is bits of (vegetable) food.’
inyngeny yirulk���coverb. be mother-in-law to man/woman. Inyngeny yirulk ‘She is her mother in law’. See:�innyurawng�‘father-in-law to’. Syn:�mawawiny (kinnyun). Category:�family, inc moieties.