M - m
ma���part. Do it! Off you go! Okay! mapa ‘ma-pa’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
ma kuna���phrase.
magarlmarr���noun. 1�•�large khaki or brown coloured ant hills. See:�wuy�‘anthill type’; wampam�‘anthill type’. Category:�Insects.
2�•�khaki to brown colour. Category:�Colours and light.
magarnpa���noun. 1�•�fishing line. Syn:�wakij. See main entry: igarnpa. See:�ikpiny�‘traditional torch type’; magarnpa wularr�‘tree roots’. Category:�Items for fishing.
2�•�burning stick taken from the fire and used as a torch. Anth: Not specifically made to be a torch like ikpiny. Category:�Tools, men's.
magarnpa wularr���noun. tree roots. See:�magarnpa�‘fishing line, burning stick used as torch’; mawirriyak�‘roots’. See main entry: igarnpa. Category:�Plant parts.
magarra���crossreference. See main entry: igarra.
magarrij���noun. butt end of a spear. Category:�Tools, men's.
maj���noun. octopus. Category:�Shellfish.
Majakurtu���noun. one of the 5 tribes that originally lived on Warruwi and Weyerra. Along with Manangkarri, Warrarakuku, Warraneyitjij and Mangalara. Category:�Dreamtime names.
majamurlirra���noun. Red Kurrajong tree. Brachychiton megaphyllus, Brachychiton paradoxum?. Variant:�Iwajda: Majamulirra. Mangkulyuwu kamalangali Majamurlirra. ‘Kurrajong trees grow at Mangkulyuwu (a swamp).’ See:�inymulwapi�‘Kurrajong tree’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food, Calendar plants. Anth: Type of low bush with large roundish leaves that has blood red flower which blooms before leaves appear. 'Old people' used to eat the seeds. There is an old story from the mainland about a man who rubbed his eyes after handling the seeds and turned into a dugong. Flowering of this plant is a sign that dugong have a lot of fat on them.
majang���noun. open pattern dilly bag. Category:�Tools, women's.
majarr���noun. throat, front of neck, part of trunk, voice; top of trunk or bottom of trunk, not sure. Maniwung majarr. ‘He's got a sore voice.’ Maniwung karrkpin mata majarr. ‘He spoke with a loud voice.’ Pata wera mampumarlalkuny majarr ngaw. ‘They cut it off at the trunk.’ See:�mangawj�‘throat, sore throat’; imungkurryuwu�‘back of neck’. Category:�Organs and torso, Plant parts.
majartapi���noun. australian Bustard, Kori, sometimes called 'bush turkey'. Ardeotis australis. Category:�Large birds.
majawumajawu���noun. frilly. Category:�Properties of surface.
majirnti���noun. large hawksbill turtle. Anth: Blood of turtles used as contraceptive for dogs, can also cause them to miscarry. See:�irrwuluk; kantawumurra�‘turtle of similar size (possibly different species)’; kantawulmurra�‘small Hawksbill turtle’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
mak���noun. message stick. Category:�Tools, men's, General ritual.
makakurr���noun. pelican. Pelecanus conspicillatus. Category:�Small birds.
makas���dem. that. Maka mata warlk. ‘That is a tree.’ See:�naka�‘that’.
makiny���part. no. Makiny. Ngapi marrik ngayng. ‘No. I am not going.’ See:�makiny la�‘and so’; makinyju�‘the time that’. "Makiny ngungpurrun ta ngarri iwamalkpa ngarriwen." ta nungpaka ngatpin. ‘"Or maybe he'll come up to us and we'll spear him." that's what we say.’ See:�qeqe�‘yes’; marrik�‘not’. Category:�Language.
makiny la���part. sentence introducer, and so. Makiny la iniwung. ‘And so he hit him.’ See:�makiny�‘no’; makinyju�‘when’; la�‘so’.
makinyju���part. when, the time that, not sure if it has to occur with ta or not. Ngarri pa ta makinyju ngarraran nganyetpang malany tuka nanguj putarr ta alaj iniyalmany mirnta. ‘We were together all the time. I was with them, then a little while later he died.’ See:�makiny�‘no’; makiny la�‘and so’. Category:�Longer.
makumaku���noun. Sicklefish, Spotted Scat. Drepane punctata. See:�kawirrwa�‘Butterfish, Striped Scat’; wakpi�‘Spinefoot’. Category:�Fish. Anth: This one is 'big brother' to kawirrwa
malakpi���noun. heavy. Category:�Size and weight. See:�nulakpi�‘heavy’. Category:�Size and weight.
malakpirij���noun. hole in a tree, hollow tree, doorway. See main entry: ilakpirij. See:�kilaji�‘hollow, hole’. Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house, Plant parts.
malakpuj���coverb. quietly. Warranyngiw kutpaninga malakpuj. ‘Children sit quietly.’ See:�nulakpuntakpuj�‘a quiet person’; kingalkpun�‘quiet, peaceful, calm (weather)’. Category:�Activity manner.
malakuru���noun. narrow. See main entry: nulakuru. Category:�Size and weight.
malalkukuj���noun. refers to the section of the Maung tribe whose homelands are North and South Goulburn Island. Category:�Dreamtime names.
malarlirrjiny���noun. a sting. Category:�Sickness.
malarlmuniny kirrkju���phrase. completely deaf. Variant:�Ngurtikin form. Malany malarlmuniny kirrkju. ‘He is completely deaf.’ See:�iyarlmu�‘spirit of a living person’. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
malaman���noun. flavour. Category:�Illness. See:�ilaman�‘voice, taste’.
malamanyjirrka���noun. a youth. Anth: literally: facial hair is beginning to appear Category:�Ages.
malamumurr���noun. froth. Category:�Water bodies.
malany���part. 1�•�sentence introducer. Waryat kanyu wakapa tuka yarntakpung. Malany tukapa kurrungpawurrun ta ngungunman. ‘There is a reef where he chopped it down. Now you will understand what I told you.’ malany takapa ‘seems to mean 'that's when'’. Malany la Category:�Language.
2�•�when, at that time, used adverbially. Category:�Longer.
3�•�clause connector. Yarntakpung malany ta wupaj angmalkpangungka. ‘He chopped it and the water began to rise.’
4�•�what (about it)? Variant:�falling intonation. Anngalyunyi! Malany? ‘Listen? What (do you want)?’ See:�malanypi�‘later on’.
malanypi���adverb. later on, afterwards. Malanypi la nganamurnanganiga. ‘I will return later on.’ Malanypi nganyawinypukpun mata arawirr. ‘Later on, I will make the didgeridoo smooth.’ See:�malany�‘so then, then’; -wi�‘towards location/ hearer’. Category:�Longer.
malapiyi���coverb. scoff at, laugh at. Iniwuning malapiyi. ‘He was laughing at him.’ See:�parr�‘laugh at, make fun of’; kinnyarkinyji�‘tease, make fun of’. Category:�Language, Play, perform, joke.
malarrk���noun. a person who comes from North Eastern Arnhem Land. Nuka ja malarrk kerraga. ‘The Eastern Arnhem Lander is coming.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.
malatparlilil���noun. weak. See main entry: nulatparlilil.
malawurlkpinyananut���noun. Screw Shell. Turritella terebra. Variant:�Iwaidja: Mangayikulu. Category:�Shellfish.
Malawurak���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
malawurtwarrki���noun. large intestine. Syn:�wurriwurri nuyu. See:�malijpularr�‘small intestines’. Category:�Organs and torso.
malayangkari���noun. string carrying bag. Parang la awunilatiny mayalakarri ja karrkpin awunimany-kit warak kapa tuka kunak nuyu. ‘However he put them both in his big dillybag and carried them to where he was camping.’ Category:�Tools, women's.
mali���noun. knowledge, memories. Usage:�Used only with particular verbs Pa mamirlkpungenypu mali. ‘And their minds changed.’ Manimirlkpungany nuyu mata mali. ‘It turns his memories back, as he looks at the area and remembers an old ceremony.’ Nuyi marrik anngamurnanganya mali. ‘You didn't have the sense to remember (that you shouldn't hit your sister-in-law).’ See:�mayali�‘wisdom’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
coverb. mistakenly think, be unaware of something, ignore someone. Aminang mali aralpa. ‘They thought that it was true.’ Kanmin mali karlajarr. ‘You're ignoring me.’ Aminy mali yanat iniwung la iwurtjukuning. ‘They thought that he had killed him and so they were blaming him.’ See:�kinimirlkpunge�‘change’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Judgement, evaluation.
malijap���noun. small, little. See:�malinjinyut�‘small things’. See main entry: ilijap. Category:�Size and weight.
malijpakpak���noun. young VE class. See main entry: ilijpakpak. Category:�Size and weight.
malijpularr���noun. 1�•�the small intestines. Mata nigi la malijpularr. ‘The stomach and intestines.’ See:�malawurtwarrki�‘large intestine’; wurriwurri nuyu�‘large intestine’. See main entry: ilijpularr. Category:�Organs and torso.
2�•�many small chips of wood. Category:�Fire.
malililut���noun. 1�•�soft part of the ear. Category:�Head.
2�•�any soft item. Category:�Properties of surface. Usage:�VE object See main entry: nulililut.
malinjinyut���noun. small things. Category:�Size and weight. See:�malijap�‘small, little’.
Malirrgu���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
malirri���noun. dangerous, poisonous. See:�nulirri�‘dangerous, angry, cheeky’. Category:�Toxic plants.
malitit���noun. slippery. Marlakan la malitit. ‘Careful, it is slippery.’ Category:�Properties of surface.
maliwi���noun. worthless, useless, no good. See:�yaliwi�‘evil things’. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
malngpi���noun. Peanut Tree. Sterculia quarifida. Variant:�Iwaidja: Angarl/Malkirr. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food. Anth: Tree with edible black seeds contained in an orange pod. Grows on Warruwi and features in story Kortaweli.
marl���coverb. Restrict:�MA subject intermittent flashing light, signal light. Koyanti kiwani marl. ‘Look at that flashing light.’ See:�maru�‘light flash’. Category:�Colours and light.
marlajak���noun. prawn. Category:�Crustaceans.
marlakan���adverb. slowly, carefully. Nungmalal ta marlakan anpanamin ngartu ‘Please speak slowly to me.’ See:�junta�‘travel slowly’. Ant:�murr. Category:�Activity manner.
interjection. be careful! Watch out! Go slowly! Anmina marlakan! ‘Be careful!’ Marlakan, mawarlkanyi ‘Be careful, it might fall!’ Category:�Language.
marlamumu���noun. clot of blood. Category:�Secretions and substances.
marlamurr���noun. 1�•�grey clay or mud. Category:�Soil.
2�•�grey colour. Category:�Colours and light.
marlana���coverb. 1�•�playing at, play-acting, playing. Variant:�said to be Ngurtikin usage. Kawuli marlana. ‘They are joking to each other. He is playing.’ See:�lintij�‘play’. Category:�Play, perform, joke.
2�•�play. Kawarra marlana. ‘They're playing.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke.
3�•�hit while playing, pretend to hit. Kawuntumarlkujpa la wemin, marlana ‘They punch each other, playing.’ Malany iwuwuning marlana. ‘They were playing with him (in a hurtful way), treating him scornfully.’ Ngantuwun marlana. ‘They are playing with me, e.g. he stole my bag in fun (i.e. ran off with it to tease me but was just going to come back with it.)’ Category:�Play, perform, joke.
marlangkany���noun. log. See:�kerlangken�‘tear, split, separate’. Category:�Plant parts.
marlimarli���noun. Yellowtail Kingfish; Greenfish. Seriola lalandi. See:�jirnumpu�‘Kingfish’. Category:�Fish.
marlinkarrk���noun. Cycad palm, livistonia palms. Livistona spp. incl. Livistona humilis and Livistona inermis, Cycas spp.. Variant:�Iwaidja: Mangkukbu or Wurarrngarr (Cycas armstrongii); Malinkarrk/Marlingarrk (Livistona humilis). Muka marlinkarrk marruny. ‘These are Marlinkarrk palms.’ See:�marruny�‘palm’; ngajo�‘cycad’; iwak�‘cabbage palm’. Category:�Palms, Medicine. Anth: The cabbage of the palm is eaten. It is good for flus.
marlu���noun. 1�•�wind. Ma, kanama rtalkpi alaj Marlu innyartpungkunyka. ‘O.k., you start, so the wind must have brought him here.’ Marlu kakurrin makiny. ‘When the wind's strong, we don't go.’ See:�jimurru�‘southeast trade winds’; parra�‘west wind’. Category:�Wind.
2�•�wind of cyclone.
marlya���noun. 1�•�crocodile nest. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
2�•�hole dug in the ground to take upright sticks to make a shelter. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.
mamagaya���noun. food type, may be an old warraka (water lily root). Category:�Plant food, Tubers.
Mamalang���noun. place on North Goulburn Island. Category:�Place names.
mamaligaj���noun. young shoots. Plants coming back after rains. Mamalijap manamalkpa. ‘The young shoots come up.’ See:�apaligaj�‘young shoots’. Category:�General terms.
mamalk���noun. frame for a fish net. Category:�Items for fishing.
mamarlintuny���iv. break off, break apart. e.g. umbilical cord dry and come off, rope break. Mamarlintuny mata muki ‘The bit of umbilical cord breaks off.’ See:�kingamarlintun�‘be blown or moved by wind’. Category:�General.
mamam���noun. mother's father and siblings. Category:�family, inc moieties.
mamanga���noun. main part of tree trunk from its base to where the branches start to come out. See main entry: wumanga. See:�apanga�‘top part of yam plant’; manimi�‘base of tree trunk, tree stump’. Category:�Plant parts, Trees and bushes.
mamarrk���noun. bottom of canoe. See main entry: imarrk. Category:�Items for fishing.
mamatpa���crossreference. See:�matpa�‘other, another one’.
mamawurr���noun. branch of a tree. mamawurr wularr nganykarrarr ‘mangrove branches’. See main entry: imawurr. Category:�Plant parts, Trees and bushes.
mamik���noun. a short, stout person. Ant:�warlarr. Category:�Size and weight, Peoples and clans.
mamin���noun. it, reciprocal contrastive pronoun. See:�yamin�‘third person reciprocal pronoun’.
maminga���noun. Scaley Giant Clam. Tridacna squamosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: maminga. ilijap maminga ‘a young clam shell’. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat. Lots are found at Nganyamirnali.
mampal���noun. full. See:�kulul�‘full, narrow, tight’. Category:�Arrangement.
mampuli���noun. bow of canoe, may cover 'point' or 'face' of other VE things, see. See main entry: yumpuli. Category:�Items for fishing.
mampumuningmurlu���tv. be mother's brother's child, be father's sister's child. atamuningmulu ‘be.MBC.to ; be.FZC.to’. See:�ngatimuninymurlu�‘be cross cousins’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
mamuli���noun. 1�•�large male animal. Category:�General.
2�•�greedy, lustful. Category:�Desire, Peoples and clans.
mamurlarr���noun. turtle shell. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
mamun���noun. big, important. See:�mamunpun�‘big-eye’. See main entry: imun. Category:�Size and weight.
mamun wirlngukuk���noun. the hot time immediately preceding the Wet season, October to December. Syn:�kinyjapurr. See:�wirlngukuk�‘coals’. Category:�Longer.
mamunpun���noun. term meaning 'large eye', refers to a dreamtime being. See:�mamun�‘very big’; wun�‘eye’. Variant:�vulgar term. Category:�Dreamtime names.
mamungaparl���noun. collarbone. Category:�Organs and torso. Syn:�irigigi.
mamungar���noun. type of eucalyptus tree. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: said that the leaves are eaten by manya
mamungkurryuwu���noun. the part of the tree which bends against the wind, ie. neck of the tree. Category:�Plant parts, Trees and bushes. See main entry: imungkurryuwu.
mamurrng���noun. local ceremony that's not secret kurnapipi. See:�muki�‘belly button’; mulil�‘ceremony’. Category:�General ritual.
Manangkari���name. part of the Maung tribe which belongs to South Goulburn Island. See:�Maningkali�‘clan name’. Category:�Dreamtime names. Anth: according to old people, they had a separate language to Mawng.
manarkpakpa���noun. Early part of the dry season following wumulukuk, August to September. See:�kamarlkpakpa�‘burning season’. Category:�Longer.
manat���noun. it, 3rd person pronoun for Vegetation gender nouns such as warlk 'tree'. See:�yanat�‘third person pronoun’.
Manawugan���noun. name of a point near Maningrida. Usage:�Maung people use this term to refer to Maningrida Settlement itself Category:�Place names.
manayak���noun. this describes the process whereby people pass a message from place to place about a death. Category:�Mourning.
manimani���noun. necklace. Arringula manimani. ‘We make necklaces.’ Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
manimi���noun. base of tree trunk, tree stump, blade of grass. La kiwani ja arrarrkpi tuka warlk. ‘And the man's sitting at the tree.’ Manimi warlk, qeqe. ‘Yes, (leaning on) the tree trunk.’ Manimi mata kaluku. Trunk of a coconut tree. See main entry: inimi. Syn:�mangijalk. See:�mamanga�‘main part of tree trunk’. Category:�Plant parts, Trees and bushes.
manimunak���noun. Magpie goose, specifically used for the female. Anseranas semipalmata. Jukapa manimunak. ‘This is a goose/duck.’ See:�parrngarnaki�‘male Magpie goose’. Category:�Small birds.
manimurranymakpa kurak ja kurrula���crossreference. See:�kinimurranymakpa�‘become big’.
Maningkali���noun. clan name. See:�Manangkari�‘Part of the Maung tribe which belongs to South Goulburn Island’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
maningkangung���tv. Restrict:�VE object listen to. Awaninganapa maninginkangung music. ‘They're there and he's listening to music.’ See:�kinginka�‘speak, make noise, argue’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
maningul���noun. blood, red. Category:�Secretions and substances, Colours and light.
manjarlkujparri���noun. three-lined Grunter (Trumpeter), Striped grunter-like fish, Spangled Grunter. Terapon jarbua, Terapon sp, Pelates quadrilineatus,. Variant:�Iwaidja: Alukun. Nuka ja manjarlkujparri ja kinyurlarlkuku ja kiyap. ‘The manjarlkujparri is a striped fish.’ See:�wirtjirrk�‘Yellowtail grunter (trumpeter)’; inypampuk�‘Coal Grunter’. Category:�Perch.
manjarrpirn���noun. 1�•�wattle species. Acacia aulacocarpa. See:�wuyungpuyung�‘Wattle species’. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: A twig is chewed and dipped into wild honey and then sucked. The bark is used with honey to brew tea.
2�•�tree type (not wattle). Brachychiton diversifolius. Category:�Trees and bushes, Mourning.
manjat���noun. straight, true. Ngatpi manjat, kungpurrun. ‘We don't say it straight out, you know (discussing words to describe girl's first period ceremony: which are somewhat euphemistic).’ Ant:�rlawrlaw. Category:�Shape, Goodness.
manjawak���noun. knife. Syn:�marrimarri. Category:�Other. Note: alternative pronunciation used in fast speech
manjururrk���noun. python. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: This snake is the (non-cheeky) Yirridja moiety member in the Kurnapipi ceremony.
manjururrk���noun. Single-gilled Eel. Ophisternon gutterale (Synbranchidae). See:�marrnguny�‘previously 'eel'’. Category:�Herring.
manjurrang���noun. a very big green-back turtle. See:�manpiri�‘green-back turtle’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
mankarlaparra���noun. water lily. Nymphaea violacea, Nymphaea macrosperma. Variant:�Iwaidja: Warraga. Mata muka mata flower kanjawarnanganjpun mankarlaparra. (check verb prefix) ‘We call the flower Mankarlaparra.’ See:�warraka�‘Nymphaea tuber’; munungkurtpiny�‘Nelumbo nucifera’; kinpukinpuk�‘seed pod of water lily’; Mirwulu�‘lily type’. Category:�Plant food, Tubers, Small plants.
mankarni���noun. 1�•�a powerful medicine man who works sorcery against people. Mankarni ja karruniwun, karrunirrka kunuka irrik. ‘The mankarni is someone who harms us, sticks something into us or does something else.’ Category:�Peoples and clans, Sorcery.
2�•�the knowledge that a mankarni has. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention. See:�marrgijpu�‘sorcerer’. Category:�Ritual and socery.
mankararr���noun. a piece of wood situated inside a didgeridoo. Mata mankararr mata kamawani wukej tuka arawirr. ‘The mankararr is situated inside the didgeridoo.’ See:�nganykarrarr�‘mangroves’. Category:�Tools, men's.
Mankarutak���noun. Place name. Category:�Place names.
mankawiny���noun. Fern. Blechnum orientale, Acrostichum speciosum, Dicranopteris linearis, Stenochlaena palustris. Variant:�Iwaidja: Manggawiny. See:�wikurlk�‘Native Asparagus (a fern)’. Category:�Small plants.
mankawurr���noun. a stick from the manjarrpirn tree used as straw to suck honey. Category:�General terms, Tools, men's. Anth: a twig end is chewed into a brush and used to suck honey
mankik���noun. stone spearhead. Category:�Tools, men's.
mankimanki���noun. 1�•�barb in a stingray's tail. Category:�Rays.
2�•�stingray bush. Category:�Trees and bushes.
mankole���noun. 1�•�Bamboo. Bambusa arnhemica. Variant:�Iwaidja: Alidjbularr or Arnarnar. See:�Yarnawu�‘bamboo’. Category:�Trees and bushes.
2�•�bamboo spear. Category:�Tools, men's.
mankulumpurr���noun. a very soft wood. Category:�General terms.
mankumpurri���noun. a band consisting of a series of handmade strings worn around the neck of a widow. Walmuri awunimany rtilga. Minyngu kawani. Mankumpurri mannyutpan. ‘Walmuri brings them all together for a funeral. He puts on the mourner's neckband (mankumpurri).’ Note: sister-in-law, husband also wear it. Wear it for a while then they take it off and put it in a bag. Later they'd bury it usually. Or a particular relative might keep it. When the widow takes it off she can marry again. Not for ex-husbands though, so if woman is married again she doesn't wear it. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
mankuparl���noun. Wolf herring, Giant Herring. Chirocentrus dorab, Elops hawaiiensis (Elopidae). See:�wururi�‘herring (generic), Oxeye herring’. Category:�Herring.
manmarli���noun. 1�•�tree species, Paperbark type. Category:�Trees and bushes.
2�•�branch with hook on the end used to pull pandanus leaves down for basket making. Category:�Tools, women's.
coverb. hook out of. Kumanyi manmarli. ‘Hook it out of the water.’ Category:�Manipulation.
manmuyuk���noun. middle of the dry season. See:�namumuyak�‘dreamtime period’. Category:�Longer.
manpala���part. both. Yunyi wanyjtupanyjut la warakparakut wutarr kuwaka kapin imurranymi awunginkay pata manpala wanpirlk yirrkju. ‘Do not plant them close to each other but put them at a distance from each other otherwise both the seeds might grow and fight each other.’ Iniwung la yamin manpala yurnparrparr yirrkju ‘They both hit each other.’ See:�napala�‘perhaps, so’. Syn:�yirrkju. Category:�Amounts.
manpete���noun. a tree which has a yellow inedible fruit. Hakea arborescens?. See:�wirryalkat�‘Hakea arborescens’. Category:�Trees and bushes.
manpiri���noun. green-back turtle. Miri iwumajpungka, iwatpangka, ngatpin "Aa, manpiri iweny." ‘If they lifted up the paddle, we'd think "Ah, they got a turtle."’ Note: When hunters returned in a canoe they'd make a signal to show what they caught. See:�kartawuj�‘small green-backed turtle’; manjurrang�‘large green-backed turtle’; inimiyarnpalarr�‘large and long green-backed turtle’; molkokaj�‘large green-backed turtle’; munma�‘small kind of turtle’. Anth: belongs to yarriyarnkuk, waryat side of martkumartku. Flowering of the wattles itpalk, karawu and wirarrwirarr are a sign for the time of year when manpiri have a lot of fat in them, so it's good to hunt them. Note: Generic term for turtle too. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
manpurrwa���noun. clothing. See:�atjiyarrkarrk�‘clothing and possessions of a living person’; naputjanputjan�‘clothing and possessions of a dead person’; lipa�‘material, especially beautiful material’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
mantanti���noun. the mainland, people from the mainland. Category:�Landscape, Peoples and clans.
mantanti akut���phrase. South, South side (literally: the direction of the mainland). Pulikang wumarrk kinyjangali la leopard mantanti akut. ‘The cow is below and the leopard is on the south side.’ Category:�Cardinal directions.
mantanti kapukpaga���phrase. south wind. The wind which comes from the direction of the mainland. See:�jimurru�‘South-east trade winds’; parra�‘west wind’. Category:�Wind.
mantorok���noun. tree species. Category:�Trees and bushes.
manuk���noun. slow-moving non-poisonous black water snake. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: This is a sacred snake that is not allowed to be killed.
manungkut���noun. fish similar to Batfish, probably. See:�alapanja�‘Batfish’; marramarra�‘Angelfish’; Worntokporntok�‘Diamond fish’. Category:�Fish. Anth: Can be eaten
Manutpakpang���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
manya���noun. 1�•�ghost, spirit. Category:�Supernatural.
2�•�a dead person including their body. Kimaju manya. ‘He is dead.’ ja manya ja imajungan ‘The person is dead.’ arrarrkpi ja kimaju. ‘a dead person’. See:�iyarlmu�‘spirit of a living person’. Category:�Illness and death.
manyardi���noun. song. Category:�Play, perform, joke.
manyjerrukumarlpa���noun. black currant. Shrub or big tree, fruits used as purple dye for pandanus. Edible fruits. Antidesma ghesaembilla. Variant:�Iwaidja: Mandjirrigumala. See:�ngunymuk�‘Tree with blue-black fruit’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food, Dye and fibre plants.
manyjirr���noun. Blue-spotted Fantail Ray. Taeniura lymma, ?Dasyatis kuhlii. Nakurrututu kinyjurlu kingatpi warranyngiw ingurlaj manyjirr. ‘Nakurrututu is pregnant, she has a child whose name is Manyjirr.’ See:�yagaru�‘stingrays’; warntilili�‘ray type that is has blue spots like manyjirr but smaller’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a small stingray. It has a flat tail with two spines. It has blue spots on its back. It lives in shallow water over sandy areas amongst coral reefs. It is not eaten
Manyjulnguny���noun. clan name. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Mangalara���name. one of the first two clans on Warruwi, one of the five clans now on Warruwi. Category:�Dreamtime names.
mangali���noun. Scad, small Trevally. Syn:�mungkulurrut. See:�inyalkpa wurrut�‘Medium sized Trevally’; Wurrut�‘Trevally (generic)’. Category:�Sweetlips.
mangalpitan���noun. bird. Ephippiorhynchus asiatucus. Category:�Large birds.
mangarlngarl���noun. larynx, voice box. Category:�Head.
manganyparlirr���noun. Brown stingray, Brown Reticulated Stingray. Dasyatis fluviorum, Dasyatis leylandi. Manganyparlirr inyalyungan kamaju. Inypaning inypararrkenang. ‘Manganyparlirr heard they were injured. She sat and cried.’ See:�yagaru�‘stingrays and rays (generic)’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This lives inshore, over muddy bottoms and mangrove flats. It has one sting. The wing flaps are pointed so that it has a 'diamond' shape. It is eaten.
manganypum���noun. white ashes left from a fire. Syn:�yurrwiri. Category:�Fire.
Mangarnawal���name. part of the Maung tribe whose homeland is Sandy Creek, Wajpi country. Category:�Dreamtime names.
mangarnparrawarra���coverb. quickly, movement. Awungurrinang mangarnparrawarra. ‘They were running quickly.’ Kerra marnparrawarra ‘He is moving quickly (walking)’. Kerra warak marnparrawarra. ‘He's going away quickly.’ Category:�Activity manner.
mangaralk���noun. tongue of flame. See main entry: ngaralk. Category:�Fire.
mangaralk jungku���noun. red colour. Category:�Colours and light.
mangawj���noun. phlegm. Ngamangawunapa, ngyeka ja mangawj. ‘As I cough, I cough up flem.’ Muka mata walurru ta amajung pata arrarrkpi amajung mangawj. ‘People would use Stringybark when they had a cough.’ Ja alangunta naka kiwuma ingijalk kiwula pa marrik amangawu ja mangawj. ‘They get the fruit from the Alangunta tree and eat it. This helps to prevent coughs.’ See:�wurnkurrk�‘snot’; majarr�‘throat’; wumanga�‘source of a creek’. Category:�Secretions and substances.
kimaju mangaw���have a cough (as a type of illness). Category:�Sickness.
mangijalk���noun. main body of tree, tree trunk (mamanga refers to exclusively the trunk), fruit of tree, body of canoe etc. Muka mata mirnkul mangijalk nuyu. ‘That is his straight promised wife.’ mangijalk ‘body of canoe’. See:�manimi�‘base of tree trunk, tree stump’. See main entry: ingijalk. Category:�Plant parts.
mangili���noun. fresh water tortoise. See:�nyarlgan�‘large long-necked tortoise’; inyjalarrku�‘white tortoise’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians, Medicine. Anth: the water in which mangili have been is said to have healing properties.
mangiri���noun. bark, outer covering of a tree. See main entry: ingiri. Category:�Plant parts.
mangirk���noun. Small reef-dwelling Black-tip Whaler Sharks. Carcharhinus spp.. See:�arlitju�‘Black-tip tailed Whaler sharks’; inyumpuli ngurtpartpart�‘larger Whaler sharks’. Category:�Sharks.
mangirrkirra���noun. coral spawn: a greeny-brown substance which appears on the ocean when the Walurru (Stringybark) flower. Category:�Water bodies.
mangkajarra���noun. Macassan. Now used for Indonesians too. Pata mangkajarra awangkungka awaning awuyamangung jarripang. ‘The Macassans used to come and work on trepang.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.
mangkarrkpinji���noun. spear type. Category:�Tools, men's.
mangkatmangkat���coverb. 1�•�see dimly. Malany ngapi ngawunayan mangkatmangkat. ‘I see them dimly, unclearly.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�spy on someone. Variant:�Iwaidja: mangkatpangkat. He's spying on her is kinyayan mangkatmangkat. Nuka ja arrarrkpi la warramumpik kinyiyarrun kinyayan mangkatmangkat ‘This man is following the woman, he's spying on her.’ See:�numutput. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
mangkirrk���noun. spear type. Category:�Tools, men's.
Mangkirrulkpuj���noun. somewhere on Weyirra. Category:�Place names.
Mangkulalkuj���noun. Croker Island. See:�Minjilang�‘Croker Island town’. Category:�Place names.
Mangkulyuwu���noun. a billabong on the mainland. Category:�Place names.
mangmang���coverb. pant, as a dog. Yarrangung mangmang ja luluj. ‘The dog went along panting.’ See:�kanilakpartpanpun�‘pant’; ngangang�‘pant’; wirrngak�‘breath’. Category:�Automatic actions.
Manguluwirrk���noun. place name. Category:�Cardinal directions.
mangurlaj���noun. name, eg. of tree or grass. See main entry: ingurlaj.
mangurrk���coverb. Restrict:�VE object marry someone from elsewhere. Ngapi nganyamany mangurrk Manawugan. ‘I married someone from Maningrida.’ Kamanima mangurrk, jita warramumpik inyuran Kunpalanya. ‘He married someone from elsewhere, a woman from Oenpelli.’ Mangamany mangurrk kinymalkpa muwarn. ‘She married someone from the East.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.
marnangkat���noun. strong, hard. See:�yarnangkat�‘strong, hard’. Category:�Arrangement, Goodness.
marnkitarr���noun. tribal cicatrices below breast, also general term. Aputpangung pu marnkitarr. ‘They put marnkitarr on them.’ See:�kanyjarrk�‘tribal cicatrices above breast line’; karlngirr�‘small circular body cicatrices usually across chest’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
marnkuj���noun. thick growth. Ta karrpin marnkuj naka mata kamalangali purrkut. ‘When we say marnkuj it means that the grass, bush is thick.’ Category:�General terms.
marnmarn���noun. 1�•�father's mother and siblings, woman's son's children, reciprocal.
2�•�cross cousin, ie. mother's brother's children, father's sister's children. See:�nganung�‘wife or wife's sister, husband's sister, brother's wife, also used for potential spouses’; nanung�‘husband or husband's brother, sister's husband, wife's brother, sister's husband, mother's brother's sons annd father's sister's sons’; marrakarrak�‘mother's cousin, brother's cousin, father's sister's cousin’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
marnngalk���coverb. Restrict:�LL object drown. Yunyi kanti wurlupurlup warak la kuntang marnngalk. ‘Don't swim out too far or you might drown.’ Pa kimin pa kanila marnngalk. ‘Then he drowns.’ See:�larnngalk�‘ear’. Category:�Motion relating to water, Illness and death.
marnparrawarra���crossreference. See:�mangarnparrawarra�‘quickly, movement’.
marnpi���noun. Billy goat plum. Terminalia carpentaria, Terminalia ferdinandiana. Variant:�Iwaidja: Marnypi (T. ferdinandiana). See:�kurnpi�‘wild plum species (Billy goat plum)’. Category:�Plant food, Trees and bushes. Anth: Edible bush plum, green to yellow when ripe. Found in dry open forest at Goulburn Island.
marnpularr���noun. old, worn out. Ngangartalku jungku marnpularr. ‘I am wearing an old hat.’ See:�iwugi�‘worn out’. Category:�Illness and death, Goodness.
marntakij���noun. bushy tailed wallaby. Category:�Mammals.
marntamrtam���noun. mushroom. Category:�Plant food, Small plants.
marnti���part. might (with bad consequences). Nganaparru marnti iniwu. ‘A buffalo might hurt him.’ Nuka ja numurrunti. Marnti arruniwu. ‘He's a wild man (angry/upset). He might hurt us.’ Category:�Language.
marntingunyuny���noun. dugong. Oh awangkung, awangurrinykapa, apukpuning yurnu, aminy "Mm, marntingunyuny." ‘They'd go along in the boat, they turn their had, we'd think "Oh, dugong."’ Note: When hunters returned in a canoe they'd make a handsign (for dugong) to show what they caught. Anth: Belongs to narrangarrajku moiety, is yungku, yarriwurrik side (fire). We don't point if we see a dugong when hunting, we hold our arm out and curl out index finger up. If we have a dugong, when we are coming into shore we hold up a paddle to let those on the shore know. See:�najparati�‘big dugong’; inyarlgan�‘turtle/dugong’. Category:�Mammals.
marntulyak���noun. long, tall. See:�yarntulyak�‘long, tall’. Category:�Size and weight.
marnturrkpaj���noun. a person who walks a long way. Ja arrarrkpi ja kanimarrajpun warak ke naka ngatpin marnturrkpaj. ‘A man who walks long distances we call a marnturrkpaj.’ See:�walarrkpaj�‘long way off’; ilarrkupanya�‘long, tall’; manturr-manturr�‘place name’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
marnung���noun. Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. Cacutua galerita. Anth: White cockatoo with a long yellow crest on its head and some colour on its body. This is a very noisy bird, he is a very clever bird. When he sees someone coming he warns people. See:�ngalagayu�‘Little Corella’; ngerrk�‘call of marnung’. Category:�Small birds.
mapaj���noun. tobacco (white) ashes. Category:�Toxic plants, Fire.
mapakapak���noun. the ocean, the sea, the 'deep'. Kapalapikpin kiyama marrkapakapak. ‘The big ships work out in the ocean.’ Syn:�wungijalk. See:�marrkunakunak�‘main camp’. Category:�Water bodies.
maparlarr���noun. clod of earth or mud. Category:�Soil.
mapapurr���noun. bark raft. See:�wilam�‘bark canoe’. Category:�Items for fishing.
maparra���noun. tree type. Category:�Trees and bushes.
mapularr���noun. calm, for example: a calm situation, calm body of water, calm wind. Tukapa ta mapularr ta marlu. ‘The wind's calm.’ Malany mata manimi kapin ta mapularr ja kapala arrkurri la arrkpayanyjiny ta kangparlkparran kirrk. ‘When we go in the boat and the sea is calm, you can see the tree stump clearly.’ La muj ta marlu, marrik arrungayanyjiny mira la ta mapularr ‘When the wind turns rough, you can hardly see it, but when the sea is calm, you can.’ See:�mularrarr�‘calm, troublefree’. Ant:�marrngarla. Category:�Sky, Water bodies.
coverb. Restrict:�MA object make it calm, e.g. sea, air. The only human subject this verb can have is Jesus Christ. It cannot be used for calming a baby, or anything an ordinary human can do. Innyutpan mapularr yirrk. ‘He made it all calm, caused it to be calm. (Jesus)’. Ja kurrana kilurrangkenka kinnyutpa mapularr. ‘The full moon rose and made the sea calm (the sea is often calm when there is a full moon in the sky)’. Ta marlu katjutpa mapularr. ‘The wind went calm’. Category:�General change of state.
mapurrkaj���noun. goby, gudgeon (generic), also large gudgeon; 'Mud Cod' (generic). Glossogobius circumspectus, Eleotrididae. See:�kapungurr�‘small gobies and gudgeons’. Category:�Fish.
mara���noun. another, other. Anngamanyi mata mara mata warlk! ‘Bring another piece of wood!’ See:�namatpa�‘other, another one’. See main entry: yara. Category:�Appearance.
marakap���noun. one. See:�yarakap�‘one’. Category:�Amounts.
maralangkat���noun. stare. Inyi maralangkat. Inyi kanpunaya rtaj makiny . ‘Don't stare, don't stare - no".’ Syn:�rtaj. See:�angmirriyangkat�‘area becomes safe’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
maralngkiny���noun. spittle, saliva. Karrunngaryakpakpa mata maralngkiny. ‘Spittle keeps us moist, healthy.’ Category:�Secretions and substances.
mararraj���noun. sweetheart. Kaningula mararraj kayirrk la kawarra walyang. ‘He made a sweetheart relationship and now they have eloped’. Inyimany mararraj. ‘He took a sweetheart, he ran off with her’. inymalkpany mararraj inyarrangung juju. ‘She comes out and walks to her lover.’ Category:�Desire. Anth: When referring to the man, the parents say 'they' as is the custom in referring to the son-in-law.
marawam���noun. buttocks. Variant:�Light Mawng. Syn:�mununy. Category:�Organs and torso.
marawk���noun. 1�•�Friarbirds, honeyeaters (generic). Philemon spp.. Category:�Small birds.
2�•�baldy. An insulting term for people with a small amount of hair on the head, like a leatherhead bird. Nuyi ta marawk wanji. ‘You have a head like a leatherhead, not much hair!’ Category:�Peoples and clans, Head.
marawungut���noun. a few. See:�yarawungut�‘a few’. Category:�Amounts.
mardamarda���noun. the boss worker in the Mardayin. See:�jirrk�‘ceremony leader’; jirrk mardamarda�‘substitute ceremony leader’. Category:�Initiation. Anth: He has the clap sticks, sings and dances, he passes his position to his sons
mardayin���noun. 1�•�the special dillybag from a ceremony. Anth: When a man has one and goes to get his promised wife then they must give her to him because that is a powerful dilly-bag. Category:�Tools, women's.
2�•�ceremony type. See:�lajkurrungu�‘Mardayin initiate’. Category:�General ritual. Anth: When the man wants to 'put up a dance' he sends the special stone and the dilly bag and then they come to dance. One mardayin comes from Elcho and another from Maningrida. If the dilly bag goes back to the place it comes from it has to be buried.
Maringa���noun. 1�•�country around Cape Stewart. Wakapa tuka maringa kunak. ‘There in the Blyth River, Cape Stewart region.’ Category:�Place names.
2�•�refers to a person from the Blyth River, Cape Stewart Region. Punyi maringa arrarrkpi. ‘Father is a Cape Stewart man.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.
markalu���noun. light in weight. See:�yarkalu�‘lightweight, weak’. Category:�Size and weight.
Marperrngek���noun. tree with edible white berries. Syzygium armstrongii?. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food. Anth: Edible, slightly 'cheeky' fruit.
maru���coverb. 1�•�light flash, such as lightning, flashing torch or blinking television. Kiwani maru mantanti. ‘The lightning is flashing on the mainland.’ Anmayanti kamawani maru mata torch. ‘Look at the torch flashing’. See:�marl�‘light flash intermittently’; marrarawk�‘forked lightning strike, lightning man’; mirruk�‘flashing light’. Category:�Colours and light.
2�•�person asleep on his back making jerky movements. Ay naka kiw maru ja Nangila. ‘Nangila is jerking around in his sleep.’ Kinyu maru jita Ngalangila. ‘Ngalangila is jerking around in her sleep.’ Category:�Activity manner.
marumaru���coverb. 1�•�shiver. Kiwani marumaru. ‘He is shivering.’ See:�mirruk�‘flashing light’. Category:�Automatic actions.
2�•�intermittent continuous flashing lightning. Category:�Sky.
marukuk���noun. Porcupine Ray ('sandpaper ray'). Urogymnus asperrimus. Ja mun nuyu ja marukuk. ‘Marukuk is one of the ones with lumps on its back.’ See:�mun nuyu�‘Black Blotched Stingray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a big dark stingray with short tail, no spines, thorns on its back. It lives in seagrass areas. Good to eat.
marulul (nuyu)���noun. disturbance on the surface of the water made by a fish swimming, turtle underneath or boat. Does not include ripples made if we throw a stone into the water. Iwayawng ja marulul nuyu ja marntingunyuny. ‘They saw the wake made by the dugong.’ Ja marulul nuyu ja kurrula kanyakaga. ‘The fish's wake makes a splash.’ Pa ta marulul nuyu ta kurrula kannyakaga. ‘The fish's wake makes ripples.’ Category:�Movement of water.
maruny1���noun. bandicoot. See:�mumpuli marruny�‘Coral Cod’. Category:�Mammals.
maruny2���noun. cramp. Maruny nganimany ‘I've got a cramp.’ See:�kilantanymikpin�‘stiff (in the body)’. Syn:�wiliny. Category:�Sickness.
marurturt���noun. heart. See:�kinnyukpun�‘heart be deeply moved, broken’. Category:�Organs and torso. Variant:�Ngurtikin form is mawurturt.
maryak���noun. wet or green plant matter. e.g. wood that is too fresh to be able to use as firewood or grass that is too green to burn. Maryak mata mirlak. ‘The grass is wet or too green to be good for using to make a fire.’ See:�maryakut�‘fresh young growth’. Category:�General terms.
maryakut���noun. fresh young growth, of the type that appears after rain. Used to refer to the season when this usually occurs too. Kayirrkapa ta maryakut. ‘Now it is the time when the fresh young growth appears (early wet season).’ Muka mata maryakut. ‘This is fresh young growth.’ Ingarnakenang maryakut irrka. ‘His first beard was beginning to come through (a young man).’ See:�maryak�‘fresh, green plant’. Category:�General terms, Longer.
maryawu���noun. 1�•�Paperbark tree. This term also refers to its bark alone which is used for many things. It is used in cooking and to make shelters. Melaleuca argentea and others. Variant:�Iwaidja: Martiyawu. Maryawu apakan. ‘They made a shelter of Paperbark.’ Mata maryawu naka mampakangung yaw tuka wupaj tuka marruny mawng purlup. Kayirrk la mampuwinypuning larnngalk. Yara tuka wurl ta anyung ta wupaj tuka maryawu kamalangali la kama jurr mata mawiya, kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘They used to put the Paperbark in water in a container made of Palm tree leaves to soak. Then they would wash out their ears (with the water it had soaked in). Sometimes in a waterhole where there are Paperbark trees growing and the leaves fall in the water, people with ringworm will swim to cure themselves.’ See:�marterr�‘large Paperbark trees’; warral�‘Red Paperbark’; jijirok�‘brackish water from a paperbark tree’; iwarnjiwarn�‘a model made of paperbark’; irraj�‘torch made from paperbark’; wulurru�‘paperbark torch, roll of paperbark’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Medicine, Shelter, camp, house.
2�•�playing cards. See:�warral�‘large paperbark tree’; jijirok�‘brackish water from a paperbark tree’. Category:�Other.
warra maryawu���area of paperbarks. Category:�Trees and bushes.
marr���noun. like very much, people or food. Jaka jita marr marryun. ‘She (likes) boys too much.’ Naka ja marr yirratat kinila ‘He likes eating a lot of meat.’ See:�arr�‘keep, want’; marrmarr�‘happy’. Category:�Desire.
coverb. 1�•�want to be with somebody a lot, be fond of somebody (literally: sees me too much). Nakapa marryun anyak ngannyayan marr. ‘The little boy wants me very much.’ See:�kima�‘auxiliary verb’. Category:�Desire.
2�•�be very annoyed, against something. Nganama marr. ‘I will be annoyed about it.’ See:�kiyintukun�‘be against something’. Category:�Hate, anger, Judgement, evaluation.
marrakak���noun. small black seagull. Category:�Small birds. Anth: Lives at Ngangkuluk 'Bottle Rocks'
marrakarrak���noun. mother's cousin, brother's cousin, father's sister's cousin. Usage:�address or reference Marrakarrak kingawarlka ta kunak. ‘His son is (now) the boss of he land.’ marrakarrak kinyjangali nuyu ‘his female marrakarrak’. See:�marnmarn�‘father's mother and siblings, woman's son's children, reciprocal’; nanung�‘husband or husband's brother, sister's husband, wife's brother, also used for potential spouses MBS and FZS although these may be called marnmarn if they are not considered potential spouses’; ingalalk�‘woman's son, man's sister's son (of a man), mother's brother’; kamaniwunpurrkut�‘mother's brother's son’; kamangawunpurrkut�‘mother's brother's daughter’; nigi�‘mother or mother's brother’; ngawiny�‘term of addressed used by a father to his children’. Category:�family, inc moieties. Note: not reciprocal
marramarra���noun. Scribbled Angelfish. Chaetodontopolus duboulayi. Variant:�Iwaidja: Marramarra. Marramarra yuranka inimany iniyurtjiny ingalkpung iwararrkany. ‘Marramarra (Common archerfish) came, took him and buried him, cutting himself (ritually) and weeping.’ See:�manungkut�‘a similar species of fish’; Kawirrwa�‘family to Marramarra’; walgawalga�‘brown sweetlips’. Category:�Batfish and butterfish. Anth: Archerfishes live in saltwater and also up the rivers into freshwater. Anth: Can be eaten.
marrapirnta���noun. 1�•�pierced nasal septum. Category:�Head.
2�•�wood plug used in piercing the nasal septum and keeping it open. Syn:�iwijiwij. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
3�•�place name, of tip where people camp at Wigu. Category:�Place names.
marrarawk���noun. 1�•�forked lightning. Marrarawk aniwung ta waryat awuniwung kirrk ja marrarawk pata warra mijmij. ‘The lightning hit the stone and hit all the sandflies.’ Category:�Sky.
2�•�this is man with a stone axe who strikes and often 'cuts' things right through, eg. tree. See:�maru�‘lightning flashing’; turuy�‘distant thunder rumbling’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
marrarawk jang���noun. special coral you don't want to hit when you're out in your boat because if you do you will disturb Marrarawk and lightning will hit you. The coral looks like a man. pani warrkpi. See:�jang�‘special place’. Category:�Landscape, Supernatural.
marrawaj���noun. 1�•�turtle meat from the breast. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
2�•�blanket or skirt which can be wrapped around the waist made from narranarra leaves, and is waterproof. This name is also used to refer to skirts made of pandanus. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
marrgaragara���noun. discoloured water at the mouth of a creek. Kangmaju la kanima kirrk ta marrgaragara. ‘When the tide goes out all the discolouration comes out.’ Category:�Water bodies.
marrgijpu���noun. 1�•�sorcerer, witchdoctor. Tribal medicine man who can work good or bad medicine. He is like a doctor, not like a mankarni. Category:�Peoples and clans. Usage:�used with kininyji for 'heal'
2�•�the knowledge a marrgijpu has of his type of sorcery. ta marrgij ta mankarni ‘used to refer to the two types of knowledge I think’. See:�mankarni�‘sorcerer’; pilpu�‘aboriginal doctor’. Category:�Supernatural.
marrik���part. not, didn't, no. Marrik ngayng. ‘I am not going.’ Marrik kiki muj ami warak angkuwurru warak. ‘They're not doing anything, they don't know anything.’ Marrik nganti ngannyuni. ‘No-one gave it to me.’ Note: mawaning - contraction of 'marrik awaning' Syn:�ma-. See:�yunyi�‘do not’; makiny�‘no’; jimatpi�‘not’. Category:�Language.
marrimarri���noun. knife. Variant:�Mayinjinaj form. Syn:�manjawak. Category:�Other.
marriwi���noun. 1�•�tree species. Antiaris toxicaria. Ngana ngiwalalku marriwi ‘I'm going to get bark for making rope.’ Category:�Trees and bushes, Dye and fibre plants. Anth: The bark is stripped and dried and rolled into string to make fishing nets and to attach to turtle harpoon. Also used to make wurlungunngun dilly bags.
2�•�string belt worn around the waist, made from the marriwi tree. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
3�•�the fold of fat around the stomach of dugong, pig or goat. Category:�General.
marrjarn���noun. 1�•�tortoise burrow or airholes. The 'nest' made by a fresh water tortoise in a mud hole when the water of the billabong recedes. Also used to refer to the airholes visible at the top of the mud that indicate a tortise burrow is underneath. Anth: The nest can be detected by poking a stick into the ground and feeling the 'give' of the hole and the hardness of the tortoise's back. Mangili kerra juju la kangmin parak ta wupaj la kaniyawun kaningula marrjarn kiw. ‘The tortoise goes about but when the water dries up, he digs a hole, makes a nest and stays there.’ Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
2�•�crocodile nest; the place where a crocodile lays and leaves her eggs. See:�mikiny�‘crocodile burrow’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
marrkatpu���tv. welcome, meet. Warra nganti awuntumarrkatpung? ‘Who did they welcome? (the people from Kunparlanya living at Warruwi)’. Anth: said when someone arrives from Kunparlanya Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
marrkmarrk���coverb. to agree (without meaning it). Iminyju marrkmarrk. ‘He just agreed (but he didn't mean it).’ Category:�Language, Social responsibilities and events, Hunting.
marrkunakunak���noun. long-term campsite. A place where people might camp for about a month, build shelters and come back to again. Ngampiwi kutpaning? Ngatpaning tuka marrkunakkunak. Ngampiwi? Kumarrinymarriny. ‘Where were you staying? We stayed in the open spaces. Where? At Kumarrinymarriny.’ See:�mapakapak�‘deep ocean’. Category:�Landscape.
marrmarr���coverb. happy, pleased, glad. Ngapi ngamin marrmarr. ‘I am happy.’ inymarrmarr ‘she doesn't like it (food)’. Kimin marrmarr mira. ‘He's really happy.’ See:�marr�‘want very much’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
interjection. i'm happy about X. Category:�Language.
marrmarrjunga���iv. have slack arm that hangs down. Nakapa koyanti yarakap imarrmarrjunganka. ‘This one look he had one slack arm.’ Category:�Limbs, Physical disability and injury.
marrngarla���noun. rough seas, big waves. Marrngala awuniwuning ta awuran kapala. ‘Rough seas were buffetting them as they went along in the boat.’ See:�ngalmartirti�‘big waves’. Ant:�mapularr. Category:�Water bodies.
marrnganga���noun. a type of goanna which lives in the mangroves and spends a lot of time in the water. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
marrnguny���noun. 1�•�Freshwater nailfish (generic), Eel-tailed catfish, Hyrtl's catfish (Yellowfinned Catfish), Black catfish. Neosilurus hyrtlii, Neosilurus Ater, Plotosidae family. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kalahala. See:�nularrunya�‘Saltwater catfish type’; ikaman�‘catfish’; arrapulyu�‘catfish’; marruny�‘Bonefish’; minynguri�‘Chingilt’; manjururrk�‘single-gilled eel’. Category:�Catfish.
2�•�Eel. Ikaman la wururi ja nuwuran mawuruwuj la marrnguny. ‘The freshwater catfish and herring live in the fresh water and eels too.’ Category:�Herring.
marruny1���noun. 1�•�Cabbage Palm types and some other palms, excluding coconuts and Pandanus. Gronophyllum ramsayi and possibly many more see pc field, Corypha elata. See:�irrgiyirrgi�‘Carpentaria acuminata, Gronophyllum ramsayi’; marlinkarrk�‘used for macrozamia it seems’; iwak�‘Livistona benthamii’; maruny�‘bandicoot’. Category:�Palms, Plant food.
2�•�basket made from the lower end of the palm frond of the cabbage palm. Category:�Tools, women's. Anth: This is waterproof and is used to carry water or wild honey
marruny2���noun. Bonefish. Albula vulpes (Albulidae). See:�mumpuli marruny�‘Pencil Surgeonfish’; marrnguny�‘freshwater nailfish (generic)’. Category:�Fish.
marrungkut���coverb. Restrict:�MA subject ; MA object overcast. Anth: One can see clearly into the water to see turtle when out hunting. Inilanganing marrungkut. ‘It was overcast.’ Category:�Sky.
marrwakara���noun. goanna species. See:�wulak�‘small goanna’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
coverb. Restrict:�MA object lie on stomach, fall forwards onto stomach. kingawun marrwakara ‘She lay on her stomach’. Marryun iniwuning marrwakara. ‘The boy was lying on his stomach.’ Iniwung marrwakara ‘He fell forwards onto his front.’ Ant:�kirrwara. Category:�Change stance, Vertical motion.
marrwati���noun. White-bellied sea eagle. Haliaeetus leucogaster. See:�ngakngak�‘sound of the sea eagle’. Category:�Large birds.
marrwiwi���noun. Skipjack tuna, Stripey tunas and Mackerels. Katsuwonis pelamis. See:�jakalang�‘tuna’. Category:�Tuna.
marryun���noun. young man, boy. Anth: used of a male into early twenties, sometimes used of a man until the time of marriage marryun anyak ‘little boy’. See:�marryunmarryun�‘boys’; alalanyun�‘group of young men’. Category:�Ages.
marryun putarr���noun. boys aged about three to seven. Category:�Ages.
marryunmarryun���noun. boys, aged about ten to fourteen. See:�marryun�‘boy’; alalanyun�‘group of young men’. Category:�Ages.
mata���noun. noun class marker. Muka mata warlk. ‘This is a tree.’ Muka mata warlk mata nganymurjiny. ‘This is the tree that I planted’. See:�ja�‘masculine gender article’.
matmat���coverb. fly. Karlurri ja kingurrin matmat. ‘It is the birds which fly.’ "Makiny la arrkpanawunju karlurri arrkpanarra matmat yurrng nuyu ja arrkpana arrungpayalgan arranama ja kiyap." ‘"We will have to change into birds and fly in the sky to hunt for our fish."’ Category:�Vertical motion.
martajan���noun. large head lice. See:�kurrpung�‘head lice (generic)’; mulunymuluny�‘small head lice’. Category:�Insects.
martali���noun. 1�•�Sea Perches and Tropical Snappers (generic). Includes Sweetlips (grunts), Fusiliers, Emperors and Jobfishes. Lutjanus spp., Haemulidae spp., Caesionidae spp., Lethrinus spp., Aprion spp.. See:�yarri�‘Sea Perch’; Inarrka�‘Sea Perches Lutjanus species, Lethrinus lentjan’; impurrk�‘Striped Sea Perch’. Category:�Fish.
2�•�Red Emperor, Other big red coral-reef seaperches. Lutjanus sebae, Lutjanus erythropterus. Category:�Sweetlips.
3�•�Mangrove Jack. Lutjanus argentimaculatus. Category:�Fish.
4�•�Blacktail snapper. Lutjanus fulvus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Mardali. See:�inyparl�‘turtle hunting ground’. Category:�Fish.
martalkanyi���tv. Restrict:�MA subject sneeze. Nganimartalkanyi. ‘I am sneezing / The dust is making me sneeze’. Ngannyawng nganimartalkanyi. ‘You saw me sneeze.’ Ta marlu ngannganguliny apa ngimartalkanyi. ‘The wind made me sneeze.’ See:�kimangawun�‘cough’. Category:�Automatic actions.
martang���interjection. it sounds all right. Category:�Language.
martapapa���noun. straight to marry. Category:�family, inc moieties.
marterr���noun. large Paperbark trees. See:�maryawu�‘paperbark tree’. Category:�Trees and bushes.
martjawarrawarra���noun. a very large alapika turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
martjiwiny���noun. a crab with white milky substance inside it. Category:�Crustaceans.
martkumartku���noun. plural name of one moiety. This is the main way to refer to this moiety in general. See:�ngalmartku�‘female member of the martkumartku moiety’; namartku�‘male of the martkumartku moiety’; nangarrangarrajku�‘plural name of one moeity’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
Martpalk���noun. the bay where the Warruwi community town is. Used to refer to the town too. Martpalk wungijalk ‘Area where council office and Nurse's house are is centre of this place name.’ Category:�Place names.
martpoj���noun. Roughback Clam, also called Round-ribbed Ark Clam. Anadara rotundicostata, Anadara granosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wartbaj. Karrima tuka irnkirr la kijpuki, naka ingurlyak mirayu. ‘We get it in the mud and the sandy mud, it's very important (food).’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat, important food. Found together with arlajirr.
mawagarl���noun. old inedible miyulum yam. Ipomoea graminea. See:�artun�‘young miyulum or yuwak yam’; miyulum�‘yam type’; wuluyi�‘immature miyulum yam’. Category:�Plant food, Tubers.
mawany���noun. water ribbon yam. Water grass which has a nutty seed at the bottom of it, called lily root. Anth: Collected in the dry season from Anjumu billabong. Eaten by Magpie geese. It is boiled and not eaten raw. Eleocharis dulcis. Mawugany kakatpi akarnpa, akiri, apiya. La ta kakatpi ta karlngkarlng ta kaparlkparran la ta murrulk ta akunji. Malany katangali tuka wurl kapin Anjumu katangali ta mawugany. Ta wularrut pata warramumpik apuwuning aputpangung tuka maryawu akalangung muwarn kayirrk la apumangung parak tuka nuka apulangung. ‘The Water Lily nut has stalks and a skin and foliage. There are two sorts; the young white ones and the older darker ones. They grow in billabongs like Anjumu. Once the women used to put them in Paperbark and dry them out in the sun and then take them home and eat them.’ See:�karlngkarlng�‘old mawugany lily root’. Category:�Tubers.
mawatpu���noun. ash. Makiny. Mawatpu kirrk. ‘No, it has just been burnt out.’ mata mawatpu ‘ash’. See:�kamarkpa�‘burn’; yurrwiri�‘white ashes’. Category:�Fire.
mawartakira���noun. Brown booby. Sala leucogaster. Category:�Small birds.
mawartpalmuni���iv. Restrict:�VE subject bump, bump together. Yanat la inyanat mawartpalmuni ‘Him and her bumped together.’ Ngeyawng mawartpalmuni. ‘I saw him bump into something.’ Ingurriny parak ja arrarrkpi tuka warlk mawartpalmuni. ‘The man runs into a tree and bumps into it.’ See:�kiniwartpalwani�‘bump forehead’; apartpuning�‘bump into’; kiniwartpalmuni�‘thunderhead develop’. Category:�Strike or chop.
mawawiny���noun. 1�•�man's mother-in-law and her siblings. Woman's son-in-law and his siblings. Anth: We say karrpurtpin to say that we avoid them to show respect. Category:�family, inc moieties.
2�•�poison cousin, person who could marry your child or become your mother-in-law. Anth: These are potential child-in-laws or mother-in-laws. After the set of mother's mother's siblings die, they may call each other punyi and ngawiny. Note: reciprocal, gender unimportant awunpung mawawiny la wemin ‘they gave their cousins in marriage.’ See:�kuyagaru�‘poison cousins talking about each other to the set of siblings that link them’; innyurawng�‘father-in-law to’; animanyirri�‘he is mother's mother's brother to’; kuntuy�‘father-in-law, man's child-in-law’; inyngeny yirulk�‘be mother-in-law to’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
coverb. be mother in law to. Nuka ja yanat inyunmawawiny ‘That's his mawawiny.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.
mawij���noun. 1�•�younger same-sex sibling, parallel cousin. Napa ta nawumut mawij Namurrngany... ‘Namurrngany who was the youngest of his siblings...’ Note: Construction of skin name followed by mawij refers to the youngest child in a set of siblings. Category:�family, inc moieties.
Note: Polite ways of referring to opposite sex siblings include: yaliwi, ninyaliwi, ngalpenwarr, karlajarr, rubbish mob, warlarr, mamik2�•� See:�namawij�‘youngest son’; ngalmawij�‘youngest daughter’; kuwuji�‘female sibling of same totem’; larla�‘woman's older sister, man's sister’; kayu�‘a man's older brother or parallel male cousin, a woman 's brother or parallel cousin’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
mawili���noun. diarrhoea.
1�•�be sick with diarrhoea. Ngamaju mawili. ‘I'm sick because I have diarrhoea.’ Nganiwun wurlurlu ngungpurrun mawili ngamaju. ‘I feel something (wrong), perhaps I am getting diarrhoea’. Nganiwun wurlurlu ngungpurrun mawili nganpanima. ‘Something is coming on and I think diarrhoea might take hold of me.’ See:�arrarr�‘have diarrhoea’. Category:�Secretions and substances, Sickness.
mawirriyak���noun. roots. See:�magarnpa wularr�‘tree roots’. Category:�Plant parts.
mawirrkanyminy���noun. becomes soft, old, worn out. Category:�Properties of surface, Illness and death.
mawirrkpirrk���crossreference. See:�mayirrkpirrk�‘grinding stone’.
mawiya���noun. foliage, leaves of tree. See main entry: iwiya. Category:�Plant parts.
Mawng���noun. Mawng, Maung, Mawung. Category:�Dreamtime names.
mawngku���noun. 1�•�shade, shadow. Mawngku kamawarlkanyi warak. ‘The tree's shadow is extending (as the sun moves down in the sky).’ Waryat kamangutpa mawngku. ‘The rock has a shadow.’ Category:�Other, Colours and light. Usage:�Used for shadow of non-humans. Yarlawu is used for humans.
2�•�shelter which people make to sit under. Kapumurntulku ngarrurru ta mawngku. ‘They make a shelter for us.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.
mawuga���noun. small red and green mangrove crab. Sesarma sp.. Marrany yurrjurr "Ma arrkpana, mawuga arriwanama." ‘It falls off (the ngarntawl seed), "O.k. lets go and get mawuga crabs".’ Kiniyulun ja mawuga. ‘The mawuga crab is shedding its old shell.’ Category:�Crustaceans.
mawugany���crossreference. See:�mawany�‘lily root’.
mawugi���noun. old, worn out. See main entry: iwugi. Category:�Illness and death, Properties of surface.
mawupawuk���noun. hot. Ta walij karrapunya, nakapa karrawarutpa katju anyak arntulyak kapit jil anyak la karrata ta walij. Nakapa ngatpin pu "Warranyngiw, ta walij mawupawuk". ‘The cooked food, we put it down to sit for a little while, it cools down a bit, and then we eat it. That's when we say to the children "Children the food's hot".’ Ngatali lintij - awupawu ‘We were playing - touch chasey.’ See:�iwawupa�‘hot to eat’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
mawuruj���noun. fresh water stream. Ikaman la wururi ja nuwuran mawuruwuj la marrnguny. ‘The freshwater catfish and herring live in the fresh water and eels too.’ See:�ikaman mawuruj�‘saratoga (generic)’. Category:�Water bodies.
mawurraj���noun. juicy. Mawurraj mata mangko mata kamali ayay. ‘They are juicy mangoes hanging in the trees.’ See:�iwurraj�‘fat, big’. Category:�General terms, Arrangement.
mawurturt���crossreference. See:�marurturt�‘heart’.
mayak���noun. Strychnine tree, Poison tree. Strychnos Lucida. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ulmbudj; Wurrbadji. Category:�Trees and bushes, Toxic plants, Medicine. Anth: Used to treat leprosy and arthritis. Preparation: crush root and rub onto infected area, or boil leaf in water and place body in bath of this water. Found in both the wet and dry season but only used in the dry season. Fruit are poisonous if ingested.
mayakpu���noun. father, or father's sister, depending on article used. Polite term. Usage:�term of reference Nuka ja ngapi mayakpu. ‘This is my father.’ pata mayakpu ‘The father and his sister’. warra mayakpu ‘the father and his sisters and brothers (one or more of his siblings)’. See:�nigi�‘mother, reference only’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
mayali���noun. knowledge, wisdom, understanding. Ja nuwarlkparrakan kamannyetpi mayali. ‘The old man he's got wisdom.’ Kamangatpi malijap mata mayali. ‘She has a little knowledge.’ Marrik anmatpi mira mata mayali. ‘You can't understand that knowledge (what old people say to young people when they are arguing)’. See:�mali�‘memories’; wularri�‘meaning’; ngaralk�‘tongue, word, language’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�noun. language name for some types of Bininj Gun-wok. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Kamanima mayali���idiom. explain, enlighten. Manimany mayali wu ja wurrwurr. ‘The young person understood them.’ Manimangung mayali. ‘He was talking and everybody listened.’ Category:�Language.
mayamaya���noun. among younger generations, mayamaya are the speaker's male wiwi's children and female mamam's children, male wawu's children and female marnmarn's children. Among the older generations mayamaya are the speaker's wiwi's father, mamam's mother, marnmarn's mother and wawu's father. Also includes siblings of these. Three generations up or down, all relatives are divided into wulupulu or mayamaya. See:�wulupulu�‘great-grandmother , grand-niece Also can be used for mother's sisters and stepmother, but not birth mother’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
mayarany���noun. a type of edible grub which lives in the roots of trees and ant hills. See:�yurrgali�‘witchetty grub’. Category:�Insects.
mayawumpu���noun. chin. Category:�Head.
maygu���noun. 1�•�thick hair belt worn around the waist. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
2�•�a big woven floor mat or woven sail. See:�karrurru�‘sail’. Category:�Tools, women's, Items for fishing.
mayigi���noun. 1�•�stone spear. Category:�Tools, men's.
2�•�crab claw for smoking. Category:�Tools, men's.
3�•�fishing hook. See main entry: iyigi. Category:�Items for fishing.
mayirli���noun. Banksia. Banksia dentata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Mayirli. See:�nganyumparrga�‘camping firestick’. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: Dead flower cones used as a firestick to carry while walking.
Mayinaj���noun. name of man who killed giant on North Goulburn, used as man's name too. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Mayinjinaj���noun. group of people whose country extends from King River area to Junction Bay. Their language is Mawng. Category:�Dreamtime names. Anth: In the early days they gave and received wives from the Malalkukuj (Island) group, not so much from the Sandy Creek (Mangarnawal, Ngurtikin) people.
mayinpalk���noun. Macaranga, tree species. Macaranga tanarius. Variant:�Iwaidja: mayinbalk. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: Used to make spear shafts such as those for jalakaraj spears.
mayirntum���noun. scorpion. Category:�Properties of surface. Note: may be confused with mayintuny, form of kiyintun
mayirratat���noun. penis. See:�aparrk�‘penis’; irratat�‘meat’. Category:�Organs and torso.
mayirrkpirrk���noun. grinding stone. See:�panjuk�‘grinding stone’. Category:�Tools, women's. Anth: Used to grind kurnpi, miyulum, warraka
mayiwilk���noun. 1�•�tree with small leaves which has an edible fruit. Persoonia falcata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yarnba. See:�wuwarr�‘boys initiation ceremony’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Calendar plants. Anth: Edible. Used to have the Wuwarr ceremony when the fruit came out
2�•�fruit of the mayiwilk tree. These are green nuts that turn yellow. Category:�Plant food.
maykuk���noun. a token of the deceased such as a bit of hair or clothing (wongpol) that has been covered in beeswax. Anth: When someone dies a person gets some of the deceased's hair or clothes and ties it with string dipped in beeswax (warnany). The bees go everywhere and so does the warnany. The maykuk is then given to an uncle or brother of deceased. They can't say no. They must take it and follow the culprit and spear him. As he lies dying, the maykuk is shown to him. This is payback. Nayuma innyakan nuyu maykuk Narut. Iwayan maykuk. ‘Sweetlips makes a maykuk for Narut. They see the maykuk.’ See:�wongpol�‘small piece of the deceased's clothing or possessions’; warnany�‘beeswax’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items, Sorcery.
Mayrulij���name. one of the five clans on Warruwi, they came after the first two: Mangalara and Murawn. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Mayuparl���noun. 1�•�plant which makes a small spike of flowers and has with small round yam about the size of a marble. Grows in dry country, not billabongs. Cartonema parviflorum, Cartonema spicatum. Variant:�Iwaidja: Mayubal. Yampurrwarna kakatpi apiya, akarnpa la walij ngaw ta karrata. Malany kapalkpa ta walmatpalmat kawarra pa kangmin parakapa manmuyukapa walij kakangula akijalk pa karrapun karrata ta napalal. ‘The Yampurrwarna Yam has foliage, a stalk and the little yams that we eat. They grow in the wet season, but we eat them in the next pre wet season when their yams are ready to eat. We dig them and eat these good yams.’ See:�Yampurrwarna�‘Large Mayuparl yam’. Category:�Tubers, Plant food. Anth: Cook in hot sand as it is 'cheeky'. It is harvested at the end of the wet season as its leaves dry. Note: Name Yampurrwarna given in Mirwuma (1980) with Mayuparl in brackets as an alternative.
2�•�English potato. Category:�Tubers.
mayurrwajpaj���noun. chips of bark used to begin a fire with. Category:�General terms.
mernkul���noun. a wiwi who is in a higher generation than the speaker or referent, may be male or female. jita mernkul nuyu ‘She's his wiwi.’ See:�mirnkul�‘wiwi’; wiwi�‘mother's mother and siblings, (a woman's) daughter's children (reciprocal)’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
merrk���noun. leaves of trees, blades of grass, foliage, green or dead. Category:�Plant parts.
merrkmerrk���noun. 1�•�soft meat just behind the ribs of an animal, the flank. Category:�General.
2�•�shell fish which is like kalannyun but shell is twisted. Category:�Shellfish.
met���part. but.
interjection. wait! Command form. la met ‘some other use here’. Met la kangpukpa ta ti kayirrk. ‘Wait, the tea is cooling.’ Category:�Language.
met akutju���interjection. wait a minute. Category:�Language.
meywarra���noun. behind. Warlk kamalangali meywarra tuka kurrampalk. ‘The tree is behind the house.’ See:�wurrkara�‘opposite, behind’. Category:�Location and distance.
mijikit���noun. mosquito net. Category:�Tools, women's.
mijmij���noun. sandfly. Syn:�wurri. Category:�Insects.
mikiny���noun. crocodile burrow, hole where he sleeps. This is different from marrjarn where the eggs are left. See:�marrjarn�‘tortoise burrow, crocodile nest’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
mikpik���noun. colour, colourful, patterned, decorated. Nuka ja welep ja magarra yirrk mikpik. ‘The butterfly has many colours.’ Iniwung mikpik. Mikpik iniwung ‘He made it beautiful.’ Category:�Goodness.
milarng���noun. tears, crying. Nuka ja imurra milarng. ‘He has a lot of tears, is a cry baby.’ Nuka ja milarng ja inimany iminy ‘And the tears fell’. Nakapa ja inimany ja milarng ja nakapa ja yarntulyak. ‘He starts to cry and he crys for a long time.’ See:�milarngmilarng�‘crybaby’. Category:�Secretions and substances.
milarngmilarng���noun. cry baby, too many tears. See:�milarng�‘tears’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
milarrarru���noun. Thick-lipped Wrasse, Violet-lined Parrotfish, Blue-barred Parrotfish. Anth: poisonous Hemigymnus melapterus, Scarus globiceps, Scarus pyrrhostethus. See:�arrarru�‘Pugnose ponyfish’; arilka�‘Parrotfishes and Wrasses (generic)’. Category:�Parrotfish.
milikpilik���noun. itching. Ngapi milikpilik. ‘I am itching.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.
milirri���coverb. 1�•�difficult. Kili milirri. ‘He finds it difficult.’ Ngali milirri. ‘I know I've forgotten something, I'm trying to think what it was [e.g. when you've been to the shop and are walking home, then you suddenly think that there was something else you needed]’. Kili milirri. ‘He goes along thinking about which way to go.’ See:�nungmilirri; numilinmilirri�‘difficult (of performance)’; kinimilin�‘leave behind’. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
2�•�think hard. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�jealous. Juka kangatpi milirri. ‘She's feeling jealous of her.’ Annyatpi milirri. ‘He's jealous, e.g. a child, when he sees his mother holding another child.’ Kannyatpi milirri nuyu. ‘He's jealous of him.’ Category:�Desire.
milirriny���noun. 1�•�bloodwood tree. Corymbia bleeseri. See:�milirrinyun�‘stand of bloodwoods’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Dye and fibre plants. Anth: Ash is mixed with dyes from plants to make darker colours for baskets, e.g. mixed with alangunta. This plant is good firewood and its coals are particularly good for cooking meat on.
2�•�part of dugong guts, perhaps liver. Category:�Mammals.
milirrinyun���noun. a stand of bloodwood trees. See:�milirriny�‘bloodwood’. Category:�Trees and bushes.
milngur���coverb. limp, because of a sore foot. Kerra milngur ja marryun. ‘The boy is limping.’ Ke milngur ‘He is limping, limps’. Category:�Horizontal movements, Physical disability and injury.
milwarn���noun. periwinkle, name includes many different Nerites, a type of small sea snail. Nerita balteata, Nerita polita. Milwarn naka ta karriwarnangajpun kirrk parakapa ja jara jarawk ja ilinyjinyut la ja imun. ‘We call all the different sorts, both big and small, milwarn.’ See:�ngartjerr�‘mangrove snail’. Anth: Found on rocks and other places as well as mangrove roots. Cooked on hot coals. Category:�Shellfish.
mirlak���noun. 1�•�grass. Category:�Grasses, General ritual.
2�•�sea-weed, generic term. Category:�Small plants. See:�mirwij�‘seaweed’.
mirlakmirlak��� Nuka ja arrarrkpi la warramumpik kinyiyarrun tuka warra mirlakmirlak. ‘This man is chasing the woman in the grass.’ Category:�Activity manner.
mirlak nuyu���season of new growth, first rains. Category:�Longer.
mirlarrmirlarr���noun. phosphoresence that sparkles in the water at night. Mirlarrmirlarr maniyitpan. ‘The phosphorescence (in the water) lit up.’ Kinnyaka mirlarrmirlarr. ‘He causes the mirlarrmirlarr to glow by disturbing the water, e.g. with paddle’. Category:�Colours and light.
NVidiom. type of night sea hunting. In October and November when the nights are still and men go hunting for turtle and dugong. Awuran mirlarrmirlarr ‘They go hunting at night.’ Mirlarrmirlarr kawarra warak. ‘They go sea hunting at night.’ Kawarra warak mirlarrmirlarr. Inyarlganapa kiwen. ‘They go sea hunting at night. They spear turtles or dugong.’ Category:�Hunting, Longer.
mirlgurnji���crossreference. See:�mirlwurnji�‘a vine type’.
mirlwurnji���noun. black bush grape, a vine type. Ampelocissus acetosa. Variant:�Iwaijda: Milwunij. Anth: A small native vine with sour black berries which are edible, that look something like a small grape. Category:�Small plants, Plant food, Dye and fibre plants.
mimi���noun. 1�•�rib. Mawajiyiny nuyu mata mimi. ‘His rib is broken.’ See:�inimi�‘lower back’; nimi�‘buttocks’. Category:�Organs and torso.
2�•�side of the road. Takapa mimi ngaw ta alan. ‘That is the side of the road.’ See:�mirkawk�‘one side of road’. Category:�Location and distance.
3�•�mimi spirit. imurra ja mimi ‘there are many carved mimi figures (in the arts centre)’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
mimi ngaw mimi ngaw���coverb. look around behind and down. kiwken mimi ngaw mimi ngaw ‘He keeps looking behind and down, side to side.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
mimik���interjection. it hurts! Variant:�a child's term. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
minang���noun. tick. Category:�Insects, Discomfort and pain.
minirr���noun. 1�•�mould. Manimany minirr mata warlk. ‘The tree has mould on it.’ Category:�General.
2�•�the slimy encrustment of things that remain in the water for a long time, scum. Naka kapala wularrut inimany minirr. ‘The boat already has some scum underneath it.’ Category:�General.
Minjilang���noun. township on Croker Island. See:�Kurrku minjlilang�‘Plant type’; mangkulalkuj�‘Croker Island’. Category:�Place names.
miny���noun. Sandpaper fig tree. Anth: Has edible berries. The wood is used to make Macassan pipes out of as it is very soft but strong. Ficus scobina, Ficus aculeata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yilid (Ficus ). Category:�Other, Plant food, Medicine.
minyngu���noun. 1�•�dirt and sweat from the body. Nuyi ta mamurra minyngu anyanyji annguryinga. ‘You are a dirty boy, go and wash.’ Ta kawuryi la kampakaka minyngu nuyu ja kinyimakan la pata awunimalkpangung. ‘When they wash the wife and children get all the minyngu (off them).’ Category:�Secretions and substances.
2�•�funeral or the ceremony of washing relatives of the dead and burning of clothes followed by a remembrance feast after which relatives feel happy again. Usage:�used with verb kilangali to say 'have minyngu ceremony', 'perform minyngu ceremony'. Wularrutapa awuryiliny ta minyngu. ‘They have now washed for the mortuary ceremony’. Ja kimaju karriwunyaka nuyu irrkpalakaj la karrangali minyngu. ‘When someone dies, we smoke his possessions and have a minyngu.’ Walmuri awunimany rtilga. Minyngu kawani. Mankumpurri mannyutpan. ‘Walmuri brings them all together for a funeral. He puts on the mourner's neckband (mankumpurri).’ See:�mulil�‘have ceremony’; kamaju�‘ceremony type’. Category:�Mourning.
minynguri���noun. Chingilt, a type of eel. Yirrkala lumbricoides. See:�marrnguny�‘Freshwater nailfish?’. Category:�Fish.
minyngurri���noun. Flat-tail sea-snake. Anth: Lies on the beach, can't move around. Very poisonous. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
mingkaga���noun. fence. Kamalangali mingkaga. ‘There is a fence standing there.’ Category:�Other.
mirnawt���noun. big, pale-coloured plains kangaroo. Anth: Can go about in the rocks. Category:�Mammals.
mirngij���coverb. Restrict:�MA subject cripple, unable to walk. Jaka jita ingamany mirngij. ‘She has become crippled.’ Syn:�pirl (kinima). Category:�Physical disability and injury.
mirninyaki���noun. Blue swimmer crab. Portunus pelagicus. Category:�Crustaceans.
mirniwurrurru���noun. caterpillar. Category:�Insects.
mirnkany���noun. shallow water. Yunyi kanngarra tuka. Waka ta mirnkany. ‘Don't go in there (with the boat). That is shallow water.’ Syn:�worrinporrin. Category:�Flowing water, Water bodies. Note: May refer to distance from shore rather than depth
mirnkul���noun. wiwi, any type. Muka mata mirnkul mangijalk nuyu. ‘That is his straight promised wife.’ Jakapa jita warranyngiw la jita mirnkul wiyupa ingamany, ingarkpanyapa awuran apumangung. ‘The grandmother took the boy and carried him on her shoulders while they went hunting.’ See:�mernkul�‘older wiwi’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
mirnta���noun. work hard, have strength. Imurra mirnta iyamany mira. ‘He had a lot of strength (and) worked hard.’ Juka jita imurra mirnta. ‘She works quickly (said of someone who can, for example, collect a lot of shellfish quickly, or clean up quickly)’. Category:�Activity manner, Goodness.
coverb. Restrict:�MA object be tired, need strength, die (in past perfect tense). Ngapi ngiyalmany mirnta wularrut. ‘I am tired now.’ Ngiyalma mirnta. ‘I seek strength, am tired.’ Nungmatpa karrkaj ingayalmany mirnta waka wiyu inypuyurljin Ilarryarru pa kinyu pata pukapa. ‘And on the other side, when she died, they buried her at Ilarryarru, she's lying there. They were there’. See:�ngarlwak�‘die, polite way of describing someone's death’. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
miragarrk���noun. 1�•�clear, pure. Ngawu katja inyarlgan la wularrut miragarrk. ‘Let's go after turtles because it (the water) is clear (now).’ Category:�Properties of surface, Goodness.
2�•�clear conscience. Arrkpanamin miragarrk tuka arrkparrk, wanji, marurturt. ‘We will be clear in our abdomen, head, heart.’ Anth: The abdomen is often referred to as the centre of emotion. Category:�Anxiety, shame.
3�•�wise, clever. Nuka ja miragarrk wanji. ‘He is a clever man.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
mirgulu���crossreference. See:�mirwulu�‘lily type’.
miri���noun. oar, paddle, the old type used traditionally. Miri iwumany parak tuka ajput. ‘They took the oar to the beach.’ Miri iwumajpungka, iwatpangka, ngatpin "Aa, manpiri iweny." ‘If they lifted up the paddle, held it up, we'd think "Ah, they got a turtle."’ Note: When hunters returned in a canoe they'd make a signal to show what they caught. Syn:�kayungkayung. Category:�Items for fishing.
coverb. Restrict:�VE object Dodge, avoid attack e.g. punch or flying spear aimed at oneself. Maniwuning miri (laugh) ilurrangkenang tora. ‘He dodges us and jumps over to another spot.’ Category:�Fight.
mirkawk���noun. to one side of the road. Anyanyji mirkawk. ‘Get to the side of the road.’ See:�mimi�‘rib’. Category:�General.
mirwij���noun. seaweed. Manpiri la marntingunyuny la narut kampula mirwij. ‘Green-backed turtles and dugong and narut-fish eat seaweed.’ Tuka mirwij ja warranyngiw ilurrang. ‘Congratulations to father on birth of a child.’ See:�mirlak�‘grass’; pungupaju�‘seaweek type’. Category:�Small plants. Anth: The child lives in the mirwij. He says I had better go and find my father. And the father dreams that he should have a son or daughter. He goes and gets a turtle. The child is on the turtle's back (sometimes fish) and he jumps on his father's shoulder and goes home and then goes to his mother. The mother becomes pregnant.
mirwijpirwij���noun. a bed of seaweed. Ngarlawi kamaw wakapa tuka mirwijpirwij. ‘Bailer shells live in the beds of seaweed.’ Category:�General terms, Small plants.
mirwulu���noun. a yam or lily which is something like arlamun (Tacca leontopetaloides) and grows near swamps. Nymphoides minima?. See:�warraka�‘Nymphoides’; mankarlaparra�‘Water lily type’. Category:�Plant food, Tubers, Small plants. Anth: It has a reddish flower like a miyulum (Ipomoea graminea) and is a bush, not a vine. Can be eaten raw or cooked.
mirwuna���noun. ear shell. Category:�Shellfish.
mirrarra���noun. see reflection in water, or (water) be clear so you can see into it, for example see fish. Kapin annying tuka wurl nakapa anngeyanjing tuka wupaj kapin mirrarra. ‘Like when you go to the billabong and you see yourself in the water like a mirror.’ See:�parrwarr (kinnyayan)�‘see through’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Water bodies.
mirrijpu���noun. Silver Gull. See:�mirrirnirn�‘Macaranga, tree species’; karrunngartawkun wupaj�‘Seabird like a seagull, larger than mirrirnirn’. Category:�Small birds.
mirrinnyak���noun. 1�•�Brolga, Saurus crane. Grus rubicundus, Grus antigone. Juka jita mirrinyak kinyjangali. ‘There is a brolga over there.’ See:�wukurl�‘Eastern Reef Egret, black form’. Category:�Large birds.
2�•�a large lanky mosquito type. Mirrinyak nukapa ja pirl ja ngili. ‘The mirrinyak mosquito is a lazy one.’ Mirrinyak ja wirl ja ngili. ‘The mirrinyak is a type of mosquito that is a nuisance (it keeps following someone).’ See:�ngili�‘mosquito, Ibis type’. Category:�Insects.
mirrirnirn���noun. Terns, black seabirds something like kalajparri. See:�mirrijpu�‘Silver Gull’. Category:�Small birds. Anth: They go about with kalajparri but mirrinin is smaller.
mirrita���noun. Garfish. Family Hemirhamphidae, Hemirhamphus spp. See:�arrkarl�‘Longtom’. Category:�Long-toms and garfish.
mirriya���noun. new moon tide. Wularrutapa kiningula warak mirriya. ‘It is the new moon tide (which goes out half way).’ Weli kerra warak mirriya kimurnanganiga ‘A tide goes out and then the tide comes back in again.’ Kili mirya. ‘The tide is coming in.’ See:�weli�‘incoming tide’; ningkaryak�‘full tide, outgoing tidal current’. Category:�Water bodies.
mirrk���noun. Dart or Golden Trevally. Trachinotus russelli, blochi or Gnathanodon speciosus. See:�ngarlawi�‘Golden Trevally’. Category:�Sweetlips. Anth: In earlier times young men were not allowed to eat this fish because it was 'too strong', it might knock them down.
mirrkpirrk���noun. fat piece over the stomach of turtle and dugong. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians, Mammals.
mirrmirr���coverb. hunt by land. Awangkung awk mirrmirr. ‘They used to go hunting together.’ Kamin awk warramumpik pata kawarra mirrmirr apa ‘Like the women do when they go hunting now.’ Yuran mirrmirr. ‘He went hunting (e.g. kangaroos)’. See:�pirrpirr�‘hunt on land with dog’. Syn:�kaniyalgan. Category:�Hunting.
mirruk���ideophone. describes action of flashing torch, or other flashing light such as lightning or fluorescent light. Mata torch kamamin mirruk! mirruk! mirruk! ‘The torch goes flash! flash! flash!’
coverb. light flash. Kamamin mirruk. ‘It flashed once.’ Kimin mirruk ja marrarawk. ‘Lightning flashed.’ Syn:�maru, marumaru. Category:�Colours and light.
mirrurn���noun. Horn-eyed Ghost Crab. AType of shore crab often found just above the high tide mark on sandy beaches. Ocypode ceratophthalma. Anth: Used for bait. Wigarra yirrk mirrurn. ‘There are many sand crabs.’ Juka jita mirrurn. ‘This is a mirrurn crab.’ Category:�Crustaceans.
mitala���noun. Club mangrove, a small mangrove tree. Aegialitis annulata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yirtan. Category:�Mangroves.
warra mitalannyun���where the mangroves are beginning to grow. Kapala kilangali warra mitalannyun. ‘The boat is in the area where the mangroves are just beginning to grow.’ See:�nganykarrarr�‘mangroves (generic)’. Category:�Mangroves.
mitangmitang���noun. honey eater. Category:�Small birds. Anth: These birds do not live on Warruwi.
mitjang���noun. Macassan prau. Category:�Other.
mitparlaka���noun. Pink Boarfish. Antigonia rhomboidea. Category:�Fish.
mirtan���noun. 'small liver', a part of the liver considered a delicacy for the old people. Category:�Mammals, Reptiles and amphibians.
Miwirl���noun. Place name. Category:�Place names.
miwing���noun. hips. La tuka miwing ngarru anyakut ‘And on our hips a bit too.’ See:�wirtakurl�‘hip joint’. Category:�Organs and torso. Anth: In sign language hitting the hip refers to spouse.
miyarwu���noun. long stick designed for fighting that was broad and flat at one end like a shovel. Kunuka yirrikawk miyarwu mampumajpungkunyka, ikarna, wartpiwartpi alaj iwuwuning. ‘The brought all sorts of weapons specially for fighting like miyarwu sticks and ikarna clubs and wartpiwartpi sticks and hit him with them.’ See:�wartpiwartpi�‘fighting stick’. Category:�Tools, men's.
miyarrurl���noun. a fighting stick shaped like a fish at the end. See:�narut�‘surgeon fishes’. Category:�Tools, men's. Anth: Ngurtikin, Mangarnawal, and Marryalayala people used it. Note: Berndt and Berndt (1970) say the razor-sharp sides of the Narut fish is copied in making these fighting sticks.
miyawrt���noun. fog. Variant:�Ngurtikin form; miyurt. Marrik atjing kiyap la imurra miyawrt. ‘We will not go fishing because there is a lot of fog.’ Category:�Rains.
miyulum���noun. yam type which can then be eaten raw or cooked. A small creeper with a star-shaped flower that grows among clumps of grass. Ipomoea graminea. Kakatpi akiri la akarnpa la warrga kamanngatpi miyulum. ‘The Miyulum Yam has a stalk and also flowers.’ See:�wirlamarr�‘yam’; mawagarl�‘old miyulum yam’; artun�‘young miyulum yam’; wuluyi�‘immature miyulum yam’; warwunyjuk�‘Milky sap from Miyulum yam’. Category:�Tubers, Plant food, Small plants. Anth: Roasted in hot sand.
miyurl���noun. donkey. Category:�Introduced animals.
miyurrk���noun. a smoke fire to catch animals, especially kangaroo. Anth: People would cover themselves with antbed to protect themselves from heat. Also used to refer to smoke that is hanging over the land as seen from a distance. Kutpayanti mata miyurrk kamaw parrparr. ‘Look at the smoke, it stretches a long way.’ Ara, arrkpana ngulam arrkanama miyurrk nuyu arriwalalku ngarrurru ayang. ‘In the morning we will go and make a smoke fire so we can spear kangaroos.’ Category:�Fire.
Mm���interjection. mm.
moko���noun. string belt made from narranarra reeds. See:�narranarra�‘reed type’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
molkokaj���noun. a big manpiri or green back turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
monmon���coverb. Restrict:�MA object tell about something of importance or interest. Inganiny monmon ngartu ta awuran Nganyamirnali. ‘She explained to me that they had gone to Nganyamirnali.’ Inganiny monmon ngaw ta ngaralk, la angawurrun. ‘She explained the words to her, so she understood.’ La tuka ta ngawani ngarlakarlak la ngini monmon nuka ja Warrarakuku ja Murrawn ja nguya Maningkali kawulakpuntikin wu yarakap wu ja nguya. ‘And today I'm speaking saying about Warrarakuku, that's Murrawn clan, also Maningkali are included in the one group.’ Category:�Language.
Montoltol���noun. wild passionfruit. Passiflora foetida. Variant:�Iwaidja: no Iwaidja name. Category:�Small plants, Medicine.
morngany���noun. large mud crab. Scylla serrata?. Ngawu la juka jita morngany kinyu tuka kantaji. ‘Come, there is a big crab here in this hole.’ Category:�Crustaceans.
morno���coverb. carry on the shoulders. Punyi nganarkpanyi morno. ‘Father, carry me on your shoulders.’ Syn:�kit. Category:�Manipulation.
Morralijpany���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
muj���part. again, still, keep on. Yarakap muj. ‘Once again.’ Ara muj. ‘(He goes and does it) again (annoyed retort).’ La muj ta marlu, marrik arrungayanyjiny mira la ta mapularr. ‘When the wind turns rough, you can hardly see it, but when the sea is calm, you can.’ See:�akutju�‘again, still, also’. Category:�Activity manner.
muka���dem. this. Muka mata warlk kamalangali mata malijap. ‘This tree is a small one.’ See:�nuka�‘that’.
mukapa���dem. DEM.G.VE.
muki���noun. 1�•�belly button, umbilical cord. Mampulalkungung nuyu mugi. ‘They cut his umbilical cord.’ Mamarlintuny mata muki ‘The bit of umbilical cord breaks off.’ See:�kalannyun�‘oyster type (used to cut umbilical cord)’; mamurrng�‘local ceremony’. Category:�Organs and torso. Anth: The small dilly bag with the bit of umbilical cord was often sent to a certain relative for them to keep. It was also sent in preparation for a mamurrng ceremony. Then later a child's father would get some shell from their country or bones of a fish they caught and send that for a mamurr ceremony. Now a bit of the child's first hair in beeswax is used.
2�•�shape of small spiral starter piece of a basket, yangali. This shape is perfectly round whereas ilarranypany is elongated. See:�ilarranypany�‘elongated starter spiral for basket’. Category:�Tools, women's. Anth: The name refers only to the initial few layers of coils that are made to start off the basket.
mukurrmukurr���noun. 1�•�tall ceremonial hat. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items, General ritual.
2�•�material with a lot of colour in it. Ja mukurrmukurr ja igarra mikpik. ‘The colourful material is very decorative, beautiful.’ Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
mularn���noun. mouse, rat. Mularn kawani tuka murgala kapa Weyirra la kani Martpalk arlarrarr. Awuntuwung kirrk. ‘Mice live in the pandanus trees on North Goulburn Island, but not here at Martpalk. They killed them all.’ Category:�Mammals.
mularrarr���noun. 1�•�calm, troublefree. Kayirrk kanyu mularrarr. ‘It is calm now.’ Category:�Fight.
2�•�(a man's) favourite daughter. Juka jita ngapi mularrarr. ‘This is my favourite daughter.’ See:�mapularr�‘calm’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
mularrik���noun. frog. Juka mularrik. ‘This is a frog.’ Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
muli���noun. meat from the lower half of a turtle, may be just the one lower flipper with meat from surrounding area. Yi nuka ja ngapi ja muli ngartu. ‘The flipper is for me.’ See:�warriparri�‘muli fat’; ajirr�‘lower flipper meat’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
mulil���noun. ceremony. Nungmalal mira ta mulil. ‘It's a very good ceremony.’ kinima mulil ‘dance a ceremony’. amirawning apumangung mulil jimurru marlu ‘They would sing the ceremony for the South-East winds to come.’ See:�minyngu�‘ceremony type’; mamurrng�‘ceremony type’; kilangali�‘stay, be’. Category:�General ritual.
mulpu���noun. spotted marsupial rat. Category:�Mammals. Note: A character in the yitpiyitpi songs discussed by Berndt and Berndt (1970)
mulunymuluny���noun. 1�•�a tree with edible red-brown fruit found in the jungle. Anth: They grow outside but near the edge of the jungle, or near a cliff. Aidia racemosa, Drypetes deplanchei, Ganophyllum falcatum. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food.
2�•�small head lice. See:�martajan�‘large head lice’; kurrpung�‘head lice (generic)’. Category:�Insects.
mulurntupurntu���noun. Eyebrow. See:�murrurntupurntu�‘eyebrow area’. Category:�Head.
mulwartpart���noun. shrub type. Heliotropium foertherianum. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food.
murlayintayin���noun. New Guinea Mudskipper. Periophthalmus novaeguineaensis, Periophthalmodon freycineti. Variant:�Iwaidja: Mirdijululu. Syn:�kamanilanta wurak, murrwa rlaprlap yirnkirr. See:�nakurrututu�‘Probably Hairfin Goby Acentrogobius nebulosus’. Category:�Fish. Anth: Lives in a hole in the mud and when the tide goes out the fish comes out of its hole. Not eaten but it is good bait, good for catching Barramundi.
murlij���noun. your ngawiny who is my ngawiny. Ja iwumalkpangung ja murilj. ‘The ones whom they beget are called murlij.’ See:�kuntuy�‘nephew-in-law, aunt-in-law’; kinnyurlngpun�‘be countryman to’. Category:�family, inc moieties. Anth: reciprocal
murlirrk���noun. shoulder. Category:�Organs and torso.
murlmurl���coverb. 1�•�dive into. Kinyarra murlmurl jita karlurri. ‘Diving bird.’ Ingurriny murlmurl. ‘He dived in.’ Inypaningan murlmurl. ‘She dived in.’ Category:�Motion relating to water.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�dive in. Angpena murlmurl. ‘They should dive in.’ Annyeny murlmurl. ‘He dived in.’ See:�amurl�‘dance movements’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
murlu���noun. nose. Category:�Head.
murlurr���noun. driftwood. Murlurr kamalangaka. ‘The driftwood is floating.’ Category:�General terms.
murlurrpiyi���noun. cheeky edible yellow yam. Amorphophallus galbra?. Category:�Plant food, Tubers. Anth: It is sliced up and then laid on shells in the hot ashes until morning. It is then washed and soaked for a while. When it turns brown it can be eaten.
mumpuli marruny���noun. Coral Cod. Cephalopholis miniata. See:�ngunymin�‘Rock Cods and Gropers (generic)’; narut�‘Surgeon fishes’; marruny�‘Cabbage palm, also listed as a large flat fish type’; maruny�‘bandicoot’; yumpuli�‘face, beak, point’. Category:�Fish.
mun���noun. wart. Ja mun nuyu ja marukuk. ‘Marukuk is one of the ones with lumps on its back.’ Category:�Sickness. Anth: The old people used to tell us when a person eats marukuk, mun-nuyu, and murtij (stingray types) one must not rub oneself with the fat, just wash it off very quickly or warts will result.
mun nuyu���noun. Black Blotched Stingray. Taeniura meyeni. Kurriwanala ja irratat ja mun nuyu la kutpawirtpalinypun la yunyi kutartpikpin la kurrimang mun nuyu. ‘When you eat the meat mun-nuyu stingray, wash your hands, do not rub the fat into your hands or you will get warts from (the stingray).’ See:�marukuk�‘Porcupine Ray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: A type of stingray which has a warty back and no barb in its tail.
munma���noun. small turtle species. Anth: Lays small eggs. See:�manpiri�‘green-backed turtle (generic)’; inimiyarnpalarr�‘large and long green-backed turtle’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
munmun���noun. a type of grass. Category:�Grasses. Anth: It is screwed up and put in with collected wild honey so the juice won't spill out.
munmunka���noun. 1�•�Goat�€š�„ôs-foot convulvulus. Ipomoea pes-caprae. Variant:�Iwaidja: Murnmurnka or Anmulang. Nuka ja munmunka ja iwumangung pata arrarrkpi iwumangung parak tuka kunak. Tuka malangung mata yungku iwuwunyantung wurul ja iwiya. Kayirrk la iwutpangung tuka wun la tuka rluj la tuka wiwari. ‘People used to get the beach vine and take it home. There they would heat the leaves through on the fire. Then they would put it on a sore eye or a boil or any type of sore.’ Anth: Beach vine with a large purple flower very distinctive and easy to identify. It is the only one that grows right on the sand. The leaves are heated and used as a poultice for sores. Kiwuma imurra malany kiwuta munmunka. ‘They get a lot (of stringybark bark) and then tie it up with Ipomoea vine (making ikpin torches).’ Category:�Trees and bushes, Medicine.
2�•�beach grass type with star like flowers. Spinifex longifolius. See:�Wanjikpu�‘Beach Spinifex’. Category:�Grasses, Fire. Anth: Used to cook turtle - the throat of the turtle is cut open, the grass is stuffed in. The throat is closed up and the grass is left in there while it cooks.
3�•�beach grass type with typical elongated grass flower. Category:�Grasses.
muntamunta���noun. march fly (big variety). See:�witjin�‘march fly’. Category:�Insects.
mununy���noun. buttocks. Syn:�marawam, wutiputim, nimi. Category:�Organs and torso.
munungkurtpiny���noun. Lotus Lily. Nelumbo nucifera. Variant:�Iwaidja: wurrumaniny; Kunwinjku: kurrumarnimany (my transcription). Warraka atjarnamangung like takapa munungkurtpiny. ‘He didn't want ones like that munungkurtpiny lily root.’ See:�mankarlaparra�‘water lily type’. Category:�Plant food, Tubers, Small plants. Anth: Found around Oenpelli and Murgonella. When it is cooked it bursts open (ie. the roots, seeds). Young men are not allowed to eat it because they might get hurt in their knee or elbow joints at Uwarr time.
munyngan���noun. brown and black striped large wasp. Category:�Insects.
mungark���noun. possum. Category:�Mammals.
2�•�noun. cat, introduced. Category:�Introduced animals.
mungkulurrut���noun. Golden trevally, Gold-spotted Trevally. Gnathanodon speciosus, Carangoides fulvoguttatus. See:�Inyalkpa wurrut�‘Golden Trevally?’; ngarlawi�‘Golden Trevally’; wurrut�‘Trevally (generic)’. Syn:�mangali. Category:�Fish.
mungkurlkut���crossreference. See:�mungkulurrut�‘trevally type’.
mungu���noun. be ignorant of, not know about, not be the one concerned with. Ngapi ta mungu. ‘I was ignorant of that, had nothing to do with it.’ Wularrut imina mampatpa kupuny la mungu wu. ‘Once the people did not have dugout canoes, they didn't know anything about them.’ Naka ja mungu. ‘That's the wrong one.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
murnangani���tv. return, bring back. Iwanimurnangani ja mutika. ‘He will return the vehicle.’ tuka katimurnangani ‘a wind blew them back’. Angkumurnanganiny ngarrurru. ‘They bring news back to us.’ See:�kimurnangani�‘return’. Category:�Transfer.
murnin���part. because, so. Nuka ja karrkpin ja weli murnin ja mamurra nuyu kurak ja kurrana la arrkpana kiyap. ‘The tide is out because the moon is full so let's go fishing.’ Ja marryun kanimiyarma ta kerra juju murnin kimin marrmarr. ‘The boy likes walking, so he's happy.’ See:�la; numuyi�‘because of (unpleasant reason)’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
murnpurri���noun. a bundle, parcel of. Murnpurri ja jurra kiw. ‘There is a bundle of paper lying there.’ Murnpurri mata karntirrkan kamaw. ‘There is a bundle of cypress pine lying there.’ Category:�Appearance.
murnta���noun. 1�•�clothing. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
2�•�a play spear with blunted end used by young boys. Puka pata marryun kawarnakanyjilin mata murnta. Kutpunayanti! ‘The boys are playing with the murnta spears. Look at them!’ Category:�Tools, men's.
murntajiny���noun. type of yam or root vegetable, white like a european potato. Category:�Plant food, Tubers.
murntamurnta���noun. large bellied person. Naka ja arrarrkpi ja kerra juju naka ja murntamurnta. ‘That man walking along there is a large bellied person.’ Category:�Shape, Peoples and clans.
murntulkuj���noun. a sheltered place. Arrkpana arrkanaka purl tuka murntulkuj. ‘We'll go and drop the anchor where the place is sheltered.’ See:�katimurntulku�‘build shelter’. Category:�Landscape.
murntulwanpal���noun. wide across the bottom of (a canoe). Nganyamiyarma mata murntulwanpal mata mamarrk la yunyi mata malakuru. ‘I want the canoe to be wide across the body and don't make it narrow.’ See:�nuwanpal�‘wide’. Category:�Properties of surface.
murnurrurr���noun. Diamond dove. Geopelia cuneata. Category:�Small birds.
murgala���crossreference. See:�murwala�‘pandanus’.
murinmuri���noun. a hideout for catching magpie geese. Category:�Shelter, camp, house, Hunting. Anth: A hole is dug in the ground near where geese feed. Then the lily roots which geese eat are put over the top and a peephole made. The man grabs the goose when it gets close enough.
murkpurk���noun. pregnant woman. Category:�Ages.
muru���noun. a grass species with a feathery top. Has an underground edible nut. Wallabies eat these a lot. Triodia spp. ; Imperata cylindrica ; Mnesithea rottboelioides. Variant:�Iwaidja: Murrur. Piwupiwuk nakapa atinguliny ta muru. ‘Piwupiwuk built a house of muru grass.’ Category:�Grasses, Plant food, Medicine. Anth: This grass has some significance in the story about the young couple who are the only survivors of an earthquake and marry even thought they are the wrong skins for each other.
coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject first menstrual period, girl's puberty ceremony. Kawunngen muru ‘They have their first period’. Kinyngen muru ‘She has her first period’. Nuka ja muru kawunngen. ‘That's the first period ceremony.’ Usage:�semantic restriction on experiencer object gender. Also used to refer to the ceremony associated with a girl's first period. Syn:�warlk, najaman. Category:�Secretions and substances. Note: warlk is exact synonym
murwala���noun. 1�•�pandanus. This term is used for Beach Pandanus and River Pandanus. Pandanus spiralis, Pandanus aquaticus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Murhala. La ja murgala ta amajung tuka kirrwara la tuka kumpil pata arrarrkpi la warramumpik la marryun. Iwulalkungung ja murgala kayirrk la iwumarlkujpangung kirrk. Iwutpangung tuka muwarn ingalangung kirrk. Warrwak la awuntuwunyantung tuka kirrwara la tuka kumpil. ‘They used pandanus when men and women and boys were sick in the back or the chest. They would first cut down the pandanus and then pound it up (the stem). Next they would put it out in the sun to dry it out. Then they would warm their backs and chests with it.’ Nuka ja rrurulng ja kapin yalarranypany. Malany ilijap. malany kinila murgala. ‘The rrurulng is like a centipede. It is small and it eats pandanus.’ Mularn kawani tuka murgala kapa Weyirra la kani Martpalk arlarrarr. Awuntuwung kirrk. ‘Mice live in the pandanus trees on North Goulburn Island, but not here at Martpalk. They killed them all.’ See:�aparlmurrka�‘Stone country Pandanus’; karlngirr�‘pandanus nut’; imiyingkarl�‘prepared pandanus leaves’; karlawijiwiji�‘soft part of pandanus stem’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food, Medicine. Anth: Used to treat joint pain. Preparation: chop centre of trunk, take skin off and chop in half. Beat until soft. Leave to dry for 1-2 hours and heat in fire. Place Pandanus on sore joints.
2�•�pandanus prepared for working baskets. Anth: The pandanus is prepared by soaking it and then splitting the leaves into two parts called kirrwara and imiyingkarl. Kinypani kingilpa murwala. ‘She is sitting splitting pandanus.’ Category:�Tools, women's. See:�kirrwara.
murr���interjection. faster, harder, stronger. Kerra murr. ‘He walks fast.’ Ma! Kuwuni murr! ‘Go on! Hit him hard!’ Kotpa murr. ‘You are holding it tightly.’ Ant:�marlakan. Category:�Goodness.
Murrawn���noun. one of the first two clans on Warruwi. Category:�Dreamtime names.
murrgun���noun. earthen hill. See:�kamung�‘sandhill’; waryat�‘mountain’; anpirrk�‘hill’. Category:�Large features.
murri���coverb. Restrict:�LL object whale spout. kannyaka murri ‘whale spout’. manyakangung murriyij Category:�Water bodies.
murriny���noun. Bastard Pearl Oyster. Pinctada radiata, Pinctada sugillata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Malujuj. See:�inypajiyiny kirrwara�‘forked oyster’. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Looks like a small pearl shell, it is edible. Lives in the mud. Found at Martpalk and Wigu.
murrkaj���noun. any oil, eg. fat, dripping, butter, margarine, diesel oil. Can be used as a modifier. Syn:�irri. Category:�Properties of surface.
murrkaj kurntaman���noun. description of a pink sunset. Category:�Sky. Anth: Refers to the pinkish colour of the frill-necked lizard fat.
murrkarn���noun. fighting club. Marnti kunpu murrkarn. ‘I might hit you with a club.’ Anth: Different to ikarna but made from the same wood. Category:�Tools, men's.
murrkarterte���noun. 1�•�holding hands up stiffly towards a person with fingers and thumbs bent inwards. This is a 'debildebil' sign that someone has died or a spirit present. Nakapa ja arrarrkpi murrkarterte iminy ngartu la ngamurtpiny. ‘That man did the 'debildebil' sign to me and I was frightened.’ Category:�Supernatural, Non language human voice sounds.
2�•�star pattern on pandanus mats.
murrkirlak���noun. ear-wax. Kumalkpanyi ngartu murrkirlak tuka larnngalk. ‘Take the wax out of my ears.’ Category:�Secretions and substances.
murrkurak���noun. public lice. See:�kurrpung�‘head lice (generic)’. Category:�Insects, Discomfort and pain.
murron���crossreference. See:�Murrawn�‘clan name’.
murrparl���noun. clever, wise, knowledgable. Ya, jita murrparl jakapa kawulaja ngaw inypanaga inyanat inypanatpi jita murrparl jita kinyngurlyakpin jita ninyparlkparrakan. ‘They call out to an old lady, an expert, to come and hold her. She's an expert, she's qualified, an old lady.’ See:�kingatarryu�‘know, be a wise man’. Category:�Goodness.
murrpuj���adverb. (to go) in a group. Arrkpana murrpuj. ‘We will go in a group.’ Kawarra murrpuj. ‘They're moving in a group.’ Awaning murrpuj amparrkamparr. ‘Big mob was sitting together.’ See:�purrkut�‘group, grouped’; nguyuyi�‘animal in group’. Category:�Appearance, Activity manner.
murru���noun. a large variety of flying fox which is black in colour. Category:�Mammals.
murrumpun���noun. large 'stone country' kangaroo, which is grey like a possum. Category:�Mammals.
murrurntupurntu���noun. eyebrow area of the forehead. See:�mulurntupurntu�‘eyebrow’. Category:�Head.
murrwa rlaprlap yirnkirr���noun. Mudskipper fish, Periopthalmus argentiventralis,. See:�kamanilanta wurak�‘Hairfin Goby, Mudskipper’; murlayintayin�‘New Guinea Mudskipper’. Category:�Fish.
mutarra���noun. pearl shell. Category:�Shellfish.
mutika���noun. motor vehicle. Category:�Other.
mutjak���noun. cheeky yam species. See:�iyalk�‘cheeky yam species’; warnkaruk�‘long, sweet yam’. Category:�Plant food, Tubers. Anth: It is cooked first and then crushed to get rid of juices. It can then be eaten. Has the same leaf as iyalk but the yam is round in shape.
murtij���noun. Estuary Stingray; 'yellow river stingray'. Dasyatis fluviorum, ?Himantura fai. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a yellow-brown stingray. It has one sting. The wing-flaps are rounded in shape. It is big, up to 120cm wide. It lives inshore, in mangrove swamps and estuaries and it also goes upriver to fresh water. This is one of the favourite food species.
Muwani���noun. Name of monster in story Muwani. Category:�Dreamtime names.
muwarn���noun. 1�•�sun. See:�rturrk�‘get very hot’. Category:�Sky.
2�•�timepiece - i.e. clock or watch. Category:�Other.
3�•�bee, fly. Anth: It is around in the very hot season and makes a humming sound, and does not have a sting. See:�kurnpirripirri�‘salt water crocodile’. Category:�Insects.