Cognitive senses and attention
alya���coverb. forget. Ngapi nguran alya. ‘I forgot.’ See:�pularnngalk�‘forget’; kelimutpin�‘forget’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
arlarng���coverb. 1�•�to be ignorant of something or be confused about something. Ngapi ngawani arlarl la marrik ngungmanyi. ‘I am ignorant (of that) because I didn't get it properly (before).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�wander off into the bush: getting lost or hiding. Kerra arlarng. ‘He wandered off (e.g. a very small boy, might wander off into the bush)’. Kapa kinyarra arlarlng. ‘She went off that way.’ kinyarra arlarl ‘she got lost (e.g. in the bush)’. Category:�General terms.
3�•�go the wrong way or drive off the road accidentally. Ingawkpung atkurrin arlarng ‘She turned and took us the wrong way (or maybe just drove off the road accidentally).’ Category:�General terms.
4�•�send someone away, lead someone somewhere, lead someone astray. Innyakanka arlarng. kingakaga arlarng ‘She is sending the little boy away (because she is busy working).’ Innyakan arlarngka ja yaliwi. ‘He took him the wrong way.’ Kinnyakaga arlarng. ‘He's taking him the wrong way.’ Like warramumpik maangawurru ja road when she go, kinyarra arlarlng kawunngaka arlarlng parak. ‘Like a woman who doesn't know which road to take. She goes the wrong way. and they get lost.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, General terms.
Restrict:�GEN subject 5: kingaka arlarng�•�be lost, confused, oblivious, led astray. Nganngaka arlarl. ‘I'm lost (eg in the bush).’ Ngampiwi kanmin parak? Kunngaka arlarlng ta waka? ‘Where did you go? Did you wander off over there?’ Pata kawunngaka arlarl nukawk apa ja kawarra raw kiwula yaliwi. ‘They are lost and confused, those ones keep drinking that rubbish stuff (grog).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, General terms.
6�•�get confused with dance steps. Yara ta kawuli arlarng ta kiwarlukpa. ‘Sometimes they get it a bit wrong, the dancing.’
arlarngarlarng���coverb. Category:�Play, perform, joke.
arirrij���coverb. look behind, look around. Kimin arirrij. ‘He turns around and looks (for example to see if somebody is following him.)’ Ma inyarrangungka, inyminy arirrij ingayalmany. ‘So she comes along, she looked behind, she looked for him.’ Arrarrkpi iminy arij mannyayawng mata lamp. ‘A man turned around and looked at the lamp.’ See:�ararruj�‘take out’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
arirrijarirrij���coverb. keep looking behind. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
arirrijarirrij���coverb. keep looking behind. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
ikurri���noun. odour. Usage:�followed by nuyu Karriwunya tuka panikin ja inyarlgan karryaka la karriwujirra ja ikurri nuyu. ‘We cook the turtle in a container and then take it out and smell the odour of it.’ See:�wiringki�‘slippery’. Category:�Secretions and substances, Cognitive senses and attention.
ilaman���noun. voice of a person, characteristic taste of something. ngalaman, arrtaman, ngarrtaman, nukaman, nuwutaman, ninyjaman ‘female voice, flavour of crab’; wulaman ‘flavour of Land gender drinks’; mataman ‘not recognised (no other entry for it)’; nataman, ataman ‘flavour of plant foods (no other entry, just cross-reference)’; wilaman. Arralyu nuyu ilaman. ‘We hear his voice.’ Ngarrila kiyap. Marrik ilangali ilaman, arlarrarr. ‘We eat fish but it doesn't have any taste, nothing.’ Animany wulamanwulaman annyarutpanju. ‘He tasted the flavour (of the drink) but left it.’ See:�malaman�‘flavour’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Other.
imilng���noun. sour. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
italka���noun. high pitched sound, high note. Kinymirawn italka mira. ‘She sings on a high note, soprano.’ Ant:�rumpurr. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Play, perform, joke.
iwawupa���noun. hot to eat, warm to eat. manawupa, apawupa, karrawarupa. Ta walij apawupa. Ta walij manawupa. ‘The food is warm/hot.’ Ja yirratat iwawupa. ‘The meat food is hot.’ Syn:�mawupawuk. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
jirr���coverb. 1�•�hold tightly. Angkat yimin innyatpiyang jirr. ‘He always held him tightly (i.e. captive)’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�have traditional knowledge. Anth: For example what a father explains to his son about his land, its place names and dreamings. Kurrungpanatpi jirr la tuka ta katpin nuwurru. ‘Carry on this knowledge that we have told you.’ Kannyatpi jirr. ‘He knows, understands (traditional knowledge)’. Kannyatpi jirr ta kunak. ‘He knows about the place’. See:�jirrk�‘ceremony leader’; jirrjirr�‘skip, slide’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
ka2���part. about, concerning. Luluj ka. ‘It is about the dog.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kangmarrangulin���iv. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�something cause person to think back to old times and people who are no longer around. Cause is typically a type of wind, first rains of the season or a place. person. Kangmarrangulin kapa Wigu. ‘It (the wind) makes me think of Wigu.’ Kiwanipa kaniwurrun. Kangmarrangulin ta kiwani turuyga. ‘He sits and thinks. He reminisces when the first rains of the season come.’ (Ta kunak) Kangmarrangulin ja ngimalkpany inimang ilijap. ‘It reminds me of when my son was small.’ Kangmarrangulin kapa Wigu. ‘It (the wind) makes me think of Wigu.’ See:�aparranguliny�‘ripe’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�song be well performed, move audience. Pa arrarrkpi like kimirawn, tapa karrkpin nuyu "Kangmarrangulin nuwu", kangmarrangulin nuyu. ‘Like he sings a sweet song, breaks our heart.’ Then awarranapa more singing, amiyawng, amiyawng, amiyawng parangapa la angmarrangulinganapa. ‘Then they kept singing, singing, singing until finally they could sing it well’. Arlarrarr akutju, not really angmarrangulin angarra. ‘Still it didn't sound good, didn't really go along nicely.’ Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
3�•� Kangmarrangulin Martpalk. ‘Good country, good home.’ Kunak kangmarrangulin. ‘(This is) my favourite place’. Ah, nganamurnanganiga Croker ta kangmarrangulin. ‘Oh I might go to Croker which is my favourite place.’ Category:�Goodness.
karajarrk���noun. sweet to taste. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
karrilawatpunmuy���tv. 1�•�used to say "We don't know it". Used in conversation to refer to something that is new to the person or community. Nuka ja karrilawutpunmuy. ‘This is new to us.’ See:�kinimuy�‘ignorant’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�many, more than we can count. Word not used much anymore but used to be used instead of imurra or igarra. See:�kinimunmuy�‘not hear about, not know about’. Category:�Appearance.
katingarntalgan���tv. Restrict:�ED object look up at. See:�kangarntalwarran�‘glow’; kaningulkparrki�‘bow head’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kawuyirtiki���iv. Restrict:�PL subject help each other, cooperate. kutjitiki. Arrkpayirtiki nuyi la ngapi. ‘You and I will help each other.’ arrkpayirtiki Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kelimutpin���iv. forget. Ngalimutpin ngartu wakij. ‘I forgot my fishing line.’ Syn:�pularnngalk, alya. Category:�Emotion, Cognitive senses and attention.
kelimutpikpin���iv. forget. Category:�Emotion, Cognitive senses and attention.
kelimutpikpin���iv. forget. Category:�Emotion, Cognitive senses and attention.
kelyakpin���iv. remember, know about someone. Variant:�Ngurtikin form. Ngapi ngalyakpin ngaw. ‘I know about her (something concerning her).’ Ngalyakpin, wularrut ngalyung. ‘I know (that news about that person's death), I already heard (about it).’ Category:�Emotion, Cognitive senses and attention.
kelyu���iv. 1�•�hear, listen to. Kelyu nuyu. ‘He is listening to him.’ anpalyu ngarru ‘You listen to us’. Ngarralyu ja miri. ‘We hear the paddle.’ See:�kelyunalyu�‘keep listening for some time’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�feel, experience. Malany ngalyung ta atjirringunang parang la nguran ap. ‘I felt the movement (of the tremor) and so I sat down.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�listen and follow advice, instructions etc. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�understand what has been said. Ngapi marrik ngalyunyi nuwu. ‘I didn't understand you.(because my Mawng is not very good)’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kelyunalyu���iv. always hearing about (it). See:�kelyu�‘hear’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kelyutpa���iv. hear. Now mainly used to refer to hearing a bit of information. Used in Malalkukuj Mawng or old Mawng as a more general term for hear. Variant:�Malalkukuj form. Ngapi ngalyutpan anyak. ‘I heard a little bit (about it).’ Awalyutpan kapin kuna yirrik kapin marrarawk. ‘They heard a sound like lightning.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kilangan���iv. 1�•�Do on own initiative, do what you feel like doing. Kiwanipa, kilanganapa ke. ‘He sits for a long time then he feels like going.’ Kinyjanganapa kinyarra warak. ‘She feels like it so she goes off.’ Marrik ankangay. ‘You are not doing it on your own initiative.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Desire, General.
2�•� Nuwurri kurrungpurrun jita warramumpik ta kinyalkpa ja warrayngiw nakapa kinnyiwunpun werrk warrwakapa la kapalkpa ta atjak la kinyjangen mirayu. ‘�€š�„úYou(plural) know how a woman who bears a child has ( early) labour pains first and afterwards suffering comes and she has severe labour pains.�€š�„ù’. See:�kinnyen�‘pierce’. Category:�Reproduction, Discomfort and pain.
kilangkatpa���iv. find out, tell. Ngalangkatpa ngungpurrun aralpa. ‘I'm finding out if it's true.’ Pa kilangkatpa ta kingurrin. ‘Then he can tell where it will run (with the harpoon and rope).’ ngarralangkatpa ‘we can tell / know what the sign means’. See:�kinilangkatpa�‘signal, remind’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention. Note: Can take a ta complement
kilatpulnga���iv. turn around, look around. Imajpungkuny ilatpulngan. ‘He got up and looked behind him.’ See:�pulnga�‘early afternoon’; kiniwirtpulnga�‘turn over’; kingulkpurlnga�‘turn around’; kiniwurlnga�‘circle’. Category:�Change stance, Cognitive senses and attention. Note: Only for humans
kilulkuntulku���iv. 1�•�stuck, trapped. Syn:�kilulku. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�not able to comprehend, understand. Syn:�kinilulku. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.
kimalkpa���iv. 1�•�arrive, come out, appear, find. imalkpany ‘He arrived’. Punyi imalkpany. ‘Father has arrived’. Kungmalkpanyi! Yunyi kankangali ngilikilik la kungmalkpanyi! ‘Out with it! Don't whisper but (speak) out!’ angmalkpany ‘sap came out of the tree’. See:�kinymalkpa muwarn�‘sunrise, east’; kilarlmalkpa�‘emerge from’; kamamalkpajpungkun�‘morning star’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Movement relating to fixed point.
2�•�be father to. Qe nakapa ja nuyi anmalkpany, ja nakapa, (next line) ja wurakak. ‘Yes, he's your father that one, the crow.’ ja ngapi ngamalkpany ‘my father’. See:�kinimalkpa�‘be father to’. Category:�family, inc moieties. See:�kinyuryi muwarn�‘west, sunset’.
ta ngatpalkpany kirrka���we, the new generation. Category:�Ages.
kimirlkpungen���iv. 1�•�turn around, Kangmirlkpungen ta kunak. ‘The earth's turning.’ Kapin kanmirlkpungen kun kirrwara. ‘You turned your back to him (while he was talking to you)’. apirlkpungakenangapa ‘The wind turned around’. See:�kingulkpurlnga�‘turn around’; kiw�‘lie, sleep’; kiwun�‘be’. Category:�Change stance.
2�•�change in appearance. Karlurri amilkpungeny apa karlurri yirrik ajirrik nakapa wiyiniyirrk arrarrkpi. ‘They became birds, for a long time they were people.’ Warramumpik inymirlkpungeny ninypalu. ‘The woman's appearance changed (ie. she is expecting a baby).’ See:�kapin�‘like, similar’; kimalngkawun�‘change’. Category:�General.
3: kangmirlkpungen�•� Kayirrk warrwak apa la, ta warrwak angmirlkpungeny pu wanji pa warlk mampulalkuny mata kantaji awk. ‘And later on they got the idea of cutting down all those hollow trees.’ Angmirlkpungenypu wanji. Kayirrkapa kampuwakpi arawirr. ‘They changed their minds. Now they play didjeridoo.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kimurnangani���iv. 1�•�return. Imurnanganinyka akutju kani Warruwi. ‘He returned to Warruwi again.’ ngatpurnatpurnanganyangka ‘we were all coming back’. amurnanganinyka ‘they came back’. See:�murnangani�‘return, bring back’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
2 : kangmurnangani�•�remember, recall, think back. Kangmurnanganiga ngartu pa ngawunpurrun. ‘Memories came back to me and I thought of them (people who had died).’ Angmurnanganya nuwurru ta wuwugi. ‘Remember the old days!’ Angpurnatpurnanganinyka, ngartu ta wurrgarl. ‘I remember the dreams.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL subject 3�•�next time something happens, or next day. La pa angmurnanganinyapa ta (yuranapa) inimanyka ja waliman. ‘And then the next day he went and got the axe.’ Like angmurnanganinyka, next day ey? Category:�Longer.
Restrict:�LL subject 4�•�blame (OBL). Kangmurnangani ngaw inyanat kirrk ‘She was blamed for everything.’ Pa angmurnanganiny kirrk ngaw inyanat. ‘All the blame was put on her (for a fight she was involved in).’ Kurrkinka pa angpamurnanganinyka ngarrurru. ‘You had a fight and they will bring it back at us.’ See:�kinnyurtjun. Category:�Fight.
kinilalken���tv. 1�•�ask. Ngiwalalken ja Nangila. ‘I will ask Nangila.’ Kinilalken, kinimiyarma kunuka yirrik, iwannyun. ‘He asks him, like he wants him to give him something’. Kuntalkena? ‘Can I ask you something?’ See:�kilalken; kawulalkanyjilin; kinilakajpun. Category:�Language.
2�•�hear. La ta tora muj kamin "Kurruntalkena." ‘And others say "We want hear you."’ "Malany kurrilalkany" kaminka namatpa kupuny. ‘"So did you hear him?' They say to us, the other canoe.’ Ka la yalyung la manilalkay. ‘He might hear.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�taste. Kanilalken. ‘He's tasting the water.’ Kanilalken (ta) wupaj. ‘He's tasting the water.’ Katilalken ta walij. ‘He's tasting the vegetable food.’ Apulalkeny karajarrk. ‘They tasted something sweet.’ Ngatalkeny karajarrk. ‘I tasted something sweet.’ Kulalken ngungmalal? ‘Does it taste good? (prompt: how does it taste?)’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Illness.
Restrict:�ED object 4: katilalken�•�suffer (physical pain not emotional pain). Yung atilalkenang mira. ‘He was lying there suffering a lot.’ See:�kinilalku. Category:�Discomfort and pain.
kinilangkatpa���tv. 1�•�signal, give sign, let know. Awanapa awuntalangkatpa. ‘They will go and signal them.’ Ta karrpin anngawuni yirrirri naka karrpuntangkatpa ta kawarra jinyngu wupurrk. ‘When we say anngawuni yirrirri it means that we are signalling to them as they come along in the dark at night.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
2�•�let know. Kinilangkatpa. ‘He lets him know, eg. someone's coming on the plane, like his wife or kids.’ Inypalangkatpakpangung ‘they were teaching her’. Kiwalangkatpakpa makiny la ngaminy, kiki wiwi ngalyunyi nuwu ja kuwarnangajpukpuni. ‘They teach him to read and my wiwi said, "I'll listen and you read."’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�remind. Kuwalangkatpa ja punyi ara. ‘You will remind father, won't you.’ Category:�Language.
4�•�receive sign, e.g. conception sign. See:�kilangkatpa�‘find out’; kinnyuki�‘show, teach’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
5�•�know person. Ngatangkatpan. ‘We know her very well (the nurse who came back to work at Warruwi, who worked here a long time ago.)’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinilawunyu���tv. 1�•�stupify fish by adding leaves of wurakpa tree to water. Category:�Hunting.
2�•�make drunk, cause to be in a stupor. Naka koyanti ja arrarrkpi ngapi ngilawunyung ngertawng ta nuntirri. ‘Look at the man I made drunk by giving him alcohol.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinilulku���tv. 1�•�stay with, stick with, follow. Kiwraka la karrilulku. ‘He goes ahead and we keep up with him, follow him.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�not understand. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention. See:�kilulku�‘stuck’; kilulkuntulku�‘stuck, trapped’. Syn:�kinilulkuntulku. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
kinilulkuntulku���tv. 1�•�keep up with, stick with. Kiwraka la karrilulkuntulku. ‘He leads and we go along with him.’ Syn:�kinilulku. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
2�•�be not able to comprehend it, understand it. Kawani kiwululkuntulku. ‘They do not comprehend it, they are stuck in their thinking about it.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kanima ngaw ngaralk���phrase. learn a language. angamany ngaw ngaralk ‘she learnt the language’. Kuma ngaw ngaralk. ‘You are learning (language).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinimunmuy���tv. not know about, not hear about. See:�kinimuy; karrilawatpunmuy�‘we don't know’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinimuy���tv. 1�•�ignorant, without knowledge of. Nganimuy la ngimuy. ‘We don't know each other.’ Kinimuy ja manyardi. ‘He doesn't know the song.’ karrimuy ‘We must pretend not to know (names we can't say)’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL object 2 : kanimuy�•�not know, without a specified object, or with a very general object. Ngapi ngungmuy ‘I am without knowledge of it. I don't know. (NB 3:93)’. Yanat apa ja mayakpu kanimuy marrik ja aniwurru akutju la kanimuy. ‘The father doesn't know, he still doesn't know yet, he doesn't know.’ Ngapi ngungmuy nuyu ta ngaralk. ‘I do not know his language.’ See:�kinimunmuy�‘not know about’; karrilawatpunmuy�‘many’; kimuyi�‘believe’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kiningaka���tv. not know because of being from different areas. Or dislike because of being from different areas. iwangakangung. Ingangakangung kirrk. ‘She didn't like any (of the mainland meat foods, because she didn't know them).’ arrunpangakay ‘they don't recognise us’. Awunpangakanyi la wemin. ‘They didn't know each other.’ See:�kinnyarnama�‘hate, dislike’. Category:�Desire, Cognitive senses and attention, Fight.
kiningarakan���tv. watch carefully. Nakapa ja arrarrkpi iwungarakantung ngungpurrun yarlkana tuka artparak. ‘They were watching the man carefully lest he fall into the well.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kiniwalkatpakpa���tv. teach. Jakapa parang ngarrinypalkatpakpa. ‘That one, we've taught her properly, she's done.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kiniwujirra���tv. smell. Ay, ngiwujirra inyarlgan kiwuwunya. ‘Hey, I can smell the turtle they are cooking.’ Kimangawun ngurrk aniwujirrawntiny malany kimangawun. ‘The dust is making him sneeze.’ Luluj, we take luluj, kiniwujirra. ‘We take a dog and he smells him.’ See:�kiwuja�‘stink’; tuwujirran�‘a successful person’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kiniwulkparrki���tv. point. Marnti kunpirlparrking. Makiny. Yunyi nganpirlparrki. ‘I might point (the gun) at you. No. Don't point (it) at me.’ kawuniwulkparrki ‘He pointed at them’. See:�kaningulkparrki�‘bow head’. Category:�Change stance, Cognitive senses and attention.
kiniwurrun���tv. 1�•�know, remember or think about a specific person or thing. iwurrung ‘he thought about himself’; marrik ngawunpurru. ‘I don't know them’; marrik inypurru. ‘I don't know her.’; nginypurrun ‘I know her.(orig: inypurrun)’; marrik iniwurru ‘He doesn't know him.’. Ngarripa ngarrunngayantung, pa angawurruning parak. ‘She was watching us and thinking back (about her sister who had died).’ Iwaninganapa aniwurrung kunak. ‘Then he suddenly starts thinking about his country (a person who's been living in Darwin for a long time).’ atiwurruning ‘he was thinking about that yam’. See:�arrkpurrung�‘brothers who are in the same clan’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniwurrun�•�know, remember or think about some event or knowledge. ngungpurruni ‘I should remember (but I don't)’. angkuwurruningju ‘They only knew about, object is MA’. marrik ngarrungpurru nuyu ‘Sometimes we don't know him. i.e. sometimes we can't find any tortoise.’ See:�ngungpurrun�‘maybe, think’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kiniyalma���tv. look for, not find. Awungkung iwuyalmangung ja marryun anyak. ‘They were going along looking for the little boy.’ La nguran ngayirtpalinypun ngamurnanganinyka nginyjalmany. ‘Then I went and washed my hands, came back and couldn't find it.’ Arlarrarr atiyalmany ta yurnu. ‘Nothing, he didn't find her footprint.’ See:�kinnyalima�‘seek out’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Concealment.
kiniyiratpi���tv. find out something about someone. Arrkpunpayiratpi. ‘We will find out about them (whether they are coming)’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinnyakajpun���tv. read it, count it. Ngapi ngiwakajpun jurra. ‘I will read a book (trans given: I want to read a book).’ Ingakajpun ngartu ja jurra. ‘She reads me the letter.’ Ingakajpun ngaw jurra, ta awuran Darwin. ‘She read her a letter, that they went to Darwin.’ See:�kinilakajpun�‘ask’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinnyarntarrakpa���tv. catch him out. Innyarntarrakpany ja apurra wungpulaj. ‘They caught out the thief.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinnyatpi���tv. 1�•�have, own , hold. Includes 'have as wife'. Can mean 'have for' or 'get for' with oblique object pronoun. Can mean carry with directional following. Yanat kinnyatpi luluj. ‘He has a dog.’ Kinyetpiga warranyngiw. ‘He brings her a child (i.e. he passes the child's spirit on to her and brings about conception).’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi kilangali, ketpi imawurr. ‘This man is standing, holding his arms.’ Ta wulatpiyi kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wulatpiyi ta iwanamin ngarrurru. ‘He has a message for us which he will tell to us.’ Marlu warrij arrunngatpang. ‘We had strong winds.(lit: strong winds had us)’. See:�kiniwelkpun�‘touch, purposefully bump or jab’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�change to be. Apan kamannyatpi rlaw. ‘He is making the spear shaft crooked (by bending it)’. Kamannyatpi rlaw. ‘With his hands he makes the spear straight (after warming it over the fire, but while it is not fully dried).’ Kammannyatpi rlaw manjat. ‘He bends it until its straight.’ Category:�General change of state.
3 : kingatpi�•�be pregnant, be carrying a child (inside). warranyngiw kingatpi ‘she is carrying a child’. Category:�Reproduction.
Restrict:�LL object 4 : kannyatpi�•�understand, grasp an idea, have knowledge. marrik kurrungatpi ‘you don't understand’. Ta nuwurri yara ta wurrwurr awk marrik kurrungetping ngarripa arrungatpiwi parang apa la arrungpanatpi pirij. ‘Now some of you, the new people, you can't understand, only we can understand but we're going to pass it on to you.’ Kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wurlkpungkuj. ‘He is friendly towards us.’ See:�wirij�‘coverb’; arr�‘keep, hang onto, stick’; kurrunnyatpi�‘this word is used when an atpaji relationship occurs between people’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�VE object 5: kamannyatpi�•�win. Nganti mannyatpung? Nawuyuk mannyatpung. ‘Who won (the fight)? Nawuyuk won.’ Yanat ja marryun mannyatpung. ‘The boy won (the race).’ mannyatpung yanat apa Mayinaj. ‘Mayinaj won (the fight).’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation, Goodness, Fight.
kinnyayan���tv. 1�•�see, look at. yayawng ‘He looked at himself.’. Yamin yayawng patumang. ‘He looked at himself in the mirror.’ Yanat innyayawng arrarrkpi ilangaling. ‘He saw a man standing (there).’ arrkpayanyjiny ta kangparlkparran kirrk ‘we can see when the water's clear’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL object 2 kannyayan�•�know. La tukapa ta ngapipa ngungeyan parak kayirrk. ‘So I know that story now.’ Angkayan parak kunuka? ‘What's the future for our young people?’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�MA object 3 kinnyayan�•�meaning 'to be possible' or still 'you'll notice that'. Kurriwayan ngarrurru arrkpanurtin nungmatpa karrkaj arrkpanurtin mantanti. ‘We will be able to go to the other islands and the mainland.’ See:�kinnyayanayan�‘look carefully at’.
Restrict:�MA object 4 kinnyayan�•�look after, care for, look out for. Kiwayan kirrk nuyu ja yanat yalkpanypu ja warranyngiw. ‘They look after him. their mother's brother's son.’ Kiwayan kirrk nuyu ja warranyngiw. ‘They look after him.’ Ngarriwayan kirrk nuyu. ‘We'll look after him.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
5 katjayan�•�look for lice. Kapayanpu kurrpung. ‘They look for each others lice.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL object 6 kannyayan�•�look around for something. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinnyayanayan���tv. 1�•�look carefully at, scrutinise, aim at. With 3LL object this can mean 'to explore an area'. anyayanayawng, anyayanayantung. Annyayanayantung kunak. ‘He looked the place over carefully.’ Ngamalkpang yala ngungayanayanjing. ‘I don't want to go outside, to look at the place.’ Syn:�yirrirri. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�compose song. Innyayanayantung. ‘He was making the song.’ Innyanayantung. ‘The songs used to come to him (at Mankuluwirrk, from the Inyjalarrku spirits).’ Category:�Play, perform, joke.
Restrict:�LL object 3�•�make trouble with. Inyi kurrungayanayanpu. ‘Don't make trouble with them.’ Inyi kungayanayan nuyu. ‘Don't make trouble with him.’ See:�kinnyayatayan�‘look after’; kinnyayan�‘see’; kiniwartpi�‘fight’. Category:�Fight.
kinnyen���tv. 1�•�harpoon, pierce, inject, stab, shoot. yany. Innyeny nganaparru. ‘He shot the buffalo.’ Kumanyi ja kuling pa larla iwangen manpiri. ‘Take the rudder so older sister can harpoon the turtle.’ ta kunak kanin parak ‘it's roots go a long way into the ground’. ngarrungeny ‘we push (a stick) into the sand (to look for turtle eggs)’. See:�amurl�‘dance movements’. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
2�•�sew the needle. Iwenang yangali warra kamu. ‘The women were making baskets.’ Category:�Pierce, shoot.
Restrict:�GEN subject 3 kingen�•�decide, feel like, want (with non-concrete object of desire). Arrarrkpi ja iwangen minyngu. ‘The man who runs the funeral.’ iwangen, kunngen, nganngen, kinyngen, kunngeniny, kannyeni, annyeni, . Kunngen. ‘You want to date her.’ Kiki la kungeniny ta ngurrij pa apurnungani tuka kunak. ‘When do you want to go home? (lit: How many days until you want to go back home?)’ Arrarrkpi ja iwangen. ‘The man who decides what day a funeral will finish on.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Desire. See:�kilangan�‘feel like (doing something)’.
kinnyuki���tv. arrunpukyang. 1�•�show something, show how to do somethings. Nganuka. ‘Show me.’ Nganukiya ngampiwi nganamin parak ta alan. ‘Show me where to take the path.’ See:�kinilangkatpa�‘signal’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, General change of state.
2�•�teach. kanpunukiki ‘you went around and taught them showed them a lot of things’; awunpujikiny ‘apparently’. Yanat ja kawunnyukiki pata warranyngiw. ‘he is one who teaches the children.’ Ngannyukikang parang. ‘Then he taught me (the song).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, General change of state.
kinnyunma���tv. 1�•�measure e.g. weigh, measure, take temperature, action understood by context, count. Ngawu kurrununmanyi kiki ta nuwarntulyak nuyu ngarrunpawurrun. ‘Come and we will measure you so we will know how tall you are.’ Ngapi nginyunman jita muwarn. ‘I checked the time / I measured the time it took for something.’ kinypayan jita warramumpik kinypayan apa kingama ja warranyngiw kinypayan kinypunma warramumpik wingijalkut. ‘they see the woman, they see she's pregnant. Women, they see her, they can tell from a woman's body.’ See:�kinnyunmakpa�‘talk about other person’; kannyunmen�‘try’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kannyunma�•�tell, tell a story, explain. ngungpanunma nuwurru ‘I will tell you a story’. Kannyunma ta wulatpiyi. ‘He explains it to them’. Category:�Language.
mannyutpan larnngalk���NVidiom. pick up a sound whose source is not visible.. Work out where someone is from sound they are making. Work out what people are doing from sound they are making. mannyutpan larnngalk ‘he tried to listen’. "A" mannyutpan mata larnngalk. ‘"Ah ha!" he picked up the sound.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kingurrin���iv. 1�•�move quickly. Meanings include: run, fly, (animal) move or swim about in water, (wood) float along in water. Yarakap arrarrkpi ngarraryawng ingurrinang. ‘We saw a man running.’ Kayirrk ta tuka ta Mawng ta karrkinka tuka ta Mawng ta karrkurrin ‘Today the Mawng we speak is fast.’ Kingurrikpin kinimarrawurlngaka. ‘He's running around in a circle.’ kamangurrin ‘when someones waving a torch around quickly’. Kakurrin ta marlu. ‘The wind's blowing.’ Restrict:�liquid subject, mostly LL subject Category:�General terms.
2�•�rivlet, rainwater, creek, river flow. Cannot be used for billabongs. Maningul kamangurrin (pirlpirl) ‘Blood's flowing out.’ See:�kiwryi�‘swim, bath, wash (self)’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
Restrict:�VE subject 3 kamangurrin�•�be light-headed, dizzy, having a feeling of going round and round in the head. Ngapi kamangurrin. ‘I feel dizzy.’ Iwaninganju kamangurrin. ‘Suddenly he felt dizzy.’ Wularrut mangurrinang la kayirrk arlarrarr. ‘I was dizzy before but now nothing.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.
Restrict:�VE subject 4 kamangurrin�•�not see properly, see black or see stars. Kamangurrin ngartu ta wun. ‘My vision goes black / I see stars’. Kamangurrin ngartu wun. ‘Like drunk, or if you stand up and everything goes black.’ Kamangurrin nu wun. ‘You can't see properly (temporarily)’. Category:�Discomfort and pain, Cognitive senses and attention.
kiwken���iv. 1�•�look, look for. arrkpanuken ‘we will look’; karrukany, nguken, anngukeny, yukeny, inyukeny, awukeny~awukany. Awuran tuka wurl awukany ajirrik yurnu nuyu. ‘They went to a billabong, they looked for what might be its footprints.’ Anngukeny tuka kurrampalk, arlarrarr mata yungu. ‘You looked at the house but there's no fire.’ Ngarrkarrk arrarrkpi awuran awukakenang nganaparru. ‘Two men went looking for buffalo.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�boss, leader. Usage:�light Mawng yukenang ‘he was chief’. Yanat ja kiwken ngarrurru. ‘He is our boss.’ ngarruken ‘we are the bosses’. Syn:�kingatarryu. Category:�Peoples and clans.
kiwuja���iv. stink, smell. Naka ja inyarlgan kiwuja murnin wularrut yung tuka ajput ngarrkarrk la ngarrkarrk ngurrij. ‘The turtle stinks because it has been on the beach for four days.’ Ngatpin jal "Aputjantinyju, apurrunti". ‘We just say "It smells, it's no good" (about a rotten yam, rather than use root -lililut).’ See:�kiniwujirra�‘smell’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kiwukpa���iv. 1�•�cool, cooling. kangpukpa ‘It (liquid) is cooling (still hot)’; angpukpany ‘It (liquid) is cooled’; kamawukpa ‘it is cooling’. Met la kangpukpa ta ti kayirrk. ‘Wait, the tea is cooling.’ Met la kangpukpa ta ti. ‘Wait on, the tea is cool (now).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�dry. Kiwukpakpa manpurrwa. ‘The clothes are drying.’ Category:�Properties of surface.
Restrict:�ED subject 3: kapukpa�•�blow (wind). Usage:�Used for all winds Marlu kapukpaga. ‘The wind is blowing, cooling.’ Kapa kapukpa ta marlu. ‘The wind's blowing that way.’ Kapukpakpa kangmarrangulin. ‘The (north-west) wind blowing reminds me of what happened in the past.’ See:�kiniwukpa�‘auxiliary’. Category:�Wind.
kiyirran���iv. 1�•�shine a light, give off light, shine light on oneself. kinyjirran ‘she is shining a light’; kanjirran. Nuka arrarrkpi kiyirran mata light ‘This is a man shining a light.’ Category:�Colours and light.
Restrict:�LL subject 2: kanjirran�•�be light, give off light. Muwarn kanjirran ta warntatarr. ‘The sun's shining, it's daytime.’ Kanjirran (ta) kunak. ‘The land is lit up (by the moon), we can see.’ Kanjirran alan. ‘We can see the road (because of moonlight)’. See:�kiniyirran�‘illuminate’; kinjirran�‘light’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
lalal���coverb. look about from side to side. Inkarnarr iminy lalal. ‘Inkarnarr looked from side to side.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
mali���noun. knowledge, memories. Usage:�Used only with particular verbs Pa mamirlkpungenypu mali. ‘And their minds changed.’ Manimirlkpungany nuyu mata mali. ‘It turns his memories back, as he looks at the area and remembers an old ceremony.’ Nuyi marrik anngamurnanganya mali. ‘You didn't have the sense to remember (that you shouldn't hit your sister-in-law).’ See:�mayali�‘wisdom’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
coverb. mistakenly think, be unaware of something, ignore someone. Aminang mali aralpa. ‘They thought that it was true.’ Kanmin mali karlajarr. ‘You're ignoring me.’ Aminy mali yanat iniwung la iwurtjukuning. ‘They thought that he had killed him and so they were blaming him.’ See:�kinimirlkpunge�‘change’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Judgement, evaluation.
maningkangung���tv. Restrict:�VE object listen to. Awaninganapa maninginkangung music. ‘They're there and he's listening to music.’ See:�kinginka�‘speak, make noise, argue’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
mankarni���noun. 1�•�a powerful medicine man who works sorcery against people. Mankarni ja karruniwun, karrunirrka kunuka irrik. ‘The mankarni is someone who harms us, sticks something into us or does something else.’ Category:�Peoples and clans, Sorcery.
2�•�the knowledge that a mankarni has. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention. See:�marrgijpu�‘sorcerer’. Category:�Ritual and socery.
mangkatmangkat���coverb. 1�•�see dimly. Malany ngapi ngawunayan mangkatmangkat. ‘I see them dimly, unclearly.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�spy on someone. Variant:�Iwaidja: mangkatpangkat. He's spying on her is kinyayan mangkatmangkat. Nuka ja arrarrkpi la warramumpik kinyiyarrun kinyayan mangkatmangkat ‘This man is following the woman, he's spying on her.’ See:�numutput. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
maralangkat���noun. stare. Inyi maralangkat. Inyi kanpunaya rtaj makiny . ‘Don't stare, don't stare - no".’ Syn:�rtaj. See:�angmirriyangkat�‘area becomes safe’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
mawupawuk���noun. hot. Ta walij karrapunya, nakapa karrawarutpa katju anyak arntulyak kapit jil anyak la karrata ta walij. Nakapa ngatpin pu "Warranyngiw, ta walij mawupawuk". ‘The cooked food, we put it down to sit for a little while, it cools down a bit, and then we eat it. That's when we say to the children "Children the food's hot".’ Ngatali lintij - awupawu ‘We were playing - touch chasey.’ See:�iwawupa�‘hot to eat’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
mayali���noun. knowledge, wisdom, understanding. Ja nuwarlkparrakan kamannyetpi mayali. ‘The old man he's got wisdom.’ Kamangatpi malijap mata mayali. ‘She has a little knowledge.’ Marrik anmatpi mira mata mayali. ‘You can't understand that knowledge (what old people say to young people when they are arguing)’. See:�mali�‘memories’; wularri�‘meaning’; ngaralk�‘tongue, word, language’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�noun. language name for some types of Bininj Gun-wok. Category:�Dreamtime names.
Kamanima mayali���idiom. explain, enlighten. Manimany mayali wu ja wurrwurr. ‘The young person understood them.’ Manimangung mayali. ‘He was talking and everybody listened.’ Category:�Language.
milirri���coverb. 1�•�difficult. Kili milirri. ‘He finds it difficult.’ Ngali milirri. ‘I know I've forgotten something, I'm trying to think what it was [e.g. when you've been to the shop and are walking home, then you suddenly think that there was something else you needed]’. Kili milirri. ‘He goes along thinking about which way to go.’ See:�nungmilirri; numilinmilirri�‘difficult (of performance)’; kinimilin�‘leave behind’. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
2�•�think hard. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�jealous. Juka kangatpi milirri. ‘She's feeling jealous of her.’ Annyatpi milirri. ‘He's jealous, e.g. a child, when he sees his mother holding another child.’ Kannyatpi milirri nuyu. ‘He's jealous of him.’ Category:�Desire.
mimi ngaw mimi ngaw���coverb. look around behind and down. kiwken mimi ngaw mimi ngaw ‘He keeps looking behind and down, side to side.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
miragarrk���noun. 1�•�clear, pure. Ngawu katja inyarlgan la wularrut miragarrk. ‘Let's go after turtles because it (the water) is clear (now).’ Category:�Properties of surface, Goodness.
2�•�clear conscience. Arrkpanamin miragarrk tuka arrkparrk, wanji, marurturt. ‘We will be clear in our abdomen, head, heart.’ Anth: The abdomen is often referred to as the centre of emotion. Category:�Anxiety, shame.
3�•�wise, clever. Nuka ja miragarrk wanji. ‘He is a clever man.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
mirrarra���noun. see reflection in water, or (water) be clear so you can see into it, for example see fish. Kapin annying tuka wurl nakapa anngeyanjing tuka wupaj kapin mirrarra. ‘Like when you go to the billabong and you see yourself in the water like a mirror.’ See:�parrwarr (kinnyayan)�‘see through’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Water bodies.
mungu���noun. be ignorant of, not know about, not be the one concerned with. Ngapi ta mungu. ‘I was ignorant of that, had nothing to do with it.’ Wularrut imina mampatpa kupuny la mungu wu. ‘Once the people did not have dugout canoes, they didn't know anything about them.’ Naka ja mungu. ‘That's the wrong one.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
ngampi yirrik���noun. wherever, that place, I can't remember it's name. Ngampiyirrikpi wakapa nuyu ta kunak ‘He belongs to that area.’ used for minyngu ceremony, which may be nc3 ngampiwi yirrk ta waka ‘I'm not sure which places (or - some places)’. See:�ngampiwi�‘where’. Category:�Place names, Cognitive senses and attention.
parrwarr���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�have hole right through. Kantaji parrwarr. ‘There was a hole right through it.’ Kantaji parrwarr. ‘A cave you can go right through (and come out the other side)’. Wugarra yiwuwany nuyu la yiwaning antajing nuyu parrwarr ta nangartam nuyu. ‘They at a lot of his cheek and there was a hole right through his cheek.’ Category:�Smaller features, Shape.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�look right through something to the other side, look a long way. Innyayantung parrwarr. ‘He could see through it (a hole in a log).’ Innyeyantung parrwarr. ‘He looked a long way.(e.g. about 200m, peering down from school donger to see if shop is open)’. Karrayan kantaji parrwarr ja jurra. ‘We can see through the hole in the paper’. See:�mirrarra�‘see reflection in water or see into clear water’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�look a long way. Inyukeny parrwarr. ‘She looked a long way/ through a hole?’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�put something right through something so it comes out the other side. Ngeny parrwarr. ‘I put it right through it.’ Innyeny parrwarr. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
pularnngalk���coverb. forget. Usage:�Used with oblique object pronoun for human objects, to minimise ambiguity about who is subject. Yarran pularnngalk nuyu ja warranyngiw. ‘He forgot the child.’ Ngapi ngarran pularnngalk. ‘I forgot.’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi yuran nungmatpa kunak iwaningan wularrut yarrat pularnngalk ta Mawng, ta ngaralk. ‘This man, he went away and stayed in another country for a long time and he forgot his language, Mawng.’ See:�pulngaralk�‘dumb’; kelimutpin�‘forget’; alya�‘forget’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
rumpurr���adverb. low toned, deep voiced, bass note (eg. didgeridoo). Kinymirawn rumpurr. ‘She sings with a deep voice.’ Arawirr mata rumpurr. ‘The didgeridoo is deep voiced.’ Marryun kawunginka arampurr. ‘Young men talk with deep voices.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke, Cognitive senses and attention. Ant:�italka.
tirr���coverb. 1�•�look for something. Naka anngarray tirr. ‘You might look for it.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�alive, awake. Naka kiwani tirr. ‘He is alive, awake.’ Category:�Sleep, Illness and death.
rtaj���coverb. stare at, look directly at (while facing). Innyayawng rtaj. ‘He stared at him.’ Inyi kunyayataj ‘Don't stare at her.’ Jarrang la leopard kawulangali, kinnyayen la yamin kinnyayat rtaj la yamin. ‘There are horse and leopard looking at each other, staring at each other.’ Syn:�maralangkat. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Remain stationary.
uki���iv. show oneself, appear to. Nguran ngujiny nuyu ngannyeyawng. ‘I went and showed myself to him and he saw me.’ Awuranka awujikiny nuyu pa kiwararrken ja warranyngiw. ‘They came over and showed themselves, sat for a little while and that little child cried for them when they left.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, General change of state.
wirlwirl���coverb. 1�•�check to see if anyone's watching before sneaking around. Kiw wirlwirl. ‘Looking around if there's anyone to see him before going into a house, then he's kerra wirlwirl.’ Naka kiw wilwil. ‘He is lying (there) peeping (at something).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�spy. Kiwarlunyjin kayirrk la kerra wirlwirl, kinyayan. ‘He's hiding and after that he spies on her, he looks at her.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�squeeze, wring out. Ngana ngiwenyji wirlwirl manpurrwa awk wu warranyngiw la ngiwanutpakpa nuyu awayarni ngulam. ‘I will wring out the clothing for the children and put them out so they can wear them tomorrow.’ Kinganyji wirlwirl. ‘She is sqeezing it.’ See:�pirl�‘pinch hard’. Category:�Pressing.
wularri���noun. 1�•�trouble, problem. Ngawu arrkpana Kunparlanya Nawurlany! Makiny, wakapa kanyu ngartu wularri wakapa ngalyungan. ‘Let's go to Gunbalanya Nawurlany! No, I heard there is trouble there for me.’ Category:�Fight. See:�ilarri�‘leg’.
2�•�meaning. Wakapa kanyu ta wularri. ‘There is a meaning (in it).’ See:�wulatpiyi�‘the body of a message’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�memories, ideas. Angmurnanganinyka nuyu ta wularri. ‘His memories returned to him.’ Ingayawng, "A, parangapa." angangulakantiny kirrk ta wularri ngaw. ‘She saw and said "Oh, that's it." She had already thought up her plan.’ Ngarlawi, wugarra kangatpi ta wularri. ‘Baler shell is used in many ways.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�rules, customs, understanding. Awulakula ta wularri. ‘They explain stories.’ See:�mayali�‘knowledge, meaning, understanding’. See main entry: ilarri. Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
wulatpiyi���noun. 1�•�the body of a message, the main teaching of a system, news. Ta wulatpiyi kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wulatpiyi ta iwanamin ngarrurru. ‘He has a message for us which he will tell to us.’ See:�wurluj�‘piece of news’; wularri�‘meaning’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�the meaning of. Usage:�used with kiw Nungpaka ta kanyu ta wulatpiyi. ‘That is what it means.’ See:�wularri�‘trouble, problem’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�constitution. Ta wulatpiyi ta kurrungpanutpa warak ta arrarrkpi warak ngarrurru. ‘The constitution you will prepare will be an Aboriginal one.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
wurlmutpurlmut���adverb. Restrict:�LL subject Yiwarlunjiny wukaj wurlmutpurlmut. ‘They hid him inside where it was dark.’ Pa imalkpany tuka walmurtja yukeny parak wurlmutpurlmut. ‘He got to the jungle. He looked into the jungle and saw that it was dark.’ Nakapa wurlmutpurlmut. ‘It was completely dark (no sun got in to the cave)’. Category:�Colours and light.
coverb. Restrict:�MA subject ; MA object become very dark, so not possible to see. inimany wurlmutpurlmut ‘midnight’; kinima wurlmutpurlmut ‘you say this when a big dark rain cloud covers the sun’; kiwanima wurlmutpurlmut ‘also means the sun is covered by a rain cloud’. Wularrutapa inimany wurlmutpurlmut. ‘It has become dark.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
wurluj���noun. a piece of news, story. Kiminpu "Kutpana yirrka kutpanalyu wurluj." ‘He says to them "You all go and listen to the news."’ Ngungmany wurluj pa ngungpanunma nuwurru. ‘I've got news that I'll tell you.’ Animany ta wurluj. ‘He has something (to teach them).’ See:�wulatpiyi�‘the body of a message, the main teaching of a system, news’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Language.
wurra���interjection. oh, I remember, or Oh I forgot. Ay wurra, ngungpurrun kunung ja manjawak. ‘I forgot, perhaps I gave the knife to you.’ Wurra, ngungpanunma about Wurakak, about tukapa warral manilalkung. ‘I know, I'll tell you about Crow, about how he cut the Warral tree.’ Category:�Language, Cognitive senses and attention.
wurrgarl���noun. 1�•�dream. Awuntumanyi ta wurrgarl. ‘They don't get the dreams.’ La kayirrk la ngapi wiyu ngungunmany ta wurrgarl. ‘Now there's only me to tell the story of the dreams.’ Angpurnatpurnanganinyka, ngartu ta wurrgarl. ‘I remember the dreams.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
coverb. dream. ngarrangung parak, yarrangung wurrgarl, kerra wurrgarl., kinyarra wurrgarl. Ngarrangung wurrgarl wupurrk. ‘I had a dream last night.’ Ngapi ngarran kurrgarl nuwu. ‘I was dreaming of you.’ Awarranyi wurrgarlga. ‘They don't dream there.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
yarrk���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�lie open, be a gap, open space. Takapa kanyu yarrk. ‘It is lying open.’ kanyu yarrk ‘a space in an area’. Angpanaw yarrk ngartu ‘Leave a space for me (to sit)’. See:�jarrk�‘make room’; ngatngat�‘tear, split’. Category:�Landscape, Movement relating to fixed point, Physical stance.
2�•�ask a favour of, request. Yunyi kuwin jarrk. ‘Don't ask him for it (just now).’ Category:�Language.
3�•�taste something sweet. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�detect sound from far away. Innyet jarrk. ‘He heard.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
5�•�split, cut in half. Kuwuk jarrk manpurrwa. ‘You tore the piece of clothing/cloth’. aniwuk jarrk ‘the axe split the island in half’. See:�kannyarlan�‘divide, halve’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
yarrkjarrk���break, split open, gut. Iniwung yarrkjarrk ja kapala la kunuka yirrik iniwung innyartpungkuny worri ta waka. ‘It tore the boat open and all that, broke it and then lifted it up onto the dry land there.’ See:�karten yarrkjarrk�‘one who uses a different pronunciation’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
yirrirri���2�•�coverb. watch carefully. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
Restrict:�VE object 1�•�coverb. signal with a fire stick. Ta karrpin anngawuni yirrirri naka karrpuntangkatpa ta kawarra jinyngu wupurrk. ‘When we say anngawuni yirrirri it means that we are signalling to them as they come along in the dark at night.’ See:�kirrirri�‘we are going home (call)’. Syn:�kinnyayanayan. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
Parent category: